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cancer/fligu/seared bite posters shall be executed
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Gross an orc touched her
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"No homo chip". Lmao
is this the guy who made a video begging to be in "fart male porn" and listing off the different types of food or flavors of ramen or whatever that he associates with each race?
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unironically less funny than flart and godlike editions. it's actually fucking unbelievable
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you couldn't even reply properly lol
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File: Touhou player.webm (1.03 MB, 640x360)
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i misremembered the amount of keks in the filename :^/
show me how it's done then reply to all of them correctly
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you need to go back
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Elden Ring humor is so painfully embarrassing. It's just references for the sake of it.
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holy shit I thought the same exact thing. It's gotta be the PLEASE WHITE FART MALES guys
I don't know if its because I haven't fapped in a while but god I wish I had a gf like this
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This isn't funny at all...
File: bateman cirno.webm (5.95 MB, 1280x544)
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>weeeeell it's Rick and Morty time
Lost and spit up coke all over my screen
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311 KB
sounds like an air raid siren. they should use these as alarms instead of the annoying seat belt/oil low dings
most posts made me laugh up until yours. lurk moar
damn warfare looks fucking cool
I know people who died at that shit.
Uhh source?
Nvm found it.
Tiktok @woollymammussy
why does that happen?
File: CirnoGayFrogs.webm (5.48 MB, 480x360)
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5.48 MB WEBM
Those spoiled boomers;
Always on their phones
>tee hee this is not an anime but apparently a video game, not that I would know
>btw Ive seen more cirno gore than any other media
What is this phenomenon called? I mean people calling someone else pedo as projection?
Thank you Josh Kiwifarms
its quite literally just projection, thats the term for it
anime or other japanese media is just a low hanging fruit to target for pedos hiding in western internet circles trying to virtue signal
have you seen the one massive list of those types getting exposed or arrested? it just keeps growing, quite funny. freud would have a field day with this.
Jersh was a janny for the longest time so him seeing a bunch of gore of some animu waifu but not knowing anything about where it came from makes sense if he didn't care to look into it too much.
Imagine thinking that setting up a website where people can post images from tor is actually a good idea, then keeping it running, manually deleting "the worst CP ever" for like 6 weeks
Holy 5-head gyatt damn
Just projection, man admitted to fapping to shota porn before.
yes, he also wanted to marry white guy's farts
I always have to watch this twice because I keep thinking the cameras pointed up at the guy and not a POV
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troonhou is for pedophiles
File: file.webm (1.66 MB, 270x480)
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Focal length. Getting up close to a phone camera gives a fish eye effect.
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3.86 MB WEBM
chandler blvd is in chandler
gigachad right there
funny because all jews are cursed
the gayest "music" ever made
best webm ever
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3.81 MB WEBM
Thanks for ruining my day. It really helps keep me grounded.
Just projection
I like Josh, but sometimes his generally mean spirited behavior combined with his belief that all pedophiles are sadists comes off weird
You know, because of the shota porn/cirno gore
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3.69 MB GIF
pretty fun to be done by himself.
welsh insertion
>you know i banged stevie nicks
We were waiting for you to bring the funny.
wow something kinda funny for once, it's been years
I came.
Wait, what was this thread again....
I have to mute every time I watch these just in case it's a fucking screamer kek
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shut up f-fagot
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alien franchise should have stopped at first movie. isolation is good too
It's funny because he's bald
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At Toyotathon!?
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I knew it was coming but still laughed
Ash just had a hardon for it
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Aliens is better. Alien 1 is just a slasher flick with a novelty setting that goes downhill in the latter half.
aliens is hollywood action trash
Alien is good all the way through. The only major complaint is the actual xenomorph suit looks pretty bad in the final scenes.
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yeah literal dude in a suit.
kinda badass practical effects but agree it is worse in the closing scenes.
I like practical better than early cg tho it stands up on film better.
compared to fifties and sixties monster movies (Roger Corman flicks) its pretty good haha...
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poorly made jumpscare
definitely broccolihead generation
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2.03 MB GIF
File: Elden Ring.webm (3.94 MB, 960x540)
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>cutting out the entirety of the best joke from that movie
gay shit
should be a star of david, then maybe it wouldn't be so gay and cringe
Would have been better if he farted into the fan
alien 2 by james cameron is just an action kino that happens to reuse the setting, it's acceptable.
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File: AlbinoSpaceAbortion.webm (2.64 MB, 960x540)
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>20% tip minimum, chud.
What's the humor?
Why would you fuck up what made the joke funny?
This thread isn't autistic enough, let's fix that
Cant believe i lost to this.
File: OH NO NO NO.webm (1.63 MB, 1280x720)
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File: Filthy Fr-ACK!.webm (1.02 MB, 960x540)
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dgger ngger
Funny because all jews are based and redpilled. I love everyone who kills mudslimes.
SAAAAAR pls redeem israel
>hidden path ahead

ok I kek'd
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2.42 MB WEBM
I enjoyed this one too. I actually did the same thing with this girl I knew years ago.
You mother fucker you
i like this its wholseome
oldfag spotted
this only people scared of man are scared of the symbol for man
File: Clutch.webm (1.14 MB, 640x360)
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File: cirno song.webm (3.1 MB, 640x480)
3.1 MB
File: canadian psa.webm (2.4 MB, 480x360)
2.4 MB
not in this house
based lanepost
File: Stoop Kid 4 chan.webm (2.73 MB, 640x480)
2.73 MB
2.73 MB WEBM
Anyone got a sauce?
I feel like this stuff isn't made on 4chan anymore. I'm probably sharing stuff to others that they've seen on reddit long ago.
requesting "this nigga tryna turn a faggot into a housewife"
>always been heavily submissive and into some heavy shit
>tried multiple times to meet some dominant girls in my area for a session via various BDSM themed sites
>every single time it was clear even after a short conversation that they're either absolutely histerical and unstable or have ridiculously overblown egos even outside of roleplay
I may be a horny fuck, but I'm not horny enough to want to deal with that. Is being horny and dominant just not compatible with being sane and easy going in women?
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226 KB
File: The Flying Dutchman.webm (5.7 MB, 1252x666)
5.7 MB
Jesus Christ, what a horrific remix.
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3.37 MB WEBM
i love this stuff
File: ghetto_fart_girl.webm (2.46 MB, 720x1280)
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lost at rick and morty holy fuck i jej

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