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Cooking edition
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>tiktok video
>tiktok video
>tiktok video
>tiktok video
>tiktok video
Gordon ramsey michigan?
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Last one, no need to thank me for saving your shitty thread.
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You didn't save it too good. >>5714128 is the only that is remotely funny.
>he says and posts nothing
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To be fair cooking-themed YLYL thread was doomed from the beginning.
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Every cooking thread is ylyl
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lol asians have zero tastebuds i guess.
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live footage of me peeing in the morning
Pro tip do not drink the milk to get rid of the heat. You get a mouthful, spit it out, and keep doing that and then a final rinse of water. Milk traps the spicy with alcohol, swallowing it only spreads the milk along your throat
Good advice thank you. Any tips for getting it off your hands? Currently i rub oil all over my hands and then dish soap to remove the oil, seems to work okay
no FLART?? come on now
Any tips for getting it off yo dick?
Lost. Hearty kek
holy shit, i was seven when my single mother taught me to cover pan fires with a lid and most importantly, "don't panic"
nigger thread
wtf is this retarded shit lol
the kid from bobs burgers voice haha
Sit on them for 20-30 seconds and avoid using any kind of hand lotion for at least a couple of hours since lotion tends to enhance the oil's adhesiveness.
they made an asmon mount event
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oil? just rub the oily part with ash / dirt,
wait a couple minute, then wash ur hand using soap & water.
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Fuck off, ohio.
Immediate dump.
>Immediate dump.
never, be that guy, as long she is not a cheater keep them as they are
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same energy
here you go
Gordon ramsay when the restaurant is serving frozen food that doesn't have his name on it
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You have no business being this cocky when the bottom of your face looks like Stephen Fry
Deport all niggers
This has to be one of the least practical work surfaces I've seen in my life.
It's hilarious seeing how utterly helpless she is
This one is always great. Why would you position a platter in a garbage can? And even more, why on only one side of the garbage can?
I hope the cooks cursed her fuckin dumb ass out
Fucking kek
The guy was starting to wet a towel which might not be a bad solution but that woman was just screeching so much he couldn't focus and panicked. Goddamn it's funny seeing incompetence
Possibly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLJNSD3H5sg
proer tip, that will only slightly help to remove the oil from the chilli. You're better of with citric acid to wash it out (eg. pineapple juice).
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the cunt is on her way to gain 20 kilos and become revolting piece of shit. after that she will divorce him and take the house.
women are truly magnificent angels
Can't expect any sane actions on any level from a creature that cut off its tits
cool fantasy bro
This is why God created asian women
out of curiosity. having only access to a knife and wanting long slices of carrots, how would you anons cut this carrot?
I'd make one horizontal cut, then turn the pieces flat side down and continue slicing those long beta-carotenes
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chopstick hack
the heat from the street cooks the jeet
>Millions must be polite
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Do you have the one where he's butterflying chicken breasts and women are reacting to it?
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fucking lol'd
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exactly. there is another good one where two bitches smoke weed and get bloated like croaking toads
God putting Croats, Serbs, Greeks, Albanians, and Bosnians next to each other
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In what universe is what zippertits is doing counts as mashed potatoes?
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Was this the same fellah?
Out of curiosity, is extremely spicy shit actually dangerous/harmful, or is it basically just simulating pain but without any real danger?
Like if you have zero tolerance and eat something extremely spicy, are you gonna be fine if you just sit out the pain
vegetable peeler
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first make sure your knife is sharp. then id hold the carrot completely steady with my hand. I'd use the bottom end of the blade to make a small cut, about an inch, at the base of the carrot. you use the bottom end so in case something slips, the knife doesn't slip down towards your hand. you then use that cut to either cut it normally which'll be easier since there's less force needed, or grab it by the sides and continuously drag your knife down the middle.

very carefully
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Unfunny parody just wasteful for the sake of e-points.
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They're retarded. Also twisting the glass does nothing. It's going for this strange hipster aesthetic so everything has to be overwrought.
They're all the same to me, people who use those knives
I think your way is the best, but if the carrot was a cylinder then you could cut a lengthwise spiral and unroll the carrot into a sheet then cut the sheet into strips.

I saw this really cool alternative to butterflying chicken where you just saw back and forth while pushing sideways slightly and unroll the chicken. Works really well. I haven't butterflied since.
Eat retarded food. It's good for the environment and ok for you.
Any chemical compound will kill you if you put enough of it into your body.

Painful exposures to capsaicin-containing peppers are among the most common plant-related exposures presented to poison centers.[30] They cause burning or stinging pain to the skin and, if ingested in large amounts by adults or small amounts by children, can produce nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and burning diarrhea. Eye exposure produces intense tearing, pain, conjunctivitis, and blepharospasm.[31]

Ingestion of high quantities of capsaicin can be deadly,[36] particularly in people with heart problems.[37] Even healthy young people can suffer adverse health effects like myocardial infarction after ingestion of capsaicin capsules.[38]
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they're like two monkeys just screeching and hopping around, not a clue in the world
kitchen retard here, idk when i'd want to cut a carrot lengthways, but i guess i'd hold it with one hand, put the knife in the middle straight down, then roll it down to cut half of it, then repeat for the other half
First time I saw this, it took me all the way up until "Tosser" to realize it was edited.
I think you need to see a doctor.
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thought they were making ghetto coolaid at first
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What capsaicin does is it adjusts what temperature your nerves think they are at. The effect makes it so that your body temperature makes them think they are dangerously hot. There is no direct damage from that and though it causes pain, that isn't the only thing that happens, it is just one of the things that results from it. A lot of those signals from the heat don't even go to your brain, they directly start things happening in the area. Your body then tries to protect you from the heat by increasing blood flow causing inflammation, releasing mucus, as well as other things because your body thinks it is being burned. Also a number of places in your body have responses to pretty much any unusual stimulus, such as your eyes watering, diarrhea, vomiting, and such. Enough capsaicin will stress your body very intensely, potentially lethally. Just because you know your body isn't being harmed by the capsaicin doesn't mean your body isn't trying desperately to save itself from being burned.
Understandable, thanks anon
How did the steak turn out?
You'd probably get a pretty good seared bite from it
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>Pour the grease out
Worst advice
I lost
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you can loop the first 10 seconds and nobody would notice
what does Victoria's secret taste like?
this has to be just ragebait. there is no way.
that is the original video subnormal.
How do people become this incompetent?
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badly organized restaurants will force this behavior
also, retarded employees (common in restaurants) are a major factor in these incidents
i work in restaurants
This is just tragic.
Not funny at all.
I did this at a party with a beer, thrown in the barrel fire. fucking hilarious.
men eat spicy food, real men know when it's too hot.
Objectively better content than 99% of twitch retards.
woman is a whore and guy is a cuck, do you really have to ask?
what on earth is that device for? hot dog cooker?
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No, this is a patented omelette machine.
>Society motivated by lies

-they tell fat ugly women that they are beautiful no matter what
-they tell low-IQ blacks that they are scientists
-they tell Beta men it's ok to be weak
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Dios mio
Future landwhale of America.
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So you just want a big pool of grease at the bottom of your lasagna?
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If you just let the turkey cool down it will reabsorb the grease.
Should've watched the Curiosity Show
>Turkey in lasagna
Okay now I know youre full of shit
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mai waif
what it was and why it exploded?
Blame the .webm. It uses turkey.
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i just defer to the french, they lost so many battles because they refused to compromise on good food, margarine caused an uproar you must understand
She right
This one always sends me.
no wonder they are numb to heat
you knew it was over when he was yelling at her to turn it off instead of just turning it off himself
What's going on in this one?
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japanese trolling is on another level
The fuck are they saying?
Yeah, dude's as retarded as her. "I don't know what it is" lmao, it's a stove?? That you say she should turn off?
someone sent a shashin (picture) of an omuraisu (omurice) demo (but) it says chahaan (mispelled chaahan (fried rice)), and the komento (comment) says it's yakisoba (japanese stir fried noodles), and the nomimono (drink) they say is tontoro (pork neck) but that's a yakiniku (grilled meat) DESU.
ah naruhodo (i dont get it)
looks like the man with the glasses is trying to refill a slushie machine (going by the volume, colour and consistency). his feet slip as he leans over, perhaps the floor is too slick for his shoes
>slushie machine
I was wondering what kind of goyslop that could be.
I don't understand is why the woman runs up to him so quickly at the beginning though
she looks back twice, perhaps a manager told her to help or something, idk
looks like that could be 20l there, possibly required to be lifted by two people for safety reasons
eto... let me put it in a way that even gaijin can understand.
"here is my lunch. i made spaghetti and meatballs. for my drink i'm having pork bbq."
>shows a picture of a hotdog with the word "burger" written in ketchup
do this shit actually taste any good?
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My first girlfriend acted like this and we broke up then got back together 8 times within 6 months. She tried to kill herself 3 times during those 6 months too.
How wasteful. just rub that shit on a cheese grater, like garlic
he probably means that he doesn't know what she was cooking so he doesn't know if he can pour water on it or not. either way though, just put a lid on it and remove it from the heat lol
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I know a guy who did massive overkill on his chili because he loved eating spicy food. Since that day, he has massive sensitivity to anything spicy. That stuff will fuck with you if you go too hard.
>keep them as they are
Infinitely expanding like the universe?
the slack jawed mouthbreathing really makes it for me
I think it was a boiled egg that she later microwaved.
Hold carrot, saw a little until there's a groove, pull knife through carrot. Gotta think harder than a woman.
she is weird I get it but what makes her unique
Yeah, she's a pioneer in the art of weight gain.
Babies can be killed until they are named. Afro kid doesn't understand because he is a child
literally does not you nigger. you dont see indians spitting out raita with their curries
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I dunno, their English fucking sucks. maybe their from Minnesota or something.
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she needs to get in porn.
The way she throws the plate at the start always cracks me up, I don't know why.
does anyone have the funny South american chase sequence
theres a hooded guy running for like 2 straight minutes from a cop on a bike going 10mph just chasing him
and the hooded guy is falling over like 20 times
>and you'll do 5% more damage!
is that just an egg? why did it explode and why did this girl expect it to in the first place?
the fuck?
oh fuck yeah i don't even like seafood that much but a seafood boil like that is always bomb
>The guy was starting to wet a towel which might not be a bad solution
You think adding water to burning oil is not a bad solution?
Arrogant fucking bitch!
How didn't the water put the fire out and made it worse?
we eat with our eyes too, and seeing a pile of uniform cubes just makes people think they must be the most luxurious carrots in the world
>Because typically, the oil in a cooking oil fire is heated to over 400 degrees.
>Water is heavier than oil. Dump water into oil and it sinks to the bottom.
>If that oil is heated to a temperature above the boiling point of water, the water rapidly turns to steam. This launches the oil into the air in a violent manner. Many people have been badly burned because of this.

you don't put an oil fire out with water, dumbass
Great way to get 3rd degree burns or burn your house down
what de helllllllllllllllllllllllll
No need to be a cunt about it
Because retarded internet clickbait trends. It's the same kind of shit as when kids would steal pointless stuff and brag about it on Tik Tok. One of them stole the floor tiles from his school. In this case, they're exploding eggs for attention.
He's right though. Everyone who has had even a little bit of cooking instruction should know how to deal with an oil fire. My parents, public service announcements, and school all taught me about that.

Smother with a lid, or soak it up with a coarse non-flamable substance like salt, sand, dirt, or cat litter. A large, dry cloth like a bath towel can work in a pinch. Just choke that shit until it goes out. Everyone I've seen have an issue with that situation was panicking. Just think fast and react accordingly, even if you got burned already.
For me it's not eating it, but when that shit hits my gut it feels like fucking angels. Maybe I have an ulcer or something, or maybe I am just getting old. I wouldn't go to the ER tho, lol. Bhut is as high as you want to go. Everything after that doesn't taste as good and will hurt you to some extent.
A few years ago when I had a throat infection, I was practically gargling chilli sauce because holy fuck it felt so goddamn good.
the bald beta faggot was chugging s o y milk which wouldnt do shit for spicy heat because of a lack of fat and lactose
also the other guy is a goddamn moron talking about spitting it out. want to quickly get spicy off your tongue? eat yogurt.
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not like they do it, no. there is such a thing as over seasoning
what they attempted to do was a crab boil, also called seafood boil or brunswick stew, popular in the south
walmart and actual grocery stores sell a ready-made seasoning pouch specifically for this, for the amount of food they had they probably needed three or four pouches but that wouldnt make for an "entertaining" video
you wanna taste each of the ingredients in that boil, the crab, the corn, the sausage all mingling. the way they made it all youd taste is the seasoning
>The way she throws the plate at the start always cracks me up, I don't know why.

I think it's because of how little she cares as she just throws the plate towards the camera then makes a bunch of zero effort junk
ive never been so angry watching a video
thank you, anon
do you drink the boil water or make a stew with it afterwards? I'd imagine there would be a lot of flavour in there.
i'm not going to answer you because you spelled flavor wrong. crab boil is an american dish, show some fucking respect
It's an entire genre of ragebait, newfag.
jack is a monster, not for making a raw burger, but for biting a burger in the most wrong way possible
>doesn't watch tiktoks
fucking kek my nigger you made my evening
So, what, in the years those videos have been posted in every single cooking webm thread you, an oldfag of note, have refused to watch them because they were ticktoks? What made you watch it this time and break your streak of never having watched a ticktok before?
thats a lot of text for a based retard
Back to plebbit.
...is all you can come up with
man, this chick is a solid 9.6/10
I thought this was going to be a joke video using a fleshlight and now I'm dissapointed
these 2 faggots are so annoying. They took the retarded "don't break pasta" meme and made it their entire personalities
Garlic is so overrated. Onion is all you need in terms of allium
Your food tastes like shit.
Retarded bitch.
Ay yo wypipo dey be racis
That meal looks very grim.
Based & checked.
A waste of food. Unfunny nigger behavior.
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I respect you but I will spell flavoure how it was meant to be spelt and not in your mongoloid bastadisation. Now, please explain my original question.
>My dad's a congressman, so I run around and vandalize property while threatening people with his status.
What a little queer.
you absolute fucking retard. Over the age of like 14 you should ABSOLUTELY fucking know this. Its a huge fire hazard, and you will end up like that webm.

No excuses, its like retards who die using generators inside. Not a single excuse. Absolute IQ test.
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Here's some food you would like
I wouldn't, but im glad you projected your shitty food tastes unto me. Now post some actual food, and by that i mean good garlic dishes.
white incel can't get white women. Travels to tribal forest country and marries jungle monkey. Gets humiliated in his own house. Many such cases!
>my dad works at nintendo so that makes me important actually
is he an actual child?
This was the pther way around. Ugly fat asian traveled to the west and now dates a western guy , now she is flexing his western boyfriend on her channel to her village ugly fat chinese friends all the time.
Also if it were true that would mean his dad's about to make a huge payout to hush this up. Your goons can go around shutting down protected political speech but it's a very bad look to have your name tied to it.
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joke's on you retard, american english is how English english was spoken and spelt before your aristofags got uppity and adopted franco-german nonsense. soccer is an English word
now apologize for your dumb. spell flavor properly, and i will answer your question
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its fake you fucking retards do you think someone just stood there for hours waiting for some faggot to take this shit down? americans dont just walk on the streets it would take actual hours or days for some deranged retard to do that
idk bros this one makes me really sad for some reason
>it's fake
no shit, any video that is taller than it is wide is fake until proven otherwise
Because you're seeing someone inflicting their condition on a child. And you kinda feel bad because she looks and moves like she's got developmental disabilities. It's pity and contempt and I feel it too.
Yeah I wasn't trying to imply it's real, I'm saying that'd be a very foolish thing to say if it were.
This is why you are smelly
>the splatter into the eyes

Talk about a cinch for bad fortune.
always keep a big box of baking soda near the stove, kids.
it is overused. I don't even cook with it anymore. onion or ginger.
enabling your kid to be obese should be considered child abuse. it's way more damaging than beating them.
...Sunny Delight really isn't orange juice and shouldn't be consumed by anyone. That's not enough orange juice because none of that is orange juice.
Protip: learn to eat wings 1 handed
Yeah, Indians are just smelly because they bathe with cow excrement.
>Bread roll soaked in indian shit water
Should've seen my setup. Ran a kitchen in my bedroom minus the sink. Used modular shelves as my cooking area, and I had a mini fridge with freezer. Made all sorts of shit in there. Soup, pancakes, fancy coffee drinks, and more. Sure, it was pretty weird, but damn was it cozy to just take two steps out of bed and start making scrambled eggs and hash browns in the morning.
Water yes because oil will float and the water will boil causing bubbles to explode flaming out around.
Oil is not going to pass through a wet towel. Water prevents the towel from heating enough to catch fire and prevents air from allowing the fire to breathe.
If it's a pan full of oil and the towel is going to displace it out of the pan obviously that is a bad idea and he asked her repeatedly what it was with no answer.
true but he gets tight brown pussy and you get NOTHING
In fairness, Velveeta on broccoli is fucking king.
Anta wa soogay.
Yes. It was clear long ago people spam the fuck out of cooking webm threads with absolute garbage. The same garbage over and over and over every day for years.
Imagine thinking this is real
It's staged, you pointless moron.
>My parents, public service announcements, and school all taught me about that.
now imagine if all those people called you a dumbass for not knowing that before you were taught
Never. And you're wrong. US English was simplified to make it more efficient and easier to learn by people like Dr. Seuss. UK English is the proper way to write. it shows the history of the words and helps with etymology.

now tell me if you make a stew out of the water or if you waste it.
Thank you for saying it. I only discovered this because my wife gets gnarly breath from garlic (some people lack the enzyme to digest it), so I stopped using it. I was surprised to find that I didn't miss it as an ingredient.
What are you, 10 years old? If one person acting a little mean to you is causing you this much distress, you should either go back to lurking, or you should go to Reddit where you can just downvote people.
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>>>5717425 >>5717562 >>5717809
>she laughs at her cuckold
There are other pictures of this happening. Just put up a sign in an open area people can drive through and have the board of nails under them. Good chance they lose 2 tires.
It's staged, they literally have a ramp for one of the wheels to make sure it rolls down, it's nothing more than waste of food for fake internet points.
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Actually it is not 100% correct that you dont use water to put an oil fire out.
the "correct way" to do it (minus a non water fire extinguisher) is to soak a towel, damp, not wet, so you wet it then ring it, and place the damp towel over the top on the pan to starve the fire of oxygen.
So you are using water to put the fire out, technically/.
mmm, melted microplastics and beans
>Any tips for getting it off your hands?
Fuck, that reminds me.
I cooked brown stew chicken and coconut rice before. With teh rice you use a scotch bonnet chilli. iirc like top 5 hottest chillis. Even when I bought it the guy used gloves to handle it.
I cut it, was fine, rice and chicken were cooking.
Then I went for a piss.
Holy shit that was a mistake.
You cant feel it on your skin but trust me, you can feel it on a membrane like the tip of your cock!
of course it was fake, just look at the teeth. Americans have a meme where UK people are supposed to have bad teeth
slam dunk all niggers
>adding water
A damp towel is the solution you fucking idiot.
Not wet, damp.
So that you starve the fire of oxygen, but damp so the fire cannot burn the towel and that the towel creates a seal over the pan...because it is damp.
>Garlic is so overrated.
>wasting time wetting the towel instead of throwing a blanket over the pan or just covering it with a lid
You're the fucking idiot here.
that promptly sets fire
>covering it with a lid
That doesn't starve it of oxygen as it doean't create a seal

Yeah you are a retard that will kill yourself, doing the world a favour and ridding us all of you.
British "people" do have bad teeth. Get over it, limey faggot.
or you know... a lid

Or at least take the fucking pan out of the fire
Says rajesh who has never even left his house
you don't need a seal
I mean what kind of fire is it other than an oil fire??
you mean gotta think
Wtf is that orange color of sunny d. Looks radioactive
Yuck that guy is a dumbsht
Sorry, bro, I'm from the Republic of Texas. I'm sorry your shitty island sucks so much.
>you don't need a seal
>you don't need to create an airtight seal to starve a fire of oxygen
I bet you are american
Fags need constant attention exactly like women
Shes not ugly. Wouldn't be complaining
I don't want to watch serial killer videos

I clicked food thread
And you're a tranny fagget that makes up lies because you HATE all straight men
NOT that tone.
Japaneze peepo don seazun dey food....
Bro I was watching an atomic shrimp video and he fucking cooked it in the can and ate it... in the comments out of the entire comments section only one mentioned the plastic
That kind of rage bait videos has been posted for like 5+ years at this point on both /ck/ and /wsg/
checked. Quick way to put out most fires without having to think about it
retards are way smarter than normies lets be honest
But if you just learn to make a roux you get any cheese flavor you want AND no metabolic poison... Its one of the most basic cooking tasks there is...
im sorry you had to go to a boarding school for fifteen years only to wind up not knowing your own country's history
>doubling down this hard on being a fucking moron
fucking moron
not to be the american here... but why not just use bigger bowls so you don't have to fingerblast my ramen?
>Hey Hon..
>Hey I'm gonna order Dominos okay? What do you want?
I thought we were doing your yard chicken thing.
>yeah it didn't turn out.
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Dude is begging to get assfucked by a beaver doing this.
It's amazing how many people don't know about the plastic liners in cans.
There's a difference?
the grime of the finger seasons the broth
Dude's eating good later
It now occurs to me that they serve you super tiny dishes in gourmet restaurants just because they tossed out the other half of the meal trying to make it look perfect.
>niggers that eat well done belong in super hell
>right next to all them fuckers named dylan
holy shit lost
>that little chuckle
Someone post the lizard because thats real YLYL
ah yes a pan oil fire with a closed lid sustaining itself off of hopes and dreams. definitely won't snuff itself out due to the smoke and inadequate oxygen intake from the negligible gap from the lid
yeah with the second you don't imply that women think at all

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