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File: st food-1209.webm (4.69 MB, 720x720)
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street food
File: Street Food Vegs.webm (3.48 MB, 720x720)
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File: food Cake Rusk.webm (3.07 MB, 720x720)
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holy fuck I hate indians so godamn much
im from indiaa and this is just poor people food. normal indians don't eat from such vendors

File: pajeet cuisine.webm (3.97 MB, 360x640)
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this x1,000
File: Gordon Ramjee.webm (2.76 MB, 696x1080)
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Are those giant rat turds?
is this mutahar?
nice try but the hands failed to touch the food at each cook transition

didn't touch the oil
didn't touch the seasoning
didn't touch the jelly thing
barely touched the water
no that's just what Pajeet poop looks like when they don't eat sewer water for a week
>wearing glove
>utensils and bowls
>food isn't sitting at ground level
what is this shit? where's my slop?
you think he sharpens his cutting toe?
Anyone has the making vadaya one where they put dough in a machine and it spits it on the ground and the guy has to crouch under the table to scoop it?
Wtf is that.
I came to this thread to post this
needs more hands in food
lost at the water jug splurt
He makes up for it by collecting the food with a dirty ass shovel that was on the ground.
The king of slop, sitting in his slop palace. I kneel.
>with a dirty ass shovel that was on the ground.
too clean for Indian standards
When they're being taught how to prepare food, do they get told off if they don't seive everything through their fingers as it's poured into the mixing bowl?
File: char.webm (3.75 MB, 1080x1920)
3.75 MB
3.75 MB WEBM
kl foodie and its variants can fuck off with their food journalism
The turban man really gets me. He's not even part of this, that's just where he sits.
I always fucking kek at the bit where the liquid goes back in the jug and he swirls it then uses that one blast of it.
Oh fuck. These are probably supposed to be koeksisters, but these koelie just fucking took whole loafs and soaked them in syrup
I think it is a glazed and marinated duck that has been shaped like a sting ray or pingpong racket
He's using a knife.
she still used her bare left hand to tear the noodles
pretty good deal!
My theory is every Indian person is issued a random set of garbage, and they have to figure out how to make something edible with it. I'm sure one of them will succeed eventually.
>be from the biggest shithole on the planet
>extremely proud of it
>eat once at a McDhaarnaads
>save up 45.000 rupees for one Shitinabowl Burger
>extremely proud
>go on every single thread/discussion on the interwebs that points out that indians are actual subhumans demonstrated by their culinary habits
>go out onto the streets to projectile shit on the pavement because the Shitinabowl Burger was made by people who wipe their ass with their bare hands

i wish you all to grow fingernails on the ends of your small, shit covered dicks
this nigger has never had guitar duck
>some SEA countries have better hygiene practices than India
Can any Pinoys show me their typical street vendors?
Why does he hold the knife with his foot?
what's wrong with pinoy street vendors ? lol
that's a good one
Yeah, he's holding it between his toes. I know, I also thought he was cutting the chicken with his toenails
Hello jou mooi ding wys vir pappa jou piel

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