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File: 1654144332703.webm (2.66 MB, 550x402)
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middle school humor where we laugh at fatties, retards, racial jokes, and fuck ups

no politifags
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>middle school humor
OP dropped out in middle school, that's funny but also because he's a PEDO loser
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Get out of the bus potato sack
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What makes this even funnier is that she's completely cis. Just ugly.
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Why do you hate your mirror so much, anon?
Stop looking in it.
Not funny, just racist
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>middle school humor
Seems like normal, standard values, communication, & healthy cultural ethics to me
If that were my pool I would beat his fucking ass so hard he'd start crying and beg me to stop
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No. anon. That is a MAN.
/gif has deteriorated your braincells. Stay away from there, its toxic.
File: .White Priviledge .webm (1.83 MB, 720x1280)
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Did I miss any?
File: .Meatballs are good .webm (1.67 MB, 202x360)
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I wasnt aware I had to know ALL of them.
Meh. I guess I dont support BLM anymore then.
Oh wait...
I never did

File: .Im a trans nigger .webm (3.61 MB, 1280x720)
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Its 2024.
Catch up kid.
YOU are the boomer now.
Get with the times already.
File: .Salsa anyone .webm (982 KB, 360x360)
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How many times do you think they had to shoot this before the all remembered their lines?
They studied and tried so hard for this, guys.
The this joker here just audios over it...
and makes it AWESOME AS FUCK

File: .Mr. Downey robbery.webm (2.93 MB, 378x720)
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>hOw aRe yOu laUGhiNg aT tHis
Oh my God dude, chill. That would be funny as hell if it was a normal hillbilly too.
Stop being so retarded
Wife material

However, this is how you turn a fruit into a vegetable...
Is there an updated Mr. Beast version of this?
You know, to reflect the CP allegations, lolipron, and illegal lotteries?
That would be cool.
>Are you dumb?!

>he's literally retarded and they gave him glass and alcohol
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me at my first pool party afta highg school
LMFAO let me identify all people in this video
>Gigachad retard
>Laughing Stacey (justified)
>"What is wrong with you?" condescending faggot
>do not move" wannabe pig
>"dont smack those together" beta too powerless to stop the gigachad tard
>faggot white night pretending this shit isnt hilarious
>towel bro (probably supplied the booze)
>glasses boomer that actually did something useful rather than screaming like a kid

thas what i said
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I would be livid if I had to wait for this faggot
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>two white kids make race and mudslime jokes
>cute asian girl smiles, laughs, and doesnt REEE like stupid white bitch

they really are perfect arent they?
>no politifags
>entire thread is politics
Who is she?
A woman.
She mostly does dance videos.
Get checked for mental illness
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>"What is wrong with you?"
Oh man how embarassing
The entire pool has to be drained you actual retard.
Yeah he's holding it in the last few frames. Not a good look if he's brought to trial.
fucking niggers. someone has to make your drug money paid mcgoyslop. no respect for anyone at any time
Are you using some kind of software to manage your filenames or something? Sorry for the off topic bs but I'm curious. Some anons seem to have a unique style and I can't make sense out of them.
What is this from?
how is that funny?
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thick abdomen
God damn watching leftoids eat shit makes my day every time.
because she's fat as fuck
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Put the chromosomes in the bag
Based Laura enjoying the chaos
everyone else is so uptight
yeah, it's sharp but A RETARD JUST SMASHED BEER BOTTLES TOGETHER and that's hilarious
you've got to enjoy the little things
again, based Laura
White privilege is just having iq above retardation
in the full video she says that she loves her father a lot
File: fuck every country.webm (1.44 MB, 428x240)
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master class in quick threat assessment and handling.

faggots who have never owned a pool.
>please don't knock those together
They knew it could happen, but gave the retard the glass bottles anyway.
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damn the mcd price increases really hit some people hard
Seems more like anon uses linux and hides his files with a dot prefix.
Do you think this guy is blacklisted
Why do they all look the same?
You knew he was going to do that, especially with the Stone Cold entrance music. Buy cans, it seems like he's the least retarded of the bunch.
Who taught them to talk?
"what is wrong with you?"

File: uraqueer.webm (316 KB, 320x240)
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Of course she would, but the initial reaction says more than she ever could.
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Well that just seems uninteresting...
>never owned a pool
Well I never nigger
How many people do you think can afford to own an outdoor built in pool and the maintenance of iit?
Everyone there is a faggot because they can afford to drain the pool and have numerous other roch people things to do in the mean time
Peppers are fruits, not vegetables.
But the actual thing is that vegetables dont exist and are only a culinary thing.
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File: body positivity.webm (5.41 MB, 720x404)
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I'm so glad I don't wear tents, break beds or chairs, or spend most of my money on food.
>middle school humor where we laugh at fatties, retards, racial jokes, and fuck ups
But that's not middle school humor
Rage Against The Machine have changed quite a bit.
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3.67 MB WEBM
for the self-aware, it is.
>Me playing GTA Online
I always fuckin lol at "He told me Mein Kampf"
It was when I went to middle school. Perhaps your generation is failing.
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3.8 MB
>the consequences of Jane Goodall’s efforts have struck again
Based thread humor thread without spam faggot
>not the version with the Sonic rings spilling sfx
Now if only they had souls or even just basic sentience
I love how this dude is just replying to everyone super upset and completely aas-blasted about the pool, talking shit on anyone who points out the objective absurd hilarity of this retarded clip both times it was posted. What is your connection to this pool, you seem awfully attached. It’s almost like you’re white knighting for it. White knighting for a pool. Fag
What gets me is that this was clearly a concern of theirs beforehand yet regardless of this they threw caution to the wind and let him walk around with two of them at the same time. There’s an easy fix to this problem, gee I wonder what it may be
I would really like to see the aftermath of this
Hello, my baby!
Hello, my honey!
Hello, my ragtime gal
Shoplift charged with a felony, nigger given full-ride scholarship (spent on 40s and 35 inch spinning rims)

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