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File: 1727111754364678.webm (2.78 MB, 1280x720)
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Post em and toast em

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fuck off yakuza
Vrill demons. Succubi. Do not redeem.
who dis
I don't know if she's actually saying that but it's hot. Black women should play into BWC more.
I'm not yakuza, stop banning me on tvch or else i send the goons to ur site and ruin it for real this time nigga
Damn this is hot.
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No white fever?
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im jealous
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rip to these boobies
I don't get this. Oiling her so she can post bikini photos for other men? Why would he allow this, let alone participate?
Put your pants back on, she got a reduction. Never understood why women would just voluntarily remove her main source of income. Does she really, truly believe people watched her content for her funny jokes or impressive dance moves?
How do you think you'll feel when you realize that dude doesn't even have legs?
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still would
Damn I need to take a trip to whatever country this is
they werent even that big come on
i knew that already i watched clips of them from the olympics when it aired.
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You're insane
File: thick-ebony-ass.webm (768 KB, 640x800)
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I deserve a big-titted ebony gf with traditional African values
File: kikyrucker-swinging.webm (2.93 MB, 422x720)
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Is this the same girl?
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Do latinas fall under jungle fever? Then I have a whole other folder
File: ChloeVillero.webm (2.1 MB, 608x1080)
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I will never get tired of her
i love big choco milkers
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Big tits cause back pain and other health problems.
>Does she really, truly believe people watched her content for her funny jokes or impressive dance moves?
Women don't need big tits to be internet prostitutes, she will be fine just as.
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>back pain and other health problems.
No, a weak back causes back pain. Literally just go to the gym once a week and she's good. Buying properly fitted bras should also be a priority, spend a little more if you must
You look at it from the perspective of a male. Women are a lot weaker physically. She's fairly petite and skinny and have massive tits, Take into the consideration that it's a very unfortunate center of mass - try to tape to your breast area somewhat around 3,5-5% of your body weight and try to live with it for a couple days, it's gonna accumulate a lot of stress on your spine. Now imagine you are not a man, but a skinny 160cm girl. In order for her to keep spine powerful enough to support this weight constantly she will have to have pretty good workout routine. Now also keep in mind that women are not really good at building muscles. It's a lot of hustle when you can just cut your tits and still have money from simps.
usually into smaller breasts but i agree that this >>5695114 looks better than this. >>5694377
still super cute though.
If she wants a top tier husband, she should also look at it from the male perspective. You can't downgrade yourself from a 9 to a 7 and still expect to get a 9/10 husband
>tfw almost 0 cute black girls in my country
>on a rare occassion when you see some, in most cases they're either tourists or students on exchange programs
>half of them only speaks fr**ch
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only thing we imported are like fat sheboons
fucking merkel man just give me a cute east african gf.
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in the racial draft she would be white
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bump for sweet sweet chocolate
Can be any citiy of USA
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Can any experts do a mass reply and identify their ethnicities? Africa's my weakest region, I can only distinguish nafri's and easties
Different foods, anon. The store has a snack aisle and a soda aisle
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Who cares, they're black
Nice try nigger butt you have aids
Yeah. Orcs have herpes and aids
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success rate of asking a black woman to call you massa in bed?
more than 0%
Nice try, chang.
I too wish to know who this semen demon is
I can see the scars
Hes hideous and shes gorgeous. Unbelievable
Remember i watched her videos for years and then she posted a vid saying she just turned 18

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