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Post Video game related stuff
wherea re the good ones that arent just dumps for /v/tards
Oh, your contribution didnt show up.
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I love video games
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what's the ost, I know I've heard it before
Karin theme from Street Fighter V
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2.1 MB
fuck now I NEED a complete mr house trump mod for new vegas
not just ai voice reading the same script but one where it incorporated his speech patterns
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Anyone the video of ellis saying kill all fucking niggers, that's my official instructions
I'm a fucking idiot. thanks
hadn't really thought about it, but i suppose it depends on how you evaluate "best", i don't think one could argue that gen 1 pokémon aren't the most well-known, even if they aren't the most creative
i played a ton of both gen 1 and gen 2 as a kid, i could name every gen 1 pokémon, gen 2 not so much. i stopped played after that so i couldn't comment on later ones
i'm sure someone hardcore into modern pokémon would see things different, i don't see how you could come up with an objective answer here, you'd need to be more specific than just "the best"
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do you have the original video?
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creator is atelier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnwHrISbae8
She mostly does signalis animations tho
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switching to squeezing with the middle finger after the first shot is a neat detail
theres a video of some military guy shooting a rifle and it looks close to that animation. if i find it ill post it here
dont know the name of the technique but that animation made me think of this vide, kinda cool

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Anyone have this webm but higher quality and with metal pipe sounds?
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you can fuck off with that aspect ratio bullshit
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Tomb Raider Legend
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File: Front Mission 4.webm (5.79 MB, 640x360)
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The piano's entrance, the eerie tone, and it's just as awkward/stilted as the original, they nailed it.
Fuck off with this cringe weeb trash
Fuck off back to whatever lesser cesspit you migrated from tourist. You’re the fringe vocal minority on all boards
Even Outward isn't that egregious.
Sure are a lot of Vampire Survivors clones now.
Hey, there was a lot of Doom clones after Doom came out. Good game inspire new games in the same style. Some are better, some are worse.
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Is this from Concord?
I never said whether it was a good or bad thing.
Graphics look too realistic, you're giving C*ncord far too much credit.
Somehow the f2p Hololive one is the best
>vampire survivors
>check release date thinking it'll be like 2000s
are you vitamin deficient, anon? bullet hell survival spam like this has been around for ages.
Vampire Survivor established a specific genre. You kill stuff, get random powerups and keep going. Vampire Survivor is the first of it's genre really.
>get upgrades
>this is new
Have you played Vampire Survivor?
No, these games are literal clones of the game Vampire Survivor. It's not even a question of genre
having looked at some gameplay, its literally the lottery type upgrade gain that changes the "genre". I thought this guy was talking about the entire thing being copied. If it left that out then it'd just be like a bunch of other pre-existing games
kys nigger
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im here to shit the thread up
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I think you meant to complain about the actual cringe dogshit of cyberpunk. Which isn't even cringe kino, it's just embarrassing to play with how dogshit the writing and characters are. Plus the D tier meme actor.
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Kirby always slays me.
Unemployed Bazz isn't doing so good.
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I never understood how you can try to be a tough guy on 4chan. It looks so silly and childish. I always imagine some teen when I see stuff like kys nigger. Like some teen who think it's the best insult or attack they can do and smirk while doing it like they just made a Death Note worthy moment
Dark Soul is like one step away from being a Zelda game too, but nobody would say it's a Zelda game. Genres are weird, but Vampire Survivor created a specific genre of "bullet hell"/Asteroid
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its just pre-existing genre/gameplay + lottery
It's not just that. Vampire Survivors has you killing waves of monsters with random powerups that have directional control at best. Everything auto fires, and maps are frequently unimportant as they're mostly just repeating tiles. It's the sort of game that can be played with just movement controls.
It's okay. You're just vitamin deficient.
I haven't played in a very long time, but I still understand this clip to be fully accurate.
fuck yeah, man! This was my fav Front Mission and played the shit out of it back in summer of 2005
but is it a specific vitamin or there is a lottery?
Just go play the game. It's a new genre. Just like Goldeneye is not Doom.
Also, I know you try to make fun of it by saying lottery, but how is this different than any game with random Powerups like Binding of Isaac or Shoot Em ups?
Similar but not the same. Vampire Survivor is an Auto Shooter, has non stop waves, and level exploration. You gain levels by killing stuff not by clearing the level. The monster spawn depending on the timer, not wave cleared. You also have secrets you get by exploration, and you cant access the end game if you do not solve riddles.
>You gain levels by killing stuff not by clearing the level. The monster spawn depending on the timer, not wave cleared.
crimsoland in survival mode
Like I said, similar but not the same. Also, Genre creation is not dectited by who did what first, but who popularized it first. There is a reason why they are called Doom like, and not Wolfensteinlikes. Why Soullikes are a thing when games like it existed before.
Mario Kart is just a racing game with power ups, and yet, every other racing game with power ups are like Mario Kart.
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There's liminal vibes to this that I can't quite place.
Reminding me of something from a long time ago. I never really played any Tomb Raider, so it's not that.
that remake i would play
The sheer soul
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there's a few scarlet mods on nexus, and a voice mod on the ff7r discord somewhere
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imagine final fantasy 7 but all characters are gender bendered
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Mad Minute
Lulu is the best FF girl
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MASSIVE improvement
yes, good memories thank you
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Geometry Wars is better
Not the same game though. It's like saying that Beat Hazard or any Asteroid clone is like Vampire Survivor.
Endless survivor with weapon upgrades. Vampire Survivor leans more heavily into the binding of isaac style of upgrade (though to a far lesser extent) than Geometry Wars.
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Nobody cares about your retarded fetish.
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That's about as funny as a toothache
>post self-awareness posting
I don't like Daman Mills impersonation of Chris Ayres. He's a poof and a nonce too. That's probably how he got the job...
I can do a decent Frieza, I'd audition but I'd be afraid of not being noncey enough though.
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bumpan with oc
I'd love to see you try and I say that with total sincerity. I'd take anything new and inspired over an impersonator. Anything different is absolutely fine, Frieza has barely had 2 VA's that sounded remotely the same till now.
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Follow up and give us a hello monkey or you're a pussy
>oriental jests
I care you fag
File: Gerudo Valley dance.webm (5.39 MB, 270x480)
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Gay nigger detected, opinion disregard.
Blimp tits are a shit tier fetish, on the level with feet. The fact that you're defending it is comedy gold!
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Mission Impossible on the ps1
need her to tap dance on my exposed testicles
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This, titfags are just faggots in denial trying to overcompensate. Actual straight men love flat women.
Heck, I'm not even picky. It's just messed up for them to be the size of her head. That's the same kind of retard logic as the people who think a 10 inch dick is desirable.
moon had some good content, too bad he can't keep his personal angst away from the stream. one of the reasons i stopped watching years ago
File: TftB Hurtling.webm (5.96 MB, 960x540)
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You can make the horses nutsack realistically swell and contract in response to air temperatures...
Or you can make them writhe and scream after being ridden off a cliff until finally shot...
or you can make signs that a horse collides with fall off their posts and become physics objects.
Two of these are more noticeable than the other, and one is more fun.
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>Nintendrones would unironically lose to mind in excitement for this
Yeah this is a /v/ thread alright, it's fucking garbage.
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is this your game anon?
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The day you became an insufferable faggot?
I've played all this time since pokemon blue all the way to violet (gen 9 right now). First one is the best objectively
>diabetic buu
>Endless survivor with weapon upgrades.
You could also describe Call of Duty Zombies this way, is that basically the same as Vampire Survivor too?
damn that UI in the middle of the screen is fucking annoying. is that the division?
This boss fight made me scream KINO at my tv
Major spoilers for Encore's Companion Story in Wuthering Waves.
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Anyone has the edited No man's sky interview or knows its name?
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The one that goes like "will it be fun? ... no"
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B&S pvp sure was fun
>losing to destroyer bot
I still have my screenshot of 27 straight wins.
And I beat Mushin tower 100 as f2p.
Absolutely best combat in any game.
Possibly still the best character creation, haven't really used Black Deserts.

Slowly declined when they caved to have tank/healer/dps, got rid of the awesome outfit designer, started having raids. It was all over when they made bot fishing the norm.
Probably still fun to do the solo shit where you die if you make a mistake.
It's like trying to touch my cat's tail.
This looks cool, what's it from?
>Wood needed
Factorio's new expansion, Space Age.
TSD (total shaman death)
absolute classic, I watch the whole thing every time
It would be a good idea yeah.
i totally dumpstered this idiot

> Goofy nigger music

Doesn't fit.
Never gets old
I hope i dont have to do this to get to the last planet. These sounds hurt.
where is the audio from lol
Anime : More than a Married couple, but not yet lover.
The dub version of course.
damn, I thought it was from 'Sex Friends'
this nostalgia boner was a lie
anyone have the factorio webm demolishing bug to sabatoon?
fucking lost
Incredible how this game has everything to be a cult-classic but niggas are so allergic to isometric camera angles.

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