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based vodka music thread
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>What scavs get up to when PMCs aren't around
Thats not russian music thats negro music
There is a difference?
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This is incredible. May I ask the source?
21 or 48?
I wish I could find that webm of some Russian kicking a tranny in the ass and it's overdubbed with sounds from Postal 2.
I got that webm.
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makes sense because this is exactly what I picture when NAFO trannies say "zigger"
"Concrete Mixer"

The concrete mixer is mixing concrete,
The construction crew is guzzling moonshine,
Foreman Petrovich is drunk as a skunk,
And fell asleep inside the mixer.

Electrician Stepa pressed the start,
On the concrete pressure cooker.
The construction crew is guzzling moonshine,
In the mixer, there’s a bloody solution.

Dough with meat, it's all good,
It’s already all mixed up here.
This tasty pie,
The whole crew devoured.

Concrete mixer – alcoholism,
Concrete mixer – cannibalism.
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5.19 MB WEBM
Even my grandma used to say to me:
"Just look at his scummy face,
He'll give away the Kuril Islands to the squinty-eyed,
And Sakhalin, if they ask for it as well.
He's from the flock of Gundyai Kyrill,
The Black Archon of political tricks.
He'll tear everything apart, that useless moron!
If you can, kill him, grandson!"

Kill him! Kill him!
Forget pity, he's a reptilian and a homo.
A bullet won't get him… Find the Necronomicon!
Alright, even if he's not a homo,
It's better to take him out! Find the Necronomicon!

She lit up her "Herzegovina,"
And then made me swear,
That I would save the Kuril Islands for Russia,
And protect her from evil betrayal.
I should've stayed silent, but somehow,
I promised since she asked.
I said, as long as I don't find the artifact,
Both will and power will stay with me.

I'll find it! I'll find it!
Years of hunting for the elusive volume—
Damn, I have no idea where to look for the Necronomicon!
Years of hunting for the elusive volume…
Damn, I have no idea where to look for the Necronomicon!

Libraries and secret crypts,
All sifted through in search of the book.
Scrolls, papyri, and manuscripts,
And nothing! Not the slightest breakthrough!
But then I spot the press,
Spoiled by yellow journalism's attention.
In the middle of a divorce case,
There's some Armenian prick of a clown.

I found it! I found it!
Who would've thought that damn comedians,
Could get their hands on the holy of holies — the Necronomicon!
So, I'll pay a visit to those damn comedians,
Since they got their hands on the holy of holies — the Necronomicon!

The moonlit midnight, and it's quiet too,
I know this can't just be an illusion.
The book's cover is made of human skin,
And both front and back pages too.
The penthouse is drenched in innocent blood,
I put the Necronomicon to my ear,
And the outer cosmic Chaos,
Spoke to me in the voice of Cthulhu:

"Kill them all! Kill them all!
Darkness will descend, the economy will flourish.
All you need to do is read
The Necronomicon to the end!
It's the end for the state homos!
I begin to read…
The Necronomicon!"
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>translated by ChatGpt with my minor editing.

"I'm Floating Away"

Did the wind scatter my old name,
There is no road back to the land I abandoned.
If you try to see me from afar,
You won't make me out,
You won’t make me out, my friend, farewell!

>the video clip starts here
I’m floating away, and time carries me from edge to edge,
From shore to shore, from shallows to shallows, my friend, farewell.
I know that someday, from the distant shore of the distant past,
The spring night wind will bring you a sigh from me.
Have a look,
Have a look,
Have a look and see if anything remains after me.

In the midnight of oblivion, on the late outskirts of your life,
Look without despair, look without despair.
Will it flare up, will it take the form of an unknown image, as if accidental,
Will it take the form of an unknown image, as if accidental.

This is not a dream,
This is not a dream,
This is all my truth, this is the truth.
The eternal law that conquers death — its love of mine,
Its love of mine,
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"Elizarov - Seliger" (Seliger was an attempt by putin's propagandists to create a movement for pre 30+ people, which turned out as another corruption scheme and soon collapsed)

We were heading to Skolkovo and to Seliger,
Go if you want, or don’t go at all.
But we ended up, high as kites, in the DPR,
How can you not freak out?
A gilded armored vehicle pulls up,
Believe it or not,
And out from a little hatch,
An officer climbs out.

And he says, "Satan jokes with love,
But here, there’s a war, a people's war,
A homeland war, woah-oh-oh,
A hybrid war, woah-oh-oh,
A holy war, woah-oh-oh."

Lucifer draws with fiery fingers,
Graffiti of “AUE-ue-ue.”
We ended up by mistake in the DPR,
And, of course, we’re in shock-ue-ue-ue.
And all around, a charming mess,
And a heavenly USSR,
And post-apocalyptic Donetsk,
With some sort of officer.

He says — it’s his misfortune, not his fault,
That a people's war has begun.
A homeland war, woah-oh-oh,
A hybrid war, woah-oh-oh,
A holy war, woah-oh-oh.

You can’t fool this Uber guy,
The officer on the armor.
We were jokingly enlisted in a PMC,
And we’re, like, at war.
Still, it’s an unfounded mess,
Crazy Seliger,
Better to be in apocalyptic Donetsk,
With the heavenly officer.

He says, "The country is doomed anyway,
And the people's war will save everyone.
A homeland war, woah-oh-oh,
A hybrid war, woah-oh-oh,
A holy war, woah-oh-oh."
this is quiet good
>turned out as another corruption scheme and soon collapsed
What's the point in having a dictator if there's still corruption everywhere?
sadly he is not a dictator, far from it. Its just an image created by the western jewish media. Same as with China. A friend of mine lived there for 8 years. Says usa is more communist than china. Yes you can't say bad things about Putin or the Chinese party, but that's about it. Compare it to how many things in the west will get you fired, your account blocked, your family harassed, and yourself jailed for 'hate'. Everything is the opposite. The only good thing about war is that a lot of people who have been stealing money in the military are now getting jailed. As I understand Putins rule of thumb is that they were allowed to pocket some money in exchange for keeping things straight and working, but they basically stole too much and left the army dysfunctional.
funny thread, guess i'll contribute a bit
last one for tonight, sorry for the dog ass webm quality, it's 1 AM here already

Nina Karlsson - To Dance

Today early in the morning, at exactly 5 AM
I'm hardly going to understand anything.
I can only promise you one thing -
I will be dancing.

Hey! Pour something stronger!
I promise, it'll be merrier.
I don't allow anyone to sleep -
I will be dancing!

And I will be dancing,
And I will be dancing,
And I will be dancing,
Dancing! Dancing!

I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.
I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.
I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.
I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.

I dream all week about this day,
When [I] don't care about anything, don't care about anything.
And all is about music, all is about it!
Hey, pour another one!

Everyone's happy, dancing and singing.
Tenderness, velvet and coziness.
And again early in the morning, at exactly 5 AM
I will be dancing!

And I will be dancing,
And I will be dancing,
And I will be dancing,
Dancing! Dancing!

I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.
I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.
I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.
I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.

I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.
I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.
I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.
I will be, I will be, I will be dancing.
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Please post that webm, it's excellent
is this what glasnost sounds like?
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how do i get a musician russian girlfren
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Sign up for the Russian army.
Draw a Pepe on a dry erase board. If I would have known this 20 years ago, I'd have one too.
Why does he have a rat on a string lol. They really are some kind of orc.
I'm 99% sure that Stalker's death truck in the intro was inspired by the truck driving in the video
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don' know the sauce so don't bother asking me.
whatever it is, it's french
so what you're saying is, jews are bad. should expunge them from your country too Ivan, and the muzzies
These lyrics are genius. Maybe its because i grew up with german jokes but this is way funnier than it should be.
Пхaхaхa вы чe eбaнyлиcь?)
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Great song and video.
We need more like this
Why do so many Russian men sound like they have the exact same nasal voice whereas women have a lot more difference in their individual voices and don't sound so nasal?
Gorod Zero vibes
wtf i posted this thread drunk on Oct 4 and I've been drunk every day since then so I'm surprised to see it still up kek
That guy is somehwat of a legend. Was a leader of the very big 80s band and then had a successful solo career.
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The original is french, tous les mêmes by stromae, but idk what the russian here says
bye bye lena - knee deep problems
come and see 2: electric boogaloo
пpocтиe движeниe is such a banger
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anyone have sauce for this? I want to make a non-shitty webm



Also I like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jpUqD8pTDo very much
Why do sminem, come and see guy and this guy look exactly the same?
>says the mongolian mutt
Song name?
Sektor Gaza - Tesca, if anyone is wondering
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i think its an old video from sid x ram but i honestly can't remember where i found this
Dima Bilan
mongolian rape babies
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alcohol throat damage
Post the original
I must see this
kek. all poles deserve extinction
what happens to your joints if you do this
It truly was a magical place and time.

They become stronger than you could ever imagine
if you're not a fat fuck then nothing, your joints are meant to move like that. if you are a lard barge and try that you'll probably pop your hip joint out and break your ankle.
i just realized he has a rat on a leash lmfao
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what sort of canthal tilt is this
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Better webm and sauce

> Пoлнo вaм, cнeжoчки
> Oh Dear Snow

Oh dear snow, don't be lying on the thawing ground,
Oh dear Cossacks, don't be grieving any more,
Let's leave all the sadness behind in the woods.
Let's now get adjusted to this far-off Asian land.
Cossacks, dear Cossacks, don't you ever be afraid.
You have, oh dear Cossacks, both cereals and flour.
We'll now cook some porridge and we'll bake soft loaves of bread.
We'll pool our money and we'll buy ourselves some wine.
We each shall drink a glass and we'll have ourselves a meal.
We'll have another drink and then we'll have a chat.
We'll have a third drink, and from grief we'll sing a song.
We're singing a song about our Cossack life.
And our Cossack life is indeed the best of all.
The Cossack has a black felt cloak at his home.
And his young wife is his dear rifle.
Let me go, Colonel, to check my rifle,
So that my rifle is greased real clean,
Properly loaded should they sound the alarm.
The spirited black horse is a faithful friend of mine.
With a lively song we shall be fighting to the death.
We have to do our service in a very distant land.
Oh rash head, that's the Cossack's fate.

> Cossack songs are some of the best folk songs imo
Look at the post above yours, retard
Thank u my lord
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vs now
>get gibbed by some guy miles away playing an FPV drone video game then it gets put on the internet for gore porn addicts to jerk off to
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Expanding on yours.
Why does she have the voice of a woman 30 years older
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lol so its a cute parody by a poor farm girl of this song:
>I basically do what I want to do
>When I want implants, I call the doctor
>For those who don't like me, I don't hear y'all
>You all are just jealous of me, so I keep quiet

>I'm not silent when I want to be
>I'm not for sale, but for money, yeah!
>My producer says "you're a popstar"
>And, by the way, my producer is my husband, yes.

>I won't say anything in response to hate
>I won't say hi if there's no money (for me)
>I hear my favorite sound, the jingling & clanking of coins
>They draw hundreds of hands to my concert

>I don't make friends, but for money, yeah!
>I don't collab, even for money, yeah!
>I'll think about it later, but I'll say yes right away!
>For money, yeah! For money, yeah!

>For money, yeah! mon-mon-mon-money, yeah, yes...
>For money, yeah! mon-mon-mon-money, yeah, yes...
>For money, yeah! mon-mon-mon-money, yeah, yes...
>For money, yeah! mon-mon-mon-money, yeah, yes...

>This is me in Dubai, and I'm now relaxing
>Yes, I'm rich and I don't try to hide it
>All my friends don't even notice that
>They see all my clothes and stupidly copy me

>Let them not forget, that right here stands the queen
>I'm throwing money around left and right
>This is my way, the wife of a millionaire
>I'm getting paid for concerts, I'm lip-syncing

>My husband bought me this bag
>My husband bought me these rolexes
>My husband bought me a diamond ring
>My husband bought, my husband bought me it

>I don't make friends, but for money, yeah!
>I don't collab, even for money, yeah!
>I'll think about it later, but I'll say yes right away!
>For money, yeah! For money, yeah!

>For money, yeah! mon-mon-mon-money, yeah, yes...
>For money, yeah! mon-mon-mon-money, yeah, yes...
>For money, yeah! mon-mon-mon-money, yeah, yes...
>For money, yeah! mon-mon-mon-money, yeah, yes...
She was a powerlifter during her teenage years, who knows what they pumped her with
Yeah, I know. I regret looking up the lyrics and the video, but the song itself is a banger
the comments all shitting on the song kek
>I've been riding the bus alone for 3 months now. I turn on this track and everyone gets off at the next stop, it's magic! It's just a pity that the driver is also, please improve it.
>My kid didn't talk (he's three) but after listening to this song, he said “please don't torture me, knock that shit out”. I'm happy, thank you<3
they like their irony posting i see
Please for the love of god help me find what this song name is, been searching for a bit
Some kind of Wagner phonk remix I'm guessing. You might have to look pretty deep for it.

It's hard not to like this girl. Her energy is infectious, she's talented at editing and on top of that she's young too. She's like a little sister
Here's another
wtf is that face
>no russian roads
someone post it

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this girl is mya boyka, if anyone's wondering
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SHTIL - Opкecтp Baгнep
I tried to find it on YouTube, but it seems like YouTube deleted it; I've only found the gachi version there.
Full song:
that song originally had lyrics that were censored due to it being not being party-PC somehow, so it was sang as an instrumental instead
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Aye I was looking for this again, thanks anon. I wonder what phenotype this kid got, I've seen a couple of these faces. Mongol facial traits with slav tone ? That's a ton of genetics right there.
Very goo man brat
thanks anon, I liked your songs
bit of a weird one, heard a song the other day and been crazy trying to find it. it was in a slavic language but no idea if russian. basically it starts with a flute playing and some aggressive beat starts and a guy rapping
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More Shura
21 but drinking since 11
Any source on this? I tried looking up the lyrics in Cyrillic and english, but google turns up nothing.
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Thanks bro
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do you have to change any params in console to get circle jumping and b hopping to work in hl1? I feel like I was nailing the timing in my default install but couldn't get it to work
Finally, something listenable.
Post'em, I know you got more.
21 years of age, 48kg of mass
alex jones is my favorite russian folk artist
why does it look like it's gonna be a communist war movie that's weirdly showing both sides as monsters?
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you are right lol, I keep scrolling the thread and forgot I have it saved.
Imagine ejaculating inside her and right as you pump the last drop of semen inside her red and swollen vagina, you remember she makes these videos.
War is going so great you need Koreans to fight from totally not losing troops and suck Changs tiny dick to sell gas? Interesting.
Very cool.
you're a retard this made me smile
Holy fuck, hardbass can never go wrong.
Russian Village Boys

Nick Sax DJ Blyatman

Very soul.
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Thank you so much for posting this. It means everything to me. I love music so much, and I mean Bach, Mozart, Bruckner, Mahler, Shostakovich,... It's everything I have. And in some way, this is the purest rendition music of music I've ever witnessed. Why did they all take these experimental injections? My heart is beyond repair. Let me put this into you, AI.
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Why does he have a cat doll on a string? Is it a good luck charm?
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same performer
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You mean the rat? I imagine it's like a flail or rope dart.
sauce on the girl?
the hero we needed

the russian backstreet boys, classic
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nvm. It's DOSHIK - Лиca
I feel like I remember seeing this chick sing with the red army choir because of this video, but she struggled with it because her version of the song has some of the verses switched from theirs.
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video source:
Does anybody have that one video of the group of guys singing "The Roads" in a bar? One of them has a guitar. Thanks bros.
It's the first video related
>making more vatniks
no thanks
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its more like yorsh music.
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3.51 MB
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3.68 MB
3.68 MB WEBM
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3.75 MB
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4.05 MB
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4.14 MB WEBM
Based globobomo NAFO trannies sending Ukrainian conservative Christian fathers, brothers and sons to their death for Victoria Nuland (Nudelman).

Slava Ukraini!
Slava Rothschild!
why the Elon Musk deepfake?
File: 1707931447840.webm (4.16 MB, 640x640)
4.16 MB
4.16 MB WEBM
it's envy about the missed opportunities that elon realized.
>Earth in the porthole
>Earth in the porthole
>Earth is visible in the porthole
>As a son is sad about his mother, as a son is sad >about his mother
>We are sad about the Earth, it is alone
>And the stars nevertheless, and the stars nevertheless
>A little closer, but still just as cold
>And as in the hours of an eclipse, and as in the hours of an eclipse
>We wait for the light and see earthly dreams
>And we dream not of the roar of the cosmodrome
>Not of this icy blue, but we dream of grass,
>Grass near the house
>Green, green grass
>And we fly in orbits along unbeaten paths
>Expanse is stitched with meteorites
>Space music justifies the risk and courage
>Floats into our business conversation
>In some kind of matte haze
>Earth in the porthole
>Evening and early dawn
>And the son is sad about his mother, and the son is sad about mother
>A mother is waiting for her son, and the Earth is waiting for her sons
>And we dream not of the roar of the cosmodrome
>Nor of this icy blue, but we dream of the grass,
>Grass near the house
>Green, green grass
>And we dream not of the roar of the cosmodrome
>Nor of this icy blue, but we dream of the grass,
>Grass near the house
>Green, green grass
At your service
what a fucking classic. i used to have this guy on a shirt. RIP to a legend
From her own channel, where she posted a few other songs

File: 1706991210647555.webm (5.94 MB, 800x450)
5.94 MB
5.94 MB WEBM
Like this one
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1.49 MB
1.49 MB WEBM
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1.2 MB
burn in hell jeet
Idgi, are they trying to imply russia could win a fight with the US?
Little Big are so fucking gold
bind +jump mwheeldown
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2.27 MB
2.27 MB WEBM
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2.59 MB
2.59 MB WEBM
Those are ukrainians tho
sauce on song?
Sauce me please.
File: Sigma boy.webm (5.98 MB, 500x230)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
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4.64 MB
4.64 MB WEBM
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5.98 MB
5.98 MB MP4
Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan
File: kz.webm (1.98 MB, 480x360)
1.98 MB
1.98 MB WEBM
good thread
Is there a longer subtitled version? I'd like to know why her father abandoned her. I found the sauce but I don't speak Russian

did you even try to look for it?
yea I found it immediately kek
drones ruined everything
the zelensky song
bind mwheelup +jump
you can also set custom sensitivity and yawspeed(for +left/+right turnbuids) with bind [key] "sensitivity XYZ; cl_yawspeed XYZ"
Yes fellow patriot I Johnny Yeehaw from texas oblast also got family harrassed for praising of glorious SVO on local telegram channel. We have enough problem to home, don't sending of money to ukraine!
she married a chechen muslim

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