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File: file.webm (3.82 MB, 624x832)
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share black guys being based
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3.89 MB
3.89 MB WEBM
some of you blackies are alright
>open guys door
>tossed like a bitch
>g-get the fuck out of here
>omg its on video!!
>hey hes got arrows in his car, we need people down here now
who are these fucking faggots? antifa wannabes?
File: niggers fuck shit up.webm (3.77 MB, 480x270)
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1.48 MB WEBM
>based black guys
one of Mikhail Tal's best games as black. Beating the former world champion in 22 moves is pretty based if you ask me.
>and they drove straight into a lamp post
The only thing this has me thinking is why the fuck are old people that can barely move driving?
Kek is there a story to this? Just trying to make onlyfans money or did he think being hit would be hotter than it was?
even with their asses hanging out, they are good lads
File: mechanic.webm (715 KB, 480x480)
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dam i would love i raw unedited version of this
File: starving_for_action.webm (3.83 MB, 640x360)
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do women count
File: nigga.webm (1.86 MB, 1280x720)
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1.86 MB WEBM
I too have a camera rolling when I argue with my girlfriend.

Staged as fuck to make him appear badass. Pathetic really.
File: refund_the_police.webm (5.78 MB, 338x600)
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>tfw no big booty schizo nazi KWEEN

it's obviously a bit for tiktok or something
File: FUCK_YOUR_FACTS.webm (4.01 MB, 854x480)
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File: The.webm (5.84 MB, 850x478)
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File: Coencidence.webm (5.83 MB, 850x478)
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File: Ye_George_Bush.webm (3.22 MB, 320x240)
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File: MalcomX_jews.webm (2.11 MB, 432x240)
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this is one of those gay as fuck youtubers who pretend to be cops or bounty hunters. How stupid are you?
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File: dads_on_duty.webm (4.99 MB, 426x240)
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File: MalcomX_independence.webm (5.71 MB, 480x360)
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File: file.webm (1.17 MB, 640x360)
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1.17 MB WEBM
Based Ye George Bush had fooled us with the war on "terror" same with Trump fooled us with his policies.
File: plz_no_read.webm (5.26 MB, 320x584)
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tragedy is ye fauns over trump despite how kiked he is
File: jewish ships.webm (3.87 MB, 1280x720)
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3.87 MB WEBM
I won the thread
Based black dungaree man.
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2.61 MB WEBM
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4.86 MB WEBM
Based black woman
Never go full retard, son.
by resignation, not checkmate
fake and gay
they're correct.
fuckin classic
>and he brings up trump
>tds isn't real
shut the fuck up
File: 1700521742456839.webm (2.99 MB, 500x500)
2.99 MB
2.99 MB WEBM
How am I wrong with Bush's foreign policies and the impact it caused then and up till this day in the middle-east and globally. This includes Bush's administration of allocating majority of the country's resources to the middle-east instead of preparing for the hurricane, the landfall and the aftermath. How is Kanye wrong with how the media portrayed desperate black people as criminals, and first responders prioritizing evacuation of white families stuck on roof instead of black families. Are these favoritism immune to criticism or are you just going to spout the same old 4chin lingo?
File: 1712018748742034.webm (2.57 MB, 1280x720)
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2.57 MB WEBM
>he is unable to make a connection between the previous two republican presidents

>implying there is no problem
god I can't wait for it to be your problem
File: 1673998440456854.webm (2.2 MB, 640x360)
2.2 MB
>Based Black Man
the term is Honorary Aryan
Absolute soul
Because no one will take care of them
At that point you best check out
>antifa wannabes?
no, that's the real antifa. they really are that pathetic
File: dinosaur.webm (579 KB, 480x854)
579 KB
cringe buck broken nigga
kys tds fag. go early vote for your mutt cunt who never earned a single deligate in an american primary election
Guy looks a bit like black Sam Hyyde
if you hate the truth, nothing will get better.
File: banana.gif (1.13 MB, 220x212)
1.13 MB
1.13 MB GIF
dammit today at work i thought about making a webm of this but forgot
thank you
File: Based Black.webm (1.46 MB, 280x480)
1.46 MB
1.46 MB WEBM
>Pastor, your time is up here
>That makes two of us
Holy fuck. Go get 'em.
>dropping the Protocols
I kneel.
>Is that somebody's phone there?
Damn that's one swishy voice. Lol
you are such a fuckin loser. 90% of tik tok/reels/whatever is skits and everyone is aware of it.
Does anyone have the original?
>dumb faggot streamer.webm
delete yourself
absolutely based
File: ak0.webm (5.67 MB, 854x480)
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5.67 MB WEBM
File: ak.webm (5.82 MB, 854x480)
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Tal is based. I guess he hated niggers as well.
ikr? the idea of black people holding guns in itself is just fake as fuck. whatever racist made this video needs to try harder
no dumb dumb, play that shit frame by frame.
also a gun at that range, just a little hole in your foot? no. especially his little feminime bitch feet
how many jewish and black criminals is he going to pardon this time?
>90% of America will never know how it feels to shoot a leftist
Always remember the difference between the civilized black man and the nigga just like with the civilized white man and the redneck
damn that me me laugh
god i wish i had that improv skill
You fucking retarded? You the person that keeps giving rings of power and disney star wars money?
Lost it.
based webm
didn't read what you typed tho good stuff

This should unironically spread throughout the world.
she's absolutely correct
israel support is bipartisan, the only way to win is to leave america and pay taxes to a government that doesnt give trillions to a jewish country who treats us just like they would china and russia, spying on us and stealing nuclear materials to develop WMD's that they are completely forgiven for while we start wars with countries like Iraq who never had anything close to the stolen uranium to develop unsanctioned nuclear arms in the 80's. And the dancing Israelis on 9/11
I hate alex jones so much
Malcolm was too based
Every day I wait for an unhinged an hero to just pull out a fully auto weapon and spray into a crowd of these pathetic faggots.
If the roles were reversed here you know the nigga would be in jail. Women have no tact and don't know how to control their strength like a man.
The fact that he had to censor jewish just speaks volumes
Go back on /pol/ JIDF ffs
>at that range, just a little hole in your foot?

You know its just a piece of metal going fast right? what's it supposed to do? explode if the target is less than 10 feet from the gun?
Kill all liberals.
kill me
I wonder if homosexuals laugh this video off despite the fact that everything he's saying is true.
god I hope this is bait.
we should execute them all instead
Staged as fuck since there is no such thing as loyalty around niggers.
scripted or not, cringe or based, i wish i could control myself to not laugh when talking bullshit like that, i always start to giggle in the middle of it and ruin it. i dont even know if its a skill to not laugh, maybe i was born to laugh at myself.
File: 1701256015205792.webm (5.96 MB, 360x360)
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5.96 MB WEBM
Unironically, the day poor whites and poor blacks start working together is the end of the Western elite. Seriously, if Communism ever happens in the US it's going to be Commisar Cleetus and Commissar Jamal redistributing Jewish wealth. This is why (((they))) push race war shit so much. (((Their))) greatest fear is that the oppressed goyim will awaken and attack their real enemy.
try it yourself and post the result.
File: when you 60!!.webm (5.87 MB, 404x720)
5.87 MB
5.87 MB WEBM
the cut to chris tucker is so fucking funny
>cop slips on the paint
>friends help him up and call an ambulance
File: These aren't whites.webm (5.35 MB, 1280x720)
5.35 MB
5.35 MB WEBM
>they'll put the blame on whites, on italian,
Subtle but made me kek.
I fucking HATE protestors so much, mostly because they're always starting shit they can't finish and they play the victims. What faggots.
File: das rite.webm (1.86 MB, 480x360)
1.86 MB
1.86 MB WEBM
File: The_final_redpill.webm (3.98 MB, 1528x640)
3.98 MB
3.98 MB WEBM
why do you think they do that?
you think they're just born that way?
"hmmm, today i will abuse my parents and then throw myself into the gears :D"
That's what all these types do, they try to pass it off as ridiculous despite it being completely accurate, hoping to make other people disregard it due to that.

Remember "islamic rayguns"? Well as it turns out, aside from his bongspeak accent, he was indeed 100% correct about Islamic rape gangs in Britain, almost a decade before anyone else.
bumping for this
Nothing he said is true.
File: FedEx Delivery driver.webm (1.8 MB, 608x1080)
1.8 MB
Wtf was that at the end
My guess is it's a fragile package and it broke during that scuffle
Posting dead ones would be against the rules
I dont do that
File: 1726365195571621.webm (3.93 MB, 700x396)
3.93 MB
3.93 MB WEBM
Good shit
File: black ppl vs niggers.webm (5.96 MB, 480x480)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB WEBM
Sauce on girl?
do you know anything about chess retard?
Chris got that nigger fatigue real bad
no. I'm sure you'll tell us all about it.
"duping delight" is something a ton of mammals (most primates) experience. It tickles us to dupe others. Its built into us to laugh at our own bullshit because it's *fun and hilarious to bullshit*
The part of the program trying to install the idea that it's exceptional because they don't have degrees is mindboggling. What these men do IS exceptional, but to act as if the only people qualified to save troubled children are those who went to school for it is such a harrowing concept. Have we become so dysfunctional as a society that the idea of elderly wisdom is now lost? That experienced souls aren't enough?
>2 women as a choice for president
what the fuck man.
Fallschirmjager, one of the million remixes.

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