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Post any videos that are related to conspiracies or exposing something like the Jews or anything like that.
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Who is this woman BTW?
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This might be the last one as I'm tired and I want to go to bed but I've got loads so ill post them mabge later.
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probably jizzlaine maxwell
Amazing. A nation ruled by idiots and psychos achieved more horror and trauma than the nazi could when they were actually trying to fuck shit up.
whoever made this fails. too much text and too fast to absorb without pausing.
>millions of whites killed by the soviets during th e Holodemor

actually it was Ukrainians

there is a pause button
there is a playback speed setting
you can read faster
>just experience it in a way that goes against its format bro
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I'm back faggots, gonna post some more then go to beddy by times.
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what a brave reporter, I hope he does well
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Telling the truth is the worst offense of the modern era. They hate reality, and they hate everything good.
The statement says his views didnt allign with the goals. Never once did it say they were untrue.

Remember that.

Imagine whitey got butthurt because asian intelligence is higher than ours.
The goal of the Nazi party was to elevate the people of their nation to the highest possible point. They didn't ask for war. The Jews surrounding the leaders of each nation urged for war against Germany, and we all know that the Jew gets what he wants. They'll do whatever it takes to get what they want. Nothing is sacred. Money and power are king to them. It is their god.
>Never once did it say they were untrue
This is common everywhere. It's actually pretty funny once you notice it. The person will always be insulted, called names, etc., but they're rarely told that what they're saying isn't true.
White genocide 101:
1) Why is it that every white country...
>Because they vote for multiculturalism
2) blah blah
>Pathological altruism
3) >people do say Japan is too mono
4) >nobody wants to immigrate to brown countries, whites are accommodating and give free shit
5)>because anti-racists are hypocrites
6)>that's a stretch and an appeal to emotion

If you want someone to blame, look to white liberals who enjoy these policies
>movies, every school curriculums and every single piece of media push for the liberal religion since the 1950's
>dumb shit who should have never been allowed to read anything else then the bible vote against his own interest
You are not entirely wrong, but the root of the problem lies elsewhere, in a synagog.
Then why didn't Seinfeld promote race mixing?
Why do you not know what blackrock is?
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Oh boy, here we go
Kek, nigger.
Now this is some conspiracy I can get behind!
here is my video summarizing all the conspiracies that are real.
It promoted faggotry instead.
>I'm not gay.... Not that there's anything wrong with that!
You make it sound like Blackrock owning everything is a difficult and outlandish thing to grasp. The coalescence of power is something that tends to happen. Power is the path to more power, and the cycle restarts when the abuses are too great and the holders are destroyed.
he was just busted watching the jumbotron at a basketball game the other day
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kek this is actually a good conspiracy
high effort
The fucking hubris on that bitch.
They were actually being homophobic by today's standards. It was hilarious, still is.

It's a nothing burger. It changes nothing. You're right when you point out the banality of the coalescence of power, that's why it's banal to bring it up. Only normies think it's some earth shattering revelation.

Sure, they can leverage the market, but they can't break the market, they are still subservient to market forces. That's why it doesn't matter. The reason things cost so much is because money was printed - supply increased so the value of money decreased, very simply.
sometimes I wish people didn't know who I was and I remained unknown
How can you read about George Soros, Genrikh Yagoda, Leslie Hore-Belisha, Leon Trotsky, Kurt Eisner, Janet Yellen, John Money, Alvin Goldstein, Magnus Hirschfeld, Jeffrey Epstein, AIPAC, Harvey Weinstein, King David Hotel Bombing, Operation Susannah, Barbara Spectre, Frankfurt School, circumcision mental damage, white phosphorous against children, palestine hospital attacks, jewish billionaires, Metzitzah bpeh, Ervin Kohn Norway is too white, usury for non-jews, jews in pornography, norwegian constitution jew clause explaination, Jewish cultural marxist art, look up every single communist leader during the german revolution of 1918-1919, just 6 years before the NSDSP with their anti-semitic policies was established, look up Zelensky, Azov batallion, Ihor Kolomoyski, and then call everything coincidences or conspiracy theories?

Glowfags you might aswell look everything up when you get home after your full day of investigating law abiding citizen. As a member of the work force I basically pay your wages so you owe me that much. I wonder if you get deradicalization courses, either way it won't be enough if you dig through all the shitposts I make on here.
Damn it's easy to convince people when all you gotta do is speak the truth lol.

t. not actually schizo, was called into the local police station a month ago to explain my stance on immigration, jews, and homosexuals. Fascinating.
Nobody cares about where the power sits. It has more to do with what is being done with that power. As most big projects are done with a large investment loan, the lending party has the power to place demands on how that money is used. If the borrowing party fails to meet these demands, their ESG score will be reduced and they'll never see loan money again since only one party holds the power. This is the reason we're seeing massive pressure from big companies to adopt DEI and fag material. The vast majority of people don't actually want that shit, but many have caved to manufactured social pressure. These policies are proving massively destructive to society.

This is why it's upsetting. Nobody gives a fuck if some random group is mad rich and leaves them alone.
No, dei is trendy. People sincerely believe in it.
>trillion upon trillions of dollars in weight
>literally the reason why everything has DEI quota today
>some retard on the internet say it's a nothing burger
That down syndrom political expert here
Yeah a large portion of the millennial generation. Most others fuckin hate it. Against all odds the brain fried zoomers are catching on. Despite all the financial might backing it, it's still struggling to hang on. Hell, even the Germans who felt shame in patriotism a decade ago are now shouting for the removal of all that shit. DEI and faggotry are dying. People are noticing things they're not supposed to notice.
I think you're a little too hopeful. I take a more cynical perspective. Remember the COVID madness. Maybe people will "wake up" but it's too late and nothing will change. There's no reverse gear on this train, civilization is taking the same trajectory it always has. Only collapse will end it, like the Soviet Union.
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did Germany not invade Poland? France?
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Ukraine allowed Russia to invade. [spoiler] You're dumb to believe that. [/spoiler]
Not the same guy, but my understanding Is that Slavs are mutts of whites.
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uni professor lol
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stop paying taxes and tithe and starve em out then.
jews openly admit to pushing all of these policies with their obvious media monopoly and blatant corruption network with tendrils in the government, academia, major corporations and journalism. they brag about feminism and womans suffrage for example. look up one of those maps that shows voting by ethnicity/gender. it always comes back to the juden.
holy shit
So you don't believe Jews have a right to free speech?
I'm already mostly doing that.
They can say all that shit in their own country.
It's hate speech.
I personally don't mind hate speech, as long as all parties are allowed to speak it. People usually have a reason to hate others. I hate Jews because they're doing exactly what they did 100 years ago to piss off all the Germans. I fucking wish the Holocaust was as bad as they claim.
Youtube disabling dislikes.
Return Youtube Dislikes addon entirely exposes the corrupt media, absolutely unreal to me. What was their """reasoning""" for removing dislikes? It hurts small creators?
FUCKING BULLSHIT LIARS you satanic fucks.
Filthy fucking zionists at google FUCK YOU FREE SPEECH HATING FUCKS
Did you happen to see the 81m.org website before it died? They were tracking the like to dislike ratio of videos put out by the White House YouTube channel, and at the time of the website's creation, they had recorded 81 million dislikes that had been erased from the videos of that channel. This number obviously kept increasing. It was honestly staggering how many dislikes they removed, and the ratio was still awful. Just remember that the rich will always lie to you. Do not trust any of them. They got where they are by taking advantage of others, and they will stay there by continuing to do so.
The founders of America always considered Jews white. Free white men of good character included Jews.
What a total idiot
At the time there were only 4 races: white/Caucasian, black, Asians/middle east, and native Americans. So if you looked white you were white, and Ashkenazi Jews look white.
Confused about something?
Ah, so they pulled the same trick as today. Pretend to be Europeans, and abuse the trust that comes with it.
Well they mostly are Europeans. Greeks have Arab admixture too, and the Spanish. Uncle Jared would say "they look huwite to me".

I wouldn't say you have to accept them as white, but it's a judgement call. Europeans are not as white as Scandinavians, so by some measure only Scandinavians are white.

My view is that Castizos are white too
Fucking delusional
I don't buy the "simulation theory" hypothesis, but I do think much higher speeds than light will be found, and they'll be harmonics and octaves of the current speed

speed of light = 432^2 miles/sec
so its 5th would be simply
(432^2) * 1.5 miles/sec
and its octave would be
(432^2) * 2 miles/sec

I do wonder what we'll eventually find at 432^3 miles/sec -- probably not in this lifetime
I don't even need to deny them as white. They themselves do it as soon as they're called to behave the way that they claim white people should.
is it because calling them a liar invites them to show proof?
Probably. All of their lies hinge on emotional knee jerks rather than actual assessment. The moment somebody sits down and does a bit of research into the topic at hand, it's quickly found to be untrue.
He didn’t… last I heard he sits on Omegle calling 8 year old black kids nigger whilst cosplaying joker and then he went to jail for a gun charge
I guess if you start debating whether the argument is true, you start to employ logic which you must shutdown by all means because what you must think first of all "is it wrong?" to even think it.
He has it backwards. Trust creates finance.
Icelanders of two icelandic parents make up 75% of the country.
>oyyyy veyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
It makes total sense though
Doesn't this guy have a couple of other videos? I recognize the voice and video format. I think there's one about 9/11 and other events. Anybody have them (if I didn't just make them up in my head)?
Also: at the beginning of that video: does anybody have a link to the full interview shown? I want to see what he said.
post ice wall stuff/related stuff. like the germans and whatnot allegedly there
I think he'll convince me if there are a couple more Tik Tok logos floating around in there.
Needs more shake.
>It's not physical resistance, it's electromagnetic resistance
Electromagnetism is a physical force. 2/10, study natural laws more
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my personal conspiracy theory is that the jews killed joseph stalin because he was trying to save the USSR by cutting them out of positions of power. if he were alive longer we could've probably seen the yiddish hand that was holding the soviets in a chokehold get cut off but we're in the bad and boring timeline where the house always wins so they just killed him before he could pull it off
Love how all the lefty news outlets conveniently left out the pistol in his hand that he couldn't drop due to muscle clamping and tendon damage.
Amazing how leaders just die when Jews are considered a threat, but almost never under other circumstances. Surely this is mere coincidence.
I miss her still
NTA but as far as I know, the Polish were massacring all the Germans in their territory (which used to be part of Germany before WW1 and thus was full of Germans). Then France attacked Germany to defend Poland's slaughter of Germans, so Germans BTFO the French as well.
>those people who existed hundreds of years ago always thought this one thing
Citation needed
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Nano thermite isn't real
So jews are not jews, they've been jewed by fake jew and somewhere there's a jew saying
>fuck I hate jews
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I hate them so much. I feel like I'm the only one who notices them here. I need a cloudbuster
I have a conspiracy theory too. Maybe it isn't the jews who control the distribution of wealth and influence world politics, maybe it's rather the oligarchs like Peter Thiel, the Koch brothers, guy like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and the other millionaires of the internet etc. who always are the ones behind the curtain, making sure the average joe, low and middle class pays the bills for them to get richer and richer and gaining more an more influence, while paying back less and less to society themselves?
>Steal our history
Lol, DNA tests show Europeans are more genetically similar than modern Egyptians to ancient Egypt. They were also invading niggers
Not only that but it was France and Britain that declared war on Germany first. The invasion of France and pushback of British troops were defensive. It also shows that France and Britain were targeting Germany since they only declared war on Germany and not the Soviet Union despite them also invading Poland.
The German citizens killed by the poles before the invasion by Germany is also estimated to be between 2800-6000+. Wars have started over much less. It was absolutely justified.
>making sure the average joe, low and middle class pays the bills for them to get richer and richer and gaining more an more influence, while paying back less and less to society themselves?

Its way more obvious, the FED Reserve basically creates a global elite system that can't be challenged. Once you build up a certain amount of "wealth and assets" (which are typically, perpetually passed down,) then you can borrow against it, refinance, etc. and never ever lose.

Like when you hear about a rich person that buys a $200 mil home or some shit. What actually happens is they take out a loan with their """wealth"""" or stock options as collateral, then refinance that loan as a mortgage, so that when it's "paid off" literally no money is lost.
What about the interest on the mortgage?
Easy, just re-appraise the newly acquired asset and cover it with that. A similar thing happens with art too. Remember when Hunter Biden's random paintings sold for $1.5 million?
Oh! Also depending where you are, mortgage interest can be used as a tax deductible.
Also, also, like Elon Musk has done in the past, using stock option as the collateral, in many cases, the gains cover the interest.
There's nothing wrong with that.
the replication crisis allows me to doubt that
Eh well yes and no. In practice and in theory its 100% fine, except the part where even if they fail they get bailed out with printed cash
>This man never existed.
For years I've been trying to find out who's that man, but the 9/11 information pool is completely poisoned. So, who's that guy?
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Aaaand my personal favorite
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Well sure, money printing is a scam. But I don't hate rich people for that, or generational wealth. I believe in private property.
I'm dying to know the answer
What kind of batshit insane nonsense is running loose in his head? Just 20 dudes holding a kid at gunpoint? Is the child now going to sprout Cthulhu tentacles to further spice up our crazed fan- I mean, moral dilemma?
I mean, the way europe is going this might very well all be a realistic scenario if they don't defrost and re elect hitler soon.
They even find childrens sacrificed in african witchcraft rituals now too apparently, so your demonhost child twist might also be on the menu, but I think it would be more of a event horizon moment then a c'thulu moment.
that childs name? hitler
what now kike?
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Charls proven right again ffs
He's quoting scientific research about the simulation hypothesis when he mentions the speed of light being the limit, this information is over 10 years old at this point. I wish I had the names/journals saved.
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If the speed of light were a "rendering limit," we’d expect clear evidence of computational shortcuts or errors. Instead, we find consistent, predictable physics, which points to a natural system—not a simulated one.
adding emotional music in the hopes of strengthening the message has to stop, it's cringe and makes me reluctant to even finish the webm
Epic Jewish reaction content, thank you for this post
If you are gonna make an analogy with CS simulation, it wouldn't be a "rendering limit" but the limit in velocity of any given particle in a system in order to be able to calculate correctly its collisions. For example in games, you have the rendering speed, but you have a higher "framerate" for the physics engine with a much higher frequency for each discrete step. It makes lots of sense.
Great point. In simulation terms, the speed of light could be analogous to the "framerate" limit for physics calculations, ensuring accurate interactions within discrete steps, much like a physics engine’s tick rate in games. Planck time might represent the smallest possible step size in this system.
Why didn’t he figure out the jewish question long before? He must have known that jewish zionism and jewish controlled marxism was a threat not only to germany but to the soviet union aswell. Why didn’t he act against the jews earlier? If he was anti-semetic why did he come to that realization long after the war was over? He had been in power since the 20s and it took him more than 20 years to connect the dots?
Who is this shitty bot? Is the Seychelles faggot runnin more training on its bots? Fuck off

This post has no fucking soul
This just makes me feel nothing but nostalgia for South Park and Newgrounds
the Soviet government was rapidly becoming more Jewish while he was alive, becoming more Jewish the further up the hierarchy of command. I guess at some point he said wtf and tried to shut it down
>was called into the local police station a month ago
Which country?
The words of someone with no counterargument
thanks for the pro tips
mfw real life is directly headed towards becoming a denpa visual novel
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>pistol in his hand that he couldn't drop due to muscle clamping and tendon damage
The pistol was in his hand aimed at Kyle through an illegal war act known as "perfidy". His gun was already drawn, he feigned a surrender in order to commit murder but was out maneuvered by by Kyle. This caused those muscles and tendons to be rendered into pink mist after the fact. Kyle shot a war criminal in self defense and would otherwise be dead; simple as.

So I ask of you, which muscles and tendons?
Guy in the video is Michael Prysner of the ANSWER coalition
who's the sperg and where do i find more?
Notice he immediately went to start discrediting the FBI stats instead of just stating that thats horrible and it should be addressed. Very telling.
>he sits on Omegle calling 8 year old black kids nigger
He never did that.
Flaunting your dick around rabid dogs naked is asking for it to get ripped off. I can't think of any other nation, besides the UK, which could have accepted Jews ( assuming Trannyjordan protectorate jews were the ones ) into high ranks but also listened to their advisors. Sure USSR had a bunch of Zhids but Soviets weren't neighbouring Germany yet and i'm really skeptical of it being a (proto?) proxy war due to relationship between the bureaucracy/government people and the language barriers.
>Polish were massacring all the Germans in their territory
As far as i know Brandenbrug area was inhibited by Slavs (then Wendians) since the 5th century.
And if Poles were in fact massacring all the Germans, who were the people which were exiled from western Prussia after the war ended? Did they just come back from the dead? The curve from the Corridor to Katowicze was full with Slavs, not Germanics. The overturned polish tolerance into his plan to connect east prussia via land.
Speaking of WW1, germans southern kinsmen did this same playing the victim charade in the previous war so they could cut off Serbs from the sea too.
Calling most of Europe rabid dogs seems to say more about you than them.
Never said "most of Europe is rabid dogs" but i will say though that Europe was and still is mostly inhabited by Slavic peoples. When i said "flaunting your dick around rabid dogs naked is asking for it to get ripped off" i was thinking about overextension of empires and their collapse. I guess the comparisson between very gory /gif/ and the authism of /pol/ flew over your head.

BTW I still have yet to get a clarification of the all out jewish attack targeting le noble german mole people from my original reply.
You really like to hear yourself talk, don't you?
>t. contrarian retard
>t. seething rabbi
Back to your containment board please brainlet
>u r dum
>u hav smal brayn
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>no theory in title
so proven conspiracies
What's the problem with humans altering the weather? Why do you hate it? If you live in a house or you walk on a road, then clearly you're fine with humans altering the environment to serve us better. Why would cloud seeding be going too far?
Why did they kill him?
I believe king tut had traces of Caucasian dna
Makes sense to me
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what's more fun? a rivalry with a pop star that brings nothing but meaningless gossip clicks? or would a war of currents be more satisfying to live out even if it would be the harder one to get involved in?
>but they can't break the market, they are still subservient to market forces
You know that the Federal Reserve prints money for Blackrock and just lets them have it, right? Blackrock has access to literally infinite money. So no, they aren't subservient to "market forces" at all.
They think that the government is lacing the clouds with chemicals to poison the atmosphere. When asked how those in power avoid breathing air in their local constituencies a good answer is rarely forthcoming
Because they wouldn't alter the environment to serve us better, they would alter it for the sake of doing harm. Have you ever noticed how the government swoops in and tries to buy land on the cheap every time there's a hurricane or forest fire? That behavior is already disgusting and well proven. There's no debate there. Now, imagine if the government also had the ability to cause hurricanes at will. That's what they would use that ability for, assuming they had such a power.
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As much as I dislike him and think he is evil, yuval noah harari is pretty much the only establishment shill who is actually interesting to listen to
Not true
maybe you're a fucking idiot
thiel and musk don't print money you dumbfuck
there is a reason every single person you listed are hardcore zionists
Those "egyptians" you see in the webm are arabs who moved west, that's all.
Turns out speed of light is actually variable.
Why was he aiming at Kyle to begin with?
Which guy?
James Corbett is video and Michael Prysner is yelling at Bush.
I'm a zionist. It just means a homeland for Jews.
I don't think that's true.
I would say unintended consequences of fucking around with natural systems, and the butterfly effect. That's what's wrong with it. Shit like that is the reason we got the bioengineered COVID virus.
Jeff and Elon provide a great service that enriches people who use it. Your understanding of economics is based on a zero sum premise which is flawed.

I can buy a walkie talkie from Bezos that provides me a value of hundreds or thousands of dollars, but it only costs me 20 dollars. He makes money and I save money, so we're both benefitting. Trade benefits both parties involved, adding value to the economy.
This motherfucker just wanted us to hurt the child lmao
okay but who cares?
this is one of those stupid psyops conspiracies that waste people's time
if everyone suddenly believed jews and muslims worshipped saturn, what would change?
nothing. it's pointless. there's nothing inherently wrong with worshipping a planet
The video is wrong anyway. They actually worship...uranus
>What's the problem with humans altering the weather?
Who voted for chemtrails? The CHEM part of chemtrails implies unknown chemicals. What's the problem with unknown chemicals being put into your breathing?

>Why would cloud seeding be going too far?
How do you know it's "cloud seeding" and not something else? Stupid glowing shill.
You don't believe in private property. You believe in stealing everybody's money to bail out "too big to fail" banks. You are an ultra-predator crony-communist.
No, i don't believe in bailing out anybody. I don't believe in socialism.
you do know that some of the oldest White genes are traced back to the region of Ukraine
I'm sure you do you divide and conquer kike
fun fact
Bill Clinton pardoned Susan Rosenberg
a jewish woman who literally detonated a bomb inside the Capitol building
>Greeks have Arab admixture
Oy vey! Shut it down!
I like how you article said jack shit about how the experiment works.
Read up on how the Federal Reserve works, then, because you're clearly uninformed.
I see this IRL too. Planes go by and then suddenly the sky is a white haze. Shills like to say it's condensation but it's not. I've seen condensation and it dissipates shortly after, this shit stays in the sky and then slowly falls down
That's what you guys always say when you don't have evidence.

>Hurr durr do yur research
I'm not the guy you're talking to but, I only watched it once. I focused on the image in parts and did some speed reading in other parts. I came away absorbing none of it and I'm not going to go back and look at a really poorly made clip again. The text should be slower so the watcher can both watch the clip and read the text.
David icke. His content centers around reptilian beings controlling human society.
>Return Youtube Dislikes addon entirely exposes the corrupt media,
Dog you do realize that addon only shows other people that have the addon right
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remember that a conspiracy is a group of people getting together and planning stuff.
a conspiracy theory is a suspicion about people getting together and planning stuff.

ever see rich people get together and talking in private? if you guess what they are saying to each other you're a conspiracy theorist.
all news reporters used to be conspiracy theorists. it's supposed to be their job to think about something that could be true and investigate whether that is true or not.
I've told people the same thing a million times, but the CIA went and twisted the meaning to just mean "crazy ideas" so nobody would listen anymore. The wrong definition is so cemented that they'll never get it right.
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i'm also bothered about "impeachment", which is just a synonym for "accusement".
being impeached is being accused. trump was accused and freed on all claims, meaning he was deemed innocent. but media has made it so that half the planet thinks an impeachment is anything above simply being accused.
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whoever made this is a genius for using Clubbed To Death from The Matrix
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The way they use it, it means the accused is already caught red handed and is facing consequences. Fuck the media and their extreme use of doublespeak!
While I partially agree with her, I disagree that there is such a thing as a transexual. All I see are poor bastards that nobody helped back onto the path. Now they're doomed to live lives that never feel right, because they're all trying to live a lie.
gender dysphoria is still a mental disorder, just like how being gay is still a mental disorder.
it doesn't matter if some institution officially recognizes it or not, just like it doesn't matter whether some institution officially recognizes a rock to be a rock. it is still a rock.
i mean, it matters legally for insurance of course, but it seems like this person doesn't actually believe gender dysphoria is a mental disorder that you should want to cure (just like you should want to cure being gay), she only wanted a loophole for surgery, which doesn't actually cure anything, she's still ill.
>Da joos

This theory is so hackneyed at this point

Why is water wet?
>Da joos

Doesn't account for any of the other races who go along with this messaging, except to say they're brainwashed. But that would make da joos the master race who can subdue all others, and that's pretty silly when you factor in individuals who aren't brainwashed.

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