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Edits, memes, anything about Peter Scully
Father of Agent Scully in X-Files has become sort of a fan favorite
Peter Scully is like the Epstein of Australia, but he's a turbo based dude after all kek. He's been around doing his own thing, and while normies get mad real ones know what's up.
No and also kys faggot
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Imagine thinking he’s not based, bro's a certified tanzanite-tier gem for torturing a shitskin geglet. It’s just salty moralfags like you seething because you're too bituminous to see it. Cope, seethe, and jam yourself back to /trash/. Maybe you’ll hit maturity when your balls finally drop. YWNBAW.
>Why are zoomers like this?
Oh my hypocrisy
You're in a bad place in your life, OP.
The heinous people you say you admire, the dumb ideas you put in your head and the shitty way you interact with others will not alleviate the suffering you're going through right now, on the contrary, you're only going to sink deeper into this lonely sea of shit that you hate so much.
Life is short, fren.
Don't throw it away by acting like a fool.
I hope you find happiness somewhere in the future and become a decent human being.
We need more of those people in our world and you will be valuable.
>You're in a bad place in your life, OP.
>The heinous people you say you admire, the dumb ideas you put in your head and the shitty way you interact with others will not alleviate the suffering you're going through right now, on the contrary, you're only going to sink deeper into this lonely sea of shit that you hate so much.
>Life is short, fren.
>Don't throw it away by acting like a fool.
>I hope you find happiness somewhere in the future and become a decent human being.
>We need more of those people in our world and you will be valuable.
Appreciate the lecture, Dr. Phil, but I’m doing just fine where I am. If I wanted your dime-store therapy, I’d have asked for it. Maybe you should focus on your own life instead of trying to psychoanalyze strangers on the internet. Life’s short, right? So don’t waste your time trying to fix people who don’t need your help.
>Dr. Phil, but I’m doing just fine where I am
I know you're not and even if you are, it won't last for long with your current behavior and mentality.
> Life’s short, right? So don’t waste your time trying to fix people who don’t need your help.
Don't worry about me.
I already said everything I needed to say.
Anyway, I just suggest that you start valuing the things that really deserve to be valued.
Have a nice life, fren.
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If you’re so sure you know me better than I know myself, keep living in that delusion. I’ll keep doing things my way, and you can keep playing internet guru. Have fun with that.
But hey, at least you’re consistent, preaching from your soapbox must be your thing. Enjoy your life too, fren.
>he didn't deny he's a zoomer
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>>he didn't deny he's a zoomer
Imagine thinking your opinion even registers, fossil. You’re out here throwing the weakest ragebait while I’m thriving.
Keep coping, seething, and molding while you rot in your irrelevance, grandpa. Your life peaked decades ago, and all that’s left for you is the grave, retrofag.
>Your life peaked decades ago
He at least had a peak.
But in your case?
All I see is a steady fall towards a wasted existence.
>And all that’s left for you is the grave
That's true for any living creature.
The difference is how we choose to spend our time and the things we do.
And you are doing POORLY on both counts.
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>He at least had a peak
No you didn't geg.
>The difference is how we choose to spend our time and the things w-
Look at this self-righteous garbage. LMAO, imagine thinking you’re better than me while you sit there trying to sound profound in a 4chan thread.
Talking in third person like some wannabe philosopher doesn’t make you deep, it just makes you cringe.
At least I’m not pretending to be some wise sage while you rot in your own failure.
Keep coping, because you’re already six feet deep mentally.
I'm not better than you.
In fact, I'm not better than anyone else.
The thing is that you CHOSE to be worse than everybody else.
That's your problem.
You're making shitty life choices and get all butthurt when people rightfully point this to you.
And no, I'm not the guy that you were replying to originally.
So you're the Dr. Phil guy again yeah? Trying to play the "I'm not better than you" card while still taking cheap shots at my choices.
It's honestly pathetic. I expected 4chan to still be good like it used to be back in the day, but clearly, it's filled with people like YOU now, acting like you're not trying to be holier-than-thou while still throwing jabs.
You can pretend you're not trying to act superior, but we both know that's exactly what you're doing.
Keep fooling yourself, but you're just as lost as the rest of the 4cucks here.
For someone who is supposedly doing well in life, you certainly act very hostile and defensive when confronted by others.
I'm sure you're teenager and probably a newfag.
Heard about 4chan somewhere else and how this place was "edgy" and against the status quo and thought you would be welcomed here with your stupid admiration for losers and this attention seeking behavior of wanting to shock the "normies".
At least, I hope so.
Because if you're older than 20 and still behaving like a petulant kid, then I pity you.
And that's all I have to give you.
My pity.
Since you don't accept my advice or my empathy, then I can only give you that.
And if you think I'm acting like I'm superior, you should take a look at yourself.
You're the one constantly putting yourself (and trying to put others here) down, on an inferior position.
This says a lot about how you see yourself and the places you choose to spend your time.
No wonder why you're so paranoid and think everyone is attacking you or they're all deranged like you're trying so hard to be right now.
The thing about your choices it's you're too stuck up your own ass to see how BAD they are and how much they will cost you in the future.
The worst pedophiles that you know*
there are worse (((ones)))
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Thank God for that.
I'm proud to be a real man, and I hope someday you will become one too.
You can't be a boy your whole life.
>Pedophilia is normal.

We both know this isn't true and it doesn't matter how much pseudoscience or anecdotal evidence you throw around.
It's a shitty and dysfunctional behaviour.
And even if it was normal, Scully was a sadist and a murderer on top of being a pedophile.
His victims were prepubescent girls, so even that failed argument about jailbaits is useless in this discussion.
I really don't know why someone would pretend to admire a middle aged sadistic pedophile loser who attacked people who couldn't defend themselves and threw his life away and now will rot away in a third world prison.
The people we choose to admire and respect says a lot about us and how our life will play out.
I would tread carefully if I was you, because you're in for a shitshow in life if Scully is someone you look upon as being the example of "based" lol
how this thread not delete yet?
>wrong think on the counter culture website is le bad!
you don't belong here
So now you fucks are idolizing that disgusting fuck?

It just gets worse and worse.
Kino, total shitskin nigger baby death
Wow, look at this wall of text, bro. It really says everything I need to know about your niggery behavior. You got so much to say but so little to actually back it up. All that pseudo-intellectual trash just to make yourself feel like you're not drowning in your own hypocrisy.
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>We both know this isn't true
Nah, I agree with the other anon that it's true, and the fact that you're trying so hard to deny it just shows how much it's rattling you, captain moralfag.
You can sit there on your moral high ground all day, but you're just projecting your insecurities onto everyone else.
erm foodistcord woke up
geg this thread really exposed the moralfags
jorge thread
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understand what is happening.
do not take the bait.
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Here we go.

I might have a few more, but I can't find them rn.
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pedophile murderers are based?
those who rape little babies, and cut them up?
this is an o9a 764 com thread
this is the most DEBASED thing that can ever be
enjoy your prison sentence
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where you get this
from discoal, just like that faggy attitude
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I am sexually attracted to this
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troll or not, you should kill yourself
daisy deserved it
What a weird falseflag thread.
>maybe you should ask a psychiatrist that question
Think is what he says.
I really wish esoteric Sullyism took over instead of Jewsosa.
best thread in the catalog rn lol. what in the actual fuck
>72 replies
>out of 82 in the archives
marge are they posting actual 'p?
Go the fuck up
Nigger, you can post what you want but you're a fucking retarded nigger for it and I'm going to call you one cause I can.
>Scully thread
>Zoom-zooms ruin it
Many such cases.
unhinged psyop
i love it
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fuck jannies
top fuckin kek anon
holy shit what a moralfag. let me enjoy my scully edits
>pedophile murderers are based?
uhh no Peter Scully was CLEARLY defending himself from Daisy. He had every right to kill her.
upscully, bump, scullyrald
another scullyrald
Nah. Epstein was paying fat money to double-digit aged girls, meanwhile Scully was beating up and strangling 18 month old infants
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if you are older than 16 you should unironically kill yourself
and get a job
and take a shower
>This many people are falling for the bait of some edgy teen
what is this mickey mouse shit?
Living in the liberal West has corrupted my view of Good and Evil. When fighting for preservation is evil and being ethnically replaced is good, it's hard to tell the difference anymore. With the West's fucked up morality and them condemning him, maybe that makes Scully a good guy? I don't know anymore.
The bass is too loud can't hear shit.
wasn't this the white guy who went to south east asia to have sex with the small brown women, but instead of fucking the small brown women he raped tortured and killed small brown children?
how come it's only white guys who do this?
I feel so sad for him, he did not deserve this.
If some mentally ill man cutting his dick off or some woman fucking a nigger is enough to make you sympathize with Scully you were always a pedophile.
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