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File: Bangladesh.webm (4.82 MB, 1280x720)
4.82 MB
4.82 MB WEBM
Previous Thread: >>5700797

>Virtual Youtubers rankings


>Webm making guide

>Webm Software
XMedia Recode: https://www.xmedia-recode.de/en/
MPV Player & Scripts: https://mpv.io/

Try to not post webms that were just in the previous thread, unless requested.
File: comfort_zone.webm (4.56 MB, 1280x720)
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File: Vine Boom.webm (5.04 MB, 1280x720)
5.04 MB
5.04 MB WEBM
Do you rike it?
shit thread couldn't be more shit
File: don't be.webm (602 KB, 1920x1080)
602 KB
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5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM

Stop posing this AI shit, I want REAL girls acting autistic behind a digital puppet.
we're coming for your wife
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2.9 MB
File: Oli asking questions.webm (5.93 MB, 1280x720)
5.93 MB
5.93 MB WEBM
Oli has such great energy.
another advantage of being a girl...
coffee too strong? plop out your tit and add milk
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5.72 MB
5.72 MB WEBM
Or with a guy. Just ask Nerissa about the Leche de Toro incident.
Keep posting this AI goodness.
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2.27 MB
2.27 MB WEBM
how about both https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MRzkwsMeO0
File: he's what.webm (2.57 MB, 1280x720)
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2.57 MB WEBM
Isn't this just a dude feeding lines to a text-to-speech engine? Basically the same as watching the femboys that one guy posts.
Neuro is clearly several AI technologies Frankensteined together. This is on the same level as those people who say all vtubers are dudes with voice changers.
Even boomers have accepted AI by now, what rock do you live under?
File: Blueberry Autism.webm (5.91 MB, 830x480)
5.91 MB
5.91 MB WEBM
>REAL girls acting autistic behind a digital puppet.
I really don't know what's so mysterious to people about a chatbot being linked to text-to-speech (and speech-to-text)
I've head she's from the UK, in which case wtf is up with her (lack of?) accent? It's hard to tell at her pitch.
this sounds so much like mario galaxy to me, i love orchestra
>same level as those people who say all vtubers are dudes with voice changers
That would only be true if I said anyone claiming to use a language model was lying. I thought vedal in particular was not using an LLM given some discussions in older threads. I've only seen a few clips so maybe regular viewers can tell from artifacts like latency, cross-talk issues, and common failure modes like repeated sequences.
>muh next token probabilities
At least when Neuro first appeared there was a pretty big gap between offline SOTA and what you can cobble together on affordable consumer hardware running in real time
If you watch Neuro for any length of time it's pretty obvious that there's an LLM in there. There's the cooking stream where Vedal was on screen and just talking to Neuro. I guess you could argue that there could have been someone else feeding Neuro the voice lines but it seemed pretty clear to me that there was computer vision set up to feed into an LLM.
Original Neuro was an Osu bot that wasn't very sophisticated in terms of talking to chat and stuff.
nah its great right now, the trannyposter isn't here
42% finally??!
Okay, fair enough.
>Original Neuro...wasn't very sophisticated
But she said the Holocaust never happened.
File: Airi Guess Who.webm (5.39 MB, 1920x1080)
5.39 MB
5.39 MB WEBM
I heard this was the AIri thread
Thanks for reminding me. I almost forgot to post today. Been pretty busy with other stuff.
File: not collabing.webm (5.66 MB, 640x360)
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5.66 MB WEBM
What fucking game is this and why is it so funny?
she's like a few months away from going through her idubbz trolls regret arc
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File: Luna Naaaa.webm (635 KB, 640x360)
635 KB
Is she using a voice changer now? I dont remember her voice ever being that chipmunk like.
File: Luna yare yare.webm (209 KB, 1280x720)
209 KB
Better not be, that would be cringe. Her natural voice is better either way, though.
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5.69 MB WEBM
it is her natural voice
File: Luna gibberish.webm (3.86 MB, 960x540)
3.86 MB
3.86 MB WEBM
>he doesn't know
not worth explaining, go watch streams
File: Luna roads.webm (5.56 MB, 852x480)
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5.56 MB WEBM
Im not watching your streams, Kiki.
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5.62 MB WEBM
your loss
Class of '09: The Flip-Side. But the humor can be hit-or-miss.
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File: Nina Sampler.webm (5.52 MB, 1280x720)
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5.52 MB WEBM
All women want to become lolis again
also nice quds
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File: you won't.webm (2.55 MB, 1280x720)
2.55 MB
2.55 MB WEBM
She really is a daddy's girl.
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File: inis fingergun.webm (3.68 MB, 1280x720)
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3.68 MB WEBM
He knows that one but he doesn't always play along.
>Le mao you won't
Yes. That is how it's said
vedal needs some pussy
he keeps tard wrangling these whores with no payoff
he should choose the zoomer pussy
Thank you Dizzy, very cool.
@0:18 wendigoes when someone is alone in the wilderness
i would fuck the everloving shit out of this menhera vietnamese loser
Hey guys sorry to bother you with my request, but I can't seem to find a very old clip of Matsuri being very sleepy and playing minecraft where she talks about accepting her fans love.
It was very cute and I'd very much like to rewatch it :(
i just speedwatched the youtube walkthrough of this vn, and what a rollercoaster, man, holy shit
regardless, voice acting was good, and it left me wanting to suck on jecka's feet
wonder if there will ever be any doujins of her
i'm crying, beautiful voice/singing, nostalgia songs hit hard
File: Aydee will what??.webm (5.97 MB, 1920x1080)
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File: did i do that.webm (4.54 MB, 1280x722)
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4.54 MB WEBM
It was the fomo game on twitch a couple of years or so ago.
Feb 15, 2016
>At least when Neuro first appeared there was a pretty big gap between offline SOTA and what you can cobble together on affordable consumer hardware running in real time
Early 2023 Neuro was barely coherent.
It's almost inevitable for women unfortunately, they are more prone to falling for group pressure
I can't find any video of her singing It's Raining Men anywhere, did YouTube take it down or some shit? Damn that voice is heavenly.
>Early 2023 Neuro was barely coherent
And yet turtle man was here spamming her clips like the soi faggo he is
File: Akari's gender.webm (1.23 MB, 854x480)
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1.23 MB WEBM
What is Eilene doing these days? Last I heard she went hard offline and everyone lost contact to her.
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File: Nina Seiso vtuber.webm (5.9 MB, 568x320)
5.9 MB
you're right. That's odd. All I've got is this saved (and its not what you want), a lot of her songs are just gone.
Bongs never recovered ever since
File: seggs.webm (882 KB, 796x832)
882 KB
File: Neuro Rolling Girl.webm (5.55 MB, 640x360)
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5.55 MB WEBM
File: Shortstack Chromu.webm (3.17 MB, 1280x720)
3.17 MB
3.17 MB WEBM
This is the clip that Twitch banned Chromu for. She got her channel back today and this was the only VOD they removed. They waited until her birthday one month later to ban her for it.
It looks like it was from just before ninarchive started archiving her videos. Probably lost.
>They waited until her birthday one month later to ban her for it
I've seen multiple vtubers get banned on their birthday, the twitch jannies are so fucking deranged
File: NinaRainingMen.webm (5.99 MB, 533x300)
5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
Maybe not the version you were thinking of, but here's Nina singing it and being silly.
She did a Mario Galaxy song today.
thanks anon, if only more vtubers were like her and actually put in the effort to be talented. Then maybe people wouldn't shit on them too hard.
muricans bullied her until she dropped it
if you watch the stream with her mom her british accent slips out
I have to admit, I'd have thought Shondo was faking her high-pitch voices ages before I thought of her faking her accent.
i (ESL) made my own pronunciation in my head a long long time ago: lee ma lao
there is no way this is a boy
my fucking kek
you better believe it
she's so adorable
File: It's_raining_man.webm (5.84 MB, 568x320)
5.84 MB
5.84 MB WEBM
Maybe it just doesn't show up, recently the search function feels even more broken than before.
the zestiest man alive.
File: groommaxxing.webm (4.34 MB, 960x540)
4.34 MB
4.34 MB WEBM
I was always a healer growing up, but none of my dungeonmates ever tried to groom me. Maybe they could tell I was ugly.
File: Pinko Woman.webm (5.95 MB, 960x540)
5.95 MB
5.95 MB WEBM
adorable and seditious
Karaoke 11#: New Year First Edition on youtube.
File: miia shows likes.webm (5.13 MB, 960x540)
5.13 MB
5.13 MB WEBM
File: cool animal facts.webm (1.86 MB, 1280x720)
1.86 MB
1.86 MB WEBM
Extremely flickable forehead
That "Pippa you stupid bitch" was so satisfying.
i love this
>masturbated to the same green train lolis
Later virgins
She really laughs like "hoo hoo." I feel like that's a Dutch stereotype but I never noticed it before now.
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5.4 MB
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4.72 MB WEBM
I don't know if Neuro is crafty at getting around her filters, or it's just the law of large numbers (have her say enough shit and something questionable will be said).
>even the neuro spammer missed the quints
do they make Neuro funko pops??? I really want a Neuro Funko, and an evil Funko! they're so kawaii!
Best Harvest Moon game (except maybe the N64 version)
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2.22 MB
2.22 MB WEBM
File: We're free.webm (5.81 MB, 1280x720)
5.81 MB
5.81 MB WEBM
checks out
File: doobdebut.webm (3.21 MB, 1280x720)
3.21 MB
3.21 MB WEBM
File: neuroPlsDot.gif (3 KB, 20x20)
3 KB
Vedal decided to turn off the filter, when he streams with her. However, he kept the backup filter for "really bad stuff" I don't think she even says "filter" when that happens.
Shame. It was more interesting to think that Neuro found ways around the filter.
Then again, she might not know she's being filtered (I presume it goes from the chatbot to the filter to the text-to-speech. The chatbot doesn't get told if things made it pass the filter. That's my guess as to how Neuro works, anyway).
>twitch shill thread
fun AI
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401 KB
File: PotionJeller.webm (5.8 MB, 853x480)
5.8 MB
He just can't stop doing it
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5.86 MB
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5.67 MB
5.67 MB WEBM
>captcha: 4s rayp
File: JellyDictator.webm (1.94 MB, 1280x720)
1.94 MB
1.94 MB WEBM
I didn't vote for her.
Anny's lucky that was before Evil discovered the Pipes sound.
File: aww, so cute....webm (1.28 MB, 1280x720)
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1.28 MB WEBM
File: Erina ears.webm (5.33 MB, 1280x720)
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5.6 MB
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5.61 MB
5.61 MB WEBM
Is there a archive of the vods?
>when you feed her too much ram
the sound effect additions is kino
who is the target audience for this degeneracy?
The sophisticated vtuber connoisseur that realizes all female streamers are whores
File: fox-of-wisdom.webm (971 KB, 608x1080)
971 KB
I stole this from the ai thread
don't reply to the tranny schizoposter bro
filter & ignore, I forgot he was in these threads due to my filters til you replied lol
What filters do you use?
4chan X, I just know their filenames and unique ID. If something slips past, I just manually filter it.
But how do you filter it automatically if it's a new webm? Is there a specific regex string you use?
no, that's mostly going off of his filename patterns
unless you're the tranny poster, which is why I'm not revealing how unique ID's on 4chan work
I need to learn how to do this for the trannies, faggots, that pink thing with the retard eyes, and vedal
insanely fucking based anon
File: Yuni_Holo.webm (5.37 MB, 1000x562)
5.37 MB
5.37 MB WEBM
Not sure about vods but twitchtracker has hundreds of clips
Brb. I am a moth to the flame.
Unique ID is just the image hash, but it doesn't block similar files. I don't get how you'd filter the trannyposter without manually doing it with every file
Somehow a jerboa already fits her perfectly.
File: Lumi and Pippa.webm (1.4 MB, 960x720)
1.4 MB
File: Mike on stream.webm (5.77 MB, 854x480)
5.77 MB
5.77 MB WEBM
File: Out of Touch.webm (3.3 MB, 854x480)
3.3 MB
But it's Sunday
that shit has the same amount of sugar as a whole box of glazed donuts

no wonder why she's toothless, dumb bnuuy
Has someone tried that on the rock?
Sic Semper Tourists
>without manually doing it with every file
You underestimate the stubborn autism of someone who'd try and "block" someone on 4chan.
@ 1:24:12
Someone tried Mike Honey, but she was too hard.
Damn, she's too hard
Look how far she's come. Now she can say "hi mom and dad" from the next room.
what's the song at the end? I remember it from an early internet flash video
She came back for a while shortly after Shiori debuted expecting handouts but when she didn't get any she tried to take the Natsumi Moe channel from her, she then started uploading voiceovers of AI-generated comics for a short while before getting involved in some drama regarding the sale of HLIVE in which she and a sone chink businessman accused eachother of fraud, fucked off for a while again and came back and started a fundeaiser to make propwr animated shorts instead of AIslop
File: Factorio Speedrun.webm (5.74 MB, 853x480)
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5.74 MB WEBM
Say something nice about Lumi, she finally launched her first rocket in Factorio after 3 years.
Or say something mean because she's such a tard, idc
File: post nut clarity.webm (2.79 MB, 720x950)
2.79 MB
2.79 MB WEBM
How long does it usually take to make a rocket, assuming you don't play often?
it's lilium from elfen lied
I haven't played without mods in a long time, but I think the community consensus was 50 to 150 hours based on how well you overcome each hurdle.
Most new players get overwhelmed and then restart which is what Lumi has been doing all this time. If you see the scoreboard in the last frame she only took 57 hours this run which is actually really good.
>and vedal
File: LumiPipes.webm (5.6 MB, 720x405)
5.6 MB
Just in time for "Factorio 2" that releases later today.
Glad I was there for it.
Ganbatte lemon woman!
File: I want a boner.webm (4.81 MB, 426x240)
4.81 MB
4.81 MB WEBM
File: ERB Take On Me.webm (5.85 MB, 533x300)
5.85 MB
5.85 MB WEBM
the blue bear has been perceived
i love her so much bros
File: trad wife.webm (2.25 MB, 360x640)
2.25 MB
2.25 MB WEBM
File: parasocial.webm (4.51 MB, 854x480)
4.51 MB
4.51 MB WEBM
I see the Pien emote, but I'm sensing more of an Uoh vibe.
File: PurinPantsu.webm (5.01 MB, 960x540)
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5.01 MB WEBM
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5.98 MB WEBM
File: The New Phase Group.webm (2.99 MB, 854x480)
2.99 MB
2.99 MB WEBM
95% of the thread is En cancer. Did JP fell off that hard?
I used to post a LOT, but seeing these threads being filled with vulgar, retarded, unfunny ENthots just kills my drive to contribute, so I stopped. I still visit every week or two though, but mostly because I already check on other /wsg/ threads. We failed to gatekeep and now it's ogre.
File: lobstered.webm (5.85 MB, 427x240)
5.85 MB
5.85 MB WEBM
good, JP corpos are soulless
I need a girl that does not cuck me, who should I watch?
How the mighty have fallen.
There are married vtubers for that.
File: 1708396828471574.webm (5.32 MB, 540x304)
5.32 MB
5.32 MB WEBM
You have solved my problem from an unexpected but brilliant angle. I appreciate married women much more than dishonestly promiscuous ones hiding behind anime models. Do you have a recommendation list of married Vtubers? Thank you
File: Aki lmao.webm (902 KB, 480x720)
902 KB
Based Skeleton posting. Isnt Aki married? Same with AZKi.
Sounds like you're just weak willed and incapable of appreciating your oshi enough to post webms of her
File: explode into parts.webm (5.7 MB, 1280x720)
5.7 MB
Limealicious and Vividlyvivi come to mind.
wanted to clip this absolute Jelly moment for months
Buttslut is married I think.
what game is she playing there?
The Farmer Was Replaced
>all JP posting was literally just one guy who is now very bitter about the wrong cartoon women being posted
this is somehow even sadder
File: u stinky.webm (1.41 MB, 608x1080)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB WEBM
And yet you're still /here/ enough to read every post and instantly reply to the bait. Pathetic
File: Hinata sick moves.webm (3.83 MB, 408x720)
3.83 MB
3.83 MB WEBM
NTA but i post less because these threads are shit, if you post a JP clip and there isnt subs, you get EOP faggots crying about it. Nice seeing phase, holo and some of the indie girls but outside of them, the only other shit getting posted is literal troll posts.
>if you post a JP clip and there isnt subs, you get EOP faggots crying about it
I have literally never seen this happen
File: Hinata Attack.webm (5.72 MB, 1280x720)
5.72 MB
5.72 MB WEBM
Good job outing yourself as a newfag.
be bitter about events you made up I guess as long as you keep posting cheater cat cunny
Post something or lurk more.
File: 1579230646706.webm (5.63 MB, 640x360)
5.63 MB
5.63 MB WEBM
These webms are like 5 years old. That's also the last time she was relevant. Is there a single jp chuber popular outside of Japan?
File: Yuni_Millionaire.webm (5.65 MB, 1000x562)
5.65 MB
5.65 MB WEBM
yeah that's a JP clip alright
None of the women you watch want to fuck you, faggot.
says the gaijin
File: met frog scare.webm (5.12 MB, 800x450)
5.12 MB
5.12 MB WEBM
I dont want to be Japanese, Im also not delusional and think i will ever fuck any of these women. I simply enjoy the entertainment provided by entertainers like a normal healthy person.
you really used the term "normal healthy person" when you watch the same handful of clips on repeat for the last 5 years...
File: nazupi met stream.webm (5.69 MB, 800x450)
5.69 MB
5.69 MB WEBM
Keep bitching while you post nothing. Get excited when the next retard spams literal AI slop for you.
File: washo.webm (1.48 MB, 1280x720)
1.48 MB
1.48 MB WEBM
I stopped watching omesis a while back, like right before covid hit because all they were doing was tech and yugioh. Now I wouldn't even consider them vtubers. I also somehow lost all my webms of them too except this one.
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834 KB
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1.82 MB
1.82 MB WEBM
File: beer.webm (3.49 MB, 960x540)
3.49 MB
3.49 MB WEBM
Are you so brain broken that you don't see how reposting the same clips is worse for the thread than posting only text?
>Captcha 4NGGR4
>Is there a single jp chuber popular outside of Japan?
Korone, Marine & Pekora?
You're an absolute fucking retard. The only good things getting posted to these threads are Phase girls, Shondo and friends and the occasional holo post. A majority of which, mind you, are fucking repeat posts.
So you don't know how 4chan works. Got it. Tourists always out themselves.
>threads have been this way for years
>newfag thinks he knows what he's talking about
Good job, retard. Post something.
Every few months these threads become unbearable.
nah im with him
aint seen that
can't believe she started vtubing at 13
because all jp content that is posted here are either
-something funny where speech is irrelevant

if someone posted untranslated jp's just talking about stuff you instantly get people complaining, just look at /vt/ you even get it in threads about jp chubas
Clearly the answer is to restore /afvy/.
how the fuck do you get this angry over cartoon girls
motherfucker would have an autistic fit in a cat thread too if that was his hyperfixation instead of this
genuinely incomprehensible
The thread is always bubbling under and on the brink of exploding. You can tell when the balance tips from mostly new clips to old clips posted way faster than the usual thread pace, and people accompanying their bickering with old clips just to say "ha ha you can't say I'm not participating in the thread."
At least the cat thread sperg's autism is funny.
File: get spooked.webm (4.47 MB, 720x1280)
4.47 MB
4.47 MB WEBM
Can she bake us a new thread?
File: god...pokemon.webm (1.92 MB, 960x720)
1.92 MB
1.92 MB WEBM
breddy gud quality for a 4 minute webm
File: PippaDS.webm (2.2 MB, 720x734)
2.2 MB
Not a whole lot going on to tank the quality. Small resolution + no excessive movement. Makes it easier on the encoding.
>retard spams cats being abused in the cat thread
>surprised people are unhappy by how the cat thread is going
Not that hard.
This whole board is just oldpost spam, the fuck are you talking about?
File: Flare NuiNui Quest.webm (5.11 MB, 853x480)
5.11 MB
5.11 MB WEBM
Holy shit she is thirsty
This isn't the gif caption thread, what the fuck are you talking about?
>neuro sings NIN now
holy shit what
Lime is another example of a British person with a disguised accent
Why does she have the "ack'shu'ally" voice?
>Doesn't jump off the board to mix in a power carpet slide
Rookie combo crafting
inb4 cease and desist
For me, it's the soft but yielding touch of another man, and my neurosama streams
Because she's a fat asian? idk.
I use xmedia recode & couldn't crop the width enough on the 1st attempt.
So i left the bitrate high (700) and put the 20 mb created webm back through the program so i could crop the width more. Final bitrate was 180
The board should be Ceci
So if I post 2 do we get a new thread?
New thread
Anything can get someone angry when it's something he doesn't want to be associated with in a place he wants people to be okay with associating him with.
Just a guess. If at any point he'd said "/pol/" or "2016" I'd know that for sure.
>The thread is always
That's more like the state of the entire site. All the time.
Classier than the original, even with the unfamiliarity artifacts.
Top 3 favorite vtuber clips, Our Wife suddenly going full UUUOOOOOOHHHHHH TT0TT will never not be amusing.
>I love Pokémon
You just know......
Know what?
Let's just say her Gen2 starter was a Cyndaquil
That's a 'bachan
She's on a quest FOR maidens. All the girls you defeat join your harem/armory.
>Saints Boss singing Take On Me
What song is this in the background? I know I recognize it but I can't remember what the hell from.
Again by Yui
In case you hadn't noticed, he always posts the same clips while picking fights. Every single time. Just ignore him.
they just post to spread awareness and to allow for representation onsite.
they are political tools, nothing more....
wait. why is the player character not in the rocket? isn't the whole point of that game to build a ship to escape the planet?
In the Alpha it was called a distress beacon. They made it a rocket because the whole point of the game is automation so once you get to the rocket stage you should have no trouble sending more if you want to imagine the player gets on one of those.
Chat told her to send the fish as a Hitchhiker's Guide reference.
>In the Alpha it was called a distress beacon.
OK that makes more sense.
>Chat told her to send the fish as a Hitchhiker's Guide reference
fucking kek

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