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Post sfw rekt webms. No gore or nudity.
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>nice bush
>let’s get another shot of the road
Breathtaking cinematography.
>She is injured, omg she gotta stand up

Why? just leave them
>lol i'm just gonna rob this place with my fake gun
>dies from 100 bullet wounds
how fucking dense are you? that wasn't a robbery, that was a murder/suicide by cop except his gun didn't work so it was just a suicide by cop. Look at the decorations too, he was trying to give some kids a dead dad for christmas.
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fucking hell they sound like those seagulls from finding nemo
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>Mom's gonna kill us
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This might be an unpopular opinion but I hate bicyclists.
chinese hitman are next level
You aren't alone anon. One would say we are the slient majority.
his family tried to sue the officer, because "after [their son's] gun jammed, he was unarmed" and they cited the cop was wrong to shoot an unarmed man.

Nog logic.
As a cyclist, I too hate 99% of cyclists. Fuck em.
more like excellent jew lawyer tactic
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Bicycles are for children.
Back the blue.
If I ever get to do a victim impact Im going to blame the family and be merciless about it.
Are chinese people even human?
The absolute state
Realistically, do you think there's a hope for him to become more civilized after this?
One bullet for each time they yelled gun.
No, I guarantee that he still acts the exact same way. For every time like this that he gets his shit pushed in, know that there were 99 other times where he was confrontational to someone who didn't want any trouble and got his way because of it. Confrontation in life is a game of chicken that most people don't want to play and will bow out of as soon as possible, and those who abuse that willingness to concede will never understand or practice it until their losses are either too numerous or too catastrophic to ignore.
Maybe. He was trying to impress his fellas. His body language and voice tone is clearly from someone who hasn't been in a real fight his entire life.
Just a retard zoomie founding out.
Calm down retard
I don't know about "excellent" but it's certainly "good enough to at least get some hours out of them (I still get paid)". But yes. Nog logic would completely fail to consider that those cops are even human beings with other people who care about them and they deserved to get shot anyway, dey raycis killas an sheit, da TV and Facebook told me so, it must be true!
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This looks fake.
If you watch the full vid, he apologized to the cop and admitted he was acting up because his friends were watching.
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Cyclists are mentally ill.
that's so funny as a Romanian:
>oh my fucking dick (equivalent of omfg)
>go die (equiv of holy shit), I don't believe I just filmed this thing!
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cyclists are retarded, but dog owners are not that much better
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Lmao. What the fuck?
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Why does he keep falling down?
did he take the opportunity to grope his mantitties
dense MC or he just prefer dogs over bitches
run sideways they said
she just wanted a hug
spot on
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>no gore
>guy gets fucking SCALPED
The man has a knife, which the police are politely asking him to put down because it is potentially dangerous. When the man refuses the requests, they use a car to knock the knife out of his hand without causing serious injury.

In Western countries that aren't America, shooting somebody who doesn't have a gun is the last resort for police, not the first option. Punching an already disarmed and restained person in the back of the head is universal police behaviour, because ACAB.
Never go full retard, foreigner.
I'll do as I please, mongrel.
They don't have tasers in Bongistan?
They do, but those are Austrailians
Post the sonic version please
Will Tom Cruise ever recover from this?
she pulled a wile e. coyote instead of going to the side
fuck that cringe shit, zoomer
>acts all tough guy
>gets absolutely dunked
>"I-I'm a minor"
What is it with alphoomers and constantly pulling the "Erm, I'm a minor???" card when they get dunked
Romanians look like that?
Erm, wow. You must be fun at parties.

Jesus christ anon, it's time to stop posting and solve whatever it is consuming you
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>tfw no yandere gf
he gets safely teleported back around the corner
>"after [their son's] gun jammed, he was unarmed"
this is thie biggest pile of shit I've ever fuckgin heard.
he spent the rest of the time trying to get it to fire.
he would technically be "unarmed" if he had dropped the weapon.
Spellcaster gunmen
just shoot him once in the calf, its over
inb4 you retards say nuh uh you can't do that.
hitting the tard with a vehicle is attempted vehicular manslaughter, but thats fine right?
yeah, bongistan v2.
Yes, and so is shooting him in the chest until he stops moving.
>she gotta stand up
She lifted her onto the seats, you utter retard.
You can see his shoe come off his fat ass hit the ground so hard.
kek he literally would've been fine he sat where he was originally.
If this doesn't convince you that you need to lose weight, nothing will.
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This kid watches to many Kick streams
>Speed dealer sunnies
>Hoodie with imitation gang patch
>Stolen Bicycle
>Aggressive nuisance
>Swearing in public

Yep, it's Kiwi Crackhead time!
>a white American who thinks he's a black hoodlum
fake and gay
>manipulative man using calm as a weapon
Ugh! so toxic
Ayyy oxford terrace
Where so many cunts get into fights you can start a full year street fight betting ring
And bouncers have to be massive because they get hit all the time
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volume warning
>Western countries
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Double barberchair, fucking scary
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are they making him dance weekend at bernie's style at the end?
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Look man, when something crazy happens everyone thinks they're going to be these perfectly rational stoic figures like they've seen in movies, but they're not. One day you're going to be at the scene of an accident and you're going to try your best and then look back and see you're doing shit like this too
why shoot and hospitalize a guy you can successfully detain without anyone being truly hurt?
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>saw tree horizontally
>the motherfucker splits lengthwise
The guy may not have been fully coherent and rushing anyone/everyone as a real threat, but to me I'd think you'd try wrap this up as soon as possible without resorting to ramming the cunt with a car as a dozen people stand very close by. I imagine a taser would hurt less than the possibility of head trauma or broken bones, but I guess when your budget is cooked from too many officers and not enough equipment, I guess you get this.
>Subconsciously tries to throw herself under the car too
Strong genetics in that one.
Communism turned them into literal NPCs.
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based area defender
I thought he was wearing a red hat lol.
This is impossible to do because once a single porker opens fire the whole lot will dump their mags. You gotta just go for the kill in this instance
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should just delete everyone standing outside with nothing to do in a project
Trips of area preservation
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Where the fuck do you guys live to have such gigantic fucking assholes riding bicycles? All the bicycle riders I've ever countered were absolutely minding their own business, or too drunk to give a shit about you, or I've just been lucky since I don't live in a big ass city.

Finland here.
you love to see it
Fuck you mongol rapebaby.
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In the full version the cop completely spergs out. The kid calmly apologizes over and over and the cop won't let it go for like 30 minutes. Completely unprofessional and autistic.
They stopped mediating when the boobies got out, lmao
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> Bicycles are for children.

and gays.
The faggot zoomer should have had his arms snapped
You, a faggot zoomer should have your arms snapped for making such a retarded post
20 year old? why did he say he was a minor?
Once had a friend fly through the air and land hard on his back during a skiing trip.
I waltzed up to him and tried to pull him off the ground while some norwegian yelled "neigh" a lot.
You don't really think all that much in the moment.
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and people wonder why cops are so quick to drop someone acting weird. you just never know
This is why the Mozambique Drill is a thing.
>bruh I'm only 28 fr fr
>why shoot and hospitalize a guy you can successfully detain without anyone being truly hurt?

its like you didnt watch the video, didnt read my post and just replied about some fantasy scenario.
good job retard
>pink shoes cheap shots he guy
I'm shocked
shocked I tell you
did this guy even get hurt? looks like he probably missed most of it
I know this sounds like my dad works at nintendo but I do actually know and occasionally work with the guy, and yeah he was fine and still falls timber in the area, he has a youtube channel that the barber chair video is on.
Funny enough after the video became popular there was some trouble because orange paint is supposed to mean you can't cut the tree, there ended up being a timber theft investigation that I was involved in because of it, fun stuff
>based area defender
This isn't reddit. I can always guarantee that when this clip gets posted there will always be one reddit fag that'll post "Based area defender" You don't have to post the same shit we all see and think already. Find something new to contribute or just lurk
Based website defender
>You don't have to
Oh but we do!
>see object intentionally placed in the middle of the road in order to stop vehicles from crossing
>ha ha! Jokes on them! I'm on a bike, so I'll get the last laugh on whoever is trying to get me to stop, unlike this asshole driving a cUUNGH!
Your argument is the most disjointed pile of shit I’ve read here in a while. So you’re saying its somehow a crime for cops to hit him with a car but not a crime to shoot him? Did this make sense to you when you typed it out?
>inb4 retards say you can’t do that
Yeah, people that don’t think it’s wise to try and fire at a small moving target in public with a high probability of missing and sending lead into occupied areas are the retards.
It definitely works differently here in the US. An adult on two wheels of any kind means an ashole 99% of the time. It’s almost an immutable natural law here. Can’t explain it.
It’s a garbage can retard. The street is their natural habitat.
If you see a garbage can in the middle of the one lane going in your direction, then something's up, and you at least have to slow down and look around you.
Bike cunts very obviously don't understand this.
The sound of the bike crashing reminds me of some famous music snippet, but I can't figure out exactly which. I don't think it's Shave and a Haircut
>So you’re saying its somehow a crime for cops to hit him with a car but not a crime to shoot him?
no. retard.
try again.

>Yeah, people that don’t think it’s wise to try and fire at a small moving target in public with a high probability of missing and sending lead into occupied areas are the retards.
cool story retard.
Sending one untrained cop to a mental health call is stupid as shit.
joe satriani isn't looking too good these days
This is why arborists have such a high mortality rate. Felling trees can be extremely unpredictable and even if you take all the necessary precautions you can still end up in a precarious position.
>a shithead kid put can in road
>a steel cable is stretched across road
I really don’t think so.
>no u
I accept your concession.
>for children
it's almost like 4 times the weight equal 4 times the kinetic energy or something
I lost it on the frame I saw the corner of the shopping cart.
Every vehicle comes with an emergency brake. Use it.
I was surprised when he came back and still didn't pay attention.
Very entertaining. 8/10
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Room 322, nothing suss
Fuckin perfect lmao
Why did he throw up?
This fucking guy
wild tobacco is really strong, if your not used to it, you get nauseous and or pass out.

its called Thuốc lào, youtube it to watch vacationers getting fucked up on it.
we all look like that
Alexey "Solo" Berezin?
I'm hearing shave and haircut know you mention it.
Inhaled mistakenly from the look of it.
turd worlders always do that
The one of the dude that gets his face smashed in haunts my dreams.
>barfed at when he leaned over
>barfed at when she was above his head
European cops wouldn't last a single day in an American city.
Well done, Agent 47!
Just like 10% of your population?
i bet he lost social credit over this
not gonna lie, i admire the restraint. you can clearly see there's something wrong with that guy. we are to quick to pull the trigger when the real possibility of danger is relatively low.
Gun owner BTW, before anyone bitches
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fucking bull, the biker clearly had the right of way on account of him being a biker
This is an attitude I see exclusively out of urban and road bikers only. Mountain bikers and BMXers have generally been pretty cool, in my experience.
Anti-cyclist propaganda is funded by oil companies and car companies who want you to continue to be slaves to them. Follow the money.

t.owner of an F-250 and a Trek Madone
oh shit, that's fucked. I've cut down a lot of trees and I've never seen anything like that. poor bastard, but it looked like he made it out alright
Niggers. Highly emotional, volatile. Afraid of 1v1 fights. They will hit you when you aren't looking, they will use weapons for no reason, they will bring their whole family to attack a teenager. But they will never contribute anything to the people around them.
>but they were having a mental health crisis it's not their fault!
If your mental health crisis involves attacking strangers with a knife, then you need to be put down like a rabid animal.
>it's called blah dee fucking blahh
The asians are not the first or only people to do raw tobacco, moron.
The weak should fear the strong, Nigel.
Hey, man, that's our word.
>t. wasn't quick enough to post based area defender first
Obviously she's supposed to work, not lie around
We're here for you, anon.
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>Keep the change ya filthy animal
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Tfw your HOA says you can't paint your house flamin hot cheetos red
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>when the white autist decides to go off his meds
I am a dickhead motorcyclist and even I hate bicyclists. If you need light two wheeled transportation use a goddamn moped.
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>Area secured
There are people who think this is real.
what did you lose?
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The game
Those are clearly asians though, you stupid subhuman.
>Former Platteville Police Sgt. Pablo Vazquez entered the plea deal Tuesday, agreeing to 12 months of an unsupervised deferred judgment and sentence. While Vazquez was fired by the Platteville Police Department earlier this year, his pleading to a second-degree misdemeanor means he can keep his Colorado law enforcement certification and would be eligible to become a police officer in Colorado again.

>But before that September 2022 incident in Platteville, Vazquez was called "incompetent" by fellow officers at a previous police job and recommended for a demotion. But that doesn't appear to have happened.

They're not sending their best.
When cyclists use their bikes to block people like that, they deserve to have all of their teeth kicked in.
>hitting the tard with a vehicle is attempted vehicular manslaughter
You "mostly peaceful protesters" deserve to be hit by cars, you idiot faggot commie.
Why did he wait so long to shoot? Idiot let himself get stabbed.
Typical cowardly nigger "fighter" and the cackling whores who laugh and defend it because he's "waycis".
It's really fucking stupid when a cop does something criminal and all that happens is they're fired and people accept that as sufficient punishment.
anyone speak moon rune?
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kek, where is this autistic rage coming from? just rent free...
my reply was in context and informative then you just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Wasn't going fast enough. Lame.
wrong, you're just retarded
Poor choa.

Whenever you make a sketchy cut you’re supposed to have your escape route planned and ready to go.

Buddy was sitting on the goddamn ground, with no apparent escape route except running uphill over a big boulder.

Would have been a well earned Darwin Award if it squished him.

Also what the fuck was that notching technique? The way he was cutting it, it looks like he was trying to fell it uphill, again into his escape zone. Moron.

>t. Former Forest Ranger who had to cut down shit tons of big dangerous trees.
>sorry, we don't have the money to fix the sewer problems that make your house inhabitable
>they also approve a raise to themselves right after
honestly, completely deserved
he should have brought 3
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I love happy endings :)
>Were on your side
You are never on anyones side when dealing with a mob lmao. Life lesson learned that night
>What it feels like to chew 5 gum
Some dude head one of those plastic chairs at a girl's head when I was in high school.
Dude got expelled for that and then fucking OD'd like 1-2 years later from drink and drugs or some shit.

He was always a fucking retarded dick head.
How ignorant do you have to be to move towards a bull?
I'd rank that as dumber than chasing a bear.

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