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Climate Change is a hoax.
Those stronk Wyman seem very weak and pathetic
Heil Hitler!
i mean shes wrong
england was LITERALLY in control of palestine at the time
if fact is was called british mandate palestine
Don't museums have security?
based janny
Why do they always have cringe haircuts or molested faces?
why is nobody beating the shit out of these cunts?
Because we live in a weak society, that's why.
Where are the cops?
why are all libshit bitches premium rape meat
you jeets are funny, these are some of the ugliest women I've ever seen
the months of work it took to make that, undone by one person malevolent and stupid enough to put destruction before creation
though it makes me wonder if everything made with a lot of skill inherently deserves to be preserved. burning a book or painting might be justified if it's made with the intent to transform the viewers into worse/lower-quality people, even if it's well-made. though usually the sort of 'art' i'm talking about is absolutely incapable of standing on its own and is devoid of value moral or artistic, like those crude drawings of black figures killing and raping white ones in paris
art that inspires awe is probably inherently good, but it still scares me to think there might be something that could both inspire awe and ruin any civilization it touches
I can never side with iconoclasm.
If art is too insulting to a group, just put it in a museum.
That being said, just because someone calls something art doesn't make it so. I side with the janitors who swept up 'art exhibits' that were just garbage on the ground. That was not art, it had neither craft nor talent associated with it.
>Where are the cops?
The democrat politicians want to remain elected with votes from other democrats, so they try not to have liberals arrested. It also shows why areas that have republican politicians firmly in charge will allow the police to not only patrol, but to arrest such liberal activities. And the republican prosecutor will also charge the liberal protesters with vandalism and property destruction and malicious mischief (nails/screws shoplifted and thrown on the roads). In my area, public protesters made sure that city politicians obey before a protest is needed to hammer the point. That's because even if the protest marches are "peaceful" (not much rock throwing), there is usually a lot of nails and screws out on the roads even in non-protest areas. The libs use tactics that are way too much like terrorism.
Ugly girls were meant for rape.
Come on, you don't want to see children screwed up by ugly moms.
Rape releases societal stress, and these women aren't going to form good families anyway
Imagine freaking out over defacing a fucking british noble. Who gives a shit
>he thinks they put the original works on public display
i know you're retarded but come on
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i know it can be hard to understand ideas more complicated than "i'm hungry; i eat" but sometimes we have thoughts that take more than a few words to describe
it's easier to understand what's being said if you can get past the first sentence without getting distracted

>open museum specifically to let visitors see original pieces in person
>hide original pieces
>find and pay extremely skilled artists to replicate every single minor painting using your limited funding
I would've just kicked her ass. Just started beating her to a bloody pulp. You want to have a man's haircut, look like a dyke, you want feminism and equality? Fine. I'm going to kick your ass. That's exactly what I'd do to some faggy guy doing the same thing, why wouldn't I to some faggy cunt if she wants to be treated like a man?

Yeah, but they're using it to push one-world government and communism so they'll never admit they're lying when they said "the world will end in 5 years" for the last 50+ years.

They hate God. The Bible says women should have long hair and men short hair, but they rebel against that because they're rebelling against God. Even nature teaches it's a shame for men to have long hair, and likewise for women to have short hair, but they reject reality, it's why half of them mutilate themselves and claim to be the opposite sex.
I love the people walking by not giving a fuck.
The retarded boomer pisses me off more than the retarded kid who's young so of course he's going to be retarded
>bro, just stop oil
>gets in the car parked around the corner to go home
They are cheap, computer generated copies anon. No paintings were hurt, just feelings.
>Cleaner gets more attention and respect than protestors
just stopped oil, what now?
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>when defacing and destroying history is the only way to stop the concepts of inequality.
At least when the world is one big chinese commie block we will all be equal in our misery
oil employees
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The west would be better off if the Chinese killed off the jews
orange is the new faggot?
>be an eco freak protester
>spill shit on a building so that janny has to unnecessarily waste water to wash it off
i don't understand, but it was funny how the ponytail faggot immediately recognized the superiority of the pressure washer and fucked off back to his cuck corner
is he spreading fucking cheeto dust?
he's a guy so he still has some semblance of respect in his faggot brain. its the women and the troons that are batshit
These people are sick, right? That's a mental sickness right there. I don't care how worried you are about the world or some issue, to have absolute 0 empathy with other people and to put what YOU think it's something more important above the lives of other is fucking lizard behavior. Well no, crocs did nothing wrong.
>find and pay extremely skilled artists to replicate every single minor painting using your limited funding
I call this invention, "the image replicator through the aperture of a tiny hole and imprinting the resulting light in a small piece of plastic". Or camera. Now available in digital version.
while I would not put it past a rabbi to do this
this feels like somebody pretending to be a rabbi dressed up in a goofy costume false flagging the false flag
curry powder
>I'm hurting you out of love
Some next level bullshit right there.
They are like cult members, they spent too long in an echo chamber with people obsessed with the climate and usually veganism, BLM, trans rights and other things. Here they find friendship, community and acceptance they can't find elsewhere and an outlet for their emotions, they view the mainstream world as apart and evil.
>clean it up janny

it was found out that these protesters were paid by oil companies.

"Just Stop Oil was originally financed by Aileen Getty, the granddaughter of Jean Paul Getty, founder of the Getty Oil Company."
Kek imagine thinking this will make people listen to your schizo rant instead of only hating you more
It's a triple false flag to fake you out about regular false flags.
If they continue to target big corpos then I support them 100%.

However more often than not they choose to inconvenience random middle and lower class people and vandalize art pieces and historic monuments. Until they stop doing this shit I will continue to wish these controlled opposition activists a horrible painful death
Just look at her. She is fucked in the head. This is the worst kind of sociopathic extremist zealot.
Not sure if meant to be a joke or a double false flag
I think about these streams every night
>Goes to elementary school
>Shoots 11 children
>Splashes orange shit on their corpses
>Talks about renewable energy.

fuck off spastic
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>Can't hammer a nail
I am shocked. Shocked and surprised.
You'd think they'd send a more eloquent person instead of a putz.
>remember, no Russian
At she hasn't shot Trump for his comments about decreasing energy prices by restarting the drilling that Biden stopped.

She could go attack Musk, but he has a security detail as well. And Musk won't visit Europe due those threats of getting arrested unless he turns X into a censorship and snitching tool for the EU government. If he goes, he could end up like Durov who was detained until he changed Telegram policies to allow EU more access past the encryption privacy protections that Telegram put up as a shield against corrupt governments fishing for ways to imprison political opposition.
She's the best they had.
These women need to be beaten within an inch of their life and chained to a wall until their front fat deteriorates.
>>5703825 >>5704095 >>5704224

It's believable because the various synagogues in the USA all apply for free federal grant money to fight discrimination. In order to do this, they need to also show evidence for their area that such free money from taxpayers is needed.
It's why those videos of folks leaving shoes in an "art exhibition" is always a chuckle. But ultimately the "artists" should be swept up in the trash as well. They offer nothing no one's ever thought of before nor any new take. It's like seeing an exhibit with pieces of rubber from tires used to make abstract things and the only cool thing there was the horse because it took posing and some rudimentary study of anatomy at the least. Modern day artists are mostly attention seekers and coomers.
lmao clean it up janny
I think I saw that bitch on TV once.

Worst thing we ever did was hold cops accountable to the law. In the old days they'd truncheon her into a coma and world peace would ensue. Honestly, had anything gotten better since we gave everyone rights?
Why is it always women?
No, they are literally just hooligans. Every fucking journalist should hang from a tree. Every single one.
Based pressure washer
you are actually retarded if you believe the land belongs to the colonizers and not the locals
What did the druids ever do to you? This is just attention seeking pure and simple. Look how well their dress and piercings and hair screams "look at me".
Remove the word "deserve" from your vocabulary, and it becomes a lot clearer.
He just made the whole room love oil even more
Holding a smartphone lmao
It belongs to those who keep it, Ahmed
I'm starting to think that's the point. These people are probably paid by oil companies to make everyone hate eco protestors
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>the bible says men should have short hair
Then what the fuck was Samson you retard? Nazarites are literally those who uphold a vow to God to never drink, cut their hair, and some third thing I forget but Im a better fucking Christan than you. Go actually read your holy book instead of being a retard about it faggot.
You wannabe christfags are the worst and will go to hell for your incompetence to your Lord
lmao brilliant
>remember, no Yiddish
>not a BLM protest
>no trans pride parade
What the helll is that, are we back to 90's?
>this thread
What a sad sad echo chamber to witness.. I'm not backing these actions portrayed, but I'm also not filled with such hate that I am wishing violence or death upon them or anyone. Ya'll need some help.
Honestly, just install a cement barricade real quick and that would stop them from pulling this type of thing
More like cynical foxes that know how to game the USA government grants system. There has to be demonstrated documented anti-semite activity in order to keep the grant money flowing. So if there isn't enough anti-jewish activity in areas, in order to justify funding, some hate crime vandalism has to be created even if it is by a rabbi.
Everyone, this guy has PRINCIPLES. Please gather in a circle and start clapping
typical bongistan cops
if you don't know where this clip is from then you missed out
>Wants to stop emissions
>Intentionally creating a traffic jam
>Hundreds of cars now on the road longer
>Create hundreds of lifetimes worth of emissions within a few minutes.

"Just Stop Oil reports that all their funding is through donations,[9] with the group accepting traditional currency and cryptocurrencies.[20] In April 2022, it was reported that Just Stop Oil's primary source of funding was donations from the US-based Climate Emergency Fund.[21] Through that fund, a notable donor to the group has been Aileen Getty, a descendant of the Getty family which founded the Getty Oil company.[22] In response, the Climate Emergency Fund stated that Getty did not work in the fossil fuel industry herself.[5]"

"The heiress, Aileen, has never worked in the oil industry and is an active philanthropist. In 2019, she co-founded the Climate Emergency Fund, which provides grants to activists and protest groups trying to stop the widespread use of fossil fuels, often through civil disobedience."

"On Saturday, Getty published an op-ed in The Guardian acknowledging her role in funding climate activism, noting how fossil fuel extraction made their families rich, and calling for a systemic shift to clean energy."
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people who never worked a day in their lives creating injury hazards for people who need to get to work
(((Zoe Cohen)))

every fucking time
bitch, you're gonna keep pounding tendies and that's about it. Fuck off with this internet tough guy bullshit. It was played out and lame 10 years ago.
The absolute fucking moronic irony of this post. I don't support what they do but saying they should be beaten so badly for defacing a painting or pouring orange paint on a window is literal nigger tier.
we do a little trolling
>defacing and destroying history
those are not the originals
Well that escalated quickly.
You aren’t saying anything new either so why bother posting it?
Women need maximum self attention at all times

That's their entire existence
helps them to get out of the charges
Women destroy art to not help anyone

Men destroy bullsht to help everyone
Sounds like she's faking empathy about something
>remember, no yellow
It's a little microcosm of how women are basically useful idiots for merchant tricks
>33 million
>created monopoly capitalism
It creates cheap energy that allows competition. Electric motors are more expensive than petrol engines. Wind turbines and PV are more expensive than gas turbines. It's called creating a moat.
Anyway, cattle believe whatever they see and hear enough times. Enjoy the show.
men actually get consequences so they have to consider it first
Activists and protestors if they align with the elite's agenda.
Rioters, thugs and mobs otherwise.
That is true anywhere.
Don't give them any ideas
>fake crying without tears
She doesn't believe what she's saying. It's an act. She's pushing the climate apocalypse narrative to deceive people. And anyone with sense can see the climate apocalypse narrative is a blatant onus for a massive power grab and restructuring of society and global order.
My common sense is tingling. This may come as a shock to you, but Jesus had long hair. And countless men more devout and closer to God than you in past centuries, up to roughly the late 1800s. I don't think a relatively modern fashion faux pas has anything to do with the thousands of years old bible.
>Every fucking journalist should hang from a tree
Genuine Punishment is bad.
That's why we have so many hooligans in many countries other than in Asian countries where hooligans are punished AND must also provide restitution to the victims.

In the USA, they simply just refuse to pay because there is no debtor prison, so they thumb their nose at the victims and take a hit to their credit score. Great Britain and Ireland aboloished debtor prison by the mid 1870's. France and Germany also have no debtor prison for those criminal protesters who refuse to provide restitution or pay their civil fines. You can guess what happens in North Korea or China. Technically, China doesn't have a debtor prison, but they will detain you and you must work for the State until your debt is repaid (or donate organs if you have a rarer blood type or certain genetics). Singapore and Taiwan don't technically have debtor prisons under that name, but you can be arrested (and then jailed) for non payment. Singapore also requires you to work out a repayment schedule whereupon you may then be released from detainment with court approval so that you can work and provide restitution.
I'm imagining the sound of a aluminium bat hitting a baseball while watching these webms.
It's soothing.
everyone commenting on this video is a Fed. Me included.
to be fair. stones look better with colour. (see how I used the British spelling. I'm smart.)
Are you suggesting this clearly and presently?
That's sexist. They didn't let the chick cum all over the table.
to be fair... airlines are dicks.
Makes you think: guys do stunts like this to get pussy. chicks do it for attention. What pussy is to males is attention to females. "Men are the niggers of gender. Women are the Jews of gender."
and she is not even the good kind of every-fucking-time... the ones with huge milkers.
hard to feel sorry for dept stores and the people working in them... by which I mean everyone involved in this is an idiot. You change the world by subverting societies with the agenda of your own subgroup. Slowly... buy introducing antagonists into that society... and assiminlating... and taking over banks... and making them stop saying Merry Christmas.
Holy shit. You are the one... the one with the gift of recognizing wisdom. Lead us, Keemosabe.
i'll never... what sheeboons do because Jamal is fucking white Stacy. We should ally with them.
I'm not seeing enough ass beatings in these vids
who are you quoting?
wow how smart and insightful
>holier than thou
now you will be joining him
They don't understand art, or very much of anything
>we all supported BLM

What was the poster she was taking down?
Worked for America.
>Hehe the Janny is cleaning it up??? I'm gonna dip my hand in the paint and go where he cleaned and leave a handprint... It's just like bloody handprints because oil is literally killing us!!! Hehe I'm so base- Oh fuck is that a little bit of water??? Okay sorry sorry I'm just.. I'm gonna go... Sorry
Fucking hell
>unironically supporting palestine/isis/hamas/hezbollah/muslims
Why don't they try this shit in China or anywhere other than europe? would probably get beaten to death.
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fucking newfags
cope, nigger
of course it's hard for you to empathize, commie nigger
>Climate Change is a hoax.
It's not a hoax, I have seen the seasons be out of whack in my own lifetime but they are taking it out of proportion and think they can do anything about it.
I am convinced climate change is a natural process anyway but humans are accelerating the process.
Realistically people should not be driving cars anyway. There is no need for people to have personal vehicles like that.
I'd love to see this faggot get thrown off of a rooftop lol.
Imagine being on the same side as David Duke lmao
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Memorial Day Peeing Vandal in the veteran memorial fountain for WWII

Some people just hate the country despite consuming from its infrastructure.
They don't live in China.
>couple of 6/10 dangerhairs sit down
>flock of basedboys rush to join them
Prostestors in a nutshell.
Modern architecture literally has nothing of substance, are they really "defacing" something if it never had value to begin with?
>Why is it always women?
A tendency to use Emotional Logic is why a disproportionate number of women do these kind of lawbreaking actions.
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I fucking despise the fact that British people are so cucked and pathetic and docile that the only person trying to stop them is a Chinese tourist.
The Chinese have more respect for England that the average British passport holder.
>Vandals - aka Spoiled rich kids.
>Honestly, had anything gotten better since we gave everyone rights?

Since sodomy is legal where I live your mom doesn't get strung up like a nigger from a tree after I cum in her ass.
I am laughing derisively in your face, tranny lover.
the cuck faggot white does what he does best and cleans up the mess lol CLEAN IT UP WHITOID
So can I just fuckin kill these people and call the murder "an act of protest meant to bring attention to some political/social/environmental issue" and then go free?
Cause any crime is ok as long as it's for a good cause, right?
>t. never being at a museum in his entire life
Creative way to out yourself as a total retard low IQ sewage dweller
Nice bait, hope you're not this retarded
>they all spray the same orange shit
It's almost like... they were organized by the same supplier. Nah, it must be a cohencidence
Pressure washing machine chad
You naive bastard...
Can I have my computer back please.
I would punch that cunt in the face, and I don't even like van Gogh
I wish they were last generation of this kind of people
these protesters are so boring, holy shit,
violence is the only good form of protest
>she's wearing a gucci bag 100% made with slave labor
What is she saying? Brown?
why do I find her particularly attractive?
Female Brendon Tarant
Philanthropy. Oh Anon
How can onlookers not just punch that messy twat right in her retarded mouth?
If it's bad for the Jews it's good for everyone else regardless.
They are killing satan's chosen people
looks like it says "KIDNAPPED", assuming it's talking about Oct 7th victims.
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I support anyone who hates jews.
>t. Never had a job or met their father
noooo not my heckin rockerinos!!!
They obviously hate oil paintings, what's so hard to understand?
Gotta hand it to the pressure washing man, he knew they were too stupid and brainwashed to blame, so he just did the righteous thing without any kind of hatred, a good, sensible man.
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i still think about the guy that paid money to shout over a loudspeaker "MY NAME IS KEEGLE WEEGLE AND THIS IS A LEGITIMATE CALL TO VIOLENCE"
stupid webm
nobody gives a shit how much some cunts bag costs
least of all her
I do, this was very informative.
>go to /wsg
>find bread about vandals
>mfw no vandals, or any other germanic tribes
don't you find it odd all these oil protestors are incredibly rich trust fund babies who attended the same liberal arts colleges
Polish cuties <3 pienkny kobieti
>stupid webm
Except it completely BTFOs this privileged moron. Nice cope, chuddy.
not at all
stupidity is nurtured in todays colleges
except it doesnt.
you dont even know what the webm is about
>Nice cope, chuddy.
what am I coping about? your witty reply?
your no point?
that webm has nothing to do with me, fucking retard parrot
>based Soros pays genetic freaks to spray his own buildings, so that you don't notice who owns the buildings
I wonder why
It's an insurance scam with retards as unwitting scapegoats. If they weren't such disgusting faggots, I'd admire the craftiness of these rich faggots
Based, but that's not vandalism.

Holy fucking Christ, lmao
Some vandals like the sucker punch approach. When you think you've driven them off from trying to open your car doors, they run back to bust a window to protest your disgust at them trying to prowl your car.
>so cucked
More like based you brain dead fuck. Why the fuck would they care about some old stones you retard? If anybody is cucked, it's your retarded ass, low iq ape.
Limp wrist faggot, cry somewhere else.
>they were later acquitted by a jury at Southwark Crown Court
I'd honestly rather live in Brazil, England should finally be glassed.
>how long are you going to keep up this journalistic objectivity
>air-quotes around "journalistic objectivity"
hearty kek, the truth betrays
He's stealing a parking meter you fucking buffoon
spierdalaj śmieciu
>weak troll attempt 1/10
>y-you're crying
>limp wrist faggot still crying
Mmmm delicious libtears, Trump won, keep crying faggot.
>obscure the info screens
>spare the ad space
Really make you think.
I was almost okay with this one.
It is a childish protest, but a civilized one, it draws attention, objectively, it does not harm anyone, it is annoying, but they are not destroying anything irreparably, they are just drawing attention, I prefer this a thousand times over erratic, uncivilized behavior that after protesting leaves all the streets in ruins, with looting, and damage that someone will have to pay for.
To a certain extent, I even find their naivety endearing. I am from Mexico. Here people are skinned alive and their bodies are hung from public bridges by the cartel. It is endearing that these people protest against such childish things like this.
man, those streams were comfy kino.
all of the eco movements, parties, activists etc. are paid, supported and incited by china and russia. obviously these low level retards are not aware of it, they are just useful idiots, but the few that operate at high levels are lieral agents.
this eco terrorism/activism as well as importing hordes of savage uncivilzied 'refugees' serves no other purpose than to throttle western countries so that the chinks can get ahead, its literal hybrid warfare and leftists are traitors that should be rounded up
the ni**er totally deserved it. I hope it died
yeah, nobody remembers that little place, there were like 10 good videos from it, but most of them are already dead.
>china and russia
>importing hordes
Anon do I have news for you
kill yourself tranny, you get what you deserve
how long do you think they spent sitting down writing the little chant
This is part of why the people doing these sorts of protests are almost always from very wealthy families. They've never experienced any real suffering or struggle in their lives and they are completely out of touch with what normal people consider important.
what the fuck did he hit him with? a bongo drum?
oh, I don't know, maybe years in jail and being forced to pay her hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees?
It'd be a net win for her
if you're gonna do that may as well kill them, at least you'll keep your money in exchange for a longer sentence
She's so cute I can't even hate her
Yo I think that pink hair chick is that soup vandal from the museum. She cant keep getting away with it!
Maybe they should conduct peaceful protest in the residential homes of politicians and their families
FYI vandalizing a building with paint does not stop oil
The ironic part is that the paint is almost certainly made of petrochemicals.
Bellas Artes
>another version of nitter
>"think they can do anything about it."
No they don't. They know exactly what they're doing. It's not a coincidence that all their "save the planet" schemes involve impoverishing and disenfranchising the common man. They want us to think it's just misguided good intentions as it's the only thing keeping people from their throats.
>There is no need for people to have personal vehicles like that.
This is hilarious, even in ancient times a poor man could have his own horse for haul and transport, but that's not regressive enough for you. We need to have even less agency than ancient serfs. Ironically, your insistence on public transport would have been far better received had you not "culturally enriched" the public spaces to the point that nobody feels safe. Recent years have only made me love my car more, and hate people like you with passion.
This but happening in reality
Based. Zionist goypuppets are the worst.
Seething kikes
>However more often than not they choose to inconvenience random middle and lower class people
Some protestors vandalize the highway and that is more effective at causing actual problems. By causing actual problems, the authorities are more inclined to obey or satisfy the anonymous protesters that cannot be prosecuted.
where are the imported future Doctors and Scientists to rape this cunts when you need them?
>where are the imported future Doctors and Scientists to rape this cunts when you need them?
They are afraid of Lawfare so they will not do anything against the vandals of the hysterical Left.
Take meds
honest question
why dont these just stop oil faggots go shit on the doorstep of the oil company CEO?
is this just a psyop to get normies to hate them and show support for oil companies?
And this why they're usually filled with sand.
a. they might have to get past the gate first.
b. such houses probably aren't right in the middle of an urban area downtown that's easy for enough of those so inclined to get to, so they'd probably have to drive. Yes there are electric cars and stuff now, but given that they're kinda hoping they get arrested well, that would be a car left just lying around and would have to be towed.
c. telling an oil company C-level executive "shut down everything or we'll keep doing this" is just a good way to get them to buy more security, until such a point that you'll just get removed from the property by force if you show up there unarmed with the numbers these guys usually use. Really messing with them requires sustained pressure, like painting the house over and over and over again, and that's not really an option if you keep losing men to arrests every time
d. no one would be upset by that, so no one would get mad and spread it, and so no one would see it. Also if it's at a private residence there won't be too many people walking around to see it. This is a message to the public, who they want to know either that there's someone out there fighting for what you believe in, or that if you don't fight with us we'll keep destroying things you like. This is a public pressure campaign that is as much about pressuring the public as it is getting the public to pressure others.
They're kind of taking it for granted that everyone knows it's not okay to actually voice support for oil companies or widespread use of petroleum. At the moment you can be impartial, but supporting them is really likely to get you shit on in any discussion, and if pressed you kind of have to assert that anthropogenic global warming isn't real for oil use to remain morally okay. And saying that is a good way to get banned on most websites that aren't 4chan or xitter (which shouldn't be the case but you can't change that). In any case saying that using fossil fuels is natural is delusional.
>that is a big car probably a manlet smol pp would driv...ACK!!
They're working for the oil companies.
You can tell the cameraman/woman is fat just from how heavily they breathe from walking.
y tho?
America split off to get rid of colonial meddling from abroad and several types of Injuns fought alongside the Patriots against the Red Coats. In the case of Palestine they basically sent the meddlers and gave them the land freely (and not even using that mandate to remove them from Britain).
They act like the Christcucks In the Romans times
Pressured water can be dangerous tho.
That one was actually original but it was still under protective layer
Haven't heard of that occurring at the time, do you have any sources suggesting or saying it did?
NTA anon, but look at all the classical sculpture with the noses broken off (strangely, also as the Talmud suggests you do for idols) or crosses stamped into them
Also plenty were just smashed up
I ATM machine'd
I wanna save her
chinese kyoani
News anchor guy is right in some regard. I talked about this kinda stuff happening in my country to people who supported it, where, when you tried to get a genuine answer out of them about what and how this is supposed to achieve anything for their cause (which is often completely unclear from their actions), it was always this vague bullshit about just getting a "reaction", because they clearly didn't think about it in detail and their actions would have the very opposite effect of what they want. I tried to explain that to those people by saying
>If you poke someone for long enough, you will eventually get a reaction out of them, but it's certainly gonna be that they are more amicable to your cause.
>Do you think if I dress up as a clown, got to the market square, spin in a circle three times and throw cakes in peoples faces and, their take away is going to be to care more for climate change?
And on top of that they are retarded to even realize often they cause even more pollution through their actions, because they can't come up with anything that actually matters. Like do they want to speed the thing up they are supposedly fighting to stop at all costs (to the general public)?
>I wish they were last generation of this kind of people
They don't want to reproduce so they probably will be.
Never heard of that. What I did hear about is the systematic defacing of cathedrals during the French Revolution
>t. sandnigger
We can hate both 'teams' and you can't do anything about it
This is truly the perfect webm
>white grandma grandpa on a cramped airline
>total retard mode wearing construction safety gear to protect against an airborne virus
>complete mutt sitting next to them
>Mutt trying to scarf down his goyslop
>meanwhile recording a tiktok
>grandma is trying to punch the food out of his hand while grandpa does absolutely nothing.
you can't.
Man, I sure do hate niggers.
Over target
covidiocy was an act of mass induced psychosis
Please, bleach your skin
when that man screamed at her i laughed
File: 1732760634929904.webm (3.64 MB, 1280x720)
3.64 MB
3.64 MB WEBM
You wouldn’t do shit. You are all over domesticated losers.
I'm a fucking wild animal m8
Lmao what the fuck is this? A political ad?
>Drinks from plastic bottle
>and is an active philanthropist
never skips.
Djembe sounds good.
>it wasn't theirs to give away
I agree. Europe isn't for politicians to give away
>the right side of history
This is such a stupid meme phrase. How can you say that and not feel like a complete moron?
The "right side of history"
>pulls out some sort of congo bongo jigaboo drum and swings it at nigger's head
>floors him
>falls like a bag of bricks and gets up confused
That's some looneytoon shit
I love this webm
To add:
>JUST STOP OIL! they say as they
>vlog from their car, made of myriad petrochemicals and metals, conceived only through fossil fuels
>charge their phone with electricity generated by coal, gas, or oil in many regions
>rely on roads paved with asphalt, another petroleum product
>consume food grown, harvested, processed, and transported via mechanized farming and fossil fuels
>use fertilizers synthesized through the Haber-Bosch process, entirely reliant on natural gas
>wear clothes made from synthetic fibers like polyester, nylon, or spandex, all petroleum-derived
>attend protests holding signs, banners, and megaphones—all made with plastic and petrochemical-based materials
what the fuck? kek
Isn't paint petroleum based?
It's a hustle
damn, that's a dangerous game to play at a fucking airport.
Could have been shot. At least they won't ever be able to fly again
Did they vandalize the asphalt?
>that entire article

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