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street food
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So this guy used to have a full head of hair when he started making this stuff, then just a couple years later he is bald. Yeah, I'll pass.
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looks like joplin missouri behind him
>dumps shit on the floor after its done cooking
Ok they have to be doing this ironically at this point right
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wypipo don yuse dey flo seazonin
this shit is disgusting lmao. I've been to shitholes in mexico where they had better sanitary standards holy shit
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For some reason I trust this more than anything from any indian street vendor
Needs some head bobble.
>naked hands on the ice that you'll be drinking
nah im good
Dude, look at how worn, weathered, and dirty it all is. the only way you get it like that is if you've been doing this same shit for years. Over. and Over again.
In >>5720786 's defense, I imagine he assumed this was an alcoholic beverage, which probably would be "safe" (though not sanitary) to drink.
It's not really sanitary and I personally wouldn't drink it but desu after 3rd or 4th batch his hands probably get cleaned by the water.
What is that?
i'm not the other guy who, but i still prefer the shaved ice from the chinese even if it's not alcoholic than anything coming from india.
Now that I know some of the worst food poisoning you’ll ever get is from ice that’s been touched by dirty hands, no fucking way. I’d stay far away from that.
captioner doesnt realize that friendshuip and love r the true freedom in life
Indians and pajeets gotta be the bottom of the bottom, even fucking Africans make edible food and living conditions at the fucking hellish environments.
Garloid stew, pretty common in countries like India
It's probably pretty safe with all that lime juice, but I don't thing I'd chance it.
Can't they at least have some cute girl do that instead?
I was expecting it to be like that japan trip webm
why is eggfort king speaking in hungarian
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I still have not seen anyone be able to tell us what this is
Imagine drinking something with the consistency of boogers
aloe vera drink

i love how the cup sneezes when he plops it on top
Nope, it has to be the guy with an open wound on his foot.
all cute girls in india are busy getting gang raped
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Holy fucking goop
out of all the ones posted in here so far,these are the only ones I'd give a try
This is fucking stupid
This is cancer
What's wrong with okonomyaki?
I had a devastating stomach bug last month and that's essentially what my toilet bowl looked like for 5 or 6 days.
Does this also work with toilet paper
Murderface really got his act together.
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your ass will be destroyed after that
jesus christ lol
Why do they have to make everything in the most convoluted way ever?
who bitch that is? i can tell this baddie has a battie
if i go to india and survive only on street food, will i then be essentially immune to all diseases? no more colds, flus, etc?..
will my blood be a cocktail of antibiotics?
Why is there so much constant anti-India posting all over the website now?
>shitdians migrate to the west by the millions
not just this website, but all over the internet.
>nooooo we need to be absolutely vile and disgusting with our food
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Western world generally doesn't like Indians. It's so odd that India resisted colonialism so hard, yet they continue to imbibe in every facet of the western world and utilize the vestiges of their British former masters every single day.

They sure do love coming to Western countries, but somehow when the West came to them it was evil and bad and wrong.
I imagine getting this to drink on my death row

tastes and smells like burnt catfood

very good video quality for footage from the 1970s
I'm scared
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TikTok and Instagram becoming ubiquitous means that people that visit India can film it and show to the rest of the civilized world what a shithole it actually is. After two decades of them pretending to be a real country, there's an understandable pushback once everyone saw that 90% of all indians live in open sewers and eat excrement. If we're gonna only talk about this website, it's also due to the fact that indians are incredibly bad posters, up there with the average SEAmonkey.
Gmaps Street View is also doing wonders in that direction.
sorry anon the teet food thread is the other way
is it illegal to use a spoon in india
if I went to India I would be driven insane by the constant honking and go on a killing spree with my bare hands, kicking the shit out of all the diminutive dravidians until the police put me down
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Mmmmm, authentic Mexican.
Truth in advertising.
Why don't indians have tables or utensils?
what was the point of him smearing it with his finger if all gets into a fucking blender anyway? fucking animals!
cause their street food is extremely nasty?
i don't know the ingredients, but a lot of powders don't readily mix with water, especially when cold.
for example, mixing in liquid littlle by little to have even dispersion.
posting street food is anti-Indian now?
Gee.. maybe if you used a fucking ladle instead of slapping it onto a plate with a spoon, you wouldn't have a mess every time??
What the fuck.
Gabagool... Home...
Please don't use paper towels like this. They are full of microplastics.
Fucking kek, the OP clip actually looked fine but this is straight up degenerate.
it's making me sick looking at it is what it is
I can't imagine that heated it up very much at all
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this has to be intentional bait, right? that can't possibly be the most convenient way to get that shape
>completely unphased by the fact that a tuctuc is about to flatten your kid
what is wrong with these people? are they literally braindead?
Hell on Earth.
I'd rather die of starvation.
the paper towel soaked in the oil acts as a wick, thats why it doesnt burn away
I have a strong stomach for all almost everything in the western world and people look at me crazy for basic shit like mushrooms, shrimp, olives, people over here really have it to easy, but get me into a third world country and I can barely get it to my lips it's just on a different level
Pretty sure that's Thai from the script on the newspaper that shows up at 0:19
That's kind of cool, I'd eat it.
What's this called? When I search up people eating cow dung it brings up Indians, but I can't find much information about this particular "dish",
Ah, I see the Aloe Vera leaves now.
would be accurate if he opened the can with his toes and scratched his armpit before sieving it through his hand

Diarrhea with beef

Use a fucking bowl, holy shit
He pcisk bits of mud and whatever off his feet with those hands, and then goes right back to cooking. You just know it. He doesn't have a sink anyway, even if he knew better, or anything that resembles one.

I am not begruding a man from making an honest living, but this is the state of it in current year? The oil in that fryer looked like something from a sewer in itself.
Their food tastes amazing, even when it isn't packed with ghee which is basically Indian butter. But when it is, they take on weight in such a strange way, noth men and women. You know that skinny yet chubby build so many of them have? The flab just collects around the middle of the body like a cascade while the muscles remain small. That stuff is awful for your health in terms of cholesterol but they pour it in there, and it tastes great.
what's up with the hungarian voice over? how is it related?
This is an excellent goop vid. In the expansive genre of Indian street goop content, I rate this one of the highest
there's not a single webm without HONK HONK HONK BEEP BEEP HONK HONK HONK
Volvo tests their car horns twice as hard for the cars they ship to India.
Imagine living there and hearing it 24/7
Why do they do it on the fucking floor?
mmmmm indian floor pizza
i believe this, but proof?
Pains me to see he put a bag on his left big toe because he has an open wound.
There has to be an easier way to make extra large tortillas.
All food must be prepared within six inches of a bare foot
It elevates it to art.
I was wrong about it being Volvo, it was Skoda and Audi.
"The current all-electric Škoda Enyaq iV designed for European customers can handle 150,000 cycles and more – while on the version for the Indian market the horn is tested for half a million uses."
I see aloe vera leaves there which probably are the reason it is so viscous/slimy.
What I am more curious about what that thing is that is floating around in the bucket
At first this gave me the same vibe as some of those mexican videos where they just toss as much food and sauce on a pile as possible, but the end product here looks like something I would eat
>anti-india posting
There is a reason you people are overrepresented in these threads, and it is not hatred. If you want to see actual anti-indian racism visit /int/ or /g/.
shit nigga mking me HUNGRY
3rd world IQ
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Good there needs to be more
Showing these creatures in there natural habitat is colonialism
Looks like a weird desi aloe coffee smoothie
Daily reminder that these ambidextrous gentlemen wipe their asses with their hands and probably don't have running water.
>here is a man
>Kendrick Loomar
The floor is the flavor sar.
This nigga stole the yolk from inside the egg.
>>5728089 If he absolutely has to use only one glove, at least use it on the hand that's touching the damn plate.
The weird thing about jeets is that they will absolutely take the chance to touch the food for some reason. Like the average jeet would rather risk 2nd degree burns and making a mess just to handle the food with his shit encrusted hands rather than use a utensil that can be cleaned in a few seconds.
It's generally all the same thing when you put shit in it
I wonder if there's a cultural reason for that. Do they think their skin oil makes it taste better like the chinks think torture makes the meat tender?
I'm guessing it's something more to do with loving hands having touched the food
I believe Indians festered some kind of immunity to their own cooking over the ages as they can eat it without trouble but sends foreigners shitting beams or a fatal trip to the hospital.
Because they are repulsive in literally every aspect a human could be. Almost worse than kikes.
I'd fuck with this all day.
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morbid people
Fake or high caste?
I'd fuck with this, hard boiled eggs are one of the best snacks ever
This is in Malaysia, the vendor just comes from an Indian background.
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Lets compare that to the one from India.
That's called being skinny fat retard. Majority of the west is like that because modern work does not put in enough physical activity leading to a large stomach with little muscle mass.
I forgot that option
Kenyan guy never touches the shelled egg with his fingers. How are indians worse than darkest night negros? What really bothers me is that in these videos there's always a crowd around these filthy vendors, all waiting, watching, but never do they seem to object to the ridiculously low hygiene standards. Have they simply resigned themselves to their fate? Are they attempting suicide via food poisoning?
what I find funny is the difference in attitude. The Kenyan guy is playing into the joke of the Egg doctor, torso is straight, gestures are bombastic, looks in the eyes of his customer.
Indian guy just wants to fucking die.
For all you whites that come to SEA or wherever the fuck:
avoid shitty streetstall ice, avoid ice at shitty restaurants.
unless it's a high end restaurant at a luxury mall or an expensive hotel, avoid ice when asked
Even growing up here the worst food poisoning I ever had was from some shitty packaged ice. That was over 20 years ago and I can still remember it. I make my own ice at home and only have ice in my drink when I go out.
I don't eat street food either because it's oily and shitty.
>at home and only have ice in my drink when I go out
to a non-shitty restaurant
That's usually the first warning you read in any travel guide: "don't drink the water unless it's from a sealed bottle"
lol thirdies have bootleg bottled water and soft drink.
>he still thinks naked hands are less sanitary than gloves that build up bacteria over time
yeah they get cleaned because the dirt goes in your drink
>over time
disposable gloves are a thing nigga
looks pretty alright this
>the virgin indian egg vendor vs the chad kenyan egg doctor
Food prepared in a sanitary environment and served using gloves and utensils. Now this is Indian street food I would eat.
It just pisses me off because at that point he's demonstrating that he knows it's disgusting to be handling food this way, germs and contaminants and such, and is just doing it anyway.
They think it's cool
>gloves, utensils and hygiene standards from an Indian
Could tell something was off.
Hey man I grade these people on a curve. The fact that there was a sanitation glove in the video at all is a start.
Yeah I was actually amazed. Everything looks relatively sanitary, she has utensils and gloves. None of the food was mystery goop. Actual unicorn in Indian street food
Idian food is best outside of india, the brits know that.
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Uhhhh..ah, it's street food, right.. just remembered i wanted to eat smth.
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not real authentic kapampangan sisig. it's some tagalog abomination. i can tell.
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only talks about himself, doesnt even talk about the product

this is the state of modern social media
If you were a hyper advanced extraterrestrial civilization who came to this planet and saw these people, what would you think?
>hyper advanced extraterrestrial civilization
You mean the Brits? Colonization of course.
No I mean the Greys
The Brits loved these people for whatever reason
The Brits were pretty advanced aliens to them. Ok serious answer, any civilization advanced enough to visit us from outer space would not see us more than the animals in the zoo, it will be totally up to their own discretion, colonization would be best case scenario, instead of total planetary sterilization.
>Uses a spoon for the chicken
>Hand for the meat
Why? And also
>Yeah bro, just lemme put this uncooked meat on your rice
It's cross-contamination, it's food poisoning waiting to happen
The same way Euros did it my man. Brutal colonization depending on how the aliens wants to handle it. Brits milked every colony they had until famines started or the French/Spanish way of breeding out humanity with mutts.
the idf boys do this with tuna they get
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the only thing I learned in this thread that Indians are just filthy. A negroid is literally more hygienic than a subcontinental
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The sub in the subcontinent also applies to the inhabitants kek.
pretty sure it's a skit or something, the one he makes in the video turns out looking like shit while the other ones are uniform.
honey and roasted basedbean powder?
This i thought I was hardcore as shit for being able to eat cow tongue and anchovies

After traveling to SEA I realize I'm actually a pussy
the meat doesnt stay uncoocked as theres hot steam in the container
from back when he still had hair, kek
Porras, like churros but better.
why would they not buy a whole fruit and clean it at home
then you wouldnt have old lady hands blood or newspaper ink on your fruit
The breasts cooked
as expected of breasts
its peanut flour
The Jews did this
its literally just baked eggnog
Holy shit I nearly got hard from that video
Pretty sure I'm seeing areola
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guess which American city
you can really see the imbalance of humanity. the right things are not attended to. instead of trying to get 1 thing right the ego just wants to get 1000 things by
im gonna fucking go over there and start selling tables i swear to god
nice way to extract the poisons from the can liner and really infuse them into the oils for consumption
people should spread out. crowding this densely is just cultivating cancer
when i lived in hawaii, there was a.. man.. who would get dogs from the humane society and eat eat them.
Probably LA or San Diego. Those sausage vendors are really common there.
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Whole, at least.
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This is San Francisco Union square right outside of the famous Macys which will be closing in the coming years. My family walks around the city as a pre-christmas tradition, visiting the cathedral, getting some dinner, and picking up ornaments from Macy's. We skipped 2022, but went again 2023 and all these fucking mexicans popped up out of nowhere, a food cart just like this spaced evenly ~15 feet apart. The only difference between this webm is there was Mexican music blaring in union square in 2023. Fucking disgusting
How do they stop the flies?
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don't worry about it
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Cozy AF
>outside of pajeetistan
>street food suddenly mouth-watering
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I don't think ghee is really bad for you in particular. It's probably a healthier choice than some other fats. But a lot of Indian food is high in refined carbs and fat without a lot of protein which would explain weight gain and low muscle mass. I still love it too though, but not as something to eat every day.
You see this and you realize pajeets have no excuse to be that disgusting.
>Unimpressed 'jak
>Slop, Japanese
in some culture (thirdies)
to be able to pay someone to do your task is a sign of wealthness
people buy precut fruit everywhere. a lot of people are willing to pay a little more for convenience.
We italian did that because we filled huge vats with the fruits and back in ye olden times, making a giant fuck off press wasn't really viable.
But that isn't even full.
Just... can't you get a hammer to do this?
>Their food tastes amazing
And not honey. It's some other kind of syrup, like corn or rice.
It's definitely maltose, judging from the color and thickness.
this looks really good
best in thread, looks kino. would definetly give you worms though

You guys ever played that game where you win if you can drop a random street view pin in India on Google Maps without seeing rubbish or rubble?
They probably honestly don't care.

papaya is one of the most beautiful fruits, but the taste is disappointing
Used to hate it as a kid, but the rest of my family loved it and ate it often. I don't hate it anymore but I won't go out of my way to eat it.
rutt's hut is a fucking godsend. Get a good ripper with that delicious relish and a beer on the side and it's a great fucking time. Go with a friend to talk shit with and it gets even better
You can't underestimate how fucking stupid they are. Actual subhumans.
san francisco
there's litereally hundreds of people with this exact same cart, they go to every major tourist location and all charge absurd prices

you can get cheaper and superior food at sit-down restaurants
I think they started out in LA or they just happen to be called LA street dogs.
i remember buying from one. Vendor tried to rip me off of my change. Took a long ass time getting the change, one bill at a time. I put some in my wallet while they were counting up the rest, and then they acted like they had given me a 10 dollar bill. Luckily I didn't even have any 10 dollar bill in my wallet.
without looking into it im sure it's some stupid shit where these people are signing on to something they think is actually profitable just to be contracted the most generic/dogshit/overpriced food carts ever

probably a clause forcing them to keep the prices high because these guys will sit outside every pier and NEVER undercut each other despite having like a dozen other people all selling the exact same garbage from the exact same carts

hard to blame them, i'd blame whoever it is that's renting out the carts and monopolizing the competition and all
Oh fuck this just reminded me of the time Andrew ZImmern went to Thailand or somewhere around there and he got some ice cream in a burger bun from a street cart and just couldn't eat it because it was too gross even for him.
They're often run by criminal gangs.
If I were to buy one of those full of bees, do I have to pay more or less for it?
>5 or 6 days.
dude nora virus is only like 2 days max wtf did you do to yourself.
Pierce, please
not real authentic kapampangan bibingka. it's some tagalog abomination. i can tell.
i know, right? chopping that big thing must be fun. sign me up
this is in Canada?
not real authentic kapampangan mango-ong. it's some tagalog abomination. i can tell.
No hands touched the food directly. They're learning. Now let's see a video of the prep
don't bee stingy
>almost all ingredients come in sealed bags
>cooking surfaces obviously cleaned regularly
>nothing prepared on or stored in direct contact with ground
>east-asian facial features
These are clearly not jeets
>not cooked or eaten outside
not street food
Searched up some of the words in the background signs, I think they're Malaysian.
most people in culinary practices use their hands midwit
is this AI? what in the god damn fucking hell?
i have seen those, basically many smaller cities/villages have a designated driver from the local supermarket who loads up the van with basic (or sometimes requested) things and he drives around the village on predetermined road, mainly selling to the old people and checking up on them as many are alone, old people get groceries they need but its a grim job, when you visit 200 old farts a week you notice when someone goes (and you will most likely be the one to find them)
notice how he's not putting them on the floor and his feet are far away from the food, that's how you know he's doing a parody
>wolverine working in a mexican shop
>he got some ice cream in a burger bun from a street cart and just couldn't eat it because it was too gross even for him.
Interesting. The concept doesn't seem too terrible (starchy container, slight sweetness, just like an ice cream cone) but I guess maybe it's something that just doesn't work in practice.
Except that's not what that is. It's a bakery that drives around selling bread from a van. They're in Kyoto, not some remote village. The story is about how it's called "donkey bread" because they started out selling food from a horse cart after the war.
i've done it without knowing it was something in south east asia. what about it makes it gross?
man I eat shit like this for breakfast every day how can anyone pretend thisi s high cuisine
> music vid from codex pajeet showing street 'food'
his "witty monologue" sounds straight up AI generated. Not the voice but the writing I mean.
Lee Goldson
it's not meant to be high cuisine. it's an appetizer or bar food.
the one in the vid is also a pale imitation of authentic kapampangan sisig. lucía "aling lucing" lagman cunanan must be rolling in her grave.
>no pig's face
>no pig's ears
>has egg in it
>egg scrambled in
>not cooked sizzling in cast iron platter
i'm not even sure it was grilled before.
Well, where else are they going to dump it? On a clean surface...in india??
I guess high cusiine is a bad word but nigga it's scrambled eggs with fried stuff in it. Who the fuck makes a food blog video about that
what's next, buttered toast food blogs?
i agree partly because sisig isn't meant to have eggs in it much less scrambled.
but what's probably not shown is the pork belly boiled with bay leaves, peppercorn, salt, then grilled over a charcoal grill before being chopped. probably the sauce brings it up a notch too but that's cheating.
>Pasta Faggioni!
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That toilet looks used.
That's disgusting.
my fucking sides
It's very clearly ragebait, you see "fake" stuff like this all over the internet these days. I guess it's better than the real horrific street food videos you see.
I thought they would just use the ice for preserving fishes or something
I've never seen a more aggressively Turkish looking dude
Why are indians so goddamn lazy anyway? Always sitting around with their feet right next to the food.
Kek. It's like congratulating a driver for backing up at a green light.
>At least he started the car!
reminds me of the machine oil/lube mop bucket.
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>shawty triflin'
Entangled quantum particles.
India will reach space not by dumb rockets but by a homegrown black hole.
The bread doesn't look that good though, think it would be even better with some fresh bread from the bakkery
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Bro, your information is outdated, butter is good for you.
File: Street Food 1.webm (5.72 MB, 270x480)
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5.72 MB WEBM
>fucking floor
It's STREET food duh

It's much worse that he uses seed/vegetable oil that has been heated and reheated probably thousands of times, likely passed down from father to son through several generations cuz that shit's expensive
>Heated seed/vegetable oil clogs the liver and leads to all manner of health problems. Use coconut oil if you must
cow shit is sacred in india, eating a bit of it is seen as a good thing, and while indians here are ashamed of it because we don't do it, they don't think twice about it when they're back home
They bury people in cow shit as a treatment, sometimes killing the patient in the process.
>beer with ice

Other than that pretty gud
You have to let it get really ripe to enjoy it. If you take a whiff at the base of the fruit/flower and it has a strong, sweet smell, you know it's ready. It's not enough if it's soft when you squeeze it with your fingers.
I don't like making smoothies with them because they taste quite sour, no matter how much you scoop out from the core, but chopped up with other fruits and served with vanilla ice cream on a hot day is great. We usually prepare it where I'm from with melon, banana, apple and watermelon, all chopped up into little chunks and served dry or in watermelon juice.
>killing the patient in the process
The system works!
>health problems
such as cancer

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