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more like, 'motivated'
what would you do if someone turned your computer into a microwave weapon?
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ReeseReport video on 9-11 and other topics related to them
You can just see how regretful this ex-IDF soldier is for the 1948 war crimes
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Greenblatt from ADL freaking out about the generational hatred of israel. As this means that zoomers won't want to fight their wars, and support in the USA will be vanishing as the boomers go extinct
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Montel clip about the slave trade, during an episode of the holocaust deniers episode with a jewish guy claiming the holocaust was fake
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Smart girl talk about the support they received for BLM via a certain group
File: Jewish neocons.webm (5.59 MB, 640x360)
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Talks about during the bush era and the years that led up to it. Regarding the neocons
Normies experience the noticing about the human organ transplant process, and how to jump the line by being a foreigner
Jews slandering Jesus, while making lots of outrageous claims about him
There's something odd about what this rabbi teaches his congregation. I just can't put my finger on exactly what it is though
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The israeli's are such nice people. Just like they taught me in church about the judeo-christian brotherhood
They're very religious
Israel is a parasite on America, who hides behind us and demands our protection and support.
I wonder how all those weapons got smuggled into the west bank and gaza. They had great border guards such as this israeli in your video
Apparently Greenblatt from the ADL sees life as teams by religion, competing against all non-jews. He says that he only "plays for team jew"
Levon and Apollo Affair
Things like jewish extremists planting bombs in civilian areas, and others
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USA is an occupied government according to him
File: Brother Nathaniel.webm (5.96 MB, 960x540)
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Brother Nathaniel who was born and raised jewish. Talks about why some people aren't happy with jewish people, and what causes some people to have hate in their hearts
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Even if one does not read the talmud. If they live in jewish communities the talmud still seeps in via various methods. Like the rabbi providing advice and stories while having the viewpoint of the talmud in his mind while telling it
A good clip on where antisemitism can be stopped and where it can't be
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so much this
soooooo sooooo much this
this is 100% true; I was very close to a non-religious jewish family and even non-religious jews carry on the jewish character that comes from the talmud. The moral grubbiness and the ease with which they rip people off, the degeneracy.
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if only someone stood up and destroyed their blackmail/bribery ring once and for all.
This Epstein guys sounds no good
someone should really arrest him...
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>Greenblatt from ADL freaking out about the generational hatred of israel. As this means that zoomers won't want to fight their wars, and support in the USA will be vanishing as the boomers go extinct
checked, correct, very worthy get.
Zionism is over.
a dead man walking
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wait until she realizes that democrats are still slave-owners they just moved the upkeep costs to the state, and the only job of their slaves is to vote for democrats.
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I think one of the thing that's lacking in viewing 911/GWoT/Neocons as a Jewish problem, is 1) it didn't actually serve Jews or Israel too much, 2) it required a bunch of non-jews who's motives aren't explained, and 3) even the jewish neocons are totally willing to obliterate Israel if it means they can continue their domination of the world via control of the US government.

So if it was all about serving Israel why not attack Iran first? why attack Afghanistan at all?
The neocons planned and carried out 911, why did they leave intentional red herrings so people would blame Israel (dancing Israelis)--obviously jews were involved but the planners seemed to intentionally lead people to blame Israel?
All post ww2 US militarism can be explained entirely through the lens of maintaining hegemony.
They attacked Afghanistan and Iraq not to serve the jews but to create the kind of destabilizing environment that would prevent the natural regional hegemon--Iran--from growing to challenge the US. This same motive is behind much of our aid to Israel. We use them to advance our hegemony by causing instability that prevents Iran from growing unimpeded.
The Ukraine war is similarly understood this way. This explains Korea and Vietnam.
It's all about hegemony.
Thank God we've reached the end of that line.
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Jewish seething about Christ is some of the best evidence that Christ is King.
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might have something to do with their intentional subversion of western civilization via mass migration and using child rape as a mechanism to control American politicians.
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What happens when the tail wags the dog though?
I've always found it strange that in the 20th century every race has to account for it's individuals except jews.
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you're about to find out.
enjoy the show.
anyone have the parody music video webm of the child pop singer singing for help, and tim heidecker is the producer trying to kidnap him into a box for trying to reach out through the song, and has a short bit in it himself? can't find this anywhere. and is relevant to this thread.
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haven't seen that one, sounds good
I got this one though
if you find a link to it, post it up I'll make a webm
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These are all the same fucking videos as before. There's NEW videos which are more objective.
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>There's NEW videos which are more objective.
Bill Maher isn't jewish believe it or not.
certified hood classic.
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you're LITERALLY jewish.
you're counter signaling Trump because you know he's going to fuck up your gay ass country.
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you're jewish
wtf I hate trump now
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>wtf I hate trump now
that's you samefagging
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disgusting people.
>Trump is not a shabbos goy.
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Destiny is a documented Israeli shill
if Trump is really good for Israel, why would Destiny complain about him being a Jewish puppet?
Destiny is literally a Jewish puppet, why would he object to Trump being a Jewish puppet?
If Trump is so pro-Israel, why do all the Jewish shills seem so eager to counter signal him?
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this comment >>5705083
was for you >>5704901
destiny really likes to argue by listing potential arguments without going into depth and then hoping that his opponent concedes that probably one of the listed arguments hold up, so he doesn't need to argue in depth because he can't because he's just too much of a midwit to defend weak positions.
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>destiny really likes to argue by listing potential arguments without going into depth and then hoping that his opponent concedes that probably one of the listed arguments hold up, so he doesn't need to argue in depth because he can't because he's just too much of a midwit to defend weak positions.
he's a midwit, but that wasn't even his argument, he literally read it off the screen. And he also lied about missing a flight so he could do that appearance in front of his screen.
The question remains, if Trump is good for Israel why are all the Israeli shills so hostile to him?
because Trump is pro the Israeli people, but opposed to the Bibi government.
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As a president, Trump has a proven track record of betraying his White base on virtually every promise he made to them, since he did not build a wall, mass-deport mexicans, or disengage from Syria.

On the other hand, he has a proven track record of fulfilling all the promises he made to his Jewish donors, such as recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US embassy there, recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory, and increasing military aid to Israel.
Now he is promising them to murder antisemites in the US.
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>As a president, Trump has a proven track record of betraying his White base on virtually every promise he made to them, since he did not build a wall, mass-deport mexicans, or disengage from Syria.
what the fuck would you know about being white Chaim?
100% fake clip.
super pathetic strategy
You vastly over estimate your support if you think a crowd of people would applause at that line.
This is the 'christcuck' strategy all over again.
It's good you know the most offensive thing is being associated with you.
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great webm anon fantastic work
>100% fake clip.
nice try, faggot

Do you at least get paid to shill for Trump and Israel or are you doing it for free?
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>its not fake because we added sound
its giving desperation honestly
thanks though I collect them
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>and Israel
you got me all wrong
I wouldn't exactly say I'm 'pro' Semite.
>I wouldn't exactly say I'm 'pro' Semite.
wrong, you openly support the murder of "anti-semites" and shill for a criminal zionist who claims to be the most pro-Israel president ever as seen in >>5704173
>Destiny is a documented Israeli shill
I know.

>If Trump is so pro-Israel, why do all the Jewish shills seem so eager to counter signal him?
They have their own internal war going on.

Trump, Kamala. No fucking difference. And Trump won't be the 2016 Trump.
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lol you're so incredibly Israeli
I'm enjoying the desperation.
>They have their own internal war going on.
no they don't. The ultra-right Jews have been totally dominant since Oct 7. The more liberal jews aren't even a real political faction. Bibi might get replaced by ANOTHER far-right PM but there's no chance of them electing a peace candidate.
>Trump, Kamala. No fucking difference. And Trump won't be the 2016 Trump.
if it doesn't mater why are you trying to discourage anti-Semites from voting for Trump?
It's prophetic how much they seethe at Christ.
for clarity's sake, these are VERY VERY Fake.
>if it doesn't mater why are you trying to discourage anti-Semites from voting for Trump?
Because you can vote for Jill Stein.
File: cjb on putin shills.webm (5.65 MB, 256x144)
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the video came out before realistic deepfakes were even a thing
You Christians are getting really desperate with your lies.

What do you care? You're not an anti-Semite, you literally worship a Jewish rabbi and you tell lies on behalf of Israel's favoured candidate.
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if you supported Jill Stein you would have advocated for her jew.
You know Trump means Zionism is done.
>the video came out before realistic deepfakes were even a thing
You characterized it as having something to do with anti Semitism. And yes you disgusting smarmy jews are getting desperate because we will all live to see the death of Israel and the end of Zionism.
It has nothing to do with anti-Semitism you lying jew.
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You've shown yourself to lack the ability to actually tell fakes from real videos.
The video in >>5705122 is from the same year: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4758130/user-clip-trump-death-penalty

>Scott Ritter
Russia shill on Putin's payroll, and Putin is a Chabadnik, just like Trump who just prayed to the Lubavitcher Rebbe at his grave.

The destruction of Israel has to happen for the messianic prophecies to come about. Trump is literally a messianic Jew and so are his children.
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If this sounds made up, it's because it is.
What's an example?
14 years old is not pedophile, that's allowed in many countries, or even younger
She's right. Don't forget that stinians were celebrating 9/11 and giving out candy
If God is real, show me the original ten commandments - the only thing God ever wrote
He's laughing at the irony because he's white
Lol cope.
Yeah Muslims dindu nuffin
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Oh this is the authority on Jews? I don't think so. You can check the fst distance, ashkenazi are as white as greeks are
>Don't believe your lying eyes
So you're gonna tell me this guy isn't white? He's practically transparent
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>You've shown yourself to lack the ability to actually tell fakes from real videos.
You claimed he was advising the death penalty over anti-semitism kike.
And I was correct that the video was unrelated to that.
The other two videos are entirely fake.
>The destruction of Israel has to happen for the messianic prophecies to come about. Trump is literally a messianic Jew and so are his children.
you are.
how many bodies have you dragged down into the tunnels?
when are you going to accept that Jesus was your messiah and you murdered him.
>What's an example?
every member of the family solid drugs.
The father had a sales job that made him at least $500,000 every year, the mother was a property manager making over $200,000 a year, they were in their mid 60s and they both sold drugs.
very very weird.
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>14 years old is not pedophile, that's allowed in many countries, or even younger
has absolutely nothing to do with Epstein's crimes.
don't forget that the jews Hijacked the planes and jewish neocons conducted the whole operation.
>If God is real, show me the original ten commandments - the only thing God ever wrote
if modern jews are actually hebrew it is their burden to demonstrate they control the Ark of the Covenant.
They can't.
>Yeah Muslims dindu nuffin
The only objectionable muslims are the ones imported to the west by jews.
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No, you claimed it was fake. And you were wrong.
>The other two videos are entirely fake.
Then why would C-Span host them on their website? Why would Trump's team not sue them if it were fake?

And why can't you accept the fact that Trump is trying really hard to become the Messiah ben Ephrayim, the one you Christians call the Anti-Christ, and that you will go to hell if you vote for him?
He prays to an idolatrous god in the form of the Chabad Rebbe, how can you as a Christian possibly vote for someone like that?
>He prays to an idolatrous god in the form of the Chabad Rebbe
that's a dead kike not a 'idolatrous god'
his followers are inbred retards
the only good he ever did was help destroy Israel.
Jeffrey Epstein was charged with several serious offenses related to sex trafficking and exploitation of minors. The primary charges he faced in 2019 were:

1. Sex Trafficking of Minors: Epstein was accused of operating a sex trafficking ring in which he sexually exploited underage girls, some as young as 14, at his properties in New York and Florida.

2. Conspiracy to Commit Sex Trafficking: Epstein was also charged with conspiring to recruit, entice, and transport minors for the purpose of engaging in illegal sexual acts.
These charges were part of a federal indictment that followed years of allegations and a controversial 2008 plea deal in which he had previously avoided more severe federal charges. In that earlier case, Epstein pleaded guilty to state charges in Florida, admitting to procuring a minor for prostitution, and served 13 months in county jail as part of a work-release program.

The 2019 charges, which came from a federal investigation, could have led to substantial prison time, but Epstein died by suicide in jail in August 2019 while awaiting trial.

You're a fucking retard. It is 14
What kind of drugs?
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>You're a fucking retard. It is 14
people like you have been very careful to make it seem like it's only teenagers.
It's not.
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mostly pot.
To give you an idea of their personal grubbiness, she basically had a good connection buying pot, she could get it for very cheap, she'd tell a friend of hers that she was going 'halfers' on the pot but the friend would pay 100% of the money and she would smoke for free.
The dad used to traffic hundreds of pounds of pot in the 80s, both daughters were fairly serious drug dealers, I dated the older daughter, she was selling about a quarter pound of pot a week, and this was before legalization. The other daughter was selling hundreds and hundreds of pills, mostly party drugs but some xanex/opiates too.
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the yids done goofed HARD starting with Ye and continuing to now.
I think we're going to live to see the end of Zionism and their occupation, the birth of the State of Palestine, and maybe even the dissolution of Israel (which they deserve but would actually make me a little sad).
another waste of a video with no sound
have you read Judiasm's Strange gods? or the Strange gods of Judiasm, somthing like that....its a pretty good read. it really explains the whole "judeo-christianity" concept as what it really is....absolute drivel concocted by rabbis to divert people from Christ.
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Turn on your speakers then. It has sound.
If you ever do find a video that ACTUALLY has no sound:
Take screenshot of first frame
Reverse image search in yandex or google
Watch it with sound from countless sources.
You're welcome

But seriously: buy some headphones or turn on your speakers. Volume at 0% means mute
Is there context missing in the video? What the fuck is happening?
>that's a dead kike not a 'idolatrous god'
>his followers are inbred retards
you just described Christianity
Weed is mostly harmless. So they were making a profit on sales, so what? That's how every retail business works. All drugs should be 100% legal anyway.
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patience patience fren
sorry to keep you waiting...
complicated work
>Weed is mostly harmless. So they were making a profit on sales, so what? That's how every retail business works. All drugs should be 100% legal anyway.
to a white person, if they were going in with a friend on a purchase, we wouldn't even CONSIDER pushing 100% of the costs onto our 'friend' and taking 100% of the profits ourselves.
It wouldn't even OCCUR to us. I've done something similar with other shared costs with friends and 100% of the time, you tell them the price, and you both equally share in the costs and benefits of a deal. i.e. when I go halfers with my friend on a ounce of pot, we both pay half the costs and we both receive half the pot.
the jew way to is hide the costs, push them all to your 'friend' and take the benefit of the bargain for oneself.
really puts the judeo in judeo-christianity.
jewish aeris
I agree that would be wrong to do with your friend. I've known plenty of Jewish pot dealers who are totally honest.

I consider some pot dealers to be my friends and I know they get the weed for half what I pay and I don't expect them to give it to me at cost.
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>I've known plenty of Jewish pot dealers who are totally honest.
offer to go in on their next buy.
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