share black guys being based
some of you blackies are alright
>>5683806>open guys door>tossed like a bitch>g-get the fuck out of here>omg its on video!!>hey hes got arrows in his car, we need people down here nowwho are these fucking faggots? antifa wannabes?
>based black guysone of Mikhail Tal's best games as black. Beating the former world champion in 22 moves is pretty based if you ask me.
>>5683807>and they drove straight into a lamp post
>>5683807The only thing this has me thinking is why the fuck are old people that can barely move driving?
>>5684022Kek is there a story to this? Just trying to make onlyfans money or did he think being hit would be hotter than it was?
>>5683807even with their asses hanging out, they are good lads
>>5683807kinodam i would love i raw unedited version of this
do women count
>>5684988I too have a camera rolling when I argue with my girlfriend.Staged as fuck to make him appear badass. Pathetic really.
>tfw no big booty schizo nazi KWEEN>>5685008it's obviously a bit for tiktok or something
>>5684990this is one of those gay as fuck youtubers who pretend to be cops or bounty hunters. How stupid are you?
>>5685022Based Ye George Bush had fooled us with the war on "terror" same with Trump fooled us with his policies.
>>5685041tragedy is ye fauns over trump despite how kiked he is
I won the thread
>>5685056Based black dungaree man.
Based black woman
>>5685041Never go full retard, son.
>>5684026by resignation, not checkmate
>>5684985fake and gay
>>5685010they're correct.
>>5685022fuckin classic
>>5685041>and he brings up trump>tds isn't realshut the fuck up
>>5685107How am I wrong with Bush's foreign policies and the impact it caused then and up till this day in the middle-east and globally. This includes Bush's administration of allocating majority of the country's resources to the middle-east instead of preparing for the hurricane, the landfall and the aftermath. How is Kanye wrong with how the media portrayed desperate black people as criminals, and first responders prioritizing evacuation of white families stuck on roof instead of black families. Are these favoritism immune to criticism or are you just going to spout the same old 4chin lingo?
>>5685194>he is unable to make a connection between the previous two republican presidents Grim.
>>5684983Fucking Kino
>>5685449>implying there is no problemgod I can't wait for it to be your problem
>Based Black Manthe term is Honorary Aryan
>>5684983Absolute soul
>>5684208Because no one will take care of them At that point you best check out
>>5683890>antifa wannabes?no, that's the real antifa. they really are that pathetic
>>5685085cringe buck broken nigga
>>5685041kys tds fag. go early vote for your mutt cunt who never earned a single deligate in an american primary election
>>5684993Guy looks a bit like black Sam Hyyde
>>5685988if you hate the truth, nothing will get better.
>>5686656dammit today at work i thought about making a webm of this but forgotthank you
>>5685053>Pastor, your time is up here>That makes two of usHoly fuck. Go get 'em.
>>5687102>dropping the ProtocolsI kneel.
>>5683806>Is that somebody's phone there?Damn that's one swishy voice. Lol
>>5685008you are such a fuckin loser. 90% of tik tok/reels/whatever is skits and everyone is aware of it.
>>5683805Does anyone have the original?
>>5685085>dumb faggot streamer.webmdelete yourself
>>5687103absolutely based
>>5685184ikr? the idea of black people holding guns in itself is just fake as fuck. whatever racist made this video needs to try harder
>>5690068no dumb dumb, play that shit frame by frame.also a gun at that range, just a little hole in your foot? no. especially his little feminime bitch feet
>>5685194>>5685999how many jewish and black criminals is he going to pardon this time?
>>5683806>90% of America will never know how it feels to shoot a leftist
>>5684015Always remember the difference between the civilized black man and the nigga just like with the civilized white man and the redneck
>>5684994damn that me me laugh
>>5684994god i wish i had that improv skill
>>5684321>storyYou fucking retarded? You the person that keeps giving rings of power and disney star wars money?
>>5684993Lost it.
>>5685445based webmdidn't read what you typed tho good stuff>>5685053based
>>5685035This should unironically spread throughout the world.
>>5685005lmaoo>5685010she's absolutely correct
>>5685041israel support is bipartisan, the only way to win is to leave america and pay taxes to a government that doesnt give trillions to a jewish country who treats us just like they would china and russia, spying on us and stealing nuclear materials to develop WMD's that they are completely forgiven for while we start wars with countries like Iraq who never had anything close to the stolen uranium to develop unsanctioned nuclear arms in the 80's. And the dancing Israelis on 9/11
>>5685023I hate alex jones so much
>>5685028Malcolm was too based
>>5683806Every day I wait for an unhinged an hero to just pull out a fully auto weapon and spray into a crowd of these pathetic faggots.
>>5684022If the roles were reversed here you know the nigga would be in jail. Women have no tact and don't know how to control their strength like a man.
>>5685013The fact that he had to censor jewish just speaks volumes
>>5685041Go back on /pol/ JIDF ffs
>>5691704>at that range, just a little hole in your foot?You know its just a piece of metal going fast right? what's it supposed to do? explode if the target is less than 10 feet from the gun?
>>5685053Kill all liberals.
>>5695797kill me
>>5686656I wonder if homosexuals laugh this video off despite the fact that everything he's saying is true.
>>5695788god I hope this is bait.
>>5691806we should execute them all instead
>>5684994scripted or not, cringe or based, i wish i could control myself to not laugh when talking bullshit like that, i always start to giggle in the middle of it and ruin it. i dont even know if its a skill to not laugh, maybe i was born to laugh at myself.
>>5687102Unironically, the day poor whites and poor blacks start working together is the end of the Western elite. Seriously, if Communism ever happens in the US it's going to be Commisar Cleetus and Commissar Jamal redistributing Jewish wealth. This is why (((they))) push race war shit so much. (((Their))) greatest fear is that the oppressed goyim will awaken and attack their real enemy.
>>5695788try it yourself and post the result.
>>5695797DAS RITE!!!
>>5685022the cut to chris tucker is so fucking funny
>>5685010>cop slips on the paint>friends help him up and call an ambulance LMAO
>>5701407>they'll put the blame on whites, on italian, Subtle but made me kek.
>>5683806I fucking HATE protestors so much, mostly because they're always starting shit they can't finish and they play the victims. What faggots.
>>5701612why do you think they do that?you think they're just born that way?"hmmm, today i will abuse my parents and then throw myself into the gears :D"
>>5686656>>5695809That's what all these types do, they try to pass it off as ridiculous despite it being completely accurate, hoping to make other people disregard it due to that. Remember "islamic rayguns"? Well as it turns out, aside from his bongspeak accent, he was indeed 100% correct about Islamic rape gangs in Britain, almost a decade before anyone else.
>>5689625bumping for this
>>5695809Nothing he said is true.
>>5703071Wtf was that at the end
>>5703104My guess is it's a fragile package and it broke during that scuffle
>>5683805Posting dead ones would be against the rules
>>5695809I dont do that
>>5703160Good shit
>>5684994Sauce on girl?
>>5685179do you know anything about chess retard?
>>5704726no. I'm sure you'll tell us all about it.
>>5697188"duping delight" is something a ton of mammals (most primates) experience. It tickles us to dupe others. Its built into us to laugh at our own bullshit because it's *fun and hilarious to bullshit*
>>5685035The part of the program trying to install the idea that it's exceptional because they don't have degrees is mindboggling. What these men do IS exceptional, but to act as if the only people qualified to save troubled children are those who went to school for it is such a harrowing concept. Have we become so dysfunctional as a society that the idea of elderly wisdom is now lost? That experienced souls aren't enough?
>>5704208>2 women as a choice for presidentwhat the fuck man.
>>5703327Fallschirmjager, one of the million remixes.
>>5694628I'm sorry you're so easily programmed. I can't imagine replying "I hate colbert so much" whenever I see a video of him. You have advanced mental illness
>>5702178Leftist millennials in the UK still quote that ray guns shit to this day thinking they're so funny and clever. All they can do is ridicule and manipulate, they are totally unable to argue in good faith because they know damn well that their worldview is at odds with reality.
>>5706536It's all part of the propaganda machine. We can't have people teaching children "the wrong way" no no no, we "need" people who went to "esteemed" liberal colleges that preach and push leftist ideologies to be the only ones guiding our youth!
>>5687105Only thing that would have been better is if he just pulled out a gun right there and killed the schoolboard member. His time is up on Earth, Pastor's time is up being a free man.
>>5685085>black people are normal peopleHow can you say this while also calling them protected people? Lmao. That's like saying people with special needs are normal people.
>>5685449Should be legal to run over pedestrians that are purposefully and maliciously blocking roads.
>>5713202>Neega momentoBased
>>5713202first time seeing the Japanese dubtop kekdo you happen to know if there one for this version?
>>5685031she lost all credibility when she became a flat earth retard
>>5694628I can forgive the fact that he has cognitive dissonance over WW2 being a lie and the new world order being jewish, because whether he likes it or not he's one of the most effective countersemites on earth
>>5716987He knows it's all jews. He calls them ((globalist bankers)). He tries to avoid directly calling out jews to stay on the air. But Jews took him off the air and didn't even have a charge or anything
>>5685988webm caught me of guard kek
>>5685023I think its so great that you can have 3 mentally unhinged people so radically disconnected from reality have their own talkshow.
>>5713384fuckin brutal lmao
>>5718686Explain to us what reality is. These 3 people are speaking the truth. Tell me was it before or after when West named the Jew did he lose most of his fortune and all of his problems started?
>>5685041>>5685445Your effort is admirable but there is no helping these people, they want to believe in their made-up version of the world.>>5695777Look at this, you're apparently JIDF for opposing the most pro-Israel candidate. MAGA cult, zero critical thinking skills and no processing of information that goes contrary to their false reality.
>>5715000That would immediately undone all the all his doing that day and wold be the least based shit under the sun. How was this nonsense wet dream approved by trips.
>>5697427You did well wherever you are ....and i feel what ya sayn bro
>>5706536Preach brother...oh lord
>>5691853usa left isnt left
>>5701441kek'd too
>>5684983If these guys had a hollywood budget they could single handedly save the film industry
>>5685010Do these heroes have a kickstarter or a PO box so I can mail them more paint?
>>5684022I want ot be beat like that by a Ebony Goddess
>>5685028who taught you to hate your own kind
>>5706536i saw an *nd**d j*b p*st requiring a masters degree to run a kindergarten daycare
>>5685039better to read and build things than spend all ur time learning to fight
>>5685040psyopparents loving their children is like butter on toast
>>5685081i feel like blacks are coerced to go to church esp when theyre immigrants
>>5685081i dont believe jews have more power than whites
>>5685085blacks are gatekept out of basically everything white. they probably live in a state of fear every day. u never know if ur gonna die for walking down the street. in some places its worse than others. id be surprised if u could go out of the house one day of the year without being called a slur or being told to go back where u came from. member the black jeopardy snl skit? 'i feel like no matter what i say i cant win' 'thats the blackest thing uv said all day!' who knows what lengths whites go to to keep blacks out. if everywhere u go, ur told to go back where u can from, how ru supposed to accomplish anything? i feel like blacks are in a state of total control under whites... whites encourage them to deal drugs. the elites need them to smuggle the drugs for them. thats white sanctioned black crime. on the face of it it looks like blacks are just stupid and bad, but they are aggressively kept away from accomplishing anything. neal tyson said he was called a n- while at mit. he has accomplished a decent amount despite that. the problem that is harder to surmount is the fact that skin color, hair curliness, stature, etc. do matter. they reflect the place ur ancestors grew up in for milennia. we are different, and if we are different, then we are in competition. if were in competition, then were at war. malcom x said integration is impossible. he said blacks should go back to africa or form their own country within the usa. fat chance of that... i dont believe whites are that much smarter than blacks. there are a lot of dumb whites out there. and a lot of whites who treat me as a white guy extremely badly. even if the difference in intelligence is .01%, what does it matter if u never read? the average white american reads 0 books per year. if the playing field was level, blacks would be able to accomplish more. im not saying that the answer is to level the playing field. but blacks have to stop falling for the violence con.
>>5721893>>5685085blacks are gatekept out of basically everything white. they probably live in a state of fear every day. u never know if ur gonna die for walking down the street. in some places its worse than others. id be surprised if u could go out of the house one day of the year without being called a slur or being told to go back where u came from. member the black jeopardy snl skit? 'i feel like no matter what i say i cant win' 'thats the blackest thing uv said all day!' who knows what lengths whites go to to keep blacks out. if everywhere u go, ur told to go back where u can from, how ru supposed to accomplish anything? i feel like blacks are in a state of total control under whites... whites encourage them to deal drugs. the elites need them to smuggle the drugs for them. thats white sanctioned black crime. on the face of it it looks like blacks are just stupid and bad, but they are aggressively kept away from accomplishing anything. neal tyson said he was called a n- while at mit. he has accomplished a decent amount despite that. the problem that is harder to surmount is the fact that skin color, hair curliness, stature, etc. do matter. they reflect the place ur ancestors grew up in for milennia. we are different, and if we are different, then we are in competition. if were in competition, then were at war. malcom x said integration is impossible. he said blacks should go back to africa or form their own country within the usa. fat chance of that... i dont believe whites are that much smarter than blacks. there are a lot of dumb whites out there. and a lot of whites who treat me as a white guy extremely badly. even if the difference in intelligence is .01%, what does it matter if u never read? the average white american reads 0 books per year. if the playing field was level, blacks would be able to accomplish more. im not saying that the answer is to level the playing field. but blacks have to stop falling for the violence con.
>>5721893the average white american doesnt fear for his physical safety when he sees a jew. he does when he sees a black.
>>5698199liesabs r bodyfat percentage
>>5701612ur glowing a bit
>>5721904I think he's implying the rest of your 'regiment" is taken care of (diet, etc)
>>5701675dolphins brains are larger than humans arent they
>>5703071keep yo hair rolled up when u go out or de otha monkeys will get jalous
>>5718841sounds like hank hill
>>5683805Not all blacks are niggers and not all niggers are black.
>>5721906then he should have said 'u want this? then reduce ur weight gradually" and not mentioned ab exercises
>>5718686People are starting to notice, rabbi.
>>5685031Marriage material.
>>5685085i enjoy hate-watching hasan. CatTime OOOOH MY GOD I WILL VOTE CatTimeI WILL VOTE CatTimePOR DONAL TROM CatTimeCatTimeOOOOH MY GOD I WILL VOTE CatTimeI WILL VOTE CatTimePOR DONAL TROM CatTime
>>5721888>I don't believe jews should have more power than Whites.fify
>>5715008Some state passed a law not to convict motorists if they hit protestors while fleeing.
>>5703160Love this one.
>>5695788>What is fragmentation and hydrostatic shock?
>>570144110/10 film
>>5683807People who can't move being put in chance of a motor vehicle
>>5683805SS CHICKEN WAFFEN! i dont got any other black websm but i got this one for you all
>>5719622This absolutely never fails to make me smile.
>>5704208He's right.
>>5719622DAS RITE
>>5685035>>5687103cool idea but I'm genuinely confused where they find the time to do this? don't they have day jobs?
>>5722371I knew Jim Carrey was black...
>>5721911>hwell back in my day you niggas would have been selling propain instead of drugs, and toting lumber instead of glocks
>>5721885You're assuming that's all they did for 3 years. You know what they say about assumptions
>>5685039good guy, more people need male figures like this in their life who have patience and don't lash out over failure
>>5685040>treat son like shit like he's a problem that should have never been born>pretend doing the bare minimum requirement is good parenting and nothing else matters>wonder why their children don't grow up to be functioning adults>kid grows up thinking it's good parenting and continues the cycle of resentment and angerSad, parents like this beat their kids asses relentlessly over the smallest inconveniences
>>5721887if anything they're coerced by their parents a lot. I know other black people have had the same experience as kids that i did where the parents basically say you better get your ass ready for church or I'm going to beat your ass and you better not cry in there. now that I'm an adult we just laugh about it but by that point we genuinely do enjoy going to church. a lot of black churches though just give people the excuse to sing and holler without really knowing the bible or Jesus and a lot of black churches straight up say Jesus was black soooo yeah. it's almost like stockholm syndrome for a lot of blacks in a way where you say "damn I'm really glad my parents threatened me with violence to get me used to going to church"
>>5723369u cant be a good fighter unless ur dedicated, hours every single day
>>5724257Good advice.
>>5723872robots wont have any patience for the circus of religion... maybe they willim not going to any church. not to organize with my fellow whites once a week. im not getting on my knees and pretending to eat some jewish magician and drink his blood.u have other religions that are tied to the land ur ancestors grew up in. they have nothing to do with the sand people and their water into wine crap, and le bad merchants, etc. same how vikings have stories of gods being born out of ice. it has nothing to do with a legal system created by jewish rabbis getting together and debating about the existence of one god above black churches... u guys r obviously blackifying the orthodoxy. on some level u have to in order to continue surviving in america... ill tell u, white people in america dont fear physical harm from jews, but they do from blacks. u need to do ur utmost to keep ur family together, and discourage ur friends from being violent, and encourage them to read and to learn. the vikings were colonized, and eventually fought back, but we realized that civilization and technology will win the day. we read the christian science books, the muslim algebra, and we built bridges and buildings. u guys need to read and learn stuff in ur bedroom if ur gatekept out of colleges and u need to stop killing people... im not saying sell ur soul and wear a suit. maintain ur dignity, but u have to be knowledgeable, nonviolent, and helpful to all those around u.
>>5724269I don't go to black churches lol
>>5723865I'd like to see the entire play before I extrapolate all that.
>>5724269plus there is literally nothing i can do to prevent black people from being violent lol they're going to be like that wherever they go, that's just how blacks are and I've accepted that, it's up to the countries they have been accepted in to keep them in check. I'm not violent or anything and have never had the urge to hurt anyone, never been in a fight, never felt the need to resort to violence or provoke people into fighting but 99% of black people are just not like that. being mixed with mulatto probably helps curb that ticking time bomb all blacks have inside of them but other than that it's out of my hands. the only thing I can do is try to keep my family safe and speak sense into them as often as I can. as for the rest of them? most niggas can go to hell for all I care lmao, as sad as it is to say but i have nothing in common with them culturally. no I'm not going to worship african gods and voodoo or whatever because look where it got africans, look at haiti and tell me they're better off than western countries. I'm basically not even african and I have less in common with them than I do american blacks so no I'm not going to start larping as a worshipper of mumu ogun or whatever. I don't know what's wrong with the majority. I hate to say it but most black people are just stupid as fuck and telling them to read won't help because they will parse information however they like based on whether or not it "sounds right" or makes them feel good, and it's almost always in bad faith. I've already tried it and it's a pointless waste of time for the most part unless they already showed interest in the first place which is extremely rare.
>>5724630that's literally just how most blacks treat their children and think of raising children, I don't blame you for not knowing but that's how it is in black households. ofc not every single one is like that and there are loving black parents out there but the majority of them see their children as a burden and think they deserve praise for doing the bare minimum of what a parent should do, and anything else is too much. it's more common than you think
>>5724636Well, you're right, I didn't know, thanks for explaining. I just thought there's more context to the story.
>>5724645There might be more context to that story idk but yeah that's pretty much the talk most black boys get from either their mother or their father if they have one in their life once they start getting older and becoming men. A son's relationship with his parents don't usually heal until the son is well in his 30s but sometimes the parent or parents stay that way. I've only met a few black people in my life who've had a truly healthy and loving relationship with their parents from a young age and you can tell who had good parents and who didn't. Idk what causes this mentality but unfortunately a lot of black parents resent their children even if they're exceptionally gifted and bring wealth to the family, things don't typically change until the parents become old and their health deteriorates. Every male in my family and most of my male peers experienced the same
>>5683807Definitely based
>>5713202>Neega momentoGoddamn that's fucking hilarious
>>5723234Kill yourself, kike.
>>5724257Why would I believe you? You cannot even dedicate ten seconds to proper grammar.
>>5685988Jesus fucking christ my chest hurts.
>>5720007It's a lot more left than China. Than Canada. Than Mexico. Than England France and Spain.
>>5724276dumb crackers got a taste of diversity
>>5691704If the bullet exits the barrel closer to the target it's going to be traveling faster and enter/exit the body with more energy, this means the wound is smaller when a man is shot from point blank rather than from far away because there is not enough resistance from the flesh to tumble, deform, or fragment the bullet inside the body, this would be especially true for a part of the body as thin as the foot. If you were shot in the foot with a handgun at point blank range, the bullet would almost certainly enter and exit your foot without straying from the original path or deforming at all.
>>5706536unironically jews and jewish educational facilities
>>5721914not all of us are 400lbs
>>5685184It's not tho
>>5683807>strangersthat's their grand kids
>>5685089>flee to africa because of da whittees 'waysism'>discover africa sucks fucking dick and no one likes you>come back more 'powerful' and speak basic platitudes to an audience of college kids>im an old head now yunggins lemme tell y'all a storybased and redpilled fellow goy
>>5685053>that makes two of usGawd dayum
>>5686656exept iting pupu?
>>5684984HOKY SHOT MY SIDES!!!!
>>5721921Her husband is white
>>5685035based asf
>>5683805>Blacks>BasedA shitskin nigger is still a niggerThere are no based niggers Kill them all
>>5684022>i dont even like this shit!kek
>>5683805Always a good video ruined by some autistic ass edit, omg, i fucking hate 4Chan
>>5737018You need to get up early for school tomorrow, Timmy.
>>5691855If hating your own race was all it took to be civilized then white liberals would be far, far more civilized than you.
>>5685035You know how psyched I would be to have some big ol black dudes hanging around my high school lightheartedly ribbing everyone while encouraging them, making sure everyone was getting along and getting past their differences? I mean damn, as a small white dude I probably would have cut class WAY less so I could interact with those guys in passing but mainly so that they wouldn’t be disappointed in me, that probably would have been my biggest worry. Because it’s one thing to have a teacher tell you that you aren’t living up to your potential but it’s a whole other thing to have a dude telling you “ayo bro why you ain’t goin to class, this is the most important shit in yo life that shapes you into a real man” I’d just be like damn I’m sorry big Mike I’ll stop cutting class as much lol
>>5704208this fag is a full on worshipper for jews
>>5684993lmfaoHe looks like Sam Hyde and P Diddler had a baby.
>>5713202KEKis this real, actual dub, or some joke?
>>5741476kike faggot
>>5728722ABSOLUTELY not
>>5684015Is Tommy Sotomayor still around? He had his heyday in the black manosphere like 2015-16 but I feel like recently Charleston White kinda stole his thunder as the "Uncle Ruckus" of the online black community
>>5685016>>5685020Dave Chapelle really is the GOAT
>>5685028Scrolled down too far before hearing Malcolm. This is my favorite speech of his
>>5684022>I don't even like this shit goddamn LMFAO
>>5685081This was right after the Kyrie situation wasn't it?
>>5704208This was the guy that got bullied by a bunch of groyper retards right?
>>5685000checked trips
>>5684984MY FUCKING SIDES!!!!
getting free shit is based
>>5742634he looks like he was recently electrocuted cartoon style
>>5741851The left in China throws battery acid on women's faces. Get raped you zero world experience faggot.
>>5742634He was simply taking what was given for free. Also, not a black man, but a disgusting criminal mulatto retard.
>>5741902>>5741908I remember I found this dude in some random book, teacher said to just look into himself and come to your own conclusions. Im white but its hard to disagree with him, I just think the time has changed too much. We needed his ideas at that exact time. Now its sadly nothing.
>>5745614Brother Malcom didn't originate these ideas, they were already kind of popular, he was just a very charismatic presenter of them. While he did inspire a lot of black people to organize and seek their own dignity, it's also important not to forget that the whole time he was an orator he was the representative for Nation of Islam, an unequivocal cult and antiwhite hate group. There's a sense in which they did clean a lot of aimless destitute black men up, give them purpose and discipline, but they did so in service of elevating a cult leader, and building an army for dealing with the blue-eyed devils.When he says "the black man must have his own ____", he's speaking literally and in favor of enforced segregation. You may have your own opinion on whether that plan would have worked eventually, but it's important to know what context he's speaking in.The essential message about self-liberation I think goes back to Marcus Garvey, who had some great speeches himself, but I haven't encountered a recording as he may predate those. It's a shame how poorly and simplistically the black civil rights issues get presented to young Americans. Its history is full of fascinating figures and movements, and I've personally only brushed the surface. Any anons who know better, feel free to jump in and correct me.
>>5683806O SOTO GARI!!!!
> "Excuse me, sorry" after not speaking clear and loud enough for someone else to converse with youThis is what zoomer faggots will never know.
>>5695809fags have a far higher percentage of psychopathy, that's one of the reasons why they function well in modern business. They just lie to themselves that there's no way anyone could have found them out, like this one here >>5702745
>>5740026A downright PECULIAR buck, I do declare!
>>5721933nigger it's a revolver, not a rifle. the muzzle velocity is too slow to cause meaningful hydrostatic shock no matter how close you are to it.
>>5685039He'll be beating up old women on the bus in no time
>>5746429>The essential message about self-liberation I think goes back to Marcus Garvey, who had some great speeches himself, but I haven't encountered a recording as he may predate those.There are recordings, I would know, I listen to them regularly. Garvey is a personal idol of mine, probably the most effective yet most underrated black leaders. Someone who inspired our people across the world to dream of something greater for themselves
>>5683806Protestors are such FAGGOTS.
>>5684983This is the only correct answer to this thread.
Bumping this thread with another Garvey speech
>>5747973Thanks for sharing, that was enlightening. I wonder why I didn't really hear about him until adulthood, and even then only in detail as an influence on Malcom. In school we dropped a bunch of names, but only gave any real time to Du Bois and King. I guess his being separatist makes him complicated to teach, but damn if he doesn't give straightforward, positive, practical advice. I bet its that and his being Jamaican instead of American
>>5748635Holy shit, this one's on another level from the last one. Now I know he was a great speaker too.