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>humor thread
>ancient tiktoks thread
zoomers have killed this website
Guys, i don't know who to root for on this one.
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Jesus fucking christ, this place used to be a bastion from the constant circle-jerks on the rest of the internet. Now its fucking boomer retards posting their retarded, facebook-tier political takes and pretending that's humor, hoping other people will join in and tell them their opinions are valid and real.
The kids are already ruined and will be thugs for the rest of their life. They're also likely to kill dogs.
Actual fantasy setting goblin.
why don't they have navels?
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>I must choice a side
Orcs aren't born they come from the mud
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>everytime I go to jail there's like 5 or 6 officers
people like this exist and really think they're the victims and don't do it to themselves. child mentality from a half formed brain.
pray they go for their guns and get taken out before they become adults and become everyone elses problem.
He's in jail, it's over for him. Assault of a family member and a string of felonies before that. He could easily end up doing a 4-5 year bid.
Oh man.
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I was just watching that, genuinely feel bad for laughing so hard before. Dude has serious problems.
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You whining won't make anything better, you have to fix the rest of the internet first.
Don't start threads pretending to be about something else because you want a hug from like-minded retards who don't function in society.
I don't even understand what I'm looking at, I can tell it's gambling but I don't get what this retard is trying to achieve
Anyone interested in that anon's "Why In Principle" clip here's the full 1 hour vid

what the fuck is the game even?
>everytime i go to jail there 5 or 6 officers
what an interesting and unsurprising admission
Could we convince the nurture only leftoid side to support the idea for the state to forcibly take all these kids from unsuitable black households, raise them properly with all the opportunity for success that entails, and see if they turn out alright?
Online gambling
He's a gambling addict, for him, it is not about achieving something, it's about clicking the "play" button as many times as possible.
ATF are generally scumbags from what I've seen and those kids are absolutely ruined. There's no hope for either one sadly
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lol how the fuck is this shit legal it's not even a game at this point it's just some weirdly psychologically hacking game to make retarded apes keep throwing money away

it's like they've literally remote hacked their way into this guys wallet through his brain
Atf shouldn't exist. The police and FBI can take care of their globohomo shit. We don't need more glowies with guns.
They burned and gunned down a house full of innocent people in Waco.
Fuck glowies
So that's why Kamala the cannibal supports keep chanting weird as an insult.
Lmao. It just means normal people. Lol
Based. Fuck Mike brown
Homos are so fucking weird. We understood this in the 90s. Why are alphies so scared to call out these mentally ill perverts
how lucky do you think those black cops feel right now
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>fucking take a fighting stance on me
oh man I LOVEEE it! cracking niggers till they pop is such a joy man hah!
Huh, never heard the "his ass is gonna blow" line before. Australian syndication had so many weird minor edits.
>2 year olds learning they can get away with punching ATF fags
based, hope they both kill each other in 10-16 years
Imagine just body slamming these wogs
Ironic. Let me guess, you also think the flart posters are genuine.
kek this guy is awesome
what's crazy is I'd still go for the crackhead over that fat cow
you're looking at the results of synaptic over-pruning. to you and me, gambling this way is stupid since we can grasp the concept of the gambler's fallacy(probability has no memory).
synaptic under pruning results in either high or low functioning autism, with outbursts at the low end due to sensory overload.
Whats wrong with ATF?
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They don't let you have any of the fun guns.
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Las creaturas...
It's called foster care and the kids get raped even more there then in their homes
A virtual dice game, he chooses a number and if he rolls above that number he wins, with higher chosen numbers giving bigger payout. In that particular webm he chose 50.50 so he literally has a less than 50% chance to win for barley any payout
Fuck foster care, these orclings belong in a zoo.
Here's the thing tho, it was a deleted scene, as far as I know.
Drugs destroys lives. Death penalties to drug dealers including but not limited to drug lords, importers, suppliers, wholesalers and little Tyrone who's only slinging baby powder to make ends meet.
he fucked your mom though, so who really won in the end?
>zepbound: $200
>HU6 prodrug: $800
>Laser tattoo removal: $4000
>Swiping left: priceless
It was shown officially in a clip show episode in season 7.
>That boomer and Karen in the background staring at her

Why do boomers always do this? They go to sit down restaurants or patios and rudely stare at people.
They never have good conversations with friends because they burned all the people they know long term. All their stories are he said she said bs. Their only hobby or passion are real estate scams and complaining the youth makes too much.
So these sacks of filth stare and people with life in them. Like an indoor cat staring out the window at an outdoor cat.
As pathetic as this makes boomers look, I will still pick a fight with a boomer if they look at me the wrong way
>Another corrupt gubberment agency wants guns and the authority to use them
>They don't want citizens to have guns or the authority to use them

If you don't get it, then your a cucked bootlicker
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I don't get it because I'm not an American LoL.
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>flip flop on what is legal or not
>thing that was legal for years isn't anymore... BECAUSE WE SAID SO OK
>have no legal basis to interpret/reinterpret what is legal or illegal in the first place
>retarded vague rulings turn millions of americans into potential felons overnight
many such case, see pistol braces for latest example

though the guy in the vid is just a grunt and doesn't have much to do with the decision making, he may still enforce unconstitutional bullshit
that's not a boomer, just someone with a chud face, everything else you said is true though
>do retarded bullshit
>get stared at
gee what a fucking mystery
No your a bootlicker. Your orc webm proves it
Yes that is a boomer thing. You always see their ugly melting faces staring at something furrowing their brows in a vain attempt at understanding.
>Faggot uses a VHS slur
Lmao. Your lame and pathetic beyond belief
Not him but what's a VHS slur
I hope you fuck with some NRA fudd and he turns you into a grease stain.
I am not him nor her. Yeah what does it mean? Can you explain?
What a pathetic retard. Also that’s not a boomer and I share that woman’s look of disgust. Kindly kys.
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Post tits or gtfo
>when she drank the hand sanitizer
I'm takin that bitch home

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That staring girl is like 20, you sperg.
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She is post wall. Now post tits or gtfo
>Washes food in the bathtub
Wow, she really is Indian
>least fake chinkfluencer
>I am not him nor her
So you're not a person then? Generative AI? Fascinating, please tell us about how advanced your model is.
Whats the song in the first few seconds? Havent heard it in ages
zoomers have no fucking idea how to act in public.
you're a one dumb fucking underaged faggot. hopefully you'll get raped by feral niggers
I was about to comment on how strange foreign media is, but then I remembered that this exists.
kek its the fucking seagulls from finding nemo
Filming yourself in public should be punishable by death, fuck this retarded chick
these people forget other languages exist
>act like a fucking retard in public
>get attention
Yeah, not that complicated. Cry more.
I really have to x2kpdhlearn Spanish.
I refuse to believe that's not milk and apple juice. I just refuse.
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theres a difference between strange and disgusting for sure
is she drinking hand sanitizer?
Love you like a Love song Selena gomez
Why not every link in the chain? Just get rid of the fucking lot, a consumer may as well have dealt it just the same. No demand, no supply.
Click the button and instantly win or lose. It's really skirting the line of addict abuse.
>act for attention
>get attention
>"Why is she getting all this attention?"
Are you being jealous or retarded? Either way kill yourself faggot.
>laugh track while no one gives a shit
Lost there
ive been locked up in jails and wards, alcoholics commonly drink hand sanitizers
I thought those used isopropyl. Or did they switch to ethanol after too many of these mentally degraded people got sick trying to drink hand sanitizer? Personally I think anyone desperate enough to drink hand sanitizer really deserves to die from the poisoning, but try explaining that to the hungry civil rights lawyers.
Nobody is suing hand sanitizer companies for people drinking it retard.
>injury claims are a civil rights matter
I really don’t think you’re one to call others mentally degraded.
>trying this hard
>calling others a retard isn’t choosing a side
>he fucked your mom
That isn’t always the flex you think it is.
it's fake, not real jizz or pee just looks alike..you know ..for the show
michael japson
i have no clue about their contents, i just know from experience having witnessed people pump and drink from them.
shut tf up autistic nigger

The original episode just had Mr Burns closing his door and homer rang the doorbell and ran.

This was as
pointed out in a clip show episode.
No one forces retards to take drugs.
That shoe noped the fuck out of his foot as soon as gunfire started
>doubles down on his retardation
feels good knowing those noglets will all be dead in a decade
One of the only times you wil ever think "wow they sure are lucky they got to drink donkey piss"
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even as a joke race mixers are disgusting
do something good then, asshole
gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun
*7 seconds pass*
*mag dump*

expert tacticians
what if this is a meta-bait, to make real users think people fall for bait easily?
she looked completely vexed by the crackhead's dialogue, and full of contempt near the end
>by the crackhead's dialogue
around 0:14
it's not like the fatso who took a whole business day to load his mag was any better
she says it right the first time, she's playing a character
yeah true
god i wonder what he thought would happen, just standing there idly loading a gun
i just feel like police should be more coordinated than this, but idk how.
Holy fuck, gain some whimsy you dullard
nooo you have to be resentful & throw yourself into the gears
go back to your containment spam generals on /x/ and stay there
Why don't these people just play poker or sports betting? i mean, what's the point of playing vs a boring software that's already programmed to win
they wouldn't wish me goodnight on /bant/ :(
I love when teenagers become pompous armchair psychologists
El duende y la goblina de gordo
Every chemical is a drug, you fucking dunce.
hardly a boomer, is it? Fuck your kike divisive labels, but pick it with me and I'll fucking kill you, kike.
LMAO this
you speak like a right blithering pish posh poncy poofy nonce you do
I love when teenagers are apparently smarter than everyone else but never offer their own explanations.
You won't do shit, faggot HAHAHAHAHA you're a limp-wristed reject like everyone else here.
race mixer spotted
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imagine defending this adhd zoomer fatty
that's like thai or viatnamese or something
>an entire clip into that nigga
a bit excessive
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Even the weirdos watching the trainwreck live are demanding that he stop while he's ahead and cash
Not enough money. Which means not enough productive workers to cover the resources in goods and services to cover the people taken out (or reduced in participation) of the economy to provide for the professionals acting as new parents and not enough skilled individuals to actively make a difference to act as parents.
Because if there are no property rights then there are no rights at all. There is no "the leopard will only eat 30% of your face". If we think it is the government's place to dictate, regulate and "social engineer" our society, then it will do so to the greatest extent it can.
Most people have always been retards but they used to leave their retardation at home and try to be polite and respectful in public or face the consequences in the form of social ostracism, until bored people in the internet started celebrating unwelcome behavior.
Now those normal people who just want a date and a good meal have to deal with a maniac fatso ruining their date, filming them, probably making loud noise, and acting like a retard for internet clout.
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>chinese tiktok
jeez dude, dvach really better, at least as webm resource
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tik tok is 8 years old. that's like half of the average tik tok user's entire life.
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that's surprisingly clever
im curious what he used for it
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Do you have a source, by any chance? Thanks.
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>tik tok is 8 years old
sometimes people dont die fast, especially ham planets. If they have a gun, you definitely mag dump them.
Not bad.
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the glass was probably bulletproof anyway
>Donald taking shit from Mickey instead of ramming an oar up his ass
I have doubts.
kek, its shitty but ita just derived enough to be funny
you know nothing about firearms and combat and as such should not be providing your uneducated opinion you stupid retard
he had to shoot as many times as they said gun, police station policy
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thats great
In the US there are laws that try to protect gambling addicts, so there are facilities (like crypto currency trading) that try to provide the gambling experience with being subject to those laws. For example, lawful poker or sports betting sites might make some effort to prevent people from going into debt to gamble further.
People high enough can still act after multiple gunshots. You can never be too sure if it's your own life on the line.
sauce on the devochka, tovarisch?
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he was probably annoyed that the cops were taking so long to kill him. i wonder if his gun was even functional.
Why does he did painting hes nails?
I lost so hard anon thank you
China did it, they pulled through. They gave us a wonderful toy. I for one accept their offering of good will.
Yeah all those peoples lives being destroyed by huffing citric acid and hydrogen bro
you're such a sucker if you think you'll ever see even a dime of that money if the government actually taxed the rich.
i'm just tired of you mealy mouthed retards that still talk as if the government is benign and at worst ignorant, or senseless like an instrument.
>i'm just tired of you mealy mouthed retards that still talk as if the government is benign and at worst ignorant, or senseless like an instrument.

Exactly. It's a hostile enemy
it's ai + voiceover....
wtf this is actually good
fuck off no it ain't
This isn't the depression/feels thread
You brain is scrambled if you can't find that even a little bit funny.
Maybe even a lmao
This is actually pretty impressive. I can't help but wonder how he filmed it.
it doesnt look like ai? at all
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Fucking lmao
you'd need a literal stable full of horses to get enough semen to fill just one jug, and it's not easy to get it out of them either. Don't ask me how I know
Emma Roberts
Those cats are fucking huge
Small camera
gambling addicts are all subhumans
reserve your pity for the people who actually deserve it, like the family member that subhuman assaulted
God made sure they couldn't swim when the flood came to cleanse Eden.
what a vibrant culture
Hitting concrete from that height is like fucking a fighter jet.
bro.. the hands in the washing machine... plus it's fucking physically impossible

AND this was posted on an ai thread
>akshully im above everyone
Whoever typed the captions was wrong about the words. Why even bother with it only to use incorrect words?
Dishes. Not food.
Spanish for Mountain Blacks?
He's up $10,000, $20,000 and blows it every time. It's always the same. I know a guy like this. He would lose everything with a home online thing like that. He used to lose his entire paycheck at the bar in the video poker machines. We were all getting drunk but he was on those machines like a worse drug. He'd have like triple his paycheck and we'd all tell him to cash out but nope, he thought he could still do even BETTER than that. He sincerely thought he could double it again, and maybe even again. They absolutely have to lose it all every time. If they have money they have hope of ending up rich, even though every time they actually get there they can't cash out. It's so sick and they know it but when in the throes of a gambling bender they're powerless. I feel so, so awful for the families. My buddy just fucked himself luckily. And I guess his mom who usually helped him out of his jams when he lost his money before paying the bills.
Richard Simmons bot?
4chan probably hates these guys like every other colored or partially colored person. Deplorables.
I assumed the black people would be the problem if the video was posted here. Refreshing.
that's not a problem to you? LaQuisha is ten thousand pounds and nothing about that stood out to you?
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They're 'the man'; a government entity. 4chan is suddenly filled with redneck militia types who want a revolution and a race war in the streets and they believe the government is their enemy. I guess because of covid or some other schizo conspiratard reasons. Already saw someone saw Waco were innocent victims. I wouldn't be surprised if there were Northwest Front sympathizers here. This site has become the place for extremists who take full advantage of their freedom of speech here. They don't really understand what that is though because they want to shut down or even kill people who they disagree with. And then have the audacity to say it's the other side who really wants to do it.... just sometime in the future. So they'll beat them to the punch with violence now before that can happen. I've read some wild shit on here. But these loonies are such a small slice of the actual populace. No one takes them seriously because they don't organize outside of the internet. They're chickenshit closeted haters who keep their mouths shut when they actually do leave their mothers' basements.
How the fuck can you see that video and conclude the people in the background are the problem?? Boomers are elderly, you retard. It's not an attempt at understanding it's complete disgust, which is the correct reaction to someone dancing for pancakes like a monkey while their phone records them. You're a piece of shit.
vertical videos are poison
Are you the kid in the hallway video hissing at "too many NPCs" that you "gotta mess with"? lol
I always thought Caine's punishment of "being marked" by God was blackened skin for himself and his descendants. That's what blacks are, Cain's descendants.
Italian for black mountain
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more ES pls :)
I'm sorry, but did you see a sign on the building that said alive nigger storage?
Wow, so you can't turn it off. You cannot possibly enjoy things without the bitter racist simmering to the surface and ruining it for you.
What an existence...
In the game of dopamine release the pointless method is much faster. The guy is some sort of extremist. Quite sick. I saw a Louis Theroux episode in Las Vegas where a guy was feeding hundred dollar bills into a slot type game. It was just as random as the guy on the computer but at least it had spinning graphics and noises and colorful explosions and shit. And it wasn't just betting thousands per click as fast as you can go. The guy may have lost 300,000 bucks on the TV show but at least he made a weekend out of it, had a few drinks and a comped room. Sickness, all of it.
No grey areas with this guy!
Do you think 'bastion' means 'sanctuary'?
Thank you for not being gore.

Some incels just want to watch the world burn.
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You're conflating navel with 'naval' I'm guessing, like the Navy is in the water because you're reminded of swimming?
Racists are always so ignorant it's hard to understand what they're trying to say.
The schizo white lunatic was the issue. Everyone is pretty fat these days. If you see that clip and only see a fat woman and that's your problem you're being very selectively upset. I know that's your job though, to be edgy and pick little fights about not being racist enough. You're a sad little bitch.
I live in the PNW and every time I get frustrated by housing inflation and cost of living in my state, I think of it as a bargain that I don't have to live around real niggers.
The duality of man
You'd have to either be fresh out of high school, an illegal immigrant, gay, or living in a mainstream media bubble, to think the politicians who run the government hadn't already declared themselves your enemy. Unfortunately that describes most people.
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At least learn what a boomer is man you're embarrassing me
no one's convinced that you're a genuine 4chan user, tranny.
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"Boomer" is no longer a generation, but a mindset. Anyone can become a boomer and not even know it, so you better be careful or you'll end up assuming responsibility for all the things that people blame actual people born between 1950 and 1970 for.
Hilarious and utterly grim. It's over.
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t. smokes weed every day but swears he's not addicted.
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thanks fren(s) <3
you too <3
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last one from me
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>ayyyy blyaaaat
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I don't disagree with harsh punishments for dealers and smugglers, but if we don't punish users it won't be enough. Users are the real "Mr Big"
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Sound warning.
Provided the punishment mostly consists of compelling to get them used to living without drugs, sure. But it needs to be swift to be effective, waiting for a year to get the trial is too much, and as far as I'm concerned a violation of the right to a speedy trial.
imagine hitting her in the head with a rock.

shut up you fucking retarded nigger lover
>/ck/ coffee general
I'm glad you wrote this long post to let everyone know you suck dick and eat cum and put cocks in your ass.
is this like some kind of cuckold fetish?
the way they sit back down near the end was gold
The people who wrote this scene are bitter racists.
why did nobody tell me this was a thing?
this is my seat; it was made for me
i don't believe she's 24
always wondered what the story was behind this one
both sides complaining are fucking insufferable, this is a humour thread
whenever someone talks rogan up like he's some kind of legend, i always think of how he used to do shit like that for a living
Someone was never around in the early days of 4chan. go back to your echo chamber that is reddit
he used to shrink down women and rape them in there but they all died from ligma
For you.
>amerinigger scum race politics shoved into thread
>both sides bad ackshually
genuine question: Who the fuck are the pathetic losers who posts rage bait in humor threads
like the fligu incels etc, who are they? Do they think they're getting something out of it?
>filename isn't [bitching intensifies]
File: t'ird.webm (4 MB, 480x360)
4 MB
Anyone have the halloween window watch clip with all the outtakes, including approaching and leaving the window between clips?
My expectation were thoroughly subverted.
Is that Saul Goodman's voice?
I don't understand this at all
he looks like LA Beast
Yeah, Bob Odenkirk was involved with the production of Tim and Eric.
When I was a teenager I thought late twenties was old too. Now I'm mid thirties and feel old as fuck despite still being quite young in the grand scheme of things.
File: lebanon_nuke.webm (916 KB, 640x864)
916 KB
police niggers are fucking nuts. The average non police shootings are resolved in 1-2 shots. Police niggers are supposed to kill people. I obviously dont care about criminals, but people often die because of this retarded policy.
the nuclear option
>all those seething replies
>quite young in the grand scheme of things.
35 is middle age.
lol no
fyi , there are 20t nukes in existence. Just as there are 0.2kt ones.
If they used nukes, even small ones, it would be global news.
I'm sure it's deadly in context, but i got buddies that do multiple rails of fent daily, and they brag about how the tiniest little bump will kill normal people.
>full grown niggers acting like something is wild and crazy
Oh okay, i guess niggers are the new voice of reason around the world and the entire planet doesn't want niggers out of their countries.
Don't do this, not only is the car in the street dangerous, but if that glass gives out and shrapnel gos flying you might end up deaded. Plastic and thick pieces of paper like cardboard flying off from explosions is enough to cut you, plastic especially will slice through you like butter, glass will definitely take pieces of bone out with it.
I can't stand this about shitskins, always sitting like they're taking a shit.
>have you heard of the high elves
Oblivion audio makes the world better, Skyrim meh.
When I was young I thought 30's was young. Now I realize 20 is old for a woman.
read it again retard
whimsy my balls in your mouth
its ok Goofy Killed them both in their sleep
what is...
me at :56
shut the fuck up.
>If there would be a huge discovery of basically all major poltitical figures being involved in an organized money laundering scheme, it would be global news
oh wait, panama papers

Please consider that nuclear weapons used against Ukraine would be global news, yes. But not if Israel uses them.
You're quite skilled at juggling being a retard and a faggot. Nice job anon.

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