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File: Take it off!.webm (3.15 MB, 288x512)
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Women, who are in distress, shock or crying in despair. Do not post women, who are aggressive or confrontative.
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Eh, that one's not really her fault. She looks insufferable, but that's one of her life's miseries that she didn't self-inflict.
is that the hoe that was mad about men choosing a walk as a date option
damn karma got up to her
She had multiple abortions. Abortions lower the fertility of a woman. Also the longer you wait with your first pregnancy, the harder it will be to get pregnant as you get older. It's like something gets kickstarted in the body with pregnancy.

So yes, it was her fault.
don't even care who started it, I'd pummel the nigress and her friends til they're a stain on the floor

captcha: SPRAT
first of all nice trips
second my mother got pregnant with me after trying for a baby for at least 3 years with my dad
and they both thought that he is infertile and just lost hope at that point
only after they lost hope her pregnancy test came out positive
she was 32 dad was 31
>inb4 ur mom cheated on ur dad that's why she got pregnant
i have my father's traits like wavy hair dimple on a chin and we also have the same biological clock so whenever he wants to shit I also want to we race to the toilet literally it's insane
so in the end there is hope even though ur child might use 4chin later in life and be diagnosed with ASD but it's alright
Incel thread
I did not know that. If true, fuck her. I guess it's another misery that she did inflict on herself.
>and they both thought that he is infertile and just lost hope at that point
It's funny how the woman always blames the man for that haha
i mean before him she gave birth to my older brother from ex husband that cheated on her?
she looks at least 28 if not 32 years old
she should've been having kids from 20-24 years old
sure its not her fault feminism is killing women's ability to have children but this was easily predictable
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Without the ridiculous amounts of makeup and like 8 filters, I didn't even realize that was the same chick.
>she looks at least 28 if not 32 years old
She looks 40. How haggard are the people you hang with?
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Nah, bitch 100% did it to herself with her off-the-charts entitledness. She's this >>5708565 insufferable ho without a thousand pounds of cakeup and bullshit on her face.
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that makeup is horrendous.
Don't forget the niglet
Damn That sucks and the guy is a sociopath
couldn’t imagine wanting a stupid kid this badly
holy shit, we are hitting levels of cope that shouldn't be possible
Brother... Get a DNA test with your father, if you want to make sure.
Your mom might be a cheater.
I spent a while looking for any source on this. Didn't find one beyond some estimates of a 1-3% risk increase of miscarriage associated with 'unsafe procedures'.
It should have an impact, in a just world. I'm reality, it seems to be negligible.
based hahahaha I hope she dies
Nah, let's hear his side before making that call. It's not like women have been known to stretch the truth or completely fabricate fantastical shit or anything.
Yeah I know but at the same time I think guys can have extreme narcissism

Cool klezmer music, fuckface
I just feel a lil bad for her.
I'm a broke ass neet who still lives at his mom's house at 37 and even I wouldn't trade my place in the world for hers
humans in general have low fertility, may be effect of hybridization
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got me
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everyone favorite
i never thought id see empathy on this board
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>Internet famous
Literally who? Some micro celeb?
>I spent a while looking for any source on this. Didn't find one beyond some estimates of a 1-3% risk increase of miscarriage associated with 'unsafe procedures'.
>It should have an impact, in a just world. I'm reality, it seems to be negligible

Half of all infertile Greek women caused their own fertility, because they used abortion like contraception.
What a meanie
Don't talk like a fag
So they just... Run away?
Why didn't they pull the retard out?
my sweet summer child I have a hereditary disease that my father has its keratoconus and no one in the family except me and HIM has it
damn her hairline is worse than mine
she looks like Jay from the inbetweeners
Polly Pimblett
>Look at me
>Look at me
>Look at me
>Look at me
>Jesus christ please look at me
Just when you thought zoomers couldn't get any more retarded
Women are literally evil.
Whaaaat, you mean a liberal society that shit on men by default and put zero concequences on womens being pieces of shit whores create shitty womens?
In case you missed it, my point is that the problem isn't women, it's your gay ass culture creating them. Pathetic godless pieces of shits created this.
But otherwise, correct
Kek at the meta
sincerely hope that she killed herself.
that's just self delusion. don't pay any attention
hey, I'm just like you! made several major fuckups during 2019. after that it was total downhill for me. although for the last couple of months I was wondering why I don't want to kill myself anymore. desire was there prior and now it's just like "eat shit sleep repeat" with no thoughts attached
Nah fuck that retard. You deserve everything that happens to you if you can be convinced to jump in a body of water for $20 when you can't swim.
Women like this are just dabbing on single moms regreting having kids
fat ho
>knows she can't swim
>risks excruciating death for $20
>blames retarded shitotk ho for her own dumbass decision
shit tok ho
>denies saying something she said literally 20 seconds ago
>shits herself panicking
>none of four people in the tiktard posse think to just find a rope or dingy or some shit
>someone is LITERALLY FUCKING DYING, but they make everything about themselves and whine about muh feels
Zoomers need to have their phones confiscated and be banned from the internet. They're too buttfuck retarded to use it.
That shit is created, bred and trained to be what they are, it's not a natural state of being.
From the moment it first put its eyes on their pieces of shit parents and went to school with their piece of shits teachers and started to watch piece of shits TV and internet entertainments.
The fag culture started to create something, a piece of shit that could have been a real human being was in process of being created.
Sure some people are just born pieces of shits and indeed the argument can be made that our faggot culture enable the shit out of their behaviors, but for the vast majority it is this fucking gay ass liberal garbage culture that creates them.

The new and improved Weimar Germany 2.0, coming soon.
She's a stupid ass moron

Lesbians are scary as fk. Lgbtq is an occult and women are assholes for pushing this crap on everyone
Proof they're morons that can't make independent choices

Wtf dumbass
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true. she looks like a cheap whore and way uglier than without. with minimal makeup shes actually way cuter
She looks like Natalie Dormer with an extra chromosome and a crack habit.
I'm a man
The distance between my brow and my hairline is ~4 fingers
How does she have a hand-and-a-half between her brow and her hairline?
i enjoy how the blonde sociopath cant help but laugh at the suffering of the fat girl. lol
that guy definitely fucked his dad
>ba ding you have a notification
I fucking died laughing.
Come on. Post some crying women. But not aggressively attention-seeking crying, like actual miserable self-pitying crying
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didnt she dfe after pol started obsessing over her
>defending white women in le current year
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Yeah I prefer Jewish women.
Adult sized Toddler
Ngl this sucks. I can't believe I am saying this ,all you faggots would be seething right now if the roles were reversed
You really expected gentlemen here?
Once black pussy moves to your neighborhood, it's over.
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The bear doesn't speak English, you dumb cunt.
If he put an end to a woman being in improv comedy, he's a hero
obviously - its black bear - he speak Ebonics only
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>the shit eating grin
These young people just get meaner and meaner
Who is she?
can't remember her name, just remember her as the girl who dfe'd after pol started obsessing over her
>give up half a career
>has time for an improv troupe
hey retard, he didnt make the webm
also y u mad
>shit schedule is inherited
Good God you're a retard.
Is the second from top left the same one that got maced and falls down like a sack of shit?
>we also have the same biological clock so whenever he wants to shit I also want to we race to the toilet literally it's insane

thats not a thing.
god I hope so
leave my retarded wife alone
i didn't say so but it was funny that we just share it
biological clock is a thing
>I didn't say so.
Actually retarded.
low quality bait by autist who can't read
Notice how none of her orbiters told her what she was doing was wrong. This is why pretty women are a fucking menace to society
Nah, just week men
>posts something retarded
> "I-I did not say that!" When you can clearly see it stated in the post.
>S-shut up with your bait!
You can throw as many deflection words out as you want. You're still a retard denying a post clearly visible to everyone.
we don't have enough info to make that call. this isn't reddit.
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/r9k/ not /pol/, and they have fucked up a few girls, some of them underage, whose names I can't be bothered to remember.
Bro has never seen Curb
rolf! didn't notice that til you pointed it out. No idea. I guess it's a side effect of anti depressants and alcohol poisoning
I thought the mgk 2012 memes were cringe at first. but it's grown on me. I miss 2012 sometimes
so pretty....
>Jewish flag
what.the.fuck?! Bottom 2nd left was a woman the whole time?!
This sounds horrible but I appreciate the effort because it looks like it was made before AI, so I approve of the production
She ain't wrong
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yeah she was a real catch, making a 6 hour long song about a blog for attention
If only she grew up in a church.
Fuck. You.
You unfunny witless faggot retard bitch.
So can girls. Whats your point?
too much effort bait
im flattered :)
>Women, who are in distress, shock or crying in despair.
>Do not post women, who are aggressive or confrontative.
Weird fetish.
Women that wear makeup like that are both deeply insecure and extremely shallow/superficial.
How to tell if a girl was raised without a father.
Yeah and no one in the thread followed that rule. My thread is over.
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you will never be loved
>recognize the inherently masculine desire to be protective of crying women as something that exists within me
>get told "I will never be loved"
>biological clock is a thing
no shit.
>they all leave without even attempting to help
>they know they did something wrong
>stream the whole thing
>one guy saying literally every sentence
imagine orbiting some vapid evil cunt thats built like a 13 year old boy
the internet really should just be turned off, it was a mistake
or at least dont let phones have internet its too much for people to handle
She looks like Kirk Cousins
I've heard about this but honestly she doesn't look bad now. maybe her nose is a little small now that I look but if there wasn't the old pictures I wouldn't have known she bogged out
the white woman is a coal burner, the mulatto niglet is hers. this is just theconsequencesofmyactions.webm
y'know without the makeup, if she didn't have the bogged lips, she'd be pretty cute.
Good thing women like her do it to themselves. How else would a man be able to tell she's insufferable from a glance?
passport bros after collecting their based asian tradfu
Why did the old fat bitch jump in if she couldn't swim? Is she stupid?
Holy fuck that woman is insufferable
Yes. She's homeless and mentally-ill. Streamer is taking advantage for views.
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we all know that Mr. bear
Sometimes you just know when there are massive parts of the story she's leaving out
>moved out of LA
This is a good outcome actually.
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the background hoe who wants to make sure her angry face made it to the video for "not like other girls" points is so much worse
ruins a video and thinks she is cool for doing so
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where is the steering wheel?
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My guess its a tram, and it was to fast for the corner and it derailed
Is it me or does she kinda look down syndromy?
Based Russians
I'm not 37 but am becoming NEET (Not or because I want too I've been looking for a damn job NOT related to food) shits hard out here man. I mean I have a roof over my head but damn man...
threemilk or something like that
stopped making videos after she got harassed by faggots
Its staged, fake blood. Stop falling for whore tricks.
Tbf that’s pretty cool. Very raw and honest. Doing something creative with the most profound pain she’ll ever feel.
Yes she looks like Greta
why do the most insufferable white woman always have either white or red nails. Is there a connection here or am I just pulling this out of thin air?
Feels almost like a skit
maybe it's related to the worst drivers being in red suvs/trucks
I love dating fat girls. Feed them and fuck them. Its a good life.
Shes so cute sounding. She sounds like my girl. I hope she doesnt get the baby bug like that.
>lychee not spring chicken!
yeah she might be crazy but damn i love her.
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>fat fetish retard having a stroke
not related to my post sorry
Isaiah 3:16-17 (NASB)

16 Moreover, the LORD said, "Because the daughters of Zion are proud And walk with heads held high and seductive eyes, And go along with mincing steps And tinkle the bangles on their feet,

17 Therefore the Lord will afflict the scalp of the daughters of Zion with scabs, And the LORD will make their foreheads bare."
We actually fucked society over so hard by making it taboo to tell women that 90% of their eggs will be gone by age 30, and the chance of disorders like autism and retardation dramatically increase
that's it thats western civilization
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And I thought I was balding.
there is a reason why she doesn't show her full face
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Yeah finding a real job is hard to come by these days. I suggest you catch up with your cousins and ask if the place they work at is hiring. If you can't do that then there's very little chance of you getting one if you don't get it through nepotism
Damn. SHes ugly
She's a psycho but she's completely right. He's a piece of shit for this.
I love Ant's laugh so much.
if she's the type of cunt that makes a song about how she actually knows how he feels that means she's insufferable and controlling
if you read between the lines he probably wanted to go to Texas to get away from her but he's just too much of a bitch to dump her
typical clueless women that can't tell how annoying and smothering they actually are and that their bfs are actually just putting up with them
I remember this girl from r9k. Something like 10 years ago now.
underagedb& egirl that loser pedos obsessed over. I think her name was Agatha.
Crying on Demand
basic bitches

Miscarriages occur of natural causes at somewhere like 14% for women up to 30 and increase only about 2-3% until thier about 40+, signs include lower abdominal pain and blood spotting typically within the first trimester

abortion, as you found, doesn't significantly increase chance of miscarriage if done properly, I don't think Ancient Greek abortion qualifies
>Nespresso works fine

Shallow IQ tasteless bitch
>Blog post your break-up
>He wrote a note to break up
Thier both gay, but he's the only faggot

I don't think I'd want a son who's such a pussy to move back, that's some woman shit: as if a woman did it, that's in thier nature, but as a man have some balls
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>I don't think Ancient Greek abortion qualifies
I meant modern Greek.
that is effect of recent hybridization event
women here may be pathetic but the biker is even worse and deserve rope
this is >95% of the population of the world
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you'd have to be a real beta to fall for this shit.
real tears and sadness are easily pushed aside by absurd comedy, like ripping a massive fart, or just interrupting the situation with something bizarre like biting your thumb at them.
women will stop the tears and start laughing if they're legitimately crying. but these crocodile tears won't since it's an act, they'll become so distracted by the event that they'll forget their act and it will be disjointed.
Bikers are the stupidest people in all of existence.

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