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another /pol/ thread

old thread >>5675032

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>faceless lefty lobbying agency with no internet footprint
Wonder how much the DNC paid them for this great Trump ad.
damn, that gets me pumped to vote trump. not a us citizen tho, so i would first need to fly in
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we tried to warn you
extremely based
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full thing
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big if true
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i'm always astounded how these kids talk. can't imagine that i would have talked this way when i was their age, 7 or 8 yo. the mannerism, the intonation, the choice of words it's pretty advanced for their age, but my feel is that it's all just imitation. seems like they already spend too much time consuming news and social media.
still no torrent
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ignore the music
she's a lesbian AND identifies as a dyke?
>matt walsh
I'm not even going click it. Fucking shabbos goy.
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>professionally produced broadcast on literal state propaganda
>thinks the kids haven't been prepped and fed their lines

You think the kid in >>5692056 shows up to 3rd grade with that shirt and haircut every day?
File: the hut.webm (5.7 MB, 334x480)
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I've watched enough shitty theater camrips to know I'd rather wait for it to come out on streaming and get a watchable copy.
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Latests /pol/'s choice comp:
The kikes killed him for this.
F Trevor.
terrible accident
they're getting ready to die for the jews in the next world war
I want the joseph goebbels edits please
who cares?

Candace is the one semi-mainstream influencer who is actually digging into relevant things like Jewish supermacism, yet this is the kind of garbage that you feel the need to repost?
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as much as I dislike Trump, at least he has a sense of humor
liberals now argue a thing isn't a thing even when it's down because the builder hasn't decided yet, after 9+ months whether or not they want to keep it
a snake skin?
is that the viking compass?
no way this is genuine
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Does anyone have the video of a vax injured congresswoman asking a facebook fact checker if she was qualified enough to censor real doctors?
Died from whyte pypo saying the n word telepathically
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This is NOT funny
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that webm compiled with so many allegations, but only 1 conviction, japs cant stop getting cucked, kek
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Some of you actually believe this shit.
And then you think I'm not highly anti-jew for making fun of you for it.
>japs cant stop getting cucked

Yes, the one conviction, but he was not in the military but worked as an IT contractor, and it turns out the rapist name is Shinzato, so they keeping it in the tribe, lmao
its not about the messenger
>we are only victims
he did the meme lmao
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We're winning the election
Make America Great Again !!!
Immigrants without citizenship or an ID can only vote democrat though.
He told you to google it. Did you?
Did you read what I just said properly, you fucking idiot
>semitic whining
File: Trunks v Kogu 3.webm (1.63 MB, 640x360)
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So, no.
So back to the part where you didn't read my post properly.
We begin there.
Your replies are meaningless until you do this.

Save yourself the kindergartner-fuck-up level of embarrassment and REAAAAD for a fucking second.
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Another miss.
You are doubling down without reading the reply chain properly.
Someone else is gonna point it out to you eventually.
Why does it look like kikensky pissed his pants
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because he knows once the war is over so is his dictatorship and any new govt/president is likely to expose his corruption
he'll likely flee the country
>no one trust the MSM anymore
>makes it hard for us to deceive and distract the public from our evil ways and plans
all these fucks need the guillotine treatment
>died 2021
he was alive during the tranny era had taken proper root after 2013, did he speak up about it?
i can't stand this format with a vertical video and a talking head pointing at things on the greenscreen replacement behind him, makes me dismiss the whole thing out of the box
that fucking text overlay, normies just live like this?
so another 'mass' stabbing with 30+ people including kids, a day ago is Essen by a knife man with a Palestinian flag
that's one thing I'm proud of worst korea for, for whatever reason they get streamed movies a week before anyone else in the world, but some brave souls rip that shit and upload it even though they have one of the most locked down internets of anyone on blue team
its shocking how genuinely intelligent he is. Very swift mind and constantly guessing at what people's true motivations are. in the meantime, we had george dubya running things.
pretty funny
it's not finished until it can solve mathematic equations
>probably no one on this board will get the reference
uh, leftoids keep complaining that the constitution was written by old dead white men and that it's outdated, and they try to trample on it at every point that they get the chance, but now it's time to say trump is going to burn it


the bread and circus is just too silly
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in retrospective, was he right? is america back at doing what it does best?
he's not really that bad
the world isn't black and white, grow up
based koreans won't even see that shit. If they saw how people in the west/south korea live, they would throw a rebellion
it's just someone with VPN and Kim makes money on the servers upkeep, I'm guessing
File: My Christianity.webm (5.48 MB, 540x540)
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>trevor made fun of people warning that gays getting married will lead to them teaching kids to be gay and the destruction of the family unit
that's disappointing to find out
he was kgb afterall during same time frame W was snorting coke of hooker ass
>knife man with a Palestinian flag

Based. Fuck hook noses and fuck orcs
>he was alive during the tranny era had taken proper root after 2013, did he speak up about it?
You understand that trannyism as it stands now is most probably 4chan's directly right?
what the actual fuck are you talking about?

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