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Speaking of Rogozin
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What do you do in a scenario like this? Like I always imagined if I saw a crash into water coming I would preemptively try to break a window. Then I would sit calmly as the vehicle filled with water and take 1 last big breath before being fully submerged with water. Once the water has fully filled the vessel and the water pressure has stabilized wouldn't it be as simple as just swimming out of the window?
you've had time to think about it. the driver fell asleep at the wheel after driving 3 shifts.
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we know its you, pajeet
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Jeets all simp for Russia
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Is she aware that "Ruso" is literally Spanish for "Russian"?
The captions imply she thinks it's an insult or a slur when it's not.
Whats the best place to get the russian perspective? On the war and such
>most sober russian bus driver
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Most obvious shillbot ever
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>99% no sound
Good fucking job retard
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fox news
trump tweets
I hate woman
not extremist opinions, i meant. from the russian people instead of putin for instance
What “people” are we talking about? Because there are those who agree and those who are against, and both are often mutually exclusive when it comes to belonging to the Russian people.
What do most russians think happened to Navalny? Most ppl in the west assume he was killed by Putin, is it the same there
How do they think the ukraine conflict should be solved
What do they think of the west
Idk being in the west you just get one perspective it seems
Most Russian civilians (who are not only ethnic Russians) took it as a natural death (taking into account possible illness) of yet another agent of the US State Department. That is, deservedly so; the “most humane court in the world” finally put this traitor in jail, and traitors don't live long in a Russian prison. Officially, this was presented as a “ruptured blood clot”. In general, the Russian state media (only such media function in Russia) avoid the activities of the non-systemic opposition, they don't even mention the names of the oppositionists.
Regarding Ukraine. Most people do not care about the fate of Ukraine, but they positively assess Putin's desire to drive all this “Ukro-Nazism” into the grave.
The West is a cloaca of soullessness and Russophobia. It is an unambiguous enemy, which is acceptable and acceptable to hit with nuclear weapons. But it can become a friend if it stops experiencing and showing “Russophobia”, which can be understood as anything.

There is nothing truer in Russia than TV, and TV is controlled by the Kremlin. And those who point out obvious problems and link them to the Kremlin's activities are registered as “foreign agents” (persona non grata), as Navalny was.

I admit that I may have exaggerated a bit, or even failed to finish on some points, but the trend in relations with the West, in general, is as follows.
Interesting. I guess it's just as likely that the US was behind the death of navalny as putin.
Are you russian?
Where does this idea of ukrainian nazis come from?
In any case, he was tried under Russian law, governed by people appointed by Putin to the appropriate places, and the likelihood that a Yankee hit man could have infiltrated the Arctic Circle colony or that the colony's surveillance service was mediated by foreign government is extremely slim.
There was such a person as Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist who during WW2 developed separatist sentiments among the local population on the territory of Ukrainian SSR. After the collapse of the USSR, some Ukrainians found it acceptable to immortalize this man and his activities in Ukraine, highlighting his actions aimed at establishing Ukraine as a sovereign state, without mentioning that his actions, which stimulated separatist sentiments, later turned into the complicity of some Ukrainians with the occupying forces of the Third Reich; and the Ukrainian state (government) prevented this only formally (they did not prosecute for the rehabilitation of Nazism, or there was no article with this wording in the criminal code; in fact, I do not know all the details, but extreme nationalist communities are still part of the Ukrainian political system and are legitimate, although they are extremely small in number).
In addition to legitimizing extreme nationalist parties, Ukraine repealed the then recently approved language law, which allowed for the official use of a language in Ukrainian regions that is native to more than 10% of the population of each region, which was interpreted by Russia as an infringement of Russians in Ukraine. “First they together with the Nazis deposed the legitimate government, and they were supported by the Western countries, then they accept the Nazis in the Rada (parliament), now they abolish the Russian language, and then what, they will start to build concentration camps and send there all those who speak Russian, and they think that Russia will silently watch it?” - Russian media narrative in 2014.
This was not a Russian driver. This was an uzbek driver (from Uzbekistan) that came to Russia for work, and was so overworked he fell asleep at the wheel and died along with a few other passengers.
Russians using music from an American video game in their patriotic video
I miss when we used to have fun Russian and other Slavic threads showing wholesome eastern european shenanigans and vodka induced humor, now it's all just /uhg/ faggots dumping their cope content like itt or war gore like the other one in catalog.
The death of fun slavic threads is perhaps the saddest casualty of this war.
OP is a faggot and needs to go back to /pol/
russia has to shoot down it's own drone because Ukraine hijacked it.
>This was not a Russian driver. This was an uzbek driver
same thing
did you get banned on /pol/ or something, NAFO cuck?
OP is actually a faggot from /k/.
the uki propaganda never has audio while the russian stuff always does. are hohols incapable of making content with sound or are they all just deaf from the war?
Eh, most of the russian patriotic media is just holywood movies remade with russian actors with russian events. It's all made for rednecks
zoomer cuckold epidemic is worse than covid
who's the real fag now? checkmate, america!
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OP is a faggot
Most didn't cared about Navalny when he was alive, so not much has changed after his death.
Not much to say about Ukraine, but with the West arming Ukranians to shoot rockets into our territory, even those who would like to stay neutral don't really see other choice but to win this somehow, otherwise there would be no end of it.
The west as a place is cool, but if we're talking about goverments - they're seem no better than we have here, everything seems rigged.
>if we're talking about goverments - they're seem no better than we have here, everything seems rigged

you're not wrong my friend
Their patriotic poetry is nazi germany patriotic poetry with just some names changed
Just as you said, you break a window and try to get out when the water allows you. Buses have safety hammers for this, if they haven't been stolen and not replaced. But doing that after getting slammed around and rushed by an ice cold river is not something an elderly person or most women can do.
Ah, you're a jew.
sadly that animal didn't die. Just killed 3 people.
>"Boдитeль зaдepжaн, зaвeдeнo yгoлoвнoe дeлo пo cтaтьe «нapyшeниe пpaвил дopoжнoгo движeния, пoвлeкшee cмepть двyх или бoлee лиц"
all liberal women are the same. Something with their emotional control that makes them like this.
asian migrant. The animal survived. 3 people died
As an intellectual I'm proud to say I never fell for the Russophobic wartime propaganda.
I know that Russia, despite it's problems, is a country with a rich history and fascinating culture, the average Russian isn't an "orc" bent on the destruction of the West but instead someone just like us that desires to earn enough to acquire a home, get their kids through college and enjoy a nice vacation with their family once in a while.
if russia was so good, why doesn't she live there?
that one's ukraine
>I never fell for the Russophobic wartime propaganda.
literally posts russian propaganda.
I wish I could sing like this with the bros
>Russia is a shithole with shit people
The 4:3 makes me think it's rerecorded in the 90s
F-16 bags its first russian SU-34
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Putin shill BTFO
you need to swim out of that window in the dark while avoiding sharp glass edges without panicking. the crash might injure you and the clothes you wear drag you down, especially if you wear multiple layers as you would in winter. if it's really cold outside, the water might be icy at temperatures near or sub zero and there's a chance that you would suffer from a cold shock response when submersed in the water.
russians are fucking homies man
the men are based (and fight bears drunk)
the women are based (and so beautiful)
i wish i were russian
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Russians are sub human jeets
I want to adopt her for my basement and cook her eggs now so really it's 4d chess on her part
russians have never been subjected to the humiliation of liberalism
if by subhuman jeets, you mean trad and white and genetically and intellectually intact, i agree
I am actually learning it in order to try and meet a Russian gal. American women have largely had their minds poisoned from youth by our "leadership".
could yall stop posting webms showing russian faggotry and russian shitholes and start posting webms of young russian women preferably without tattoos and that dont look like complete whores
>russians have never been subjected to the humiliation of liberalism
yes, instead they have been subjected by oligarchs and despots for 9 centuries straight.
>trad and white and genetically and intellectually intact
if by trad and white, you mean their daughters literally sell themselves to wealthy foreign men and by white you mean 50% slavic 50% non slavs and mongrels then you're right
>intellectually intact
if you mean fetal alcoholism on a societal level then i agree
You're just another incel who is too retarded to get a wife in your own country. Stick to SEA monkeys, lil bro
This is ridiculous all brown people love Russians especially Russian women
This need the robot robot robot song by tatu.
Russia is such a depressing country. Nothing but misery for century upon century.
Anyone got that webm where the russian woman is sort of touring a dilapidated apartment bloc and there are needles and trash everywhere?
>yes, instead they have been subjected by oligarchs and despots for 9 centuries straight.
at least their oligarchical despots aren't actively degenerating the people, like in our Free States of America! (TM)

>if by trad and white, you mean their daughters literally sell themselves to wealthy foreign men and by white you mean 50% slavic 50% non slavs and mongrels then you're right
They're literally hotter than you, and show me one place on earth where women don't hock themselves to the highest bidder?
Better than just being sluts from cradle to grave

>if you mean fetal alcoholism on a societal level then i agree
>You're just another incel who is too retarded to get a wife in your own country. Stick to SEA monkeys, lil bro
Cope you enlisted desk jockey, quit fucking up my homeland with the stupid ass orders you are paid jack shit to mindlessly follow. Shitting up the internet to justify globalist sodom and gomorra is not only a waste of a career, it's a waste of life in general. Do something else with your time
>at least their oligarchical despots
actually accepts and is proud to be a kept man.

>They're literally hotter than you
russian women sell themselves to chinks and niggers

>Cope you enlisted desk jockey, quit fucking up my homeland with the stupid ass orders you are paid jack shit to mindlessly follow.
he wrote while some oligarch plowed him, his mom, and the dog he calls his girlfriend. typical pigger
Please renounce your citizenship and move to Russia.
Faggot tears make a rainbow
Meanwhile, Elon is cranking out killer androids IRL just for KEKs and hand jobs. LOL!

Shoulda never killed your King Rustards ;)
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ask bernie sanders to do the same since he honeymooned there
This is really powerful. Got more?
unfortunately not
if anyone else has some please post it
The Jews did this to them.
Don't be too on the nose, Rabbi.
Well, usually it's internet media or YouTube channels. The most popular ones: meduza.io (leftist liberals, shill for DNC), Novaya gazeta (no particular ideology), TV///RAIN (same), Mediazona (human rights journalists, investigate human rights violations in judicial, law enforcement and penal system), Radio Svoboda, BBC Russia, Deutsche Welle (all three are literally foreign state-sponsored media), Ksenia Sobchak (don't know much about her, but her father was Putin's friend), a lot of smaller media, blogs, channels run by old school journalists and by young ones (Latynina, Oleg Kashin, Shtefanov, Shulman and others), FBK (Navalny's organization, losing popularity massively and having a lot of drama rn), Max Katz and people around him (centrist/center-right jew), communist opposition of Putin (don't follow them, but know about RabKor and Andrei Rudoy), Russian libertarians (Mikhail Svetov and his SVTV news and Mikhail Pojarsky (they were friends, now hate each other after conflict in which Russian Libertarian party split in two in 2020) and others. They're not really that popular but quite loud so people know about them). That's all who I can remember.
>inb4 nobody cares
Also there are almost zero anti-war nationalists. They're either pro-Russia (Russian Empire fans) or pro-Ukraine (ethnic nationalists/neo nazis), no in-between. Also forgot to tell about pro-Ukraine people (Michael Nacke, Ian Matveev, Kamil Galeev and I don't remember anyone else). They're usually hated by everyone and I feel like their major audience are Ukrainians.
Why is there no fucking sounds?
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So what is happening in the original clip? Does he have some kind of uncontrollable arm thing, and she just can't deal with it?
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That's a clip from a "Dom 2" reality show. Basically a Fishtank Live but producers pick only single people and expect them to build relationships. Girl in the clip says she doesn't want to be with this guy if he doesn't stop to act like retard.
1) It doesn't matter, if Putin ordered to kill him or just created awful standards of living so Navalny died. Just died in prison, no particular opinion how. Shouldn't have messed with Putin.
2) Russia wins. No agreed opinion, how "win" would look. I guess, southeast is an aim, some people want more, some are fine with that.
3) Don't like America and butthurt belt, negatively neutral towards Europe, neurtal towards South Korea, Taiwan, Israel and Japan. Through it's mostly about politics, Russians like western people (except butthurt belters but even them not so strong).
So his arm flailing is just something he chose to do?
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Yeah. It could be scripted through. Never watched "Dom 2" but some Russian reality shows are faulty at this.
me in the background
Huh, weird. Well I appreciate the context! Many thanks!
the pics he took:

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Katyusha as a jet
Did the driver not have his 2 liters of Vodka before driving this morning?
as a schizo that vividly imagines everything i read, thanks and fuck you for this nightmare
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>using crossfire
>barely any range
>still having LQ issues
How does one fuck up this badly? Did they just skip the antenna?
that's russia dude, he's wearing ratnik camo
if it was so shit, why did russia immediately copy it, like it does with all tech.
Crossfire tends to be really fucking good. That's why I'm confused that it's struggling at all when the video signal looks really good. I know what analog looks like at several miles of range, and they're not that far out.
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pet hohols
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Different genre. But still fun.
File: When we were at war.webm (4.86 MB, 500x374)
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Not the kind of song you would sing with your mates. At least not with this arrangement. The other one has fantastic harmony.
This is good but a different category. Sadly, this tradition seems to have disappeared from the West.
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postan' waifu
mexicans just don't like white people. they're just being indirect about it.
no one likes white people.
>no one likes white people.
>the rest of the world proceeds to imitate them and attempts to move to their countries
codex rassiya when?
>a fucking screen recording
if someone posts sauce I'll make a proper webm
it keeps getting very close to being actually comfortably livable but then the jews and english manage to absolutely annihilate it just as that moment starts to hit.
source: my soviet grandparents alive through the 60s-80s
go fucking kill yourselves at the front you faggots, you will never be white
Still coping because of the Berlin rapes? ;)
>you will never be white
Nta, but holy kek. Every single white country is heading for extinction. You're part of the problem.
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nvm found it

and another one
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>everyone hates us.
i dont hate russians at all and I am a bong.
I dont have a very high opinion of slavs and shitters like gopniks are terrible but some of the few russians I have met were decent people.
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Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, and ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.
yup that's russia.
>go to a country that guzzles american cum
Literally go anywhere else in the world, 80% of the planet is on Russia's side.
Someone post Ossetian girls videocalling with a jew.
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and the full sauce, without subs unfortunately

Thats what you get for playing twisted treeline pleb
Do they really have no idea why people fucking hate them? The country that brought the world communism. The threat of total nuclear war. The worst kind of alcohol and alcoholics. Tons of pointless wars? And before you say bu but America, people don't hate American passports on that level so something else is happening.
more russian ships hit in the black sea. russia helpless to stop it.

russians pissed that north korean troops get better food, TV's and actual heated barracks, also lots of porn.
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butthurt belter cope

with a better mic and some softer tones this could be good asmr sleep audio.

why are the norks fleeing to defect at the earliest opportunity?
Do you have any source for those claims, samefag?

nuts, I got psyop'd by pro-kyiv fake-news that claimed 18 norks fled their border posts.

to be fair, it wouldn't be that surprising
>people don't hate American passports on that level
american tourists are generally considered one step behind chinese for worst tourists ever, and I say this as an american
We have city tards to blame for that. I go to the city and people suddenly don't know how the world works, and their manners suck.
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fuck this just made me so sad :(
rusikij mir
If everyone's gonna be doing this anyway, it's a shame not to give him the ol'
>too slow!
He is a hero. 3 russian animals thankfully died due to him. He is relaxing in paradise with god now.
no she knows that she's trying to get the mexican authorites to put her as english cause they won't let her through if they say she's russian and they are stopping her on purpose, though granted they figure english woman don't have to go through mexico so of course they get a lot of russians so theat's their first assumption
amerimutts will say this while worshiping criminals like George Floyd, flooding Europe with islamists and destroying White culture
You literally sided with communists, are we forgetting all the aid USA gave to bolsheviks for free? USA funding african communists to kill Whites? USA giving Poland to communists?
You're both idiots. You're lumping all the people in with shitty corrupt governments that don't serve the interests of said people. Guess how much communism, faggotry, and national replacement is welcome with the people around me. Our governments are pieces of shit that would be better off thrown into the sun.
>it's the Anglo's fault that the USSR was a shithole
Commie delusion is always incredible
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Does anyone have the video of a father with a moustache talking to a son on a VHS tape? I think it was around the Chechen War era?.
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I HATE russians ama
rybar reports russian commanders arrested for lying about taking settlements in Ukraine.

russian mil bloggers complain that front line russian fighters get no medical evacuation or support on the front line. if only there was a country you could leave...
russian milbloggers and video shot by the north koreans on telegram.
>video shot by the north koreans
can we see it?
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mogged by a population a tenth of your size

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