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>/ck/ thread and nobody has posted any Jack yet
Wtf guys
>”always cassoulet”
>literally chooses something other than it right after
dumb idiot
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>that webm
Holy shit, it's him!
highly based individual
>don't worry, all the meat here is slaughtered inhumanely in accordance with jewish customs
strangest flex
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it's a weird feeling to get such a hearty and wholesome kek and also a single tear of emotion from this
is this real?
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Would you prefer everyone who uses this tiktok format lives, or dies?
Would you prefer they die peacefuly or in agony?
Would you prefer them to die in mild agony or extreme agony
Would you prefer them in extreme agony or prolonged mild agony
>Extreme agony
>el ogro de las americas
he's literally THE meme
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It will be
this is my ideal girl
KEK! Wtf did I just watch?
In that context, 'toujours' means 'still.'
This is truly awful. Look what they done to my girl.
that image of tarte tatin looks like hair in a bowl
Dios mio

>torah approved meat
Jews love to jew their stupid traditions to their convenience
la luz extinguido...
fuck you im eating now
Eat up my friend.
Anyone have the vid of a scottish guy kinda looks like mr beast going to a chip shop and ordering some weird bullshit sandwich w/ like pea water on it? Thanks
wdm? this is the original.
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Post more Jack
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You got it bro.
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where are the rabbi sucked boy foreskins?
it's shocking he's not dead yet. He's still eating meats/fats and sugar exclusively and still hasn't keeled over.
He's not exactly in good health though, he gets around in a wheelchair when he's off camera and is severely messed up from all the strokes.
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Most products in grocery stores in america are kosher anyways
I thought they were going somewhere with that and I'm left disappointed. What was the point of all that?
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Post the birthing
Yeah so could everyone leave the poor guy alone? Some people die of drug overdoses, other post racist memes on the internet, point is we all have issues.
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Note that every video posted of his fuckups is pre-3rd stroke, so quit simping. Just because he's messed up now doesn't mean he's off-limits either.
Bullshit, nobody picks escargot over steak frites. Dumb poser.
What the hell is this didn't Reckful committed suicide?
That's one of the best made up black names I've ever heard.
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stop white knighting faggot, he might as well have cancer I don't give a fuck I'll still make fun of his garbage cooking
to whomever: nice mixing job with the soundrack, retard. completely ruined it
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>cu/ck/s have to come to a different board just to post Ja/ck/ videos unmolested
>alshully the factory disassembly line of modern slaughterhouses is very humane
>obesity is “normal” and Jesus is totally cool with me destroying my body through decadence and overindulging this overburdening the healthcare system while I lecture others on morality

It’s amazing how many Christians are like this.
File: that guy pizza.webm (917 KB, 1024x576)
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>ackshully it's far more humane for the animals to be killed while fully conscious, in a factory anyway. It's very important that the animals not be stunned first because... uh.... IT JUST IS YOU ANTISEMITE
daaamn, elon musk looks like that??
/ck/ jannies are the worst faggots on this website
Oh jack.. "How should I open this resealable plastic bag? Ah I know, let's use scissors!"
People who "cook" by combining brand-name snack foods absolutely disgust me. I give a pass to people in prisons because they're doing what they can with what they've got, but nobody else should be eating like this.
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Sous vide was the biggest meme that tricked faggots into eating melted plastic.
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tbf, how DO you open a coconut?
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Same way you open a watermelon
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Anon that's Kay's pancake, not Jack's
Líbrame, Señor, de todo mal...
>Jack using both hands.
I make a hole on one of the three eyes to drain the milk, once its empty I roll it on a towel and use a hammer until it cracks.
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Stop posting my penis
my father was using a drill , i just smash with hammer
This is the human equivalent of a pug
this is soothing to listen to, idk why
obvious tradwife
she gets gangbanged by new guys evry weekend
well, atleast i have her voice preserved in this webm
i heard the native americans didn't like having their photos taken because it "captures their soul", makes sense to me
What the fuck is going on with Jim Norton
Manufacturers really should just remove that lock
>ive got the death sentence in 12 systems
You know, i'm not even judging him this time, let him enjoy his meal.
What separates this fast-food-eating ugly goblin from all the other videos of fast-food-eating ugly goblins for you to make this exception?
Im in love with these sick dance moves
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>akshully I have the high ground consuming animals that live in confinement houses and literally can’t turn around or stand up their entire lives while I look down my nose at both vegans and Jews and there’s nothing wrong with what I do because.. there just isn’t ok?
>implying you know how cows are raised
>implying the jews treat cows any better
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i uhhhh... knew that
kek incredibly based
I was talking about chickens and pigs retard. My family are mostly farmers and the cows don’t live in confinement houses. They DO know when they’re being sent to slaughter though and I’m sure you’re city slicker faggot ass doesn’t believe that.
File: jack boiled egg.webm (2.56 MB, 1280x720)
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Bro can't even boil an egg.
Finally I know how to pronounce capricciosa.
Why do this guys videos look like they came from the mid 00s?
He used it incorrectly. I think they literally wrote to him and told him not to use their products.
Ever thought about get some balloons and streamers and putting little party hats on them and pretending they're going to a party? Maybe give them all a cupcake.
Inconsiderate piece of shit.
what species is that?
>kosher pig slaughter is ackshully very humane
Fuck off kike
It's probably in a hasid neighbourhood.
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>city slicker
Shut up Billy Crystal
Tee hee
by the registers, candy aisle
Just watch porn, chud
Love this lunatic
Ok grandpa
>more things I never said
Sure thing sweetie
>have all this food
>end up with fucking bliny
I mean I can't blame her but come on
yeah retard kosher pork is a real hot seller
>Mfw I go to the store and there is food there!
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fucking lmao only jack could make that shit explode
i was thinking about how the order of the foods would change the ultimate outcome
a tragedy in one act
wow. his knives really are the sharpest
how the fuck am i sposed to jack off to this?
new Neill Blomkamp movie looks pretty interesting
>incels want you to think this is ugly
>It's okay I can lie to god I figured out the secret, lord had no idea.
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>Look like a sóy cuck
>Gf looks like Mistress T
You're projecting
The ones with the doritos and other shit is the worst. My mouth gets sore just looking at those
Hammer. And hold it over a bowl because coconut milk is tasty.
So it's you in the webm, yes?
Good luck with your chemo. Really nice they could give you a trip to Spain as part of the 'Make a wish'. You look like Adam Savage with leukemia.
wtf is this real???
that coffee is trash.
absolute gem
Once it is empty it will crack on its own.
why does it have a laser rifle lmao
Toilet use enforcement protocol
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Sometimes I consider myself an okay cook, them see shit like this and realize, frankly, I don't even know the half of it ..
This is a paid actor, just like that one satanist guy. Democrats really don't try.
Fuck jews

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