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Previous >>5658111
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kek I was literally just about to start a thread, but thank you OP.
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>Remember a Jurassic Park video series that was basically asmr but not titled as such
>Both were board meeting style videos
>Go to look for then recently
>Cant find em
I guess they were purged from the internet but I remember they were really good.
real question, do you need some kind of autism to enjoy these? cuz all it does for me is creep me out. or does that mean i have autism?
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I think it helps to actually get an ASMR response, but not everyone is able to experience it--which is always a problem when autistic conversations about it starts cropping up. Like, a lot of people are just legitimately incapable of getting tingles from it.
That said, some people who don't feel it still find videos like these relaxing, so if you find it creepy, I'd say you're maybe ascribing shit to it that isn't there. Though that's hardly on you; a lot of people find it creepy or annoying or whatever.
don't think so. when this phenomenon first started I would have told you yes, but now too many normies watch these for it to be some autist thing
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here's more of her vids
just kill yourself.
commit suicide
I clicked the thread not reading the title and it was real wtf. wtf is this shit.
are these wave 2 election tourists? where the fuck are these clueless newfaggots coming from
These threads must be some elaborate trolls or bots
Nothing but reposts million times just in slightly different order
There will be alexander techinique, gunsmithing etc by the end and it will be literally the same webm not even different parts of video/series
At leas hate dungeon had bunch of OC
Try looking here if you were logged in when you saw them https://www.youtube.com/feed/history
Hate to tell ya, anon, but, these vids would be very old by this point.
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well, I am one of the few anons who DOES post new webms, but I feel severely unappreciated when a couple of effeminate JERKS go on a rant about my cuties
Its for people who lack intimacy in their real life. No friends, lovers, close family. Its a parasocial interaction.
As usual for these threads you can skip the first 10 posts for being the same old rehashed shit. You only gotta post 3 bro.
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I still don't understand why people go off on the girls doing ASMR...I mean I get the blatantly sexual stuff, but it seems like anytime you post a girl in these threads it gets called out as coomer ASMR
Why is it all Russian girls are cute, but the guys all look like stooges?
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not true
they don't like seeing cute women, that much we know
now you only have to guess why...
dumping my broken ones to bump thread cuz i'm too lazy to fix them
last one from me cuz kek for op making that webm the start of the thread
hate how a lot of asmr is mastered (is that the proper word here?), something is always too loud for nighttime use
I have only gotten ASMR a couple of times but it helps me sleep a little bit better somehow, like instead of rolling around in bed for 2 hours I can fall asleep after only 1 hour. Send help.
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attn: nobody who posts in general threads has ever cared that some random obnoxious nigger wasn't interested in the topic
I love Japanese bartender videos.
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Loved this recent sequence from Atmosphere
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You're in luck!
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Aaaaand I'm out.
Anyone have that one of the anime girl cleaning your ears, had it saved years ago and lost it
No, but I have this.
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>that one
you're really gonna have to be more specific
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Not him but sauce?
i think about blue katie more than i think about the roman empire.
Probably my only case of what i'd consider myself unintentional asmr. it's brief but still
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That's phenomenal. Gman was one of my favorite triggers as a kid. I'd reload the sequence in episode 2 where he freezes time as Alyx is being healed over and over again just to hear it and feel the tingles.
Here was my own attempt while right on the edge of sleep.
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You know what this thread has been lacking?
Which is why the quality has been so great, men are simply better than women at everything; and no, this doesn't mean we're gay, we simply have better taste.
This is what we wanted all along: a (mostly) clean /asmr/ thread, tingles-expert gentlemen reign supreme... oh yeah, that's IT.
Thank you, fellas. We did it!
I find all the mouth noises to be nauseating
>get recommended small channel
>less than 10k subs
>videos all have around 400-1k views except the video that was recommended to me and a few others on the channel that seemed to have popped off on the algorithm
>all of these videos have 1 thing in common
>every single popular video has her wearing a low cut top with cleavage in the thumbnail
It's comical really. It's almost a wonder why she hasn't noticed this herself and used it to her advantage. The difference in views is staggering, jumping from 1k views to 18k and even her highest at 75k. Being a sexy woman is so easy and yet they just don't even try. What a shame
>What a shame
...? You want her channel to get big?? Post her name here then. Maybe she knows and doesn`t want to whore herself out, why would that be a shame? Are you a jealous troon?
this beard guy is great
Fuck off, retard. Plenty of those thot vids give tingles too.
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>using webms for retards
>try to clip something that's 01:35 long
>try to keep it within filesize limit
>toggle the quality/size ratio
>clip cuts too early
>decide to bump down the resolution from 1080 to 720
>clip cuts even earlier
>toggling other options make it worse as well
>"maybe it's just too long"
>set it so it's less than 1:20
>same settings as before
>clip cuts EVEN EARLIER
Jesus Christ, does anyone have any recommendations? I never used to have this many problems with the software, and I want to contribute OC.
>why would someone who wants money try to get money?
A lot of projection in your post
dont use webm for retards
kill yourself
>people only post videos on youtube to make money
>anyone who wants money should whore themselves out
tranny logic
He's right. If you ever enter any general thread going
You're basically beneath contempt at that point.
yes, I ( >>5692303 ) agree. if you enter a thread and complain about the contents of the thread, just kill yourself
immediate suicide
What would you recommend instead?
get ffmpeg it's bit of a hassle to set up and get used though for retards like me at least
Either you have the kind of autism where these specific sounds are relaxing to you, or you have the kind of autism where you're viscerally repulsed by them
thats an mtf?
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no anon thats just how russian women sound like
very hot
>youtube is still just a nerdy site for creatives
This isn't the 2000s retard. Any person putting themselves in front of a camera has an ulterior motive.
>whore themselves out
Wearing cleavage isn't whoring yourself out and she is quite literally already doing it, just not doing it effectively. You are one brain damaged little retard.
>Me when politics in thread about trying to relax
I will bother with your presumptuousness no longer
Why do you even care if she's whoring herself out effectively
She's mine to breed
pretty impressive binaural effect https://youtu.be/M_46lMoX_UA?t=74
Why does it bother you so much that I simply made a post talking about women being retarded and not using their advantages when they live life on easy mode? Are you perhaps a roastie?
>everything is le autism
>I'm just being an obnoxious incel, why do you have to call me out on it?
I don't agree with you, but that's a really pleasant webm
This scared the fuck out of me. Great effect.
Best ones with people do artisan/craft/etc skills by hand?
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who are the best asmr girlfriends who do the best kisses?
softly galoshes for me even though i find out she's skinny fat. she seems most realistic as a gf.
also slight sounds, its_bunnii, and jellybeannose (inactive)
paul sellers is quite comfy but not heavy on the tingles.
Lmao kys roastie
Love it
Same vibes >>5686290
always has been
got this in my recommended but too lazy to make a webm out of it
this one is a known ex-camwhore of ours
i dont like her content.
It's always funny typing an asmrtist's name into google and then followed by "onlyfans" only to go down a rabbit hole of their previous aliases and all the content they used to post before asmr. At least it seems they want to get better and have found an outlet where they don't need to whore themselves to make money.
so many tingles
One of my favourites. Love the sound of the bells she's wearing, lets you hear her as she moves around.
Pity I have no clue what's really going on.

Source. There's also like 4 others you can find in "More like this" for anybody interested.
It might just be me but ASMR is just intimacy porn for lonely people, it simulates the sensation of someone being deep in your personal bubble. Even the non-sexual ones.
exactly, they're like reborn christians
>watching the video above
>amazing deep whispering segment starts
>it's only in one ear
Would have been excellent if she alternated between the ears, but if it's just in one ear it stops feeling good after a while.
Use ffmpeg, and chatgpt to get the command you need.
Oh I can feel something tingling alright
this sounds like japanglish
ppomo dropped eye reveal on her latest video, after like 8+ years
hope she reveals more
You do realize that ASMR is literally a distinct physical sensation that people are feeling, right? Separate from anything sexual whatsoever.
I'm not saying it can't be intimate, but blanket statements like that are retarded.
I kinda wanna see more vtuber asmr. Wonder if there's anything that isn't total trash
>ACKCHYUALLY, theREs NOTHIng sexuAL aBOUt ASmr..... mmmmmmmkay?
by God you are one annoying little faggot
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Yeah dude, so sexual.
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he's spraying all over your face, like come on
A surprising amount of Finnish words sound like English mixed with some Asian language
Thank you for reposting my webm anon. Makes me happy.
who's that?
ill post some i liked
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It's not so much that, it's being scolded like a cat that does it for me.
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posting a classic
Might as well post two more of my webms as well
I love 3D Sound Studio
At about 10:54 on this video is probably one of the best "opening a clogged ear" jobs I've heard from an ASMR video in terms of sound design. The dude really knows his shit.
some of it is, like the audios where women whisper stuff in the microphone. but that's only one type of asmr, there is stuff like tapping, tinkering, typing, rain, water sounds etc. which has absolutely nothing to do with intimacy
aw sweet schizophrenia simulator
I'm certain he has some sorta audio engineering background. I'm almost positive he lied about his use of AI too--which I don't actually care about, but I think he downplayed how much he uses since a lot of redditors get angry if you use it.
The problem is there's people who literally don't experience ASMR--or might have completely different triggers. So you have retards who just see waifu shit being posted and make retarded assertions because they've never felt it themselves.
His video and images are AI-based and he admitted that, but I do buy that he pays at least some people through Fiverr or whatever for their voices. I swear I've heard some voices I know as well though too, like some females that do ASMR. The one with Sherlock Holmes was either an AI clone of Cumberbatch or someone doing a Cumberbatch impersonation.
you have the full deleted video, don't you? bastard
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ASMR actually used to mean something 20 years ago.
no i didn't even know it was deleted. shame
Boram is easy to use
I was rather fond of the ASMR Crescendo's foxgirl videos.

Seconding this. Only thing I dislike it is there's no way to dub audio over a video or image.
shiina and panko should do asmr of being my wife
> Underground estrogen lab somewhere not far from Minsk
Same. Only minimal stuff like >>5686303 works for me, but even then, it has more of a drowsy effect than anything else. I think people usually call these 'unintentional ASMR'?
I was 9 years old or so waiting for my mom to pick me up from school, when a group of older kids surrounded me and started to look into my eyes and comment about the color and texture and what not. There was a girl among them who was particularly amused. The asmr feeling was cool.
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Seconding Crescendo
this thread has never been able to figure itself out. what happened to the bluekatie spam? what happened to the asmr elitests posting asian girls with 3dios? and what about the jewish tingle dude?? this thread a shell of its former self.
blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie lbue katie blue katie blue katkie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue kaie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue kate blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue ke katie blue katie katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue latue blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie lbue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie bluekatie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue kateie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie buel katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie bkle katie bluew katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie bklue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie lue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katieblue katie blue katie blue kaite blue katie blue katie bliue kaite blue kaite blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue kaitye blue kaiti blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie blue kaite blue katie blue katie blue katie blue katie
Best CIA agent of all time - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOuoaNwv9DE
>Its for people who lack intimacy in their real life.
The majority of ASMR viewers are women
holy shit this gave me tingles from head to toe incredible and iam not even wearing headphones
its a really good stereo setup. she's a pro
I had to block her channel. YT was recommending me her videos literally everywhere
The entire point of ASMR is intimacy and being sexual you damn retards, that's why its said they cause tingles, cause they make your dick tingle
Stop coping just because you're homosexuals who only like male ASMR
I actually just found out her channel and it gave me very unnerving vibes so I shared the link as a meme.
But then I googled her and turns out my gut instinct was correct and there's a whole conspiracy rabbit hole about her lol
No one is denying that ASMR is used in a sexual manner or as an intimacy substitute but that's not the entire point of it.

When getting a haircut, do you get tingles from the hair clippers especially when cutting hair in the neck/back of the head area?
Because ASMR gives me the same tingles to me and I fail to see what's sexual about it
The amount of projection in this post is unreal.
what are the good roleplay channels like seafoam abnd white rabbit? asking for a friend :)
reminder that seafoam is a QoS.
shut up shut up shut up shut up ok dont tell me news such as this
i knew she was trannyfied libtard brain OK thats fine thats expected. i dont believe it. shut up.
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Roleplays don't really trigger an ASMR response for me, unless I'm super chilled and their voice is at the right tone. So this is a pure waifu-leaning suggestion. Amy Kay is cute and doesn't have crazy production value, but a lot more than most. She has props and I think even has sets.
you have to be mega retarded to enjoy this shit
So wat does it for you just sounds? New triggers?
So much lo fi crap nowadays with bad sound and bad triggers
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I'm a real basic bitch; my bread and butter are rain sounds and ear-to-ear whispering.
Then it's a smattering of random things I look up every now and then: tapping, writing, fluids, fizzing, mouth sounds. Oh, and clippers. I used to get ASMR like crazy when I was a little kid at the barber.
I used to watch ASMR videos before binaural setups were the norm, and my introduction to that was a 3D barber shop video. It was fucking crazy the first time I listened to it.
Any other triggers--or lo-fi or unintentional ASMR--are pretty sporadic in effectiveness for me.
I feel nervous and anxious going about my day knowing that there's no Alexander Technique webm in the thread. I can literally feel my neck shortening and narrowing.
do u still get tingles from ur fav stuff
im pretty burnt out
all our guts were correct, we've talked about that psyop in previous threads
We are absolutely NOT homosexuals, fuck YOU.
Male ASMR artists are inherently BETTER and there is NOTHING SEXUAL about saying that because there is NOTHING sexual about ASMR.
You, Sir, have NEVER truly felt ASMR like we, TRUE asmr feelers DO.
We always get TRUE ASSMR tingling sensations in our SENSIBLE ORIFICES when we listen to SERIOUS asmr PROFESSIONALS.
Anon. The thread was about intimacy and arousal in ASMR. You're the one deliberately making it about men specifically.
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You mean my favorite triggers? Yeah, for sure. My favorites are still the same after ten years or so.
If you're feeling burnt out, I would recommend a break. I've never heard of anyone permanently losing tingles before.
no, HE brought it UP. I am just clarifying that WE are NOT homosexuals for only liking MALE ASMR.
We have each other's BACK, bro
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Hate Dungeon refugees might remember the superior CIAfu.
bros i dont normally simp but her voice is getting to me...
Who is this?
ASMR Chess
That's literally the channel name.
A psyop? That's ridiculous. It's not my fault multiple journalists die when I move town.
So now that some of you have been introduced to 3D Sound Studio...should we dive into the black hole that is Radish ASMR next?
I told you hair clippers give me tingles and ASMR replicates that feeling and you went on to talk about men and posted the gayest webm of all time?
Dude what
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It´s a shame that he started to support the sodomite demons.
He had all the means to remain neutral and out of the "politics".
only vtuber asmr clip i'll ever post
counter argument
to me, choosing his next asmr arc to take direct inspiration from "that 1 instance years ago where a twitter bot that initially started off with innocent messages that once Anons here caught wind of it make it talk 4chan lingo" definitely not the best choice
there is NOTHING gay about liking and feeling TRUE asmr, BRO.
We get tingling SENSATIONS from hairy clippers and I just reiterated that THAT is NOT gay.
This obiovusly feels very sexual, like slowly grinding on a girls vagina
ASMR Chess the fucking goat.
She's nice (and I'd love t have sex with her) but she's such a tryhard that I think it makes her videos worse. Your particular video starts nice, but then she proceeds to talk about eye goobers.

I like this one more
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The dumb faces trend is not vibing with me
any more from her? best in thread
good stuff
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My old in-ear headphones with which i got to sleep listening to asmr every day for years broke today.

Do you have any recommendations on comfortable, nice quality and preferably noise canceling headphones to sleep with?
I wish it wasn't so hard finding fart ASMR.
Monkey paw curls, you now have fart tinnitus 24/7
if you can somehow find something "sexual" about this, all i can say is. I can change people, but i clearly can't change you Mr. Anita Sarkeesian
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That's fair. I'm not the biggest fan of her ASMR, it doesn't really trigger me much, I'm more so approaching it from the waifu angle, and I love when she's goth'd up.
nature is very sexual, it's Mother Earth in its naked glory, as we originally did in Eden, embracing you in her big bush :)
and also where the goddess of love manifests herself with flowers and virginal lands :) need I remind you that spring is the season of love??
(also see: locus amoenus)
i love anita she has great tits!!! her issue was not that she saw sex in everything, but that she interpreted misoginy and questionably claimed gender prejudice in often controversial aspects of videogames :))
i see your confusion since sexism and sexuality are very similar words!!! and hard for the slow mind to distinguish!!!
sometimes when i bathe i imagine the water is embracing me
im a diagnosed autist and this shit is repulsive as fuck
yes its aboot whispering but all the clips i randomly come across the mic is picking up all the lip smacking and saliva peeling in their lips.
whispers are supposed to be silky smooth and soft sounding.
take ops vid of the guy talking its nearly the equivalent to chalk scraping on a chalkboard, i cant stand even 5 seconds of his garbage whisper
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i think it used to be higher quality, generally

they're gonna get chickenella
Is she eating my fucking eyelashes?
In the whole thread so far, I think this one is still my favorite.
OP, do you have source? I can't find this guy (I may well be retarded of course).
was watching a popular creator today, according to her the majority of her youtube audience is women. this meme that manic coomers are endlessly gooning to girls shining flash lights in their eyes is only true for the more sexual videos which are their own sub-genre
Ephemeral Rift has regularly shilled anarchism and other leftist shit throughout the years. He even has ironic "satan" videos. I don't care but I wish he kept the off topic podcasts on a separate channel.
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Disgusting. The lot of you. How do you people listen to this shit.
but anon, that's fish not chicken!
with our ears. dumb fucking idiot
People actually want to hear some faggots exaggerated mouth smacking noises? Repulsive.
If you like this kind of sound, there are plenty of different variations of it on Youtube, with wind, rain, thunder, etc added. It's called Green Noise. There's also Brown Noise (not to be confused with the brown note, which will make you shit yourself) which is similar but lower pitched and a bit "smoother". I prefer it a bit more myself.
the nature sounds arent green noise its white noise, its helps people fall asleep. its not the same as this asmr garbage. people have been using lots of specific sounds as white noise since atleast the 90s(prolly before) that they make machines specifically with nature sounds for people to fall asleep to, its soothing unlike this asmr stuff. ive been falling asleep to music or tv sounds since the 90's cause of white noise, i dont need it but it helps.
this asmr stuff is completely random and chaotic with sounds, with spikes in volume due to what it might be
also the brown note doesn't exist, everyone knows that, silly
kek 4 anoda Nature AMSR Homie
Anyone got any golf commentary?
Darya Lozhkina finally cut off her disgusting fucking dreads. She posted a thing on her instagram.
lol It's sad that I immediately knew who you were talking about, considered that was five years ago. Definitely dropped her after though.
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porntn is down
I love this kind of video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAcOLOof3zs
i didn't know she had them, she fell off my radar before she got dreads i guess, or i just blocked off the memory to cope. so sad that a large part of her hot years are with her having awful dreads.
I remember a video of her showing a WoW book. Can't find the video now. Does it still exist?
god this is perfect, that sound of flowing sand, tapping, echoes... its delicious
Good taste
what the fuck is wrong with this faggot?
all asmr fags rope yourselves NOW
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that's right!
thankfully, I am an asmr CHAD
fuck you
that is MY sauce
you have no right
see you in court
this has some pretty good unintentional ASMR
still miss dana so much
I somehow recognized it was Dan just from the thumbnail
New massage kino from Cleo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt5rvptRqQs
how do i marry bluekatie
I haven't felt tingles in like 3 years
holy shit I wanna chomp down on a fat slice of tuna now
just bee yourself bro
close your eyes
She's mine
Sauce? There's a bunch of rush hour asmr videos on youtube and most don't sound like him.
It's not Ephemeral Rift, if that's what you're thinking.
i'm an ugly bastard and i deserve blue katie.
Thanks mate. And nah, I don't watch ephemeral rift anymore. I hated all the anarchist and left wing stuff he did. I also hated how he could never do a roleplay seriously. It always had some quirky jokes to it which always took me out of it. Felt like marvel humor at times.
Please keep your gooning to yourself
bluekatie, glow, gibi, galoshes, amyK etc are all normie asmr trash

your taste is trash
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she reminds me of maimy and her sound is great
unfortunately she's an onlywhore as well
bluekatie uploads good videos sometimes. desu she's already in the upper percentile simply because she understands that there's no need to whisper aggressively to be audible.
you know bluekatie gooners can't do that
>unfortunately she's an onlywhore as well
true that but i still prefer her over maimy. maimy is a scam.
>maimy is a scam.
What did she do?
Same bro, same... 2016 me didn't know how good he had it.
Have you ever tried watching barber/massage videos?
What a coincidence, I just came across this video
basically, try gently stroking the inside of your arm
>bratty hairdresser gives you a terrible haircut experience. 1/5 star barber shop roleplay
who is this for? it's anti-ASMR but they all do it
show me a more tribute-worthy asmr babe than bluekatie
I have posted several throughout many threads
in fact, I continuously post only bangers
half of all babes posted in these threads are my original webms
>sell mediocre non nude videos on the interweeebz for money
exactly why should i pay for her videos when there are other creators who bare it all?
love my asmr wives and they love me
you know, you can just, like, not pay
tribbing blue katie is just different
it's really not, you're doing it along with other 30000 guys
love asmr girls, love looking at their pretty faces
i dont but there are 100s of others who do pay.
and they do so with her clearly stating it's all non-nude
how is that a scam
I love ASMR but can't stand whisper stuff, I just want ambient noise like papers rustling, computer clicks and hums, footsteps on stone floors, etc.
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all me
jeez. she really needs to get married
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i've gooned so much to heather. haven't seen this though. which vid is it from?
I've not been able to look at her the same way after listening to the incest impregnation roleplay porn she did
guys I've decided to marry bluekatie behind your backs. sorry, but I had to
this shit is cringe af
keep cringing and your face will stay like that
who's this
nevermind it's in the filename
Good shit
For me it's Laurentius' dialogue
These guys are good

Shame they set up their bar inside an AC unit
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She's great
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made her videos even better for me

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