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street food
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holy fuck I hate indians so godamn much
im from indiaa and this is just poor people food. normal indians don't eat from such vendors

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this x1,000
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Are those giant rat turds?
is this mutahar?
nice try but the hands failed to touch the food at each cook transition

didn't touch the oil
didn't touch the seasoning
didn't touch the jelly thing
barely touched the water
no that's just what Pajeet poop looks like when they don't eat sewer water for a week
>wearing glove
>utensils and bowls
>food isn't sitting at ground level
what is this shit? where's my slop?
you think he sharpens his cutting toe?
Anyone has the making vadaya one where they put dough in a machine and it spits it on the ground and the guy has to crouch under the table to scoop it?
Wtf is that.
I came to this thread to post this
needs more hands in food
lost at the water jug splurt
He makes up for it by collecting the food with a dirty ass shovel that was on the ground.
The king of slop, sitting in his slop palace. I kneel.
>with a dirty ass shovel that was on the ground.
too clean for Indian standards
When they're being taught how to prepare food, do they get told off if they don't seive everything through their fingers as it's poured into the mixing bowl?
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kl foodie and its variants can fuck off with their food journalism
The turban man really gets me. He's not even part of this, that's just where he sits.
I always fucking kek at the bit where the liquid goes back in the jug and he swirls it then uses that one blast of it.
Oh fuck. These are probably supposed to be koeksisters, but these koelie just fucking took whole loafs and soaked them in syrup
I think it is a glazed and marinated duck that has been shaped like a sting ray or pingpong racket
He's using a knife.
she still used her bare left hand to tear the noodles
pretty good deal!
My theory is every Indian person is issued a random set of garbage, and they have to figure out how to make something edible with it. I'm sure one of them will succeed eventually.
>be from the biggest shithole on the planet
>extremely proud of it
>eat once at a McDhaarnaads
>save up 45.000 rupees for one Shitinabowl Burger
>extremely proud
>go on every single thread/discussion on the interwebs that points out that indians are actual subhumans demonstrated by their culinary habits
>go out onto the streets to projectile shit on the pavement because the Shitinabowl Burger was made by people who wipe their ass with their bare hands

i wish you all to grow fingernails on the ends of your small, shit covered dicks
this nigger has never had guitar duck
>some SEA countries have better hygiene practices than India
Can any Pinoys show me their typical street vendors?
Why does he hold the knife with his foot?
what's wrong with pinoy street vendors ? lol
that's a good one
Yeah, he's holding it between his toes. I know, I also thought he was cutting the chicken with his toenails
Hello jou mooi ding wys vir pappa jou piel
I feel like I'm going insane every time I watch this
You have been doing the same thing but replace the street discharge with nigger. More inlike than different
Everytime I open this webm it feels like it gets faster each time
stupid asian bugs not wearing gloves
>i'm from imdia sir
>sir we don't shit in the streets sir
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its India
its all poor people food
First time I have lost at one of these retarded threads in a long time
>bugman at 22 seconds literally has GHETTO tattooed on its arm
I like how you can instantly tell where this is from because there is a basic attempt at hygiene.
Also forgot to scratch his ass at least once every fifteen seconds.
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I like how he only lost it when the lyrics kicked in. I laugh at that same part
yep this guy did a joob job, he made sure to touch each and every single one he mixed
rice paper?
>is this mutahar?
no just a retarder
damn, the most low effort execution of the lowest IQ "humor" ever. Bravo.
Why is there always a guy who just sits around watching them?
That is one sharp ass knife considering he can't have much power with a weak toe grip.
You guys realize it's not hands touching the uncooked food that is the problem right? Go to any professional kitchen and you will see not a single chef taking the time to put on gloves. They wash their hands and the cooking would kill any bacteria that maybe survived. The problem is unhygenic street shitting hand wiping indians touching the food and touching cooked food.
ALL the SEA countries have better hygiene than india.
a lot of pinoy street food or ones that are popular are grilled, but they also have stalls that are more for light meals instead of snacks.
some popular ones:
unripe mango served with shrimp paste.
fried fish balls with spiced vinegar or a sweet sauce.
grilled chicken intestines and other parts that are usually discarded.
taho which is their version of dou fu fa.
dilis which is their version of ikan bilis.
more sweets than usual for SEA. they use sweetened condensed milk a lot.
different ones made of sweet sticky rice.
banana-que which is fried plantain with crunchy caramel coating.
champorado, sweet rice porridge more like bubur ketan hitam than mexican champorrado except that it uses chocolate.
hello saar, its okay to touch the food with my hand saar its hygenic saar
usually it's a guy waiting for his food, duh
>has a metal spoon and little cup
>still shoves his hand in to mix and doesn't care if others put theirs in too
Jeetslop king, I KNEEL
you could so easily blend in diarhea into that mixture and no one would even notice. Why do indians have such a deep hatred of solid food? Why do they never make anything that you could tell at a glance what it's made of?
You misunderstand, I need to see just how much better Pinoys are than Indians. It's funny to me.
A lot of that sounds incredible
Same as with any society that hasn't figured out how to function.

Go to a restaurant near your house and buy a steak. Youre getting a piece of meat that can be enjoyed for its own sake, but there are a lot of systems behind the production of that animal product which require investment and effort. That sort of thing is hard to come by in a dysfunctional state, and life is cheap, so people get by with flavoring whatever semi-nutritional chaff they can get their hands on. Its the "white peepo don season they food" issue.

Even when these people do get to the point where they have decent access to animal based protein, their palate is so blasted from generations of eating flavored slop that the habits remain.
Hello saars I poop in naan bread is this good food DO NOT REDEEM THE STEAK, MADARCHOD BASTERD BICH
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do I win
the third one is probably the only one that wouldnt kill you
99.99% of the population is dirt poor saars
Would eat all of it but especially the plantain and champorado.
I would not eat either of them because I'm not a cannibal.
>pretty good deal!
Just buy the fucking sauce
>average dunmer lunch
They're getting hungrier
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>Cold spaghetti
>Jam diluted in water
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it's hilarious that even Africans dunk on how fucked up indian street food is
I think he touched the lip of the glasses. Nasty but still better than dipping fingers in the food like indians do
Africans know to wash their hands before eating and to bury their waste, not play in the open sewer, etc.
>bury their waste, not play in the open sewer
Oh sweet summer child.
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What's with the ASMR at the end, lol.
I'll tell you one thing, and I'm not ashamed to say it, my estimation of Sam Pepper as a man just fucking plummeted.
Give him a break, will ya? It's an emotional day
Motherfucker pours the milk on his hand how can someone not be sick?
holt fucking shit. how is no one commenting on this? wtf?!

this is grotesque to the max.
He's not, that's one of Wolverines kids
You see that joke go by?
>my estimation of Sam Pepper as a man just fucking plummeted
Why was it ever above rock bottom? Dude looks like a faggot for sure but I've never seen him before
Looks good. If I ever get fluent in Japanese, I might try to pick up Chinese so I can visit Taiwan.
i've been eating rice dishes with my hands recently and it's been a positive experience.
however, eating with your hands out in the dirty street where there's probably no means of washing your hands is something i'm not open to yet.
I hate this one so fucking much, absolutely disgusting subhuman behavior
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Based blackmaxxer
Barry pepper was cooler
even literal african niggers are disgusted by the jeets
while I do think this guy is a faggot, the thought of bleeding to death in my sleep because the nurse didn't close some valve on my IV is kinda terrifying
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Human Digestive Tract
Indian Cuisine

His intravenous drip became an outyaveinous pour, hehe.
>americans when they see a meal that has no corn syrup within it
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>do I win
Nigga, did you see the posts before you? You're not even close.
>oh nice, he's wearing a gluuuuuuuaaaggghhhhhh
I had to google it to make sure it is actual name
Eating living, moving creature is animal tier behavior
>internet prankster
>got pranked himself
>not posting the steamed cat vid
she sounds cute~
love this guy. he's the absolute master of slop
>literally, actually, constantly honking
it's not like they're moving any faster
How do you as a man even cry like that? I try to imagine what would need to happen for me to cry like a little bitch and I can't.
anyone got the classic /ck/ egg fort webm? I haven't seen it in so long
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>why do strange diseases keep originating in China
lost it at 1:20
So basically Indian Food is the literal definition of goyslop?
After an entire thread of literal indian trash, this looks very appetizing since it's made by hygienic people.
looks like ebola
this is some of the most contrived bullshit i've ever read. The kind of seasoning ameriniggers and indians use are different universes entirely. The main difference is that to india, a lot of the spices are simply just locally growing herbs that have traditional use. Sure they might be unhygienic and retarded but it's retarded to suggest that thousands year old food tradition using local plants has anything to do with laury's or whatever that shit is. Also like so many fucking plants produce usable starches, and vegetables are also easy to come by anywhere. Americans are so fucking retarded holy shit
It's their superiority complex. They honk because they think they are empowered to do so. They're SO MUCH better than the other smelly poos in front of them.
lmao cope harder rajneesh
I can't wait until India and China to go to full scale war with each other and realize bio weapons and disease have no effect on each other.
does he know?
>kindergarten tier understanding of plant diversity and characteristics is a cope
why do americans brag about being retards? I really just don't get it
They allied against you. Guess you should have stopped the foreign invaders taking our jobs. Now no one will fight
imagine being so geopolitically retarded that you think china and india are allies
>anon writes a post about the availability of animal protein
>pajeet reads "plant diversity and characteristics"
I think by the time you created a homemade facehugger from Alien, you should have called it quits.
Nigga's gonna die by 50.
I have so much respect for people that can do things like this, I couldn't even pick one up
They literally shit in the streets
These people must have immune systems that rival Fort Knox.
angry blog
>they wear gloves in American restaurant kitchens
Fluid diarrhea food like that is mostly water with spices, very cheap to make
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too hygienic. too much ladle usage not enough hands.
What's the main ingredient in this one?
love <3
E. Coli
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>*BEP* *BEP*
It's never ending
>Plastic liner
>Boiled pork
>Prepared by bandaged hand
Hmmm, delicious
>eggs and bread slices on some leaves
If I absolutely had to eat indian shit street food, this might be it.

I get that they're street vendors, but it's extra funny for some reason purely from knowing it's india.
me at 0:32 on the right
retching atm, good thread
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Honking is a critical part of driving in India. I'm not even joking.

love the used laundry basket as kitchen container
Damn, I'd try this
>If I absolutely had to eat indian shit street food, this might be it.

I mostly agree, but he still HAS TO PUSH HIS BARE HANDS AGAINST EVERY SURFACE OF THE DISH AT EVERY STEP OF THE PROCESS instead of just using a fucking spatula and spoon. Basic kitchen tools are not expensive
Nice try, pajeet.
>chicken-fried watermelon with kool-aid dip
Damn, too bad he couldn’t work in some malt liquor
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Why would you ever think to do this? Who's like "I know, I'm going to kill a wasp's nest with alcohol poisoning, not just as a whackey slapstick way to kill bugs... OH NO. When I'm done I'm going to ceremonially COOK with the same alcohol that just killed some bugs." Someone point out how dumb I am - I don't get it.
It's always goop. Why is it always goop? Always. It's never anything other than goop. Every. single. time!
I was literally about to type the same thing! Fucking why??
It's so easy to spot fake racists trying to fit in.
I had almost forgotten what it looked like to see a street vendor using utensils and basic hygiene practices
I wonder who is gonna be the first chinese killed by that noodle machine
shut up! there's too many of them, you should encourage them to die.
Given a dire emergency, I could eat this
He looks so pozzed, like he is spreading his own strain of HIV so the other jeets grow immune to it.
I guess it's some kind of traditional Chinese medicine, where the suffering of other animals will increase your penis from 0,8in to 0,84in
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explain this bullshit.
what does intoxicating the wasps/bees and infusing the alcohol do for the flavor?
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Scoop this
I don't but I find their street food terrible, a shame for sure because they have some valid dishes
>doesn't show him actually eating it
IDK if respect is the right word anon...
I have a theory it's prob because they're vegetarian, if they had meat option maybe wouldn't like this, maybe.
mother fucker has the gall to make it look presentable by cutting off the crust and packaging it in a plastic wrap.
I'm not defending the bugmen, but it could be the same as
>I'm going to peel this disgusting poisonous thing called "potato", then I'm going to throw it into cold water and rub it, and then I'm going to throw it into hot water, then I'm going to wait till it's as soft as my shit was yesterday. This will sure make it not toxic and edible and tasty.
People did this kind of stuff thousands of years ago. No idea why China still does this in 2024.
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Goop goes in, goop goes out. Not a rocket science.
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This one is surprisingly okay by indian standards.
>egg fort
looks decent
A lot of things do that, but he gets flaccid again in a minute...
Maybe he just wanted to kill the wasps but didn't wanna waste the alcohol.
same goop goes back in sometimes
It's amazing how you can instantly tell it's not Indian street food. Even if she wasn't wearing gloves or the street was dirty, it's still not the same. It's like there is some sort of disgusting aura, some vile primordial grease that makes pajeet street food instantly unappealing.
He only scraped his hands all over it before cooking it! You actually have a chance of not catching a stomach virus from this one!
despite the lack of audio you can still feel the lack of honking
>its sort of like a very exotic bubble and squeak
what the FUCK is wrong with british people
suck on a twinkie faggot
Beep of horn.
>masks, gloves, aprons, hats, hair tied back, utensils
I'm getting whiplash after all the pajeet street food webms.
>bubble and squeak
that's a old tradition for using leftovers from say a Sunday roast like the veg etc. Often popular also during Christmas. Waste not want not.
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Nice fake news+ shitty AI

let me counter you with a 2 second google search

Halal meats means: The Islamic form of slaughtering animals or poultry, dhabiha, involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe. in order to drain the blood from the carcass

the consumption of blood is considered haram

that's how and why halal food are halal, spitting on the food is pagan bs more similar to India like slapping your food on the ground and gulping it with no respect for your bread
that's litteral rotting garbage, not even fit for pigs.
I watched this the other day and paid attention to what they were using and I lost my shit even more
>Cold spaghetti
>Canola oil
>Jam diluted in water
lol imagine crying like a bitch because your arm is bleeding
I'm just relieved he didn't eat the wasps
>Why would you ever think to do this?
Honestly, the general logic for it doesn't seem that much different than pickling or fermenting in general.
Both of those processes have a semi-homeopathic history of being toxic substances that turned out to make food taste good so I kinda get the logic for thinking that "Spicy bug taste gud". Most venomous things ironically are safe to eat anyway.
If anything, good on them for reusing the alcohol.

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