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File: civil war.webm (5.58 MB, 400x224)
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for webms relating to history
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They murdered him for defying them. Rest in Power.
One of my faves. Paraguay's war.
This was pretty good I like the high effort
Germany and Poland allies, best YLYL ever.
I haven't seen something this kino in a very long time.
there were several like that one it were webms from a thread from 2014-2015.
File: garlic_dean.webm (3.67 MB, 240x427)
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solid recipe i recommend it
File: unit_731.webm (5.57 MB, 880x720)
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File: epic shitposting .webm (5.98 MB, 360x360)
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I remember some from 3-4 years ago. There was one with the Serbian police at night.
This is how I discovered scorpo 1 year ago.
anyone know the song?
alpine by saint pepsi 2012-2013 album
thx anon
File: 1663100334307173.webm (5.81 MB, 852x480)
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somebody post the fino korean war edit
File: Finno-Korean Hyperwar.webm (4.97 MB, 1280x720)
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File: Roma Invicta.webm (3.27 MB, 460x258)
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one of the best webms in the last 4 years.
All of this is true. I was there.
good channel
File: The Sizes Of History.webm (4.44 MB, 480x854)
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Isn't that the faggot who made the 'How the Taliban got so good a smoking Americans' video? You know, the conflict where the US had less than 5k deaths over 20 years and Talib casualties were well into the six figures.
Talichads won.
File: roman2.webm (1.35 MB, 720x405)
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>we got killed during every engagement so we had to hide and did so for 20 years
>Americans got bored and went home
>Therefore I am the winner
lol, lmao even
Talichads kicked you out of their country. Your friends died for nothing, cry more, ZOGbot.
this always cracks me up despite being not remotely accurate. maybe that's the point? i've never tried to find the whole thing.
t. people who cares about black people
>w-we killed more!
Afghans aren't getting cucked and genetically replaced, faggot
their faithful child brides are too busy producing the next generation so let's see your cope to that kek
File: Inshallah mein Bruder.webm (2.4 MB, 1280x720)
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wtf niggers can be civilized?
File: kreigsmarine.webm (3.64 MB, 480x360)
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>killing your enemy is bad
>bombing your enemy is bad
History is going to be made when Trump loses twice in a row.
t. bomber harris
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The US literally installed that guy in the 50s in Operation Ajax. Teddy Roosevelt's nephew was one of the CIA agents involved. They legit overthrew the Prime Minister because he was going to nationalize all of Anglo-Iranian's (oil company) holdings in Iran, including the oil fields, refineries, and ports owned by the company.
Finally an unbiased account is available
Narrated by Gigachaud
the truth yankees have tried to keep from you
>they were forced to enter the most profitable activity possible
I don't buy it
since history is a lie this has a slight chance to be true
>that clarence thomas bit
>engineers don't need verbal skills
>have to explain how to build shit to construction workers in a way that prevents them from fucking it all up
File: armored monk.webm (2.92 MB, 640x360)
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They run the country now...we lost.
No one can prove this is not true.
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very nice vid but why take the remix from the Fallschirmjäger hymn? they were paratrooper branch of the German Luftwaffe, nothing to do with the kreigsmarine
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anyone know the song?
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2.88 MB GIF
File: Restitutor Orbis.webm (5.73 MB, 580x580)
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@0:44 - he's giving a very benign take here. Everything he's saying is now the default position of every intellectual who isn't an Israeli nationalist.

"The Israeli lobby has great influence on US media", says the Shah.
"How dare you accuse Jews of controlling the media!", says prominent CBS journalist Mike (birthname Myron) Wallace.
Daily reminder that Hadrian was an actual faggot that named an entire city after his boyfriend
Lol this brings back memories
Holy fucking kek
Are there any Japanese that deny or otherwise revise unit 731 stuff? I'm genuinely curious to see what the modern day Japanese perspectives are on this.
>Daily reminder that Hadrian was an actual faggot that named an entire city after his boyfriend
This vid actually implies that is jew purge is just rage fueled by grief after his twink boyfriend suicide
based faggot
>Hadrian was a faggot
source: 'uh he was upset when his friend died.. so uhh .. WELL HE JUST WAS OK!'
Theres literally zero evidence Hadrian was a homosexual.
51:44 for section on Hadrian.
>here's my grifting conservative ""historian"" bro
Embarrassing. Learn to form your own words next time rather than parroting bullshit from idiots larping as intellectuals
As is often the case with events have happened almost a century ago, not many people care. As far as war crimes go comfort women are the far more publicized and relevant issue, mostly due to South Korea constantly demanding apologies. China doesn't tend to care as much about Japanese war crimes since it happened before the communist era, Taiwan loves Japan so they don't care either.
no vietnamese has ever called me a goy
>Talib casualties were well into the six figures.
Yeah, because the Taliban has 500 million members, mostly innocent-looking woman and child terrorists
Not him but I was hoping for a more elaborate cope
The Taliban aren't terrorists and never were.
>muh 9/11
Literally not done by the Taliban.
give me one ONE primary source from when Hadrian was alive that states that he was a homosexual.
Protip: you can't
>asking for primary sources
wtf bro cool it with the antisemitism
I don't give a shit about that. Just that you are mentally retarded using channels like that as a "source" They're all grifters pushing agendas with historical revisionism
Hadrian was not a faggot, this is kike propaganda because he slaughtered them. Same way they say Hitler was a homosexual meth addict, just jewish cope and lies
>has no source
so no basis for your belief, got it.
Purposely being obtuse and ignoring the fact that your source is faulty is one way to concede I guess.
>your source
I have no source, I am not the anon who posted some youtube video. So where is your source?
I never argued anything about Hadrian. Only pointed out the youtuber is a grifter that pushed historical revisionism and any claims by them is shaky at best.
Well I don't give a damn about the youtuber, so I'm glad we're both on the same page. And we both lack any source for Hadrian being gay.
So you got mad over nothing and tried to argue over another argument. Amazing reading comprehension you got there.
>thread derailed by a schizo talking to themselves about gay Romans
I knew this shithole of a board was filled with normalfags but holy shit this is pathetic.
still no source huh
>agrees that you don't care about the youtuber
>bro your source on unrelated argument???
Concession accepted.
So you admit that there's no basis for believing that Hadrian was gay.
Still repeating your lack of comprehension I see
I knew you'd say that.
>can't read
Thanks for proving my point.
>provides no source for others to read
It's alright kid. Not everyone can read big words
You got absolutely BTFO and are too much of a bitch to admit it.
It's amazing how shitter shattered he got by somebody simply asking him to provide a primary source.
All me btw
It's amazing how much verbal gymnastics you say to double down on the fact that you failed to follow the replies properly
>The Pinwheel Pincer
>Swastika rolls over the map
Ok this got me good.
File: Aurelian - Drop it.webm (4.25 MB, 500x280)
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4.25 MB WEBM
its right there on the great Dildoecus Tvvincvs column, "Imp. Adrianvs homovsexvalvvs est"

what word are you even expecting to find in Cassius Dio? "The emperor liked to sodomize efemminate soldiers"? Those words and those conceptions didnt even exist; its not gay to get a thighjob from your bro, bro.
the fucking rick and morty music ruins this, btw. fuck my stupid chud thread.
Y'all contemporary (((historians))) be faggy no cap, miss my boy David Irving frfr
based. btw praise my chud thread.
File: I believe in Thule.webm (4 MB, 320x152)
4 MB
Unfortunately, unbiased historians like David Irving who go wherever the evidence takes them aren't allowed anymore. Everything must conform to the orthodox narrative or you'll be ruined in the jewdicial system.
germans should have taken a peg from the greeks and advized their students to hit the gym
It do be like that. Btw nice dubs bro
File: 1727560839361419.webm (5.45 MB, 720x412)
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5.45 MB WEBM
>i want to believe dot mp4
whats the song when the bird shows up?
Asians Vs Asians
The jews supported the confederacy.
>wtf niggers can be civilised?
Only if you force them
every day i imagine a world where every country is balkanized but yugoslavia is whole
vidrel isn't that hard to find

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