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inaccurate, that should be jews laughing
why would they laugh at their own race?
...Anon, you do know that the crucifixtion of Jesus wasn't a race thing.
santa clause isn't real, you misguided retarded child
There's no toilet on earth that works that way.
I like that he has the same shit on his walls that 4chan MAGAtards do. It's like how do faggot weebs on either side of the spectrum not realize how gay and lame asian cartoons and RPG shit is? It's something to like secretly and be embarrassed of.
Do you think Jesus is a a purely mythological figure?
You don't have to believe the bible to know that Jesus existed.
grow up kid, your parents lied to you, jesus is as real as santa clause
wmaf, the most iconic duo
99.9% of asian females prefer white guys and vice versa its a match made in heaven
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You mean they prefer white chads, just like white women do
get off the blackpill bro asian women will ALWAYS be sluts for white cock
Hey Rabbi, if you don't believe in Jesus, why do you get so mad about him?
>not realize how gay and lame asian cartoons and RPG shit is?
I'm surrounded by sports ball shit in my town. I they are one and the same to me.
Something about this post strikes me as utterly pathetic. It's like the poster's feelings got hurt, and he's now lashing out at his state approved enemy. They all kissed the wall buddy. Get over it.
You're too young to post here
In all cases nobody likes being around somebody who is so down on himself.
So your face look like jason voree without his hockey mask and you're a 3ft 2 short king, so fucking what? All the rest can be improved and a slacked holed bitch's opinion isn't worth shit, you shouldn't even care to get validation from that kind of animals to begin with.
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The only reason this would be funny, is chrischan would lose it over someone "stealing" his "original creation" and he would want to make the movie himself so anything in it would set him off (He pepper sprayed game stop employees because they wouldn't take down a poster where sonic's arms were the wrong color)
biblically accurate raygun
Please don't post videos of me.
>skibidi poop poop
Satan is mad about Jesus. Big surprise.
The ultimate clip to troll every NPC in existence!
>there could be niggers here
>your honor he wuz a gud boy he dindu nuffin
Satan hates jews too but this doesn't compute to christgolems
Not all Christians fall for the Jewish tricks.
>Satan hates jews too
Why? Do they trick him like the trick God by bending the rules of whatever contract Satan tried to propose? What's the Satan-equivalent of the fishing lines?
>not a Burger King crown
>Jews morph into Miku and Hitler
the mushroom dong always gets me
Bro you're not even calling him the correct name. Kristos was the Greek translation of the tales they had heard for 100 years when they finally wrote them down.

I just can't grasp how so many people in this world actually take the scribblings of 79 IQ peasants as fact. These people had every reason to lie, the same exact reason you think jews deceive you now, those people back then (mostly jews) also had ulterior motives for the things they wrote down. It's actually pathetic that we put a single ounce of faith into any of it being accurate.
Literally anything could happen and the re-telling of that story would be completely different after just a year.
What? No, Trump stuff will never get old. You don't have to be a voter (I'm not) to know that trump memes are funny because of how mad the other side gets, while the Kamala BRAT stuff is meaningless to the republicans, but the dems THINK it's trolling them. You think an old boomer considers "brat" to be good? Now, what would a libtard say about a pro trump meme? The usual omg dictator thing. As for trump stuff that shows him sucking jew cock, I leave that to pol.
>You accept that Jesus was a historical person?
>Then you must believe the entirety of the bible.
What sort of retardation is that? I believe Muhammad existed too, doesn't mean I'm Muslim. I also believe Buddha existed. Guess what other religion I don't follow?
What was the ulterior motive of the original apostles who were mostly tortured to death because they refused to renounce their faith in some hippie ex-carpenter?
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you're literaly a retarded 30 year old+ child who lives in a cartoon reality.
webm is you.
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a challenger appers
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im a 6' 280 lbs man and i would love to punch that target with all my might. hate women. bless
fuckin kek. saved.
>edgy mad incel
cringe af.
would be perfect if background and clothes were white
So you'll call me stupid, but not wrong.
christcucks are mentaly ill, you live in a fantasy
Hey buddy, will you say the same about trannies?
>Stronk womman
This is the soundtrack to every Marathon gas station in the US
kek wtf

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