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ITT: scary, spooky, creepy, weird, esoteric, and insane.
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This is obviously staged, I don't care how brave you are, no one stays cool and composed enough to not immediately run away the moment they see a person crouching on a corner in a dilapidated building in the middle of the night.
The warnings in graffiti were a little too on the nose.
SuspectSky, excellent producers of UFO and paranormal video compilations. I started collecting content from them around 2015, I think.
here's the youtube channel it comes from, the dude carries a gun to the abandoned places he visits, have you considered you're just a huge puss?

Don't pretend you wouldn't shit yourself if you found a crackhead just crouching in the darkness while exploring an abandoned building in the middle of the night.
based voices
Mate I see one when I look in the mirror it's really not a big deal
I got it from this open directory of UFO vids


I was wondering where a lot of them came from because they are edited in the same style often.
People have gotten so good at making unsettling content, but have completely forgotten about jumpscares. I used to scan videos like this to make sure there’s no jumpscare. Now, I miss and crave that climax.
It's a fairly common thing when exploring these really old buildings in the US, homeless squatters have moved in.
Why do they never make porn in these settings
I hate being cursed with obscure fetishes
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urbex sex is one of my biggest fantasies. Just something so spicy and exciting about it
Too bad i have no friends or gf
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for /fimfic/ 41609482
I don't miss jumpscares whatsoever
Is that Uboa?
drug addicts commonly do that
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Watched all of them and wasnt even remotely scared. Get fucked OP
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Kino. How can you make a movie or game of this concept?
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Anyone know about this weird whispers phenomena that happens as you go in some old mines or caves? This isn't the only video I've seen where these whispers occur.
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>lights in the sky must be aliens
nope, that's retarded
>shitty AI voice says "attentions"
esl foreigner
what is it then idiot?
>i can't explain it
>therefore it's aliens
this is how retarded you are
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>and insane.
why is it every time shit like this is posted no one uses a tripod, or a decent camera?
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bet you're gonna tell me this is an airplane or a comet or some shit.
are you 12?
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i accept your concession
i'm not conceding.
God's PS2
>fly near them
>their movement comes to stop as you approach
>get very close
>just ball sized blobs with plain fire texture
>hear nothing but dry atmosphere sounds
>time stalls and you get stuck there
i am in the comfort of my own bed glad that I am not half as stupid as this fucking retard alone in an abandoned mine
How did you get back?
Molecular Meditation
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yes,you are. You use TikTok
yo I've seen worse, this not scary
You ever think you lost? This mofo is lost on another planet
Yep. Same as those fake videos of people going out into the wilderness and being harassed by things they never actually show.
He probably doesn't know. The same as most people. But that still doesn't mean it's aliens.
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That felt good, yeah baby. Something's wrong with me. Ever since I had my own ghost encounter I like the chills going down my spine. I should go to Japan and go on nightwalks, I'd like to talk to one
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you can't just say that and not tell us about it
probably brownoids trying to cross borders, Human traffickers operate in a different way and scale

nip screams are so funny
Yeah fine
>one night feel lonely
>before going to bed I say out loud
>"I wish some girl gave me a hug even if a non-physical entity like a ghost"
>I go to sleep
>I wake up in this weird state
>in front of me is a naked girl pale as a corpse
>hair in front of her face, like that girl from the Ring
>too scared to look at her face, I'm just totally paralyzed by fear
>things comes nearer and nearer
>I'm sweating bullets as I close my eyes
>feel this electric sensation all over my body
>I dunno if this thing was trying to possess me or what
>open my eyes and it's gone
>sit with the lights on for a few hours until I remembered what I had wished for
>some nights wake up feeling something touching my dick
>objects get moved sometimes, once heard girl giggling
>before bed I often get hypnagogic hallucinations of her, very demonic vibe
>once I fell asleep and woke up in this state after feeling lonely again wishing something I shouldn't
>held her cold pale corpse like hand
100% correct
yeah it's probably fake but
>I don't care how brave you are, no one stays cool and composed enough to not immediately run away
speak for yourself. I bet you're extremely out of shape and generally submissive.
Yeah it's called video editing. Happens a lot in scary looking places.
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Average BR.
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>oOooOOooh spooky clown faces and numbers so spoOoooOOOOoky
You think this is good?
yeah, but the Lustmord version is a classic.
https://youtu.be/dv95sMMEZnM?list=PL747E3997A25A9FF6 play this over it and its relaxing
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dodging the question
dunno what it is, but it's not aliens. prove it's aliens
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idk why this one unsettled me more than the rest.
Holy shit, my skin crawled.
i can understand
i wish you luck
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good thread
asmr 24/7
lol kind of, but they fuck with you subliminally
Psychological shit is where it's at, things that will make you question reality and wonder if that shit on the screen could be happening to you this very minute.
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jump scares are not scary, that's called being startled
awww did you pee your panties? hee hee hee.
what the hell is she doing?
This guy fakes a bunch of these videos every now and then when his channel gets quiet, it bumps his views up and then he just continues his normal exploring abandoned mines.
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https://youtu.be/81Z1aA2zV24 full video
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I know its a bit long but well worth it
On February 19, 2013, the body of Canadian tourist Elisa Lam was recovered from a large water tank atop the Stay on Main hotel in Downtown Los Angeles, where she had been a guest. She was last seen alive on January 31 and was reported missing by her parents on February 8. Her body was discovered by a hotel maintenance worker investigating complaints of flooding and low water pressure.

Original or edited from an old commercial?
because generally people aren't sitting around with tripods and high quality full HD DSLRs waiting to see unusual events in the sky.
that YT'er is a ex-military and always carries a sidearm when he does his explorations. He said it at the start of this one that he could hear gun shots, and was carrying. But avoided where he hear the shots going off.
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OP here, glad you think so. I wanted to create a certain viewing experience for your everyday /wsg/ lurker. Crazy to see this thread is approaching a month old!
my theory is that the Subgenius did this
The Subgenius were active in Chicago as early as 1992, so its pretty safe to assume they were around in 1987.
also it just seems like some shit they would do for a joke.
this was amusing
tastefully edited. big fan of this.
totally worth the read, thank you
Would. I'm so lonely bros.
Cool story if true
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Wow. This one really caught me off guard. Those eyes are incredibly sinister... Sent chills up my spine.
i hate zoomers so fucking much its unbelievable
If that's your bag, have at it.
bretty good
Me when I've got no pale corpselike-handed gf (ghost friend) and instead I just get to occasionally hang out with the skinless demon man
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damn, I'm back to 2007.
He clearly says intentions, and it's not an AI voice
>duhh what tree... tree? tree... *drools* what tree???
holy fuck, I can't begin to imagine being this retarded
>That high pitched "nani nani"
I love Japanese so much
what kind of freak gets a poster for "Cocaine Bear"
Fuckin love this. This is excellent. Same exact ambiance and atmosphere vibe as Resident Evil 4. That hauntingly eerie melancholy of despair and hopelessness as evil has won, with all the supernatural aspects that entails.

Too bad this thread was posted a month too late. Would have been perfect for Spooktober.
Jumpscares are the one single thing I don't miss about the old days.
They're UFOs either way.
What do zoomers have to do with anything?
No sane vet carrying a piece would just turn their back to a potential hostile.
"Bob" pitched it
I bought it
That settles it
Thermite bullets
In real life, it's just whistling wind and echoes that your brain interprets as whispering.
In videos like this, it's a special effect done in editing.
The Poughkeepsie Tapes is from 2007.
Average JJBA fan
>start reading
>hold up this is a gif
You almost got me
this one isn't a gif i promise
is this that one tape from LOST?
love the contrast between the seriously creepy shit and the goofy nippon screams
creepy sounds from hurricane
>join the discord server
holy fuck. i hate schizophrenia
making moar webms for this thread this weekend, stay tuned.
Do anyone happen to have the original For Rest/Forest video from baphometkun? Used to see it a lot in surreal and occultism threads, less commonly in creepy/weird ones like this. Still, now there are edits all over the place and I cannot tell apart from the OG one. Much appreciated for any help, in advance
there's these things called "drones" available at walmart.
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you guys aren't ready for this one
has to be a mask ... right bros ....
how is this thread still alive
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Anyone that doesn't like jumpscares doesn't like horror.
atmospheric/psychological horror >>> loud noise scare
>atmospheric horror
AKA, shit that ain't scary.
So what was the aftermath of this? Surely they would have investigated
If you jump at loud noises you're just a bitch
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What if it's undead? Think about it
Its a real call, is used in training exercises of what not to do for 9-11 operators.

The operator in this call did not obtain the womans address first (procedure is to do this first before anything), they got caught up in the terror / trying to comfort / what to do, by the time they got around to asking for the address the situation had progressed too far, the woman was in a state of sheer panic and unable to respond.

The woman died as it was a burglary & murder.
crazy chinese girl doing crazy people stuff,cause she wasn't on her meds,and ended up dying
Anon I'm sorry to tell you this but you're very lonely and developing schizophrenia
I'm not falling for that one again >:(
He seems pretty startled to me when he first sees the guy in the corner. Maybe he's just not a blubbering pussy like you? Probably why he does urbex in the first place.
I tried to tell him the same thing.
Any video where the person is speaking with a YouTuber cadence is 100% fake and staged.
The problem is that jumpscares got stale because everyone started doing them in the most bombastic ways possible. The height of "jumpscare" horror was 80s horror viewed specifically on VHS because the muddiness of the picture helped build tension. The big orchestra hit didn't happen until the knife was already in the victim.

Jumpscares as we know them now are so telegraphed that you can probably turn the volume off, turn around, and still predict when the killer/boogeyman jumps out to do a monster pose and THEN start chasing the victim.
I find it interesting schizophrenia is something that you can develop overtime and also catch from others
what concept? you talking about the visuals because the statements are just nonsense meant to be scary or some thing idk
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there's no fooling you.
I love you anon. @

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