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Webms that are representative of the 2000s
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oldie but a goodie
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I have no idea what this is im a Zoomer
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Tokyo earthquake of 2002
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Those dont look like Chinese people to me
I want to go fucking back holy shit I hate everything now so much
For anyone that's interested or cares this aesthetic/style is called Aero.
They moved in after the earthquake. It was originally a part of Wales.
Which kind of Whale?
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Anyone else feel like 9/11 should've never happened? Like at all? Like it doesn't even feel real? Sorry to borrow a term from a shitty movie; but 9/11 is not a canon event. Same with the great recession of 2008 and the covid bullshit of 2020. God I'd give anything to keep 9/11 and other tragedies in my lifetime from happening. Who knows, maybe we'd be partying on the moon right now.
The blowhole. This is also what I call my bitch
People say that there is a stark difference between the pre 9/11 world and the post 9/11 world.
Me? I was too young when it happened so I cant really conceptualize it, it all just seems the same to me.
I remember 2008, it was gay I dont know.
Covid was 100% artificially manifested for political purposes. Not that people get sick but it was 100% blown out of proportion for political tactics.
Shut up you broccoli headed fuck.
That was a 90s song
Gee, sounds like you don't have a loyal blowhole by your side, bud. It will help relieve stress so you can cut out broccoli related outbursts
You gonna cry?
I wonder if my blowhole will cry. Once I have a firm grip on her head... I tend to go a little rough. But she is a tough little whore
This webm is old as fuck. I have it saved since pre 2020s
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I was 8 on 9/11 and remember the whole day and how the world acted in the following years as I lived in NYC. But I was also young enough to get my beliefs from TV and old people who convinced me that a dozen arabs hated American freedom so much that they knocked down some towers. So I grew up with a lot of resentment of the idea that I never got to experience "freedom"

Now 23 years later I realize that our own government forced the post 9/11 world to push their own agenda and everything that people miss about the early 2000s was intentionally washed away. Faggot ass US govt let some saudi arabian mudslimes hijack our planes and then we invaded iraq to kill saddam and destabilize the middle east for israel...

2008 and 2020 were psyops to empower certain groups of people. Think about those 2 years and think about who was impacted by shutdowns and recession. While everyone else struggled. Almost like it was a power reset to regain control
holy shit are you me
down to the age, i relate to everything except living in jew york
I was 18 on 9/11 and was at work, it was obvious as fuck to me that it wasn't organic but everyone around me was like KILL THEM FUCKIN SANDNIGGERS
And then I watched the media grow tired of the "war" and slowly start encouraging acceptance of muzzies because it now fits their immigration narrative
God I fucking hate the modern slop version of this song that plays on the radio all the time
Which weird MIDI-controller is the girl around the 00:02 second mark using?
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Yeah, as a young millennial it was kind of odd watching the US go from a pretty strong islamophobic stance to openly accepting and encouraging their migration over a 10 year period. Sometimes it feels like the govt intentionally fucks with it's citizens minds to victimize certain groups of people. Like growing up in the 90s and 2000s there were plenty of anti-gay jokes in film and now politicians run on pro-lgbt campaigns and rake in millions calling people bigots for not accepting them

It was definitely a unique time to be a young American. Everyone was patriotic but didn't realize we were being fed propaganda, just like 2020
You think zoomers can tell the difference?
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>just like 2020
It's not just like 2020. Most people didn't have the internet and only news from controlled media to base their decisions and feelings on back in 2001.

Now I know the internet now is pure dogshit but THEORETICALLY there is still a treasure trove of information on the internet if you know where to look. Unfortunately Gen Z faggots are accustomed to slop being fed to them through the algorithm.
I unironically like eiffel65
whats the music on this?
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>not just like 2020
It is. The internet is just another medium for people to get brainwashed but in 2001 (where the internet still existed) we had cable news telling us that Osama and his minions hate America and were sending anthrax to our mailboxes. And before 2001 there was Cold War and Vietnam War propaganda on black & white TV as well as radio. They've been fucking us for a long time.

>treasure trove of information on the internet
Yep, I have an excel spreadsheet I update regularly with the most random in-depth hard to find sources of American history that have been shared online. Things from the initial police response and reports from Columbine archived from 1999, to the increasingly suspicious scientists death that were accumulating in the 2000s, to Joe Rogan talking about the repercussions of a fateful two-party election system back in 2013.

I wish the current generation was as intrigued about the depths of the internet as Gen X and Y were, using it as a research tool and not just entertainment and monetization.

Case in point! Learn how to be resourceful anon!
I gave a guy shit at work for playing that shitty remake. When the 40 year old dude gets control of the radio and plays edm from 90's-2000's its fuckin great.
Spiderverse is great and your full schizo, m8
Getting olds a bitch
please upload your spreadsheet somewhere and post a link I would love to read what you have gathered.
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based archiver. I wish I had the dedication. at least give a screenshot of the spreadsheet please
Man I fucking LOVED this song growing up
I miss when ads were uplifting like this
isn't it really obviously y2k
I want to go back and eliminate that box bitch before she infected the internet with her fake autismo quirky bullshit act. Fucking psyop trash gutter slut.
it was gay and so are you
the buildings specifically in this video, at 0:12 and 0:26 really do hit the spot for me. there's a certain optimism behind it that I really like
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it's funny how a lot of these images are from the early 2010s
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if they knew i posted this here, they'd be pissed, oh well.
> People say that there is a stark difference between the pre 9/11 world and the post 9/11 world.
There is. I wish I could explain it better.
Never forget anon, and never forgive them.
i wanna go back
would you try?
i think it's important to communicate what it was like in different times. in a peer-to-peer way, rather than in a sterile historical way.
each generation will feel like they lived in different worlds, but that doesn't have to be isolating/divisive.
There just wasn't so much fear and distrust. If you've lived with that your whole life it'll be hard to imagine a world without it.
I used to work at a company with a lot of global co-workers. I bonded with a lot of the older Europeans through late 90's and 2000's trance music. It's a pretty cool way to close the generational and global gap and those dudes had a lot of bangers.

On a different note, it's kinda funny seeing (later) Gen Z and Gen A being interested in 2000s internet culture and wanting to return considering the shit hole it has become. There has even been a rather sizeable resurgence in the aesthetics.

I feel old bros...
>Gen Z and Gen A being interested in 2000s internet culture and wanting to return considering the shit hole it has become. There has even been a rather sizeable resurgence in the aesthetics.
only the alt ones in my experience, the normie kind couldn't care less and just live in the moment
>If you've lived with that your whole life it'll be hard to imagine a world without it.
that's EXACTLY why it's so important for people
Thinking about it today, I don't think I can really blame 9/11, that was just a major event of the era. The proliferation of high speed internet, social media, and smartphones has more to do with it than anything. People lost trust in each other and stopped sharing as many common experiences as the amount of stuff you can experience blew up, went global. It's no longer just the local TV stations and movie theater but you can watch anything on a bunch of streaming platforms, so we haven't all seen the same stuff. Instead of school, work and local clubs being the only social outlets we now have this vast internet and you are talking to people thousands of miles away instead of nearby. It has made everyone more distant. Dating/meeting people especially has turned to absolute shit.

But I was one of the early(ish) internet adopters. I was on web forums in the late 90s onwards... I was always destined for this I suppose. Now I just wish the internet was as fun as it used to be.
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>On a different note, it's kinda funny seeing (later) Gen Z and Gen A being interested in 2000s internet culture and wanting to return considering the shit hole it has become. There has even been a rather sizeable resurgence in the aesthetics.

They will never know the spirit of the 00s. Their entire "recollection" of the 00s is going to be third-hand information, curated, sanitised, exaggerated, falsified versions. Remember there are newfags on 4chan that have difficulty with .zip files.

There's a certain joie de vivre that the modern internet AND users lack. Most newfags seem to be knee-deep in the culture war. Something that old nerds weren't really a part of until somewhere in the very early 10s when nerds/geeks/otaku suddenly became public enemy number one.
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based, thanks anon
Dude, the culture war started way before our generation or the internet, the moment germany lost the war being proud of your race, nation and country became something advertised as unclean and evil all over white countries and the cold war raffined the shit that process to a science.
Either we like it or not every individual have been part of it consciously or unconsciously since then.
Oh shut up. Fucking nigger.
You're supposed to be old enough to formulate a full fucking sentence to be in this thread faggot.
Imagine being this retarded
>/pol/tard that ruined 4chan forever
I don't get your fucking faggot ass, can you even explain why you react that way?
I havn't targeted anyone or said anything controversial even, it's a mere observation anyone that isn't underaged b& will remember ... fucking faggots like you ruined life as we knew it for fucking ever.
Probably because he was talking about the culture war online you lack of comprehension ass faggot. Nigga talking about the end of WW2 like that’s relevant. The internet was a neutral party where you went to escape daily life. On the Internet nobody knows your a cat or a dog. Then forums shut down and normies flooded the internet with their smartphones and turned the internet into an extension of real life. Hence the online culture war that took off 10-12 years ago. It’s a newfag thing.
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>it's a mere observation anyone that isn't underaged b& will remember
Your "mere observation" fucking betrays your zoomer ass.
grasp at straws
(idiomatic) To guess randomly at or pursue any apparent option, as due to lack of options or information.

You don't have a fucking shit to say and you just don't want to be the last guy to post ain't ya?
I elaborated on the fucking topic you absolute waste of human life, it's what people do in a conversation, now can you give an answer to the rest of the class that doesn't make me want to murder a retard through a fucking internet cable or wifi router?

damn, you sure got me, ahahah trollolol, kys
>continues to embarrass himself and posts nothing of value
I bet you don't even have 1 SA parachute account.
>mostly goyslop advertisements
yeah but the important part went over your head, most of it doesn't display full forced frontal gay sex between 2 heatly looking white dudes and race mixing with the product somewhere far in the distance near a cat that got lost on the advertisement set that day, like most adds do today.
I'm convinced it's just one faggot that goes around to every nostalgia thread going HURR ITS JUST COMMERCIALS.

Nobody misses the commercials you brain damaged retard, the webm represents a time where life was reflected in media and captures a period in time that wasn't fixated on faggy shit like >>5690664 mentioned
i lived throught 9/11, worldwide it didnt change that much honestly, only made airport security tighter

what changed everything imo was social media and internet giants (google, facebook, etc)

the internet and the real world were like 2 separate things with only a bit of overlap, sure there was myspace and fotolog and whatnot, but they were kinda like diaries, you would post it, maybe get some comments, and thats it, people didnt live through it and FOR it, it was like an extension instead being the main purpose

every site was a separated entity, with its own community, with very distinct content, nowadays theyre all interwined, all content became homogeneous, it's all the same shit with slight coloration to appeal to the masses

content in (videos, flash animations, etc) were done because someone decided to fuck around for fun and try something, there was new stuff, people experimented new ideas. Now everything is specialized for a specific content type because things are done with the single purpose in mind to monetize it
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Obvious statement is obvious. We won't know how it was before we can remember except for being told by people who were there. Whatever, you make some good points, it's just that the zoomer hate on certain parts here is just too much (inb4 sensitive snowflake)
The culture war was a thing, you were too young to see it, but sure, you could say it wasn't as bad. There was definitely a more exciting and optimistic wavelength here regardless of your personal jadedness. And inb4 you don't know bcuz you weren't there! I know. The recorded content that we still have a fair chunk of paints a clear picture compared to today
the early 2010s felt like an extension of the 2000s, the cultural shift happened sometime around 2014.
i was finished with school before 2012 but that video could have been labelled 2006 and i wouldn't have batted an eye
I actually was going to label it 2009 but I didn't want to mislead anyone
it feels very late '00s even if it's not technically, i don't mind myself
sauce on the remix used in these two?
I tried shazam and then went through all the "ATC - Around the World" remixes, but there is a ton since the melody is so iconic.
I've always hated boxxy, and having her at the start of these webm consistently leaves a foul taste in my mouth watching the rest of video.
I remember when I put this video on my psp it was so funny I would watch it almost daily
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It's like you zoomers are too stupid to understand that you're not going to achieve anything on a damn anime imageboard.
Care to answer this one? >>5690590
It's like your shit is AI generated and set to only give indignated one liners when somebody mention something in particulars or when a certain kind of post is detected.
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Why do you continue to post in the 00s thread about modern culture wars and an era that has nothing to do with you?

You literally don't understand that there was a dividing line between reality and the internet back then.
>the early 2010s felt like an extension of the 2000s
definitely not my experience (or memory) of it.
perhaps in less urbanized areas.
More like the dying remnants, social media was almost at full force by then.
Sure, let your imagination run wild about what I am, I don't fucking mind.
Now answer the question retard, can you explain why you react like that?
And here's a bonus question just for you, do you think it's gona accomplish something?
I mean other then attract faggots who just like to see you freak your shit and make absolute fucking fruits who don't know what toilet to use for their genital axe wound think you're on their gay ass sides, because news flash dumbass, that's all it accomplished here to preserve this nice internet culture you loved so much these last 20 years.
you gotta be at least 18 to use this site anon.

You're a immature childish stormfag, nobody has brought up trannies and you instantly resort to that to insult the other guy, you never lived during the 1930s, 1940s, you're from the 2000s and probably mexican or some other mutt ass mixed race who feels attracted to obviously baited political wars propagated by politicans and media in hopes of gaining attention and vote towards themselves.

You're not as smart as you think, there is no culture war, there is fabricated propaganda and bait to generate profit, either post a video of your hand proving you're not a brownoid who believes anything they see on the internet or gtfo of the thread
>you are a this and that
>please ignore the fact I'm not answering the question
It's not hard to answer anon, tell everyone why you feel the need to drop on your knees and beg everyone to follow you on your dick sucking rampage and tell us what you hope to accomplish.
Shit like this is why demolition man's future is inevitable.
tfw scene and emos were already gone by 2012 here. Feels bad man
They're back as an aesthetic, there's a lot of things back as an aesthetic. How deep it is, I don't know.
Why do you react like a retard tranny?
uuuhhh? kill yourself??????????????????????????????? nigger?????????
the answer to your question is literally in the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs, thanks for outing yourself as a retarded child
>no why YOU react like that
Me I react the way I do because faggots like you killed it, every single shit you miss from that time, you helped to kill it, you absolute fucking faggot.
Heck I have evidence on this very thread, all I did was to mention the simple fact that being proud of your race, nation or country was advertised as something evil and unclean before the internet and that we where all part of that culture war bullshit consciously or unconsciously even back then ... and then you jumped on the offensive right away along with a fiew other retards.
You didn't say I was wrong or that you didn't give a shit or that it didn't mater somehow, you just jumped on the offensive, like you did back then, like you do now and you'll do in the future... and you fucking dare say you miss the time when life still made fucking sense?

Why Do You React Like That?
I'd like to know what you're trying to accomplish.
Can you give me an answer now, I'd like to fucking know.
Can't find it, is it somehow coded in the self defeating accusations and various shallow assumption?
In highschool I had a crush on a girl that looked almost exactly like the girl in red highlights. Looking back, I'm almost positive she had a crush on me as well, only I was too beta to pick up on it and I don't think she was able to drop a hint in a sane way. She was damaged in the way that all girls like that were. Riddled with cutting scars on her arms and thighs. Pretty sure she had been molested by family or something. Last I heard she got married to a guy thats 40 years older than us. Probably dodged a bullet.
>all I did
You're like a jew who ignores why everyone hates and yet asks why everyone hates him.
>cutting scars
>molested as a child
>most probably BPD
>Probably dodged a bullet
You think?
All plans hit the wall when shit hits the fan
Yes and that thing why everyone is supposed to hate me is ... what exactly?
See, your whole thing is about drumming people up, you don't have a single logical shit to say or you would have used it against me by now.
So far in your retarded mind I have been a jew, a mexican, a stormfag (whatever that is)
You are mindless and worst of fucking all, you attack people pointing out nefarious things or trying to defend shit you supposedly like.
It's like being a retard is not enough for you, you have to make sure everyone have their feet solidly ancred in mud and their faces must be caked in shit for you to feel amongst kindred spirits.

Again ... why do you react like that?
There's still good things in this world you havn't fucked up and you want to get rid of their anti bodies too?
Not here, it's a somewhat liberal city, emo/scene kids were still around well into the mid 2010s. I was one of them.
It was for me, but then again I was born 1998
Can't argue with that
I could fix her.
lol, all you guy talk about are Zoomers.
me in the left
makes me want to go play armored core
>but then again I was born 1998
I like how zoomers rush into certain threads to tell you definitively how things were.
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Last true emo and scene people I saw was in 2009. By 2010-2012 they migrated to being hipsters because they turned 18 and realized they couldn't fake the psuedo-depressed image when their parents were rich. So they started shopping at Urban and moving into big cities while eating plant-only diets. Now they're the karens behind the current LGBBQ movement. It was always about attention.

>picrel is the 90s
Yeah it is.
>they migrated to being hipsters
How can any subculture in this day and age be authentic if it can be dismantled almost immediately and then sold in stores back to you?
yeah, by 2008 the general vibe of the 2000s was starting to fade. The Crash/Recession and the beginning of the Obama years marked an obvious shift.
Pop Punk, Emo and other 'Rock-influenced' music was very popular and characteristic of the 2000s, whereas by the early 2010s Rap and Black music came to dominate the industry.
The Old Internet was also struggling to survive into the new decade, and by 2012 most of us already had a smartphone with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram, though they weren't as cancer.
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That's always been a problem. It's just alot more common now. I miss when subcultures took offense to the marketing and commercialization of their niches. Like when gaming became mainstream in the late 2000s and PC gaming later on because Ninja & Drake streamed together. It's a mockery.

People used to have a lot more pride in their interests and hobbies which prevented them from being watered down. Now 4chan could create a viral meme and next week McDonalds and Wendys would have a meal to exploit it.

Look up the meaning behind the Fuck Parade that the Techno Viking was a part of. Same idea.
god damn it im gay too i just had a loud laugh at someone getting called gay. 2 decades of a simple insult and im still lovng it
You can still buy the fish soap today thankfully
Damn I remember I was in 3rd grade in 2012. We were starting to introduce using personal tech like iPads or tablets during indoor recess in 4th grade. I wish I got some videos of that time
I’m 21 and wish I could’ve experienced more of the 2000s. There’s definitely a lot I missed out on. That being said I am glad I got to experience computer labs, spending most of my free time outside, and really the only thing I used YouTube for was looking at tornado videos or tornado simulators which were big in the late 2000s
I would argue Rap and hip hop even pop were already starting to dominate the mainstream music by the 2000s but my worldview of music of that time period is skewed since I grew up in a black community and I joined the military in spring of 2000.
I could’ve sworn modern black mumble rap music became more mainstream towards 2015. Before then it seemed Psy, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey, Pink, and Daft Punk were still what was most popular, but maybe that’s just what I remember
>Got to experience computer labs
Which version of windows did the PCs use? When I was in elementary school ours had Windows XP.
Lmao no zoomer considers 1998 to be Gen Z, funny thing is millennials don't consider 1998 to be millennial either, us late 90s kids are in a weird position where neither generation wants us (not that I care).
>no zoomer considers 1998 to be Gen Z
they don't? what do they consider gen z?
i know the start date is not widely agreed upon, but from what i've seen most agree it's 1995/1996 and sometimes at most 1997
not that it really matters, since generations are made up and bleed into each other anyway, there isn't much difference between people born 1 year apart form one-another
>Pop Punk, Emo and other 'Rock-influenced' music was very popular and characteristic of the 2000s, It really depended on what area you lived in.

>Lmao no zoomer considers 1998 to be Gen Z
1997 is the absolute cusp of gen Z. Hell, even 96 is pushing it.
Love how zoomers keep pushing the year up each time.
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I've met zoomers born in the 2000s and when I tell them I was born in 1998 they immediately think I'm ancient, imagine being born in 2005+ and hearing someone was being in 199x, you'd think they're old too, webm related. Again, I'm not bothered by it, but most zoomers don't consider you young if your birth year starts 199-.
Guys, when did you just 'give up' by living a stable, income-based, boring, 'healthy', secure and insurance-based life? I know that I did. All childhood wonder is gone. Nothing interesting to find on the Internet, even if there is then you can't bring up the energy to care about it. Games are just ways to waste more time, you don't spend hours and months in them just doing stupid shit, you don't even open them up anymore most of the time because it's to exhausting. You do the bare minimum to survive, then you struggle to make it to the weekend, oh and it sucks because saturday you'll have to work too because suck it bigger or you'll be fired, then you have to pay your bills or you'll be fucked and end up on the streets. When your finally off work you need alcohol and drugs to cope with your empty soul sucking existence and also to do the fucking house chores in the remaining free time because you don't want to live like a bum, do you? Your parents are either dead or old and need help themselves, you probably have an awful connection to the rest of your family because neither you nor them cared and now it's too late and you also never developed the necessary skills to make social connections that actually materially help you to make it through the year. All the while you see the world around you burn and in an accelerating spiral of degeneration, numbing down any possible resistance, and
a game of dividere and conquer to make individuals powerless while also feeding them with so much life draining food and media that there's just no hope anything ever changes.
to be fair, i was born in 1990, and "born in the '80s" does sound older, even if it's not significant
the older you get the smaller a year feels
like to someone born in 2005, someone born in 1998 is 36.8% older, while for me, someone born in 1983 (same gap) is only 20.6% older
You are so desperate to be not considered a zoomer.
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Need the music for this bros
I don't care what other zoomers think. Hell, let's be super generous pretend the cutoff date is 2000, you're only two years ago from it. You're only fucking 26.

You would have been 6 when facebook came out, 9-11 when smartphones and social media appeared and started taking off, 7-8 when the PS3/360/Wii were released, 5-7 when always online broadband became cheap, 14-16 when always online anywhere mobile internet took off, etc etc etc

You were always knee-deep in the gen z internet experience. You were 12 when 4chan was on it's last legs.
Shit, so I wasn't the only weird kid who put his favourite funny videos on his PSP to watch wherever and show his friends at school
i did the same thing, too
Black music was popular, but it still competed with other styles of music, and my perception is that Rock began to fall from mainstream (after being in it for about 4 decades) in the 2010s. Look at typical 2000s movies and cartoon openings, they casually featured Rock genres that were popular at the time, which diminished the decadde after.
Mumble rap did come after, but "black music" (not including rock) and artists inspired by it were more popular than any rock band in the 2010s (except, maybe, a few bands that were including hiphop and shifting away from rock in their style, such as Linkinpark). Popular music distanced from rock and moved towards hip-hop and R&B in the 2010s.
At least that's my view
>but it still competed with other styles of music
My point. Everywhere had it's own tastes and styles, bubbles that may or may not interact with each other.

These days everything is heading towards this homogenous, bland, safe singularity.
We 96-99 kids can have things in common with both generations. We're baby milleanials and boomer zoomers
Milleanials were the older kids we looked up to and taught us cool stuff, zoomers were the cringe children clinging to our legs
We had a childhood without social media and smartphones
I used Windows98, telephone fax-machines, cameras with Kodak films, heard the annoying AOL internet noise, and had family trips to Blockbuster to borrow VHS tapes
I really couldn't care less what I am, generational divides are retarded.
>I really couldn't care less what I am
Then you wouldn't be phone-posting some shit portrait video in an effort to pretend you were millennial.
personally i think it depends mostly on the environment you were in around adolescence
like as one rough example, if you had or were expected to have had an android/ios smartphone when you hit puberty, you're absolutely a zoomer

even myself, born in 1990, don't call myself a '90s kid, while i did technically literally grow up through the whole of the '90s, my strongest memories are really from the end of the '90s and early '00s, i was already an adult by the time smartphones started really getting popular (though i had used a smartphone much earier, a friend of mine got one in 2004, but you needed either a very good reason or too much money to have considered one then)
I never claimed to be a millennial nor did I ever claim I wanted to be one, all I said was that zoomers don't consider anyone born in the 90s Gen Z, you're an idiot.
>born in 1990, don't call myself a '90s kid

I have same sentiment I was born in 1981 but I was too young to experience much of what happened in the 80s so I relate more to the 90s
Stop embarrassing yourself. You're not even a 90s kid.
You seriously can't be this retarded, take your meds and keep seething.
15 years later and I still hate this like you wouldn't believe. It has gotten funnier though.
As I said, we're inbetween generations.
I hit puberty at 12, only got my first shitty android at 13, when most of my peers had those BlackBerry keyboard phones that I envyed so much. Only a few had the iPhone, and several still had the cool Motorola Razr V3. I remember friends getting together to share mp3s via bluetooth

>my strongest memories are really from the end of the '90s and early '00s

y2k kids. formative childhood experiences from 1996-2004. I am the same.
We're the last generation with non-novel experience of analog tech.
You're generally right about the emo to hipster process, but I think you'd be surprised how many emo/scene kids and even hipsters aren't super cucked today. It was quite a broad subculture, and even included Christian elements with loads of Christian hardcore/metalcore bands getting popular. Those guys don't flatiron their hair and wear girl jeans anymore, but a good chunk of them are still church goers. Lots of other scenekid music shit on women and whores, and you'd be surprised how many hipster couples who were living in Williamsburg or Center City Philly a decade ago who now live in the woods and homestead/homeschool. Not the majority, but I'd also venture not simply oddball exceptions either. Nothing is really black and white, but the loudest troublemakers from my age cohort largely seems to be kids who didn't have a clique back then and got onto the online cliques more recently when such things were less organic. Those are your trannies and tumblr whores augmented by loads of dipshit Gen X who are also doubling down being late to the trend while also being the most vile college professors who really lit this fire.
faggot then, faggot now
god bless
They took out the little floating fish it’s not the same
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This one hits me hard.
>literally has sam hyde, getting over it and a bunch of other modern shit
You embarrass other gen z faggots.

>"You are an embarrassment to the gen! The others think that yo-"

Fuck off you little fat faggot I don't need approval to choose what I like. The pics that registered to me were early 4chan memes, early 2000 aesthetics, the background music from the 90s etc.

You only noticed Sam Hyde and the more modern stuff in the montage because that is what you evidently care about so GTFO and Lurk Moar

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What are those spaces zoomerfaggot?

Ah yes, reddit spacing. That's where you fall back to. Should have asked me to triforce.
I care. Thanks.
It genuinely is psychotic how locked down most of the internet is, every single fucking place asks for your fucking phone number or blocks vpns. They legit want to control your thoughts.
>Lots of other scenekid music shit on women and whores
Yeah but a lot of those bands shelved those songs too avoid any backlash, Danny worsnop of asking alexandria said in an interview recently that they won't be performing their famous song "the american average" anymore due to how sensitive people are nowadays
Numanuma was the biggest and stupidest thing that came out of the early 2000s. This was being shared before YouTube.
Yeah, but it's also the easiest way to avoid bots and fake/spam accounts
True but that doesn't mean I gotta like it.

Find it very humorous seeing young people discuss 'aesthetics'. Especially under the guise of it having anything to do a revival of this or that. It's very much in line with what you'd expect from those raised on ipods; collecting and sorting, categorizing images. Not actually starting any kind of scene, producing anything new, pushing any boundaries. Just archiving the past, or at most imitating some 'style' for a couple pictures, but that feels more of the same.

I don't mean this to denigrate, mind you. It's endearing like when a child tells you the headcanon of their toys.
Nice b8
I remember being in grade 4 or 5 for 9/11 and thinking I could see the smoke the next day from my schoolyard in Ontario lol
It didn't used to be this way. Back when there was more competition on the internet, it was more free.
Same with businesses in general. Most industries are now controlled by a couple cartels with little competition.
The last time a company was broken up due to competition laws was sprint in the 80s
>funny thing is millennials don't consider 1998 to be millennial either

The term millennial means you graduate around the millennium, and thus 80s kids
You realize the reality is it changed gradually across all those years. Trying too hard to fit it into "era" boxes rarely reflects reality
Nope, sorry you're a dumbfuck zoomie kek
Nope, it's being born before the Millennium, what are you in about m8
This angers the boomerlennial
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>born before the millennium
jesus christ you are so stupid

when you were in diapers in the late 90s they were already using the term millennial to describe people who were in school. YWNBAM
Based Whirr (technically not 2000s though)
It’s crazy because I remember people posting this webm around 2015, and 2009 internet already felt old/nostalgic even six years after.

Now younger people call that 2015 era the "old internet" (filthy Frank leafy idubbz)
of course there's a scene,
and it's bussing no cap fr fr
weirdly enough that grim shit is nostalgic, reminds me of my earliest high school years. That is so strange. Looking at gore that young ruined my mental health, I was too edgy.
>Now younger people call that 2015 era the "old internet" (filthy Frank leafy idubbz)
yeah it's a strange feeling seeing that
do something good then
as a millennial, based wild wild west reference, loved it as a kid. nobody talks about that movie anymore
yea ok, guess i'll go back to where i came from
oh wait
i like "the sound of music", i wonder if people talk about that
the 1964 stop-motion rudolph, the 1974 "the year without a santa claus", etc
>i like "the sound of music", i wonder if people talk about that
i've seen people share pictures based on that more often than wild wild west
oh yeah, i forgot about that gif lol
but that's good to know
i'll have to check it out
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if you mean check out wild wild west... well i'm not going to claim it's a must-see movie. i haven't watched it since i was a kid so i couldn't say how well it holds up or how it looks to an adult. even as a kid though it's a weird movie, very 1999 if you get what i mean
>very 1999
So many good movies that year.
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Half of the things in that video are Y2K. Why do zoomers keep lumping/mistaking Y2K with Fruitnigger?
I'm tired boss... I wanna go home
man this vid was buried deep in my memory, absolutely no recall of it for like a decade till i just saw it here.
>Why do zoomers keep lumping/mistaking Y2K with Fruitnigger?
Because it's all a blur to them.
here's a bit of a mix up of both frutiger and y2k from secret agent clank released 2008
It was allowed to happen by the government so they could gain more control.
Same as Covid.
>He doesn't remember the Patriot Act
NSA looking through people's library records, warrantless wiretapping, reading emails, the dismantling of jurisdiction limits for law enforcement
Plus Iraq, Afghanistan, the militarization of police.
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In his defense, he was my age, so what mid-late 30s? He moved to USA, plays shit to rural rock shows. Probs sorta cringe to be an old guy singing about eating pussy then kicking sluts out your dorm room.

But my point was about the people who followed it all. If anything Danny is a good example; went from britbong fuckboy to singing country music and has 2nd Amendment tats. The "scene" didn't just become a bunch of pink haired faggots.A chunk, sure, but I tire of normies on 4chan who listen to the kike radio thinking because the one mall emo girl he knew in high school who is a single mother to mixed kids now is somehow representative of all of us who actually had a ton of odd subcultures primarily channeled into the internet
>Probs sorta cringe to be an old guy singing about eating pussy then kicking sluts out your dorm room.
I get what you're saying anon but he literally stated in the interview that he wasn't going to be performing that song because of how sensitive people are, it's a recent interview so it wouldn't be hard to find if you Google it.
>but I tire of normies on 4chan who listen to the kike radio thinking because the one mall emo girl he knew in high school who is a single mother to mixed kids now is somehow representative of all of us
I get what you mean, I was an emo kid through and through, I listened to all the typical bands that emo kids would typically listen too, but frankly speaking I was way more into progressive rock and experimental/avant-garde music, I even preferred nu-metal over metalcore, I think only a small handful of emo kids from back then turned into turbo libs, but even then the ones who did were the typical ugly/fat girls who hung around the emo kids because they were too ugly to fit in anywhere else.
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Year I graduated from HS. Brings back feels.
>posts 2012 shit.
i miss when /b/ did shit like this.
the week of puddi was the most butthurt Ive ever seen this website get.
As someone who remembers the 90s the difference after 9/11 wasn't immediate. The feeling probably started to shift mid 2000s. It was a gradual thing that just kept getting worse. Going to high school, lots of talk of enlisting. Then years later your friends came back from the sandbox (or didn't) and they're broken from the shit they saw and did. They aren't the same people they were before and maintaining friendships with them is tough.

The movie industry starts getting worse, yeah we get a slew of cool war movies and the movies get more competent about gun mechanics but the plots are more gray and just depressing. The optimism of the 80s and 90s is gone. Everything has to be updated for the modern reality we live in. Housing crisis and Great Recession hit, first time Millennials have experienced an major economic downturn. The job market goes tits up and a bunch of us can't find jobs. Then the SJW shit on campuses starts really rolling which leaks into the mainstream culture. Gamers are shoved violently into the culture war for really the first time, excluding Jack Thompson.

The last two decades have been overall pretty shit except for a few highlights which we can't even agree on anymore because everything is politics now and the other side can only be viewed as the enemy.
>Covid was 100% artificially manifested for political purposes.
Yup. Covid was all about returnign power and control to the ruling class. The people were about to vote Trump back in for a 2nd term. All the polls showed all the Uniparty lawfare and impeachments against Trump only enhanced his popularity.
Covid was all about making life as miserable as possible, during an election year, to 'get rid of Trump'.
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here's another one
I remember snacking on those when I was 6
>kid in the blue shirt snatching some food
Kek literally me
Found it. Song is from Yume 2kii, song is lotus waters

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