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Warning: Incoming KINO
Post skibidi. Anything skibidi.

Latest Episode:

Previous Thread: >>5665945
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anyone remember the "gmod idiot box" sfm videos?
i knew this was definitely all just a fucking nightmare once my mom started using the term "based"
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So where on Earth is the Sprakerman Titan?
Schizo Theory: Plungerman never died.
He was just so skilled, Secret Agent wanted to recruit him into his secret glowie team. They somehow faked his death or brought him back to life. Plungerman got upgraded and can transform into any object. He is that random chair we keep seeing in episodes.
Getting repaired and upgraded at the speakermen base. Poor guy has been fighting since his introduction without rest.
Gmod idiot box is a gmod series
>his mom uses 4chan lingo
Hook me up with her. I love me some older women, and I promise to be a good dad to my future son. We'll watch Skibidi Toilet as a family.
Do we call him "Plunger man" because he was the first to use a plunger or because that was his weapon of choice?
The secret agent called him Plungerman after making him self destruct making it the canon name since. Then Titan Cameraman called him just Plunger.
Honestly a pretty good theory, I'd give it a 20% chance of being real, bump it up to around 75% if we ever get confirmation that the alliance members are robots with human implanted memories. Since the secret agent was most likely involved with the creation of the cameramen it would be childs play for him.

Looks like Gman is gonna save TTVM, I was getting hype hoping it would be the reveal of the upgraded speakmen race.
Nice theory here's mine:
Gman could have easily conquered earth if he tried, he is purposely playing arms race with humanity until we are well equiped enough to the point that we could have a chance against the upcoming Astro invasion.
Do we know where the story takes place? Is it a generic large city or is there a specific location that we know of?
>G-Toilet getting a robot eye where Titanspeakerman stabbed him repeatedly
I think it's called "earth".
The cancer is spreading

>1 year ago
You could easily have a million views on a video if you just made skibidi content at it's peak
imagine TVwoman nudes.
That poses an interesting question: How much of their body is mechanical?
Her head is definitely mechanical, so there's no TV blowjobs
She strikes me as a milf instead of a lean tomb raider body type.
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anon in the last thread who said we would be waiting until the end of october must be pretty smug right now
Why do you think "Everybody want to rule the world" is the theme song of the speakermen?
Were still satisfied from the previous episode, general mood is optimistically waiting.
Hang in there bro.
>dafuq said we'll get the full episode in two weeks on the 6th, or a day or two before it
>assuming thats right on the mark, we'll get part four on the 20th (or a day or two before)
>another week for the full episode + extra part (27th)
>then the full season + extra scenes on november third.
>the episode started on august 10th and the season started on june 23rd.
>this one season took 36% of 2024
jesus christ. id joke about dafuq taking "season" literally but we've well blown past that point.
I had a dream today in which the episode released.
Holy shit
Didn't realize we already past the 3 week mark.
And I wouldn't expect anything from another 10 days.
The funny thing is that this may be one of the main reasons as of why the series is losing "importance" as those with short attention span just leave if not entretained for 5 second flat.
That being said, he seems to have established a 20-30 million average.
Yeah, skibidi toilet's viral meme days are certainly over. But the audience is still there.
For now at least.
>little zoom zooms who can't appreciate kino have gone on to the next brainrot youtube gimmick
>chads who stay for the lore can enjoy it in peace
unfortunately because of the alpha/late zoomer phase ST will always be a "nobody can know i like this" thing.
What's the tl;dr on Skibidi Toilet and why do you kids keep saying "skibidi"?
>tl;dr on skibidi
the series is effectively the plot of half life but with toilet people in place of xen and the combine.
>why kids keep saying skibidi
the word itself has been integrated into shitpost humor of gen alpha.
they use it as a meaningless word just because it sounds silly.
Thanks. What's the tl;dr on the plot of half life and xen and the combine?
Combine are aliens who wanna kill everyone, but they don't kill earth because something secret technology they want, so they enslave everyone. the xen are like aliens who hate the combine, but hate earth too. Also G-man is le mysterious guy who controls everything and whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
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Right on the money.
>1 hour ago
I was about to ask if there was any updates. No, I won't go to reddit or trooncord.
the show is basically a war between robots and funny toilet monsters. Started as a shitpost but turned into an actually good series. Lots of great fight scenes and good tone-setting. Lots of mecha.

Give it a watch, and don't be dissuaded by the first 20 minutes or so.
Wonder if this increase in episode time is because of him spending his time on other shit like the bonkers toys or michael bay movie. id be much more interested in how permanent this slow down is/the reasons behind it than "whens next episode"
the image posted last thread said that he tried getting some people to help for part four but had to scrap the whole thing and go back to solo.
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Skibidi skibidi skibidi?

He has got the weighty feel of the original series but lacks the polish.
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I can't believe skibidi toilet is dead.
there was a time when skibidi toilet was a weekly upload.
I heard Boom said the episode is supposed to drop 6:00 PM EST today.
I heard Boom say he fucked your mother last night.
The wait is finally over.

>this is not the end of episode 77
Finally. Tomorrow would've been 5 weeks.
Thans for the heads up.
Holy shit it was close, for both of them.
this is unironically the best show on yt
Man I stopped posting here after the episodes took a while but this new episode made me come back here.
God damn, long time but that fucking SLAPPED.
I kept forgetting the head is not the TV titan's weak point (he did get stabbed in the face by speaker).
I was praying IRL "please titan speaker show up" reciting that shit, but as we guessed here G-man was the one to show up.
Was expecting some fucking DBZ tier fight with Gman and Juggernaut speedblitzing all over the place honestly when they flew off.
I also believe he never died and we'll see him working for secret agent.
>think juggernaut was gonna leave and call in reinforcements or something
>just starts fucking wailing on TTVM and tearing him apart with his bare hands
jesus what a monster
I thought he was literally gonna go get a new weapon and come back 3 seconds later.
>Was expecting some fucking DBZ tier fight with Gman and Juggernaut speedblitzing all over the place honestly when they flew off.
Same lol. I expected to see shock waves all over the sky like in classic dbz
>soon you will meet your fate worse than death
oh fuck they definitely have TCM
they're gonna brainwash him oh god oh shit
So... who in the FUCK is the "Duke"?
Husband of the crazy toilet girl I guess? Wasn't she a duchess?
Would be funny if it was the tiny UFO guy that we've seen since the early episodes.
Wow juggernaut is a FRAUD
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>subtle teleportation sound
Titan TVman didn't waste time. The moment the skibidi reinforcement give him an opening, he snatched Juggernaut's cannon.
Between this and the magnet claws the alliance is pretty set.
The fakeout was kino

Also the sound effect when Jugger was readying up his punch was great too
>Would be funny if it was the tiny UFO guy that we've seen since the early episodes.
The astro with a single cannon? No, that's Astro Assailant.
He HAS to be a big shot, he was ordering the dude with claws around, was observing the titans when they raided the toilet base, tried to SON fake g-man to then try to off him, was probably bossing the girl astro as well and he thought he was him when he pulled up on the titans solo just to blast once and weave out of the way of their attacks.
Weird too considering how little gear he got compared to the rest.
He seems like a scout that just passes orders and gathers intel to me. If your turn subtitles on the Duchess episode, he was asking politely if she wanted to participate on the operation.
>return of the full skibidi song
dafuq won the legal battle. TSM return featuring EWtRtW is a possibility now.
nah, TTVM just had the advantage of being explicitly built for anti-toilet combat
>head isnt his weakpoint, unlike cameras and speakers who are able to be OHKO'd by the default attack of toilets.
>chassis is able to take blunt strikes like a punching bag
>the detainer arm was hidden until the last possible moment
this is JUST whats relevant to juggernaut, and if he went into the fight knowing any of this TTVM likely would've died
there's also the fact that juggernaut is the first to take advantage of how teleporting forces TTVM into a prone state, and knocked him out of the teleport cloud.
>they grabbed the scientist mech again
>>>return of the full skibidi song
I didn't even notice, let's hope it sticks around.
>they just put an astro laser where his face was
Yeah, I was just meming
>>the detainer arm was hidden until the last possible moment
I think this was the real lynchpin in the fight against Juggernaut, he was visibly damaged after eating a hit from that astro launcher. But brute strength alone juggernaut toyed with TTVM and without Gman showing up he would have pummeled TTVM to death.

They escaped with Juggernaut's weapon is what's important, you just know TSM is going to be rocking that in his next appearance.
Damn right he is. My goat's been using stock weapons and still carried his weight since he got uninfected.
He's finally getting the OP gear sauce.
>this is not the end of episode 77
He really, really must have changed things around so that the episode 77 became a 5-part. No wonder the delays.
I bet kleiner toilet is piloting the scientist mech.
Rumor had it part 4 was gonna be 7 minutes. But what we got today was 5. Possibly because boom couldn't push back the release anymore.
what else could be done for episode 77 aside from the full episode continuation scene back in the TV base?
PoV and TTVM have already teleported out.
>Wow juggernaut is a FRAUD
He was beating TTVM's ass with his bare fucking hands. He didn't even need the cannon. Hell, he got stabbed in the eye and didn't even react to it. The only thing that saved TTVM was G-Toilet coming in to draw his attention away.
Juggernaut is in no way a fucking fraud, he's a GOAT.
Is the Astro hegemony a monarchy??
Gman getting his titan legs and beating Juggernaut. Maybe stealing his astro wheel too.
This was clearly making TTVM job to try and put Juggernaut over to escape the fraud allegations, but savvy watchers aren't convinced. The reality is that the gas mask furries aren't drawing a single dime but they're the miniboss everyone has to face before the Astro Duke
honestly id much rather prefer if Gtoilet's upgrade process was more gradual.
as far as im concerned he's still the final boss, currently he can go toe to toe with juggernaut and the juggernaut even mentioning that he's not at his strongest.
also id say legs would ruin the design at this stage, he has a good "fake astro" theme going on that i think dafuq could roll with instead of a fake titan theme.
You just aren't seeing the bigger picture, imagine if Gman beat the Astros by becoming more humanlike instead of reverting to his former self.
this make alot more sense
also is there a reason why /co/ despise this series?
There's not enough waifus, of course. It also has too much action and fighting. The board that birthed the Amazing Digital Circus and Steven Universe is more about muh feelings and muh heckin sad waifus who talk about their feelings.
he actually confirmed that 77 is complete and the last few minutes will be in the full episode
you guys missed this but the fucking mafia toilet from 67 and 28 is the mutant that attacks the astro obliterator before kleiner's mech
Good episode
>The board that birthed the Amazing Digital Circus and Steven Universe
Kind of wonder if female skibidi is getting a redesign with the upgrades. ngl she sucked, she was just big head mode.
>There's not enough waifus,
you mean female characters?
>It also has too much action and fighting.
like madness combat?
>The board that birthed the Amazing Digital Circus and Steven Universe is more about muh feelings and muh heckin sad waifus who talk about their feelings.
i actually love that
Good to know.
>Jimmy blipping in and out of his invisibility tech
>The last time we heard of TCM is that he "went missing while being chased"
>Odds are Jimmy cloaked TCM to help him get away from the Astros chasing him
>Jimmy also has a tendency to escape to a safer location to ambush the enemies
>Not only does Jimmy draw Juggernaut's attention away from TTVM to give him time to escape, he also plans to ambush Juggy with a recovered, astrotech-upgraded TCM
so assuming the +1W full episode and +1W full season pattern (and also fixing this a bit >>5708803)...
>last season ended on june 8th, marking the start of this season
>this season is set to properly end on november 9th
>154 days
>42% of the year
... from being able to get a full season every week and a half for a while.
i love the higher production quality but dafuq really needs to find a balance. damn shame that getting other animators didnt work out.

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