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Anything related to Trump or Kamala or the election in general is welcome
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use pol thread
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Jannies suck the turds from my bowels
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>look at the heeninemging!
the guy who made this is a self-proclaimed socialist and was trying to make fun of trump. he got butthurt when RW influencers amplified it
Nobody cares
Just saying it's funny how it backfired. Trump has meme magic
how is the government ever going to be for the people when you have
corporate lobbying and
shareholders being held above the workers/people who buys their shit?
I love Donald Trump UwU
Fuck you jannies, I'm never posting here again. I'll go to Twitter if I want censorship
I don't like Trump but that is so fucking badass.
Trump is losing
the election is in less than 2 months and he's losing
We're gonna have a black leftist girlboss as president
These memes dont matter. Nobody sees them except other right wingers. Everyone else is laughing at trump for being schizo
He is going to lose in a landslide

It's literally over
no one asked bro just watch the funny videos or leave
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Made me smile
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>It'll happen again.
>when you need to jump around 600 times a second to make your glowie walking tour appear threatening

Summer of love
yall better hide yo dogs, hide yo cats, and hide yo goldfish cus they eatin everythin out here
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Oh God he is so cooked oh my god
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Let's be real. He's not this guy anymore.
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First part is obvious but second part sounds made up
Obama reads his book where he casually admits to eating dogs and snakes. Nothing to see here.
Chance Gardner as Kamala Harris,

> After the death of his employer forces him out of the only home he's ever known, a simpleminded, sheltered gardener becomes an unlikely trusted advisor to a powerful tycoon and an insider in Washington politics.
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now list all of the countries who have never been even threatened by the talibans.
pretty great he could give that to the americans for 18 whole months though!
can I get a sauce on this?
idk lets vote in Scrooge McDuck.
Clearly we should just elect the money outright.
>no funny epic memes like 2016
Its really over
He is, but is forced to self censor way more due to butthurt liberals who take every single word out of context
Ah yes the notoriously considerate and tactful Donald J Trump. He's always so careful with his words, definitely not the type to just say whatever is on his mind. He's so rigorous with his self censorship, he is almost never the victim of his own folly.
Is that from Big Bang Theory?
Total midwit posts
no, go outside
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Your hero everyone
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Who gives a fuck about other countries? What are we, the World Police? Protect yourselves, faggots. It's not our job. Maybe if you weren't weak bitches, the ragtag terrorist group wouldn't have you shaking in your boots.
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fucking brilliant
he's not the hero we need. he's the hero we deserve.
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>Trump is losing
There hasn't been a legit election since maybe the first George Bush. The system is inherently not even democratic and it does not matter who wins a election. We lose no matter what.
I love this
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real video
What's the song playing? Struggling to find it.
Bit if a stretch calling that a "song"
Yea it's edited, but clearly there's a song there and I'm interested in it.
lil yachty - coffin

original concert: https://youtu.be/YKOmmk3g8Lw
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jfc i never heard this. no wonder he and more importantly his followers are hated and villified so.
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He did his job. It's now up to the people he inspired to do theirs.
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Absolute gold
This actually shows that he's much more intelligent than he presents himself.
I can't believe America supported this shit. I can't believe they still do. What a fucking asshole.

What a faggot you are. That's the least masculine shit ever. Trump doesn't want support from weeb pansies. You're a confused Democrat. They're the party of pink little faggots who watch cartoons from china.
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I'm a registered democrat and I see them. They're pathetic. You're pathetic. The country isn't more than half filled with backwards racist ignoramuses. Almost half, but not quite enough. 'Close, but no cigar' as my dad would say. You're gonna be upset and confused when he doesn't win. You're going to have to get over that. Whether it's acceptance or resentment over a 'stolen, rigged election', you will have no choice but to move on.
Trump is a retarded scumbag and this doesn't make sense but I always play it about 5 times because it's a well-built clip that works with the music.
Needed more of that stupid traitorous cunt getting shot in the heart.

So you're retarded or some Russian pays you some coin to spread lies. It wasn't peaceful and you know it. Those fags are still in prison for their failed revolt.
Wow, what a devastating clip for that guy who served two terms and left the seat eight years ago. I hope this doesn't gain wide exposure, it might help Trump!

Is this what inspired all those faggots on /pol/ to mix their misplaced love of Trump with queer pink kitty cats and little girls from Asia?
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GASP!! Oh no!! We need to stop this!!!!
interesting to see the process of him going through his speech and changing up elements of it now that he is saying it out loud.
he said in a presidential interview that migrants are stealing pets and eating them. I don't think he's self-censoring, he's just fuckin 87 and his brain is bad
lol, I'm glad someone mentioned how fucktarded that comment was. I can't believe the intelligence level of the people here who are pushing Trump. They basically just say the opposite of reality. And they're not even good at that.
I can't even tell if this was made by a pro-Trump person or an anti-Trump person. He just looks like a fucking idiot as do his supporters no matter who is showing them. He looks greasy and angry and foolish. Yeah, you're NOT supposed to be there. You're an old swindler who should make terrible real estate deals and game shows, not lead the fucking free world. How could they miss that big retard head of his??
Nice to see a Hasan meme on 4chan. Genuinely like the guy for the most part, he can be perfomatively woke at times, but I think overall his hearts in the right place and he's a force for good. Especially post Oct. 7, he never backed down despite the massive amount of pushback he got
hahahaha! What a fucking dingus. I can't believe anyone ever took him seriously the way he just won't shut up about every little thing. He's so vain. He probably thinks this post is about him. Doesn't he? Doesn't he?
This should have been his Howard Dean moment. Why is Trump still on the world's stage?
Who is this supposed to appeal to? Blacks? Teens? Not GOP voters. They hate that shit.
You have baboon taste then.
He didn't inspire enough people thankfully. And every time he opens his mouth he loses, not gains supporters. He's not making a comeback after already losing the job four years ago.
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why are you so mad?
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People of Springfield literally said that
I still can't believe I witnessed this. Dude was his own demise.
Dude's a true New York gangster.
Kikes love doing that. They've been doing this for thousands and thousands of years trying to say their enemies of their enemies are doing xyz when they really are. It's why every major civilization on Earth tried to exterminate them or exile them. You don't need to even travel the world to see shitskins eating cats and dogs, just hop on youtube.
Now lost all the countries that protect Israel
filthy traitors, good thing MAGA is dead and Kamala is leading in all the swing states.
Does someone have the early ai generated vid of trump and Biden eating spaghetti and sea food?
I've got a bridge to sell you, anon
That just makes Obama look cool.
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Democrats is the party of lies, deceptions, and manipulation.
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the voting age should be 30 and it should be easy to vote (not super-ultra-uninformed-tier-easy like today)
Nice words. Too bad they're just words. If he was really gonna clean out all the government corruption, then why didn't he do it last time?
because it was his first time in politics and the office he hit was the presidency. not an easy thing to clean things up when you're brand new in the system and at the same time be sure you don't ruin things, while some people in your own administration is lying to you so you don't know what data to trust. for example general Mark Alexander Milley called CCP behind trump's back to inform them about US military plans, imagine trying to do your job when you can't even trust your generals.
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The applause Tulsi got when shitting on Kamala was surprising
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First things first I agree that he let alot of us down by not "draining muhhh swamp" like he said. No excuse there. Trump was always a powerful figure but I don't think he realized how deep the corruption of politics really went. There's dozens of useless members of the political sphere who hold useless jobs and their sole purpose is obstruction. If he wins in November I really hope he can wipe out some of the gutter. I think the US is becoming more self-aware of bullshit and enticed by the idea of everyone paying their fair share, as made evident by the Epstein and Diddy shit.
Kino, anyone know what it says?
Detected language: Chinese
What the hell was that?
>Israel is going to take over the world with AI because of elections in america
I mean I knew this guy was off but now he sounds like Alex jones
AJ is used to discredit a non-mainstream opinion, what a surprise
I dont understand your post
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Aww, boo hoo hoo for (You)
>claims in all caps
>first link is a PDF
>Second link is from "the crimes of Donald trump.com"
Lol ignored
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3.4 MB
>uses three lines of greentext

that's how i know you're wrong and a mad little incel
crying conservatard
>straight to insults
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What's with the retard dropping wikipedias, reddit and click bait article links?
Dude, All of that shit is "I saw it in a dream" tier
The Hasidim always look like they are having a blast when they are dancing together
Hasidim but I don't believe 'em.
You're okay waiting 20 years to vote?
trump biden yaoi forever
try as you might (lol) leaf, no one will ever care about canada
this is my all-time favorite
wish placebong was still making videos
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Damn, paw patrol sure went a different direction
Ask your supervisor
there hasnt been a legit election since jfk retard
Because that's antisemitic.
>kosher salt
you retards certainly do deserve him I'll give you that
Every democratic system gets the leadership it deserves
We didn't lynch the traitors that opened the borders in the 70s so now the culture is dead and our civilization isn't far behind
It was going to happen sooner or later. Either culture is meaningfully destroyed by traitors/occupiers, or it falls out of style and wanes via apathy.
Founders got most of the required tenets of a republic correct, but the weak links were not making land ownership for voting absolutely non negotiable and making permanent taxes so onerous on the part of government operations they can't be maintained (I.e. requiring a *unanimous* vote in house/senate to approve a yearly/quarterly tax; also relegated to wartime powers only). Bill of rights was and is still 100% necessary on the next go around and historylets just cannot understand that
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venezuelans speak english now?
>republican crying about insults


forgot your f-slur
wtf was this recorded on a VCR or something?
VP8 codec instead of VP9
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>his hearts in the right place
are you retarded? he's grifting leftards
actually that is a good thing. watever
damn those first 30 secs fucking kek
>making smug faces for no reason
she thinks people will vote her for this kek.
they cleaned him out first. that's why they trying so hard to make sure he doesn't get in a 2nd time- even going so far as to put shills on this board.
Am.I supposed to know who this is
Snow flake fluttering, north wind blowing
Earth and heaven stretch on boundlessly
A cold plum tree stands tall amidst the snow
Its fragrance only for my beloved,
I love who I love, never complaining or regretting

Its the chorus for a famous song 一剪梅 the next line is: these feelings forever in my heart or something like that


Why Are Republican Presidents So Bad for the Economy?
YouTube and a news outlet are not valid sources of economic statistics
They aren't
The books just get cooked harder
Following the progressive takeover, post culture revolution in the 60s, we've gone sideways for 50 years if you tear away all the veneers.
Ever wonder how everything looked so clean and orderly in the 40s, 50s and 60s, despite everything being "worse"?
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still dont know if this was all an act or not
you're delusional


Since World War II, Democrats have seen job creation average 1.7 % per year when in office, versus 1.0 % under the GOP. US GDP has averaged a rate of growth of 4.23 percent per annum during Democratic administrations, versus 2.36 per cent under Republicans, a remarkable difference of 1.87 percentage points. This is postwar data, covering 19 presidential terms—from Truman through Biden. If one goes back further, to the Great Depression, to include Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt, the difference in growth rates is even larger.

The results are similar regardless whether one assigns responsibility for the first quarter of a president’s term to him or to his predecessor. Relatedly, the average Democratic presidential term has been in recession for 1 of its 16 quarters, whereas the average for the Republican terms has been 5 quarters, a startlingly big difference.
i want that woman to sit on my face
Criticizing progressivism is fine but defending corporatist retards is way worse. You shouldn't fall into that trap.

>Ever wonder how everything looked so clean and orderly in the 40s, 50s and 60s
What's your basis for this? Some photos of wealthy businesses doesn't mean much. I can take a photo of a big finance company and it'll look orderly and the men will be largely clean shaved and well to do. It doesn't mean the rest of us aren't living like shit.
Imagine watching them make that stupid video.
still voting trump btw
Not gunna happen
>Wikipedia as a source
Come on anon
The only good thing about Hasan is that he is a gifter that keeps hundreds of thousands of radical leftists off the streets and from making real change by keeping them eternally online instead of making a real change in the world
Are those people even humans?
trumps first words at his second butler rally were "as i was saying" as if he was continuing from where he left off after the assassination attempt
a few minutes later the crowd just starts singing the national anthem, unprompted, never seen anything like it
Best of all luck to all you burgers in the upcoming elections. Hope trump wins so your cities and economy stop getting cucked.
But if he wins you'll have to endure 24/7 news talking about how he's destroying the moon with his special beam cannon and shit like that. so that's going to be annoying
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Here you are obsessing over American culture and using the English language. What has your country ever done?
One on the right certainly takes it up the arse
kino overload
>do you hear yourself?
a deadly blade of a phrase, fucking christ!
exactly because trump knows he'll embarrass himself more

>boomer social studies teacher

wikipedia has sources
still harming yourself

seek help

vote blue
Its weird how charged you are at 3 neutral words
why does this one have the hitler salute removed? it's the best part!
kek reddit spacing on a seven word post, you're not even trying
File: Donald Mcconnell.webm (479 KB, 896x504)
479 KB
>why does this one have the hitler salute removed?
I took it out. Got no time for bitch ass nazis.
Why do people even watch that midwit brownoid?
How so? Trump's analyses are spot-on.
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we deserve the 2nd trump v biden debate

I love her so much
actually has emotions unlike the orange blob
as a white man, im just not going to vote for the black woman. sorry!
How exactly will drunk cackling be useful to her in the role of president of a nuclear superpower? Be specific.
Just what I want in a world leader. Not calculable decision making skills, emotion. Totally.
i thought you leftists were against discriminating people based on skin color?
its just funny that a libtard got shat on is all.
Why on earth would you ever think that
something something wuhan lab virus winnie the pooh 1989 tiananmen square
I'll be SO fuckign happy when all this stupid bullshit is said and done, then people might actually SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT TRUMP AND POLITICS
ever since 2019-2020 thats all these so called news outlets have been doing.
we need to bring back journalism with reprecussions
So get the fuck off of the “2024 presidential election” thread if you’re so triggered by it retard!
She could chef up a mean plate of curry greens
I've said it before to people, unfortunately, regardless of who wins, it's going to be all about Trump. If he wins, we're going to get four more years of everyone bashing Trump and talking about Trump and Trump all over the news. And if he loses, then he's going to be in the news because he'll be seething about losing and he'll probably contest the election again. There's no escaping it. If Kamala wins, she'll probably run for a second term even though she'll be terrible. So we've got at least eight years until there's new blood in the game. You better bear down.
File: Election Night 2016.webm (3.69 MB, 480x270)
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>be me
>vote trump in 2016
>dont have cable so never see hit pieces on trump
>dont follow news on social media
>live normal, happy, stress free life
>occasionally come across wild beast rally in my city
>otherwise...never heard made up bad guy stories about orange boogie man

it's really that simple. vote red, life becomes easy, have a lot of sex, make a lot of money, tone out everything else.
Song name pls?
sidewalks and skeletons - goth (slowed)
copium but please vote for the dementia dinosaur go ahead
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2.9 MB
Every single Democrat voter is a scumbag piece of shit. Also trans suicide is a wonderful thing.
This goes harder than it has any right to
Holy fucking based
Her laugh is like a chicken
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>I can't answer, but remember orange man bad
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Based Black Man

Here's some more:


>Trump trying to pay Stormy Daniels to be quiet again

>Kamala Harris 'Dominated' Bret Baier in Fox News Interview—Speechwriter for Ronald Reagan

"My take: Bret Baier has rarely looked as bad (or tendentious) as he did in his interview with Kamala Harris," Wehner wrote on X. "On the flip side, this was one of her best interviews. She dominated Bret. All in all it was quite a bad day for MAGA world's most important media outlet," Wehner posted on X

Billionaire Harris supporter Mark Cuban took to social media to praise her performance, stating: "She didn't lose her temper. She didn't take the bait to diminish or talk down to Trump supporters. She stood up to him with force and never backed down."

Republican strategist Andrew Surabian wrote on X: "Kamala Harris is the opposite of unflappable. She is self-imploding & getting visibly angry because for the first time in 4 years she is facing a few tough questions."

Ron Filipkowski, said: "Interesting how Fox allows Trump to ramble as long as he wants to every question on other topics...but Bret Baier gives Harris 30 seconds before interrupting and arguing with her." This comes in the context of Trump recently facing criticism for a series of bizarre, off topic, rambling answers during interviews.



>Harris did with Fox News what Trump can't do anywhere: Handle tough questions

She has far more guts than her opponent, Donald Trump.

For starters, Harris deserves credit for doing an interview she and her campaign had to know would be a string of “gotcha” questions and attempts to get her to say mean things about Trump supporters, a la Hillary Clinton’s infamous-but-accurate “basket of deplorables.”

Trump, by comparison, has cancelled a planned CNBC interview and refused to follow Harris’ lead and go on “60 Minutes,” preferring to do things like his Wednesday’s Fox News town hall where he was asked coddling questions before a room full of Trump supporters.

>Fox News host Bret Baier constantly interrupted Kamala Harris in interview

So points go to Harris in the courage department, while Trump maintains his “weak man who pretends he’s tough” image.

>Harris called out Fox News' disingenuous Trump clip

Harris swiftly called Baier out: “I’m sorry and, with all due respect, that clip was not what he has been saying about the enemy within, that he has repeated when he’s speaking about the American people. That’s not what you just showed.”

>Would Fox ever ask Trump questions like these? Of course not.

What the interview showed is Harris can more than hold her own in a wildly hostile environment, something most people already knew but Fox News viewers willing to be honest with themselves probably were surprised.

Above all, though, what matters is Harris sat there and took it. She went into a Fox News interview – which in and of itself is a sign her campaign is confident and is looking to expand her reach to conservative and independent voters – and she didn’t storm out. She didn’t whine about or insult the interviewer for asking tough questions.

That’s a lot more than anyone can say about Donald Trump.


what a baby
>What J.D. Vance Really Thinks About Donald Trump
Full thing without the cropping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25Dyd_kkYo4

does anyone have any from this shitshow? (dance party)
I saw a funny one a while back but I didn't save it
Can you not work ffmpeg or something? This is a file sharing board.
>hey genius why don't you just take the lid off?
And now he's just going
>Hey, look how far I can gobble this Israeli schlong down my throat
Fucking tragic
Yes sweetie, the interview went great. That's why Kamala staffers off camera were furiously signalling Baier to shut it down early and why the Trump campaign posted the entire thing completely unedited on their twitter feed.

song - yi jan mei
or something like that
I honestly thought it could be a close race, or she might even win, but the past couple of weeks/month has been so fucking bad for her, I think she's finished
Holy shit, elder abuse
>still dont know if this was all an act or not
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You have to remember that leftists generally vote via emotion. They don't care about the policies or the economic factors that are in play. I work at a food pantry and a lot of people there are left leaning. I don't talk about my politics ever because I don't like it to get in the way of my relationships. But I had a conversation with somebody who helps stock the shelves. A few days after the Biden Trump debate, I went into work and it came up in conversation naturally. And he said quite clearly that Biden is not fit to be president. But then he turned to me and said, but I hate everything that Trump stands for implying that he was going to vote Biden just because he didn't like Trump. A majority of voters are going to vote for Kamala simply because they don't like Trump. And the rest of them are voting with their emotions.
lost my shit at this
Voting is consent
What did he mean by this
All of the daily “happenings”, “scandals” and “ecelebs” are part of the political theatre. Left vs right, blue vs red, east vs west, man vs woman or old vs young. They are all distractions.
Clown world circus needs a steady stream of happenings to stop you from thinking about the ongoing worldwide replacement genocide of ethnic Europeans and the complete lack of political representation for our people.
I will mock every politician that doesn’t fight against the genocide of the European people world wide. If you defend these zog puppets, I will mock you too. It’s that simple.

Every time you vote or hope for change via some puppet. You are tightening the noose around your neck.

I don’t recognise any of the politicians or the legitimacy of a government which is supporting the replacement genocide of the European people.

Why do we recognise any of these meat sacks on tv? Are they supermen? Are they deities?

No they are old men and roasties that are given power because of the recognition that you give them.

You give recognition to the system. Instead of mocking it everyday you are giving them more power. You have a rope around your neck but you keep tightening it.

Once you reject the blue vs red system you can begin moving forward. The oligarchy in the shadows will keep ruling as long as people believe in the system.
Because when you meet or talk with someone like-minded you will find that you share a disbelief in the political system. Therefore your conversations and thoughts from that moment are on how to move forward when no visible/traditional solution is available. You can no longer cast your vote and forget everything till the next election. You can now shame fence sitters, conservatives and leftists into action. Shame and guilt are incredibly powerful for manipulating the masses.
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>my political opinions are important because 50 years ago I stood in front of a movie camera in a bathrobe pretending to be a space ninja
ok then. checks out.
you guys desperately need voter id and restrict voting age to 21-70. noone past 70 should have the right to vote.
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