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Anything with cops.
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Did they hit the cop with a lazer
no they hit him with a 'laser'
It is fake & gay, just like you two.
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Dude just opened a bottled sun.
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I wish she would enroute to my 10 foot snake, if you know what I mean
Perfect reaction.
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Fucking revolting, truly sickening.
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I prefer my American trigger happy cops over British cops who will arrest and lecture you for saying bad words on the Internet. How fucking absurd.
Wonder how the anticop folks feel about female cops being like 3x more likely to shoot people than male cops.
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Please tell me she was disciplined for this
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Damn, she was squealling like a pig.
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why would she? you want to block police cars in traffic?
what about being a powertripping whore? I guess that's what they look for as police officers...
That's crazy. I would have shot that bitch immediately after the first slash
That would be racist, sexist, capitalist, toxic, asian privilege, and colonial. I can't think of anymore bullshit, it hurts. I apologize.
got a 10 inch snake here in need of taming
Is it a little field snake? Just because it's small doesn't mean it's not deadly.
my dad said it's big ok
Copied Repo Man
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omg is she ok? she dindu nuffin
yes, she was
this is turning into a nice copypasta, every time I see this video posted. Like the dancing girl with the "I bet she fucks like a fighter jet" stuff. And the japanese guys dancing over a dead whale that could've died.
>"Don't shoot me"
Little too late, goliath
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Should've shot that cunt after the first slash, but it would've been considered police brutality, so the cop has to try talking to the knife psycho and then wait for the psycho to literally walk up to him and stab him in the fucking face before he's finally allowed to fire the first shot.
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imagine wanting more of those things in your country
you just know if it weren't for the bodycam footage, shitlibs and jews would've turned this into another Trayvon Martin thing
Bros, I'd let her go full Chauvin on me, and suffocate me with that phat ass. You're goddamn right I can't breathe, don't let up ;)
I bet they will still try despite the footage. It's just the kind of people they are.
>no doom sfx

>how are you?
>*tries to cut your throat*

I see this as progress. Maybe in a hundred years they will wait for a response before trying to murder you.
A ten foot snake is eating children, and you're laughing! women baka
I like how normalized it is in Latin American countries to look like a complete bimbo
That random guy should take her job.
Those 2 female cops turned into men real quick once shit hit.
If only I could be so grossly incandescent
Bro got hit with the fucking demon core
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inb4 sonic
inb4 gta
This one bothers me. Why not just shoot her in the knee cap?
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because the femcop stood around being useless instead of tasing the attacker, and then he had to make a split-second decision.
What a fucking useless cunt he had as a partner, bet he was absolutely furious about it.
She just fucking watched like a sheep, even after the deed she just wandered around, pathetic.
fucking awful.
the woman dies because another woman decided to become a cop and that man has to live with taking a life, knowing that it could have been avoided.

he knew what was about to happen and that a tazer would have saved the woman and himself from that situation. and all because of that retarded woman becoming a cop, his entire life has changed. and he wont be able to talk about it because of feminism.

i can only hope he wasnt married and had no kids. he's a different man thanks to that moron.
Fair enough. She was worse than useless. Was there any follow up to this? I hope she got fired.
>I'm pregnant!
one more reason why women shouldn't be police officers
Yeah, here the government just does everything behind the scenes, like order the social media site to nuke your account, or if you have enough of an audience they'll also order banks and payment processors to take away your ability to function in society. They all happily oblige, of course.
policeman died
Are female police officers even useful
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For office work, maybe. They seem to be more trouble than they're worth as soon as they get into any kind of serious situation.
Protocol is if you're going to shoot, shoot to kill.
>aim for the leg and miss
>get stabbed and die

>aim for the leg and hit
>perp bleeds out
>court rules unjustified killing on the grounds that you did not feel your life was in mortal danger, otherwise you would have shot to kill
>lose your job, lose your pension, spend time in jail

Lady should have had her taser ready so he didn't have to go straight for lethal. If he started with his taser drawn then lady should have had lethal ready as backup.
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God that’s just like Sonic in GTA…
Arrested for causing someone anxiety over the Internet, the absolute fucking state..
Shot at that range right in the chest she killed him most likely, could have shot him in the leg if she really had to..
I prefer this one with sound, personally.
Look at these people, and the left still jump down your neck for suggesting we don't want them in our countries.. and every country has native scumbags but we don't need to import more..
Damn. He really hesitated there. He's really lucky she didn't take out an eye!
she sounds like a fucking demon at 1:24
>asian accent

who the FUCK immigrates to the dystopian states of muttmerica from an east asian country and immediately applies to become a police officer?!?!
You best be trolling
You know what. I don't care anymore. I wish there was no such thing as police officers. I would rather get stabbed to death by a nigger than deal with these boot licking arrogant assholes.
I have no problem yielding for lights and sirens, otherwise cops are bound by the same traffic laws the rest of us are.
Oh yes, they have their uses. Just look up Maegan Hall. She served with distinction.
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Invaders do.
They're taking public servant jobs with low pay specifically for pensions and to be in call to give their own people more breaks

it's so fucking obvious
Been screaming this for 20 years now.
100 percent what's happening
the unmatched power of the sun(in a brown bottle)
Compare a 6' 6" male o a 5' 4" female.
That's like 100 lbs difference.
That comes on top of the gender differences in strength irrespective of weight and the fact that men train faster.
If a female police officer has to defend herself, she will have to shoot you. Not only that, there is the psychological effect of being tiny and weak as compared to the mostly male assailants.
On the flip side, that means that they are good at something else, and that is deescalation and social work, as they are less threatening than men.
They should never have to be confronted with physical combat, and they shouldn't be allowed into the military if they don't pass the same tests to the same standards as men.
then post it
link to the stats?
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They are trying. Their """argument""" is that the cop shouldn't have been their in the first place.
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so instead she would've attacked the next unarmed UPS driver, plumber or pizza delivery guy who shows up, fantastic
holy shit i didnt even know they trained them to do that
>bothers me
>useless partner
>fucking awful
you dipshits will defend everything up to and including running at people full speed with a knife. A lot of you dipshits need to get your ass kicked at a minimum or shot for good measure.
>fuck the pigs
fuck you retards too
>female cops
>good at it
>t. Henry
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no, she doesn't
Useless piece of shit cop. I can't believe this.
Fucking crackers. Every time.
Should have just asked the kids to give her one and play along.
Isn't that also that cop who got banged by the whole police force?
for dealing with other women
I'm going to sue the UK for causing me anxiety by arresting people for absurd shit like its normal or acceptable.
I feel fightened for the safety or my family by your actions, and I want you all to throw yourselves in prison for such atrocities.
oh, well i guess thats all there is to know about it then isn't it.
My english heritage is ashamed of you.
as you and your families should be of yourselves
>might be resisting
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Female police officer left someone handcuffed in cop car and left the car on the tracks
In my dreams she can smack my face with both of those cheeks
Is this the 3 stooges wtflolol
Yes, very actually. The men at the top know full that men are emasculated by women (or anyone weaker) having power over them. It helps to wear down the competitor males by humiliating them.
Anyway, hello cattle reading this.
daddy gave you good advice
how do you know?
it gets bigger when I pull on it
>I'll taze ya!
She said with all the conviction of an overworked middle-aged elementary school teacher.
The criminals need somewhere to deposit their semen.
I'd apologize for my transphobia just to get her really riled up.
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they should've sent an exorcist instead of a cop

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