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>Lives off of low nutrition processed foods
>Sleeps in small uncomfortable leaky car
>Uses public toilet/shower facilities covered in cum and piss
>Spends what little money he makes keeping his head above water

Total wagie humiliation.
Why would you care if a few dumb bitches make bank putting their whore bodies on display so unlovable losers can jack themselves off?
Only the top 0.1% makes that much anyway, the vast majority are defiling themselves for less than a hundred bucks a month.
It's like going to beverly hills and getting mad that rich people live there, who gives a fuck. Doesn't affect me personally whatsoever.
>He didn't get a degree in continental philosophy or modernist literary critique
>If he had he'd be well equipped for the unending meaninglessness of being and the fragile momentary meanings that always collapse like your Aunt's cut glass vase in front of Tibble's desire to topple

Read more fucken Lacan. Or if you're stupid Zizek. Or if you're really stupid Buddhism. Or if you're really fucking stupid Heidegger.
>>Uses public toilet/shower facilities covered in cum and piss
Normally you have to pay a lot of money for that level of humiliation, and he does it for free.
I'm more seething at the idiot who compressed this video to hell.
capitalism is a huge fucking mistake
I said in my heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for he has appointed a time for every matter, and for every work.
- Ecclesiastes 3:17
because it allows people to survive without working?
idk this is kinda fun, and it incentivizes fat people to quit
>huff huff
>huff hff huff
"sales tells me-"
>huff huff huff huff
>hufff huff cough hufff
>huff huff wheeze wheeze
always keep in mind that it is completely irrelevant whether some prostitute makes a lot of money or not. never fall for the trap of demoralisation for the false promise of comfort that the warm mud of self-pity seems to bring. you only defile yourself. and most importantly, don't fap to thots.
bullshit job
Assuming 45 minutes of his active time was him actually driving around in the city (santa rosa CA), how much gas would he waste on top of that ?
blame stupid coomers, not capitalism
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didn't click
He'd also be homeless.
that's got to be suicide, he looked at the pit twice
this is looney tunes tier tomfoolery
Someone please explain why they want the rocks
Why doesn't he wear goggles?
lose weight fatty
anon in another thread speculated it was a way to select day workers, i.e. you grab a rock and you get to work for the day
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Yeah we should initiate force upon this individual because she is selling a product that people want to buy. Dumb envious nigger.
Ahh, look at all those people not having to work in a coal mine or a factory because of modern technology. Greatness at work.
I mean, my ancestors had to whip them to get them to work as well. look how they ended up without flogging.
I did
is some women speaking
someone else said that those rocks have a small chance to have a jade on it
Imagine how boring she would be to talk to
id drive into traffic honestly

he deserves his fate. aside from also being an attention whore
Why did this suddenly turn into a china thread?
These are the same people.
Never underestimate just how inattentive the Chinese are. I live in a Chinese heavy area, and you wouldn't believe how many of these fucks have nearly run me over while I'm crossing the street in broad daylight
there is no way they do this for 8 hours a day
>He'd also be homeless.
You're saying that as if homefulness has a phenomenological quality that consciousness can't obliterate. Read more. Marxism is anti-humanist not because humanism is incorrect, but because humans can deal with anything.
You’re truly doing gods work judging people and spending time on 4chan when you could be doing literally anything to help other people. I wonder why you would even click on that video when it has a scantily clad woman. Was it to be aroused, to pass judgment, or both?
What do you think they are talking about? What kind of a show can you really put on when lined up in a row on the ground like that?
You're going to burn in hell where you belong fyi
Dude needs to take his ass to a food bank.
I would've touched so many booba and put my finger in so many pussies if i was there
I never noticed her crying at the end. I will never understand how cruel people can be.
still waiting for the jews....
these people don't actually matter.
you let tat shit get to you and you're just doing it to yourself.
>absolutely not
>it actually is
just a nice clear low pollution day in china.
you can actually see a few hundred feet
some tranny post on twatter
Did you get your desperately needed dopamine hit from your post? .
i used to work in Hermes warehouse in London, that looks actually chill and they care more for packages than the old crew
lol, lmao
you are right probably 10-12 hours, 8 hours is easy
And they're all wearing the same uniform! Someone kept reordering from the same restaurant when his food never came
Maybe those guys that's getting slapped work there just for that
That would bring dishonor to the company and make the boss lose face
I mean if you ask someone where they want to be hit and they give an answer, that seems fair game.
I'm not the strongest guy myself but come on. How heavy can that plate be?
Dude it's free rocks, hello?
Why didn't they dump them right on the converter belt? What are all these people doing that a machine couldn't do cheaper? I'm missing something, they didn't look like they're reading and sorting
Stoic who would let his wife get fucked by another man
an american tourist walked that aisle
Homelessness decreases your chances of being alive, and you need to be alive to be conscious and have an ideology.
where do i sign up to get slapped by a little chinese girl?
>prostitution will magically disappear if we were all communist
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>when the wagies complain
I think this is the first time I've seen a Chinese person help someone.
so much warning and he still didn't stand out of the way
What, you haven't seen the dad that ninja-rolls his kids away from the car?
None of those gig economy jobs make money
Grim. But now I want to see the same thing for 1 hour of minimum wage in NYC.
Lmao, what a bunch of fags
It's one of those things you might think is a fun idea conceptually for 30 seconds, maybe a minute. But to go so far as to research it, buy it, get the purchase order signed off on, close the meeting room for a day to install it, then make 30 or so people actually go through meetings like that is absolutely braindead. They aren't even comfortably spaced out. They're all right up each other's asses trying not to step on the person in front of them's shoes. Literally recreating rush hour walking traffic while at work

All that is besides the fact that no fucking meeting ever held requires that many bodies
100% because of Jade. Real-life gacha of the chinese people. Go look for rock or stone gambling if you're curious.
people look at this and think it's horrible, but it really isn't. Most of them come from the countryside to earn quick money in the cities. Hang out in the dorms with other people doing the same, usually around the same age. If they're getting taken advantage of they just fuck off and a place down the block hires them. If they work at a place that good for fakes they steal components and sell it on the black market. Most of the "fake" Nikes are literally 100% NIKE components assembled down the block in a shack. They get promoted quickly because everyone is constantly quitting and getting hired a block away. When they're done for good they just hop a train and go home.

It's not easy work but they're poor illiterate farmers when no other prospects for easy money. They were never going to get easy work. But for now the competition keeps the exploitation low. As China declines as a manufacturing base, well at least as a low-skill manufacturing base, it will gradually get worse. But for now it's basically how old itinerant work out in the California farmland used to be like. Show up, work hard, get paid, fuck off
you can get some mics that wouldn't pick up a single thing from everyone else. In fact, I think most popular mics for streamers in America wouldn't. You usually see these set ups in a literal factory so maybe they want to appear like it isn't a content farm so they're going, "oh look, today I'm hanging out by the river for my live!"
The market decideding some people are more valuable than others =/= some people are more valuable than others
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>wagie humiliation
shit thread name. moar liek society sucks.
someone make an actual wagie humiliation thread
Must be where customs screens packages
>world's oldest profession
>capitalism is mistaken
look buddy if you seriously believe that then you ought to kill yourself, you don't belong on this earth
I would love to see one fall knocking over the rest and then the company gets sued
Robots don't have much capacity for context, except with AI, probably. Robots at american factories constantly stop for any number of stupid reasons; fucjed up sensors, jam up in the bot's immediate working area, some idiot bumping into the wmergency stop. While wagies can work for 8 hours without these problems, thanks to superior senses and cognition, there tend to be several points throughout the line that shutdown for different reasons. If the end of the line shuts down, it's easier to tell Chang to stop stocking the belt than to hit the setting on the robot that tells it to stop. Mind you this is China, so anything can go wronger with robots
he's being ironic, right?
>prefers people quit over losing weight resulting in a healthier population and less bogged down healthcare system
Edgy retard

EZK32:22 - "Do not let your anger burn, my Lord, for you know these people and know it is in their nature to be evil".
They're weighing the packages. Notice how they go on the metal flat part one at a time? Yes, a robot arm can grab packages and place them on a scale, but not quickly like that. It's also possible they're getting a barcode scan like at a checkout.

Just imagine being this guy though. What do you even tell your boss?
>Did you get that plate delivered?
Here's a concept that consciousness can't obliterate; people have to eat, people have to sleep, people need safety.

Sophist are all nepo babies and pseuds.
I'm not defending whores, or at least I'm not intending to, but they wouldn't be so successful if there weren't legions of guys simping for them. Stop enabling them if you disapprove of them.
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Incredible Jewish seethe. Capitalism incentivizes misuse of technology and one of those misuses was giving women the absolutely unnecessary ability to prostitute themselves to millions of men simultaneously.

Furthermore, imagine being OK with an economic system that gave this hole the means to scrape together 8 figures for showing her pussy, but apoplectically shitting yourself if someone suggests there should be regulations to stop the Pfizer insulin you need for your McDonalds diabetes from being unaffordable as an Amazon wagie. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that democracy is inherently dysfunctional trash because most people are retarded animals that need to be corraled instead of allowed to vote. Doesn't capitalism have this exact same flaw, if the free market is just a system where every retard votes except the ballots are dollars?

Case in point: consider the slut in the video. This is a person with extremely low moral character (professional whore), no skills or expertise (besides being a whore) and no real life experience (under 25). Giving whores like this the buying power of 500 people each is exactly why you live in a society where the godmind of the Neoliberal Capitalist Democracyâ„¢ insists upon creating more ring lights and more avocado toast and more Live Laugh Love fridge magnets and more clothes for gay little dogs and more social media surveillance and more green cards for Mexican maids and more abortion on demand and more niggers on every fucking screen 24/7.

Maybe instead of instantly dismissing any criticism of capitalism as communist trannyspeak, you should try thinking about the Industrial Revolution and its consequences.
you cannot be logical every second of your life anon. that requires energy. the girl was probably incredibly tired from a long of day of work and shit personal life. small things like this can break you emotionally because there was literally no reason for them to do this. at moments like this all you are searching for is why
you lake serious reading comprehension
lack* I need serious sleep
>you lake

idiot esl moment, lmao

Shut up incel retard
don't me mean bro :(
i'll cry D":
Everything must go!
Chinese streaming is 90% just advertising products like an informercial
10 hours, 6 days a week
I quit my wagie life and now teach English in Vietnam. It is literally the best decision I have ever made. Now I teach 3 hours a day and live like a rich king. Everyone in the community knows and loves me and I finally have belonging and a sense of purpose both in life and my job.
I lived in a car from age 7 to 9. You get used to it after a while
>Japan kills 3 millions Chinese
>Changs seethe every day for all eternity
>Mao kills 45 million Chinese
>Is treated like a god
one hour work make one meal, seem fair, take one hour to cook and eat anyway. balanced diet.
Does the other woman just fucking lie down for no reason and pretend to be hurt too?
Seems pretty dangerous to stay in a tunnel for extended periods of time without ventilation or oxygen mask. Is there nowhere else these fucks can sleep?
everyone involved in this was at fault

You only have (a very base, incorrect) level of knowledge of the bible to use as it as a weapon (ineffectively) against Christians. Jesus didn't say not to judge. He said it's okay to judge but only in the way that you would want to be judged. This is much like God's command to love everyone. It's not an emotional love, it's to treat everyone the way you would want to be treated. He certainly judged those merchants when he whooped dey asses.

So, yes, if I was selling my body on the internet, I would want haters to give me a wakeup call to push me back to the path of righteousness. Or, at the very least, make me reconsider the weight of my actions.

She won't do that though as women cannot function properly without the guidance of men. It is in their nature. God over the man, man over the woman, woman over the children.
Is that amount of food supposed to be impressive? You would get a similair amount of food in the US for an hour of minimum wage with the added bonus that your moneys worth more in almost any country you go to.
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meal for 1
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sure pervert
>oh no is that a typo!!! YOU LOSE YOU LOSE

I can't believe people like you are allowed to exist.


It's that simple.
You know what's better than any of that shit? No industry at all. You know? Like how humans lived for 10,000 years?
Oh. my. science. this is so grand and glorious. Just think, if atheism were to continue to skyrocket, there's no limit to how great society can become!
Why is this 2nd generation immigrant faggot tells it to English-speaking audience? What's the point? Just to whine about it?
Yes. It's one of two things. She thinks that she will be held responsible for what went on there so she will act hurt to try to avoid blame or she is trying for a payout. Chinese really do have a child like mentality.
Looking for a silver lining in a dystopia?
I don't know where he is and China is generally a shit hole but to be fair food is real cheap in China, even compared to their menial wages.
death stranding 2 looking great
>take meds
>feel nervous
>take anxiety meds
>take poopenfarten meds
I'm not from the US but whats with the obssesion of taking meds because of literally fucking anything and acting cutely about it
Alchemists run the world especially the US. They love weakening people with these awful drugs>>5696147
The only medicine Americans trust and can afford are cheap over the counter drugs
unironically cleaner air than shenzen city center probably and people breathe that shit all the time too. not like any chinese person will live long enough to develop cancer anyway, they will just randomly explode or get hit by a stray tire before that.
>tells it to English-speaking audience
Go home chang.
Must stay away 3m from running gas generator... china. lmao
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>shanghai, the top of the line city in china

fucking nightmare, no wonder the chinaman is fleeing to the usa

dude is on to day 137
He meant that you should ignore shit like this, if you get upset everytime someone acts like an asshole you will be spending your whole life upset.
I would get so hard. She must be a wild beast in bed.
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>I can only think about my immediate, personal circumstances, foresight and abstract cognition are beyond me.

webm related, it's someone delving into your worldview.
The real irony is that yes, protests could happen in Tiananmen square, the whole infamous event was weeks long of student protests until it got out of hand when a handful of radicals rallies people under their pet causes, literally the same shit with occupy wallstreet but with tanks, which they only brought in when shit started getting out of hand.

>t. former US Navy CTI
that last frame...
Damn, how people can rationalize living like this?
Also, kek, letting your engine run or plunging your heating mat on the car's battery...
Use the rechargeable instead, you don't want a car with flat battery in your situation...
Stupid cuck. When it becomes like this, you start dominating her and then throw her to the bed to rape her. That will set things straight and she will love you very much.
Because I care about losers who are all loved by Christ
I've handled solid steel plates like that and sure they are heavy, but yes he was being lazy. judging by the thickness it couldn't be more than 30lbs. Just checked an online calculator, a 1 ft x 1ft steel plate of 0.5" thickness is only 20 lbs.
everyone behind the vax are theists anon...
Why do niggers get such special treatment. Kitches are often brutal places, just because its a nigger instead of a chinese guy its a fucking national story.
He's got over 50k saved up for a tiny home and still thinks he needs more. What an idiot. You give me fifty grand and my own two hands and I could build a baller tiny home, and probably have enough left to buy an undeveloped lot to put it on.

But no, destroy your car wage slaving and just pay for a tiny home and get a fraction of the value.
what do you think fat people do when they don't have jobs anon?

If you're in a civilized country without socialized healthcare the answer is die.
Super covid kart
he should put some insulation over his windows.
>endure 2 years of living in a truck
>saves ~20K in rent per year
>$40K rent savings
>$40K (20K x 2 years) in normal savings
$80K in down payment on a house of your choice that costs ~$150k

Tell me why you cant endure 2 years of humiliation in a car vs living in a rental property for 20 years without house?
it's worth mentioning that a lot of OF whores lie about their income. It's a large pyramid scheme and a lot of them are encouraged to recruit other girls for their handler. best way to do that is show off a big bank account, etc. A screenshot is easily doctored. just saying.
> Living in an area where rent is $20k/year
> Just a house for $150k

Let me guess, you're also heavily invested in NFTs.
$1500/m for rent
$200/m for electricity/garbage/sewage/water

Thats like the standard apartment cost for any ~300-500K sized city.
The CCP killed 60 million Chinese. It was literally started by jews
Yes, and there are no houses in said cities for $150k. If there were, the rental market would implode because a mortgage payment on 150k, even with 0% down and 7% APR, is only $1200/month.
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If you are living in your car why do these people choose to live in high cost of living areas to slave away? You can literally drive anywhere and yet you choose absolute shitholes.
You fucking sick nonce, I'll put you in the dirt
this in reverse .he actually stolen the cash
yeah he could be working for a taxi company to get benefits, not destory his car in the process and collect additional tips but he's going to waste so much money on gas and car repairs if he has to drive his own car. Nevermind if the fucking thing breaks down on him and he's literally homeless.
>wasting money on waterbed massages
absolute retard, 50k is more than enough for a down payment and he could have had an apartment to live comfortably while saving instead too.
Are you actually retarded? He's living in his car, he's not worried about paying rent. Also, working door dash or any of those ride share jobs is infinitely more profitable in a dense city where those orders are coming constantly instead of some rural town where you might get one or two requests per day.
Which of course is the scam of the gig economy, they didn't figure out anything new or clever really, the profit model is that they figured out how to externalize the cost of car maintenance to people who don't notice that it's been shifted to them.
>here are some tips to warm up your car
>turn on the heating
>buy more heating appliances

wow, genius. very esoteric and out of the box thinking.
Never click.

Not even if it's a 4chan link.

Never trust the link.
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>gig economy

is this you btw in this webm? i saw this here >>5697081

I made so much money doing uber eats during the pandemic in melbourne than my regular office job, that after the pandemic was over, I never went back to the office. One of my mates from the states also got me into crypto trading and i made even more money and invested in delivery service with 2 vans for me and my mate from my old office job. Get to work loser, do something with your life, neetbux aren't forever you daft cunt.
well, how the hell are they supposed to see?
That's fucking crazy, man.
It could be sharp as fuck on the edges such that picking it up normally would suck without gloves.
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not defending the spergout, but in my opinion people who sadistically torture others with their voyeuristic phone bullshit need to be put away.
there's two mentally ill people in this video and i'm not sure they gut behind the counter is the worst of them.
philosophy is the biggest meme lmao

just read carl jung
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>Only the top 0.1%
If you count marriage, prostitutes, ewhores, onlyfans, and all that shit, probably the top 50%
>its not bad slaving your whole life for western pocket change
ok goldstein
>da joos
yes, that's the FAILED attitude loserboi, lmao kys
being successful isnt working ur 10 hour $200/month job but you do you lmao
Dude, this is why lazy idiots with no motivation or direction in life get radicalized on pol/ or reddit etc and become even more retarded and thus neonazi scum
>being successful

And the moocher loserboi double down, k
sure that's a nice way of saying they're autistic
you get off your 10 hour factory shift to do this, ching?
>hsac eht nelots yllautca eh.
i dont get it
those people are salaried OP
>a gym membership costs a lot of money
poorfag detected.
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>what about the 60 gorillion!
it's like you didn't watch the video.
Is no one going to mention that making 27k for 16 months of work isn't a flex?
>scratch hand on rock
>don't know about penicillin
>dying slowly and painfully of infection
>abandoned by tribe for being possessed by demons
>starve to death
>at least no social media
Yeah Anon sounds great. It was more like 150K years by the way ya fuckin' mope
forgot wagiepost
bro... it's not 27k
it's 27m
This is just being oblivious to the actual costs he incurs in.
- There's no way his insurance (if he has any) would cover someone living in the car and using it for business.
- Putting that much wear on a car will require much more maintenence than usual.
- Youth let's you get away with malnutrition and poor sleep for some time, but medical costs are a matter of time if he keeps it up.
based poopenfarten poster
On top of all this there's the psychological impact which is no fucking joke.

The shit thing that he hasn't figured out is he won't get shit for a home loan. You tell the bank you're currently homeless with no real job history, it's not going to fly. Next thing is the guaranteed income stability which he has zero of, he might as well be a stripper. I've been a private contractor for 20 years and finally got my first home loan recently, everyone I knew got a larger loan with way less income and approval when I couldn't due to being self employed. This dude is in for a fucking depressing couple of years when he figures out he's got to try to get a stable job and wasted a year living like a bum.
esl retards, he's BUYING a home, no loan, no mortgage
Yeah the murder of children was totally normal reaction by the chinese authorities. Had the US government done this shit to it's own it could start a civil war.
Fuck it looked so wholesome, why did you ruin it
Just looking at them you can tell, there's absolutely nothing there. Like, absolutely nothing.
Yes, the point still stands, get a job. Just cos you open your legs and sell dumping in you like a fucking animal and get cash doesn't mean you have a job. In fact, in order to avoid having a job you've decided to charge for use of your body.

She's like some homeless guy who thinks he's king shit cos he found a chicken sandwich in a trash can.
Lol, it's like watching chihuahuas barking at each other.

I went to yasakuni once. There was like 8 people there. Dunno why it's so busy in this vid.
I never understood why they do this. They fall down and act like they've just been shit whereas we'd probably get up and say "ah fuck bitch shit" a lot.
Good thing there's over a billion of them.
Is this meant to be achieve something? All I'm gonna think when I see them in the street with the company flag is, "obviously that company's shit. I'll go elsewhere.
And to think, Mao almost killed them all and STILL the place is over populated as fuck. They must do absolutely nothing else other than fuck and give birth and fuck and breed.
Lmao haha fuckin kek. I can just picture a stream delivery guys all walking into the same hole, the guy constantly wondering why he never gets his food and ranting down the phone. Hahaha.
True. They're kinda brain dead. I lived in China once. There was a kerb outside an office building I worked at. In order to make it more accessible they built another kerb on front of it with like a 170° slope and painted it yellow and black stripes.
This is the Chinese equivalent of that African guy who makes money by putting a plank of wood over a gap in the road for people.
No you don't. Stop lying
She's not too bad to be honest. Probably should train and try to go pro.
You're right. When the apocalypse comes I will remember this and save no one. Except maybe you, you seem alright.
Based Jung pilled anon.
The moped was at sole fault. If there's a thing in your way, you don't ride into it. I'm fairly sure those things have brakes.
Yeah but you need 3 meals per day and if you have a wife and 2 kids, that means 6 of your working hours are spent just to provide for meals, every day.
>they will just randomly explode or get hit by a stray tire before that.
solid kek, good sir.
add in the voice of David Attenborough
>...and failing to find his way into the highly scarce connected classes of the regime: most Chinamen will, at a moment he lets his guard down, be picked off by a hungry industrial lathe before ever reaching old age.
Better than where I live. Furthermore this guy is totally retarded for buying such a small portion of everything, usually shit is significantly cheaper in bigger bags.
>Keep on keepin on!
Nice - very nice... Now let's see the Californians' buying power with minimum wage...
hmm, I need to get rich so I can convert all these working women into my harem. ugly or not they'll never have to be treated like this again
I could never understand that state of mind. The guy pissing you off is right in front of you. Instead of beating yourself, beat the guy in front you god damn it
Shut the fuck up boomer. I know boomers who live almost as badly as this guy working overtime at 60 years old because they boomer'd it up in their younger years and didn't save shit.
No amount of car repairs cost 50k so he's still coming out way ahead.
Wagecucking for 20 years causes way more damage than 1 year of car living, unless you die.
Dude is going double or broke because the alternative is being a rentcuck for 50 years and then dying. Might as well commit suicide after 5 years of that.
Are you fucking retards blind or some shit? The glass door fell and hit her straight in the forehead, that thing probably weighs hundreds of pounds and at the very least she got a concussion
Does this dude also give tips on what to do when you're hungry? Usually, I just eat something, but I'm not an expert.
Based. I hate how willfully out of touch boomers are for economics of other people.
Makes it hard to blame mass shooters as boomers are never "innocent"
>i know you make tens of millions of dollars a year doing what you do but you should quit and get a REAL job
i will never get tired of seeing incels seethe over onlyfans whores
coomers absolutely deserve to be taken for everything they've got
these women are doing god's work taking advantage of porn addicted retards

remember that this is not a new market
these are the same guys who were buying porn in the past
only difference is that less of that money is going to jews (yes i'm aware that the owner of onlyfans is a jew who gets his cut)
being a hoe is a job, yes
>wrinkled logo shirt with jeenz
>0% body fat, heartfailuremaxxing veiny twig arms
>dogshit facial hair
>no meaning in life
guy was helicopter parented 100%
What mics?
is this the power of Chinese technology?
They are talking about the pink lady, low iq moron.
The Chinese think differently than Westerners do. To them, those employees are probably "not doing their part for glory of China" or something. They're a shame culture.
lol he won't get enough money to buy a house without a loan you fucking retard, he would have to live like this for YEARS to MAYBE get a shitty little "micro house". either way this isn't even achievable to the vast majority of people, he's making most of his money from streaming not from actually delivering slop
i'm surprised people can make a living off this either way. here in swedenstan we've been invaded by pajeets so badly that ride/delivery apps are no longer accepting new drivers as the market is over saturated
I'm Portuguese and in Lisbon they just live in bunk beds like 10 people per room, they also have fake driving licences and get into accidents and just drive like retards in general, hope someone sues these companies into oblivion.
how can they live off that income? other than the living situation, probably just working 12 hours per day and only eating crap and they also probably don't pay taxes
>tell me you're a bitch made faggot without telling me
Wonder what will happen when all these whores get too old to make money from showing their ass

what does your retired granny do now, besides funding your mooching ass
Pretty sure the us gov shot a load of students in the 60s
fucking hell
i thought the "alivegore.com" text was going to kill them
fuck got a jumpscare out of me
This shit always happens to me in mario.
I think using a hardcore bdsm clip in an internet argument transforms you into some sort of massive faggot.
This is just NEET humiliation. Being sexy on camera is still a job.
>sees person with allergies
jesus christ you're bad at socializing
Doubt it. You're a NEET so you're less than worthless regarding everything.
Just spend time raising their as unloved and asperbergered children, like yourself.
You know, there are two kinds of people.

Those that believe they can and that that believe they can't. They're both right.
all he has to do is have fun like the girl on the right

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Miring. Get that bag honey. FUCK INCELS
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Both groups are pathetic, honestly
Imagine paying for porn
Imagine relegating yourself to making porn because you have no other talents
I'm so glad I don't have to be involved in that world and I observe from the outside.
Oops! Slipped on an empty vax vial
I mean the guy behind the computer is obviously having some issues but at the same time the phone dude doesn't need to be trying to make him more upset either. I was half expecting him and hoping for him to come out of the bathroom armed and blow phone dude away.
they could just go for a brisk walk outside the building instead of sinking $50k+ for a room sized treadmill.
one big point of the whole thing is to cause social unrest
fodder is needed for atrocity which helps to disarm the men and create a police state
they want you/us to get pissed about how "easy" these women "have it" so that no one asks WHY it's set up that way

the women are a higher value military target than the men, in the long run
doesn't anybody know anything by now?

you scare the women so THEY disarm the older men, and so the younger men disconnect themselves from the anima spirit and never become a threat

throw yourself into the gears if you want though
America is one of the only few countries that allows advertisements of medicines literally everywhere. From birth we are bombarded with "is [x] happening to you? you should take this pill" ... some comedian I can't remember joked about taking a flight and reading a medical magazine and by the time the plane had landed he was convinced he had every illness listed in the magazine. Hypochondriacism is prevalent in the US, with a pill for every headache, sneeze, sniffle, stomach cramp, etc.
i can afford healthcare fine, bro. had a major surgery, insurance covered it, not in debt. i know "muh free healthcare" is the one thing you cling to, to justify being a stinky little europoor, but it's not what you think at all, CNN and Reddit lied to you.
what alternative system do you propose? let's pretend we don't all know already what shitty, utterly inferior system you support, and what your hair color and pronouns are. go ahead, surprise us.
>I know, instead of paying a fair wage to our workers, lets spend 3/4 of a milly to make the floor move while they try to work.
That is Japan you mongrel
imagine getting home everyday and being welcomed like that. A man can only dream
>Clearly chinese
>Wuhan railway station
Fucking retard
Easier to take out the seasons and sey up a barrier between the walls and sleeping area to keep heat in. Biggest issue is ventalation, could crack the window, or could set up a tube to hang from the window so it keeps the wind out while still exchanging air.
Gonna be honest, would be better to just set up a tent each night if you are sleeping in a safe area
Anon i could get more for min wage in leaf land. Bananas alone are like 80c a pound
where's the wagie humilation part?
i think using tiktok/4chan/reddit are humiliation rituals for you/me at this point
Wrong on so many levels... Chinks def get a tax cut for employing retards. It's way more efficient to use a lateral belt system and pay 4 people to make sure it runs smoothly and have the chinks load the packages.
i can't deny that
He normally does but blasted himself with no goggles for the tiktok
i was a gas station attendant for a couple years. small things like this build up over time. one day your boss is a cunt, your coworkers are lazy, the customers are yelling at you because they don't know how to work the gas pump.
everyone should be forced to work a job that faces the general public at least once in their life. it humbles you. you see how shitty people are and you think to yourself "wow i never want to be like that".
>Damn, how people can rationalize living like this?
because landlords require your monthly income to be 2.5x the rent and your boss doesnt care if you freeze to death
this is what republicans want to go back to
>you hate capitalism?
>hurrr you must support communism!!!
your head whistles in the breeze
Oh no, Russians are letting North Koreans work and eat. How terrible. In the name of DEMOCRACY this must stop!
Whites are ruled by guilt. Asians are ruled by shame. The rest only understand violence.
I can't relate to this guy at all. he's just being a dramatic attention whore
>has made 27 mil
>is still deeply insecure and has to edit her videos and pictures to look "slim thicc" instead of just fat
>still has to have a face filter on at all times
That kind of stuff is how she made 27 mill. I can't fault anyone for using tech to take simps of all their money. If I had an easy way like that to make 27 mill in the prime of my life I would do that in a heartbeat. The rest of my life would be easy living. Just put 20 mill in an investment account and by the time you spend the 7 mill you will have 40 mill built up.
>she made 27 mill
she didnt
right isn't happy either, it's just a facade
>some comedian I can't remember
literally just pick one, and you'll get it right. it's a hack bit.
>evading the question
that's ok you don't have to confirm it. at least you're properly ashamed of yourself.
>To East Square of Wuhan Railway Station
Are they all eager to get COVID?
Not defending the sperg, he should just don't give a fuck and try and be stoic if he needs the job, until he can find something better, but we can hear by the voice, it's nigger, and an entitled nigger recording him with his phone, it's the same grade of people I deal on a daily basis at my job, I know the type.
any house worth 150k is going to be a shithole
-t wagie with no house
Yeah, it would be kinda nice to produce textiles domestically again.
gonna throw a quick reply at end of thread

It's not that people don't know others make money with little effort (or no effort). What irks people is that they NEED - not want, but NEED - to brag on the internet. It's not the king or queen lording their wealth in a distant castle, but that you see - and sometimes, is hard not to see - how easy they have it, which is what consumes many people with FOMO

giving women freedom allowed them to move from being captured by the rich and powerful, to renting themselves to the rich and powerful, which is honestly less of a hassle
fight club
where's the stock machine lowering sound?
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Wagies gets replaced by robots that knows how to party and work
I mean, go find an other work in an other place then?
What can possibly keep you there then?
>doesnt wear jeans
are you legit gay or something anon
he is lying about his social media income however, thats why he only showed receipts for the wagie stuff
>i dont know how this happened, i left him alone in the "guaranteed to become a porn addict" chamber and now he is a porn addict
>better let onlyfans take over from here. i am a serious person
it is illegal to advertise the medicine of tobacco on television, so you are wrong there

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