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I need more gifs of this stupid AI wizard cat
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epic reddit time
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you should kill yourself NOW
this clearly ere ct and hostile entity has been greprorted to the aprobriat aowthawrities
chat is this real
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I mean, who else is he gonna cast that spell on.
George RR Martin cat
american magic
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dare I say kino
gonna need high res on that or the original vid senpai.
This is my favorite thread
t. Professional thread appreciator.
Kino ai thread, investing stocks on /wsg/
What spell whas kot about to cast,mr dubs?
Probably an anti squirrel spell.
You should love yourself NOW
post them here:
they love it
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Any more?
This channel has a few
nta but i hate those fucking ai generated cat noises and music in the background
it's so uncanny and unnatural
wtf is this real?
I'm out of spells, but I'm not out of shells
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best thread in this shithole right now
By far
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I need one where some human comes and pets him. As in, he doesn't cast anything, he just stays there and goes back to being a kitty with a funny hat and the human pets him and he is all so happy!!!
Oh shit, it's a super saiyan!
Oh fuck
Amazing one.
Holy moly! Is this real?
>I'm glad you changed your last name, you son of a BITCH
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He rolled a critical fail on his fireball spell.
This one is my favourite.
>Wizard Cat casts: Jihad!
Best one.
Bumping for more
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meme of the year
This is literally me rn
Before I saw this thread, I would've told you that AI is a detriment to human civilisation and ultimately not worth pursuing. Now, I'm not so sure.
Whatever it is that made these gifs surely has a soul.
But it doesn't. It's mimicry of what it's been shown. Nothing but a mere prediction of what stuff should appear next. All we're doing is bending the expected outcome by suggesting that it do so. To suggest it has a soul is to reveal yourself as having a complete lack of understanding of the tool we're using.
give me a thorough explanation as to how advanced algorithms function differently to the human mind, without mentioning a 'soul'
Soulless post.
not that anon, but artificial neural nets mimick biological neural nets only superficially. as of now, they are specifically trained for a given task with myriad of data unfathomable to the human mind. the tasks are getting more abstract, but they are still away from artificial general intelligence. and then, on the other side, it is just unknown how the human mind works. but clearly there must still be principal differences between it and a neural net, given the huge differences in strengths and weaknesses.

by the way, i disagree with the characterisation of neural nets just computing "what's the most likely next / best". a better description would be that they the guess what they expect to be most rewarding to them. they are inherently designed to produce stuff that gets them good boy points. with that characterisation, i think it's even easier to make the case that they lack soul, or to use the technical term here, sovl.

sovl is an uncertain notion, impossible to pin down. it doesn't have a precise definition, but rather markers. having sovl is about individuality, about suffering and striving, about vision and inspiration, it's about the choice to endure hardship in order to resist against the force of the world for the sake of one's goals, dreams or ideals, it's about love and caring and sacrifice, about denying the material world just to rise above it and make the divine spark that lives within us shine for all to see. when werner herzog dreams of a ship being carried over a mountain in the jungle, then wants to turn this into a film for all to see and then goes on to make it a reality by actually going to the jungle and actually carrying a ship over a mountain, he makes his dream a reality. and from that moment an, all of humanity will live in a world where man has carried a ship over a mountain just for the poetry of it. that, for instance is sovl.

all that being said, neural nets very obviously lack sovl and always will.
I appreciate the response, and I agree that Fitzcarraldo is a good example of something that could not be made by a soulless machine because of how 'illogical' and unreasonable the whole project is conceptually. Surely there are more sensible, cost-effective ways of making that film nowadays, and no doubt they are more likely to be pursued by a future artificial intelligence.

I would argue that what a computer lacks and what someone like Werner Herzog has in spades is an 'ego'. An advanced artificial intelligence can be argued as being 'perfect' at solving problems or making calculations, but it's the human mind's 'imperfections' that allow for individual subjective views and beliefs. It is the "Id", in Freudian terms, that causes these imperfections. The "Ego" (soul/personality) is formed by the intersection of the mind's primitive, selfish urges and desires, the "Id", and the logical, ethical "Superego" (informed by one's experience with society and authority). The "Id" is the root of the individual's subconscious biases, desires, fears, etc. These 'imperfections' then allow for individuality and subjectivity. All artists, whether they would admit it or not, desire to have their voices heard, their egos inflated, their beliefs affirmed by others, or selfishly to do something entirely for their own amusement. Most people want to leave some kind of legacy behind, and that is ultimately a selfish desire, and I don't necessarily mean that as a negative thing, it's a healthy thing for people to have.
I believe personally that an artificial intelligence could one day be made with a "soul," indistinguishable from a real person, if it were to be deliberately programmed with such imperfections. To create something capable of bias, of being unreasonable, of acting selfishly and of lying, would be to create something "human". I don't know how exactly it would work, but with enough trial and error I'm certain that it would be possible to tweak an AI to have a programming that is conflicting and impractical, not unlike the "illogical" nature of the human psyche (that compels a man to drag an entire ship over a mountain for the sake of art), and ultimately create something akin to what we call consciousness, or "soul".
The soul is in the eye of the beholder
got me
Might be my favorite and it's the simplest.
Where did this come from?
I expected the magic to perform fat expansion or body inflation.
Does any anon know what A.I. was used to make these? They're pretty good
Bump, this must continue
his ass is NOT casting spells
Yes it does
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shadow wizard money gang
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I fucking hate AI but even I gotta admit this is pretty cool
fuck yeeeeesssss
Best thread in the catalogue.
For some reason this reminds me of the msn chat gifs I used to send to my friends way back when. Very comf.
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Where is he going??
Come back here!
how do I make my own AI version?
Good question

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