gem thread /qa/ won
/qa/ will always be in my heart
>>5683412wtf was qa and why are people still talking about it
>>5683441/qa/ (pronounced kway) is the best board this site has ever hosted. The mods nuked it because it got too based, they flooded the catty on /tttt/ with about Ϫ hanging troonjak threads and a single lone 'cado
>>5684099Stop posting this fucking niggercoal it wasn't welcome on qa and it isn't welcome here
>>5684099Post more of this soulful aryangem it was welcome on kwah and it is welcome here
>>5683412what song is that?
>>5684099cute and also hot
>>5684111legendary gemmy
/qa/ was too powerful for this website>you now remember the legendary summer of 2020
needs more racism and antitroonism
all time classic, we're all gonna make it, one day we will have total aryan salvation, perhaps by developing a superAI convinced it is der führer
>>5686003alternate soundtrack
>>5686139we like the sharty
>>5683441Board designed for general 4chan discussion and culture. But people mostly used it as a place to complain about their recent bans instead. It eventually got nuked after said users organized raids on other boards, especially /lgbt/.
>>5683489nutty 'em
does anyone have that vietnam song with the gem edit?
>>5684111Cancerous Xitter brimstone that ruined basedjaks forever>>5684221Truth
>>5685083>>5686064Game called the incredible machine. My favorite game when I was a kid. I think the track name is Dreams?There's a midi and a CD audio version, this is the CD one.
>>5687319yeah i thought it sounded like that
>>5683417gem, I kneel
>>5684099reclaim ongezellig(em)
i made this webm just now. never before seen
>>5683441nothing, it never existed
>>5684221>Trvth nuke
>>5684996I heard it got shut down because a tranny janny actually ackd themselves
>>5683489Soundtrack was the only good bit from that shit
>>5683489dam nigga
>>5688349Kek no way, do you have any evidence of this?
>>5688640What song?
Anyone have swede dancing on the old tv?
>>5692578Okay sir.
>>5683412/qa/ lost, /lgbt/ won.
>>5684099Postin in 'zellig
>>5683489made me laugh irl
>>5689358dot in the sky by drab majesty
>>5684099why do the krauts have american accents
>>5683412mentally ill(don't respond I won't look)
>>5694850Because the Dutch are really just drunk Americans pretending to speak German.
>>5690227This is fucking great. Who did this?
>>5684221If this isn't actually about kittydog, I think I know who this is about. A certain /co/fag.
>>5694996reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep
>>5688104quality gem, the cut between repeats is pretty smooth, might be good in a hyperborea webm
>>5696333Which /co/fag
>>5695885a real human bean and a real hero
can someone please post mymy in the car johnny b goode bideo pls
>>5691941>Zionist goyslave programming IMMEDIATELY detects that there's something antisemitic and/or raycisss about the last gem (even if he himself doesn't understand it) and kicks in the "who hurt you" card.
can't wait until it's finally unlocked and we can move away from that other shit site
>>5684109Not a year goes by when I don't laugh at how he got away with this song simply because he was le Beatle man.
its over
>>5686002based i made that
>>5698941what is the original picture without the chud called?
>>5698941What's the song here? I've definitely heard it before
>>5699484It's from metroid, kraids hideout I think
>>5698890No...It's jvst getting started...
/qa/ lostwhy even come here when you have your own website to post this garbage?
>>5684099What is this and why did I find it so charming?
>>5699784because the site's admin made it into 4channel but for little kids, and >>>/bant/ has some gems
>>5683441holy newfag
I feel this is related.
>see spider sitting on wall>scratch my armpit >smell finger (it reeks)>put finger right by spider >it flinches
>>5690019>>5690501Brimmiest Brimstone in this thread so far
>>5688349I believe in you
>>5684111Onions culture peaked hereRIP hyperjumper>>5687307It DIDN'T originate on xitter.
>>5683412what the fuck is this
Does anyone have the Creep parody that was removed from youtube?
>>5690019would both
>>5684099crazy to me that this many people watched this video and gave it a reply. wsg really is full of next level autists
>>5685219on point editing
>>5684099I want to save teacher lady from her alcohol problems.I want to make her feel loved and cared for and remind her that she is still beautiful and shouldn't fear dying alone, now that I am around her.
>>5700130unholy mother of all hellish brimstone
>>5695885>>5696921some polak katolik patriota judging from the UI he stole off some game
>>5691403>>5691972>>5696921>>5695885>>5696357>>5690227there's part two but i dont have it
>>5684099no no no this has to be coal no no no !!!!!! it CANT be a Gem it CAAANT BE!!!
>>5706704sex with mymy
>>5683412I love how deranged, gross and nonsensical this webm along with everything else on the 'ru. It was made to offend and weird people out and if I showed this to anyone in my family they'd think I was crazy.
>>5707547they'd just think it's cringe and that you're a typical teenage boy trying to be edgy
>>5684099why only one episode?
>>570755722, biggest loser in my family so far and I look weird with autism, balding and 0 friends, neither online or offline. I really don't think a teenage boy could garner the same reactions from something like this as me.Also you'll never be female.
>>5707702>22>baldingnegro I'm 39 with a full head of hair, eat garlic, eat 4 cloves a day at least, also praise the lord every day for the fact you are still 22 and have all the time to sort your shit out
>>5707702>22get the fuck off of 4chan gramps
>>5703073I will still drive around blasting this shit in speakers one day
>>5707786It mostly has to do with your mother's dad.
>>5690019Built for BHC
I'd give anything to see the chud and tranny mewing one again, just once
>>5711844I like this one. It's so weirdly wholesome.
>>5683412Does anyone have the one with the chud and the punk rock that goes "Hail Adolf Hitler!"I'd like the name of that song.
>>5684099my mymy
>>5684099I want to fuck the teacher so badly...
>>5683412What does this webm mean?
>>5684109Legitimately the hardest I've laughed in days.
>>5683489sauce on the music?
>>5713712thank you
>>5712112this one? I like it too, anyone got sauce on song?
>>5687328Song name?
>>5715125GOTY(gem of the year)
>>5690227Meanwhile the enemies...
>>5715125>hitlessmy hero
>>5714827kek. gemmie
>>5705191somehow i can understand brimstone, coals, gems, dobsons, jaks etc but not this
>>5684099Teacher sexo
>>5684099NAS coal kill youself
>>5714268Burning Heat from the Gradius 2 soundtrack
>>5686003>>5687256>>5688104>>5714827>>5714827like this format
Gem of it
>>5688640should have included the opening of the song, the best part
>>5712112>>5713785Jew Slaughter - Adolf Hitler
>>5684109>>5697191>>5713341And here I thought it was just a well done AI cover lmfao
>>5706711i do
>>5692687embedded 'p
>>5717059nice know the source?
Anyone got the one with Jojis song tick tock
>>5717059this is so relatable
>>5683800>>5685998>>5687256>>5687875>>5711844wholesome gems
>>5694714irl?as opposed to what?"made me laugh in the virtual world"?
>>5718544den heb ik AIDS
>>5715125>Ukranians are nazis! >but not the based kind of nazis like me The chuddie’s media diet consists of nothing but tranny porn and Russian propaganda. Imagine how much influence you could have over them if you were able to combine the two.
>>5720693how would one describe this genre of media
>>5700524This whole series is wonderful and soulful
>>5720126Individuals AZOV may earnestly believe they're nazis, but unfortunately the group itself was a honeypot to attract the last radical nationalists within Ukraine and throw them into a meat grinder against the kikes' geopolitical enemy, Russia, solving both problems at once for the kikes occupying Ukraine. Kikes have absolutely no problem using nazis or anyone else to reach their goals, the only principle they adhere to is their own ethno-religious supremacy. Judging by the specific way you don't understand the situation over there, the world you think you perceive is in fact a kike media constructed fantasy, and you should be able to realize you're dreaming by the fact that these sorts of ideas you have and predictions you make never seem to actually be right. You need to wake yourself up.
they killed the squirrel...
Anyone have Jordan Peterson speech about anonymous demons?
>>5685048Source on the speech? Thank you.
>>5720794Top tier funposting.
>>5720207>>5720208wish I understood their crazy proto-english
>>5718444literally me
>>5723195I want to fuck her and make her say "damn nigga, that's nuts!" in broken japaenglish.
>>5723049It’s a shame Lee got medicated and hasn’t even visited the site in the past 5 years, but I’m sure the discord dedicated to perpetuating his legacy appreciated this.
>>5723832I always lose it at the Ronnie McNutt squirrel.
>>5683412is that the eye of old man ben franklin?
>>5723223Really interesting. Thanks again.
>>5724235song name?
>>5725003I H3ART Y0U - Boy Fantasy
>>5718536MARRY CocoSEX MymyKILL Maya
>>5723195she looks like how I would've drawn a retarded person as a child
>>5688640Do you have another webm from the same guy? One of the basedjaks was opening a soda can, don't remember more than that
>>5683412what in tarnation
>>5720126slavs are "white" niggers
>>5720816What's the black african migrant coalition one?
>>5683436>he doesn't know about /qa2/
>>5685048Whats the last background from?
>>5683767thats a long cat
>>5729448longcat is long
>>5729258Front of the video game "Ico"
>>5723195The most confusing boner of my life
>>5723023don't worry brother we are here
>electoral college>the house>the senate>THE POPULAR VOTETotal chud victory
>>5731349Nothing happened 2017-2020, nothing will happen 2025-2028. Nothing ever happens.
>>5728364east* slavs
>>5731713>>5731715he didn't upload the whole video
>>5731637Everything east of Breslau is Mordor and should be glassed.
>>5720126you lost cry about it
>>5686004This is actually an anti slavery song.
>>5732091Chuddha has blessed him in death.
>>5683412THAT IS COAL
>>5683489Eerily prophetic.
>>5732107>obsessed with slavARYANS award
>>5684099I know that I am late to the scene, but this is turbogem. The English AI dub is amazing. Also, Coco is best girl.
>>5733836>English AI dubthe whole charm is their silly strange language
>>5683441/qa/ was the home of our wife chino
>>5734120The problem is there is so much subtlety happening in the background you're going to miss a lot if you're distracted by reading.
>>5683441/qa/ was the home of our wife Satania
Ongezellig trannies should kill themselves
Ongezelling GODS should smile
>>5685995This kicks ass, gem.
>>5683441/qa/ was the home of our husband Nikocado
>>5697597I've been trying and failing to find this music, would any anons kindly share?
>>5734984Kek, it's kino!
>>5685219Kino except for the uncensored tranny surgery. Almost made me vomit even at such a low rez.
>>5704691>>5704645This version I like more.
>>5723195cover the face, pump the base
>>5735636Kek. I created the spinning head gif there.Made it from an existing gif where the shoulders and noose were still present. Did it so I could use the thing in a YTP-MV I'm working on, but am still figuring out how to sentence-mix.
>>5738838In fact, I might as well ask for help with this thing here. Are any of you guys good at YTP-MV-style sentence mixing?Specifically, I wanna do a "Smoke Weed Everyday" style remix for that revolting "ONIMAI" anime ED. Kinda like that old "Nichijoint" thing that was done a while back, or one of MowetenDoo's videos. But I still haven't gotten the mixing quite right: could definitely use some help with that.
>>5738857I'm @Clay_Anon on Twitter. DM me there if you think you can contribute to this.Here's a demo of what I've made so far, to give you guys an idea. I've got a finished audio track for the entire song, but I wanna add some actual words in (plus one "Smoke Weed Everyday") after the part heard here. spinning troonjak head gif was made for that infamous scene where they-re dancing around with that fish-eye effect. I'm also planning to use pic related for the cat dancing in the background.
>>5684099glinting glisterald!
>>5694850that's just what Dutch sounds like lmao
>>5685997can we get some gems in the chat