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Weed is legal and cheap and amazing in about half of America. Who's smoking their week away? Vaping it and gummies are cool too though, as long as you're staying lifted.

Life is GOOD.
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I'm currently smoking the bippitty boppitty, it's a 28% THC sativa-dominant hybrid that smells pungent in an almost minty way. My favorite weed aroma since you can't find skunk anymore. I pray that somewhere some hippie is growing some skunk from a seed he's had saved since the 90s. It's going to be sticky and bright green and smell from a block away. It'd be a tragedy now that we have legal weed that true skunky strains are actually gone forever now that it doesn't matter how 'loud' it is. I know someone out there holds the key. If anything could make me pay anywhere near premium prices in the era of the $50 ounce, it's bringing back the amazing weed I started on in the mid to late 90s.
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I like getting baked and going to the baked tv site and watching trektube.
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The less you smoke the harder you can trip on cannabis. McKenna smoked all day and even set an alarm so he could wake up and smoke in the night, but he advocated that most people should smoke once a month, a LOT, like a whole big joint to themselves, and sit on the floor of a dark, silent room alone.
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Blast off
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Carl Sagan wrote about getting stoned and having to drive. It's a nice read.
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stoned is the way of the walk
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Got this one off 420chan ten years ago.
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The founding fathers LOVED their hemp.
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Don't lose your head.
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I'm feeling it.
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Triangle Kush
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drive responsibly
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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
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I'm in year 4 or 5 of heavy near-daily use and it's stupid how much I've trivialized the experience. Altering your perception of reality is a really special thing when done with respectful moderation.
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He's smoking a blunt in Amish country I guess. Seems like an okay dude probably.
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Just got a new bong!! It's sweet. Now the old bong can be the bathroom bong.
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I know people smoke weed. They just don't post today.
god i miss 420ch
BWH's take me back
every time!
Yep, only recently tried weed and first good high was magical. Finally all those Simpsons weed references made sense. Took vaped stuff in my coffee and a few hours later went to get a package. Felt like everything was sparkling and I was just gliding along on my bicycle lol.
Then a month later nothing like that and I just sat on the couch at best giggling a bit at some silly cat videos.

I mean that is fun too but the "proper" high was something else entirely. Makes it clear why it has had such a religious significance in cultures.
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I wish I could try it for the first time again. I had a psychedelic experience with hours of closed-eye visuals. The first ten times were pretty fucking amazing to be honest.
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I love smoking cannabis so much.
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I want some weed so strong I sleep on someone's couch for multiple days.
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I love putting hash on my weed. It's so fucking cheap now. $10 per gram at the dispensary.
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I don't usually try grass.
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Bowl Up!
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Wheed? Saying what wheird?
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"I sail, I ride, I smoke ganja, baby."

-Morgan Freeman
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I could blow this smoke in his stupid monkey face and he'd just have to sit there, groovin' on it!
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This image is so stupid, that's a hooka you don't put weed in a hooka. Those capsules are for crackheads, CBD is for elderly people. The "deal" is just you getting ripped off
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Post a better one.
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I think this is the only stoner gif I ever saved
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Weed is for fucking faggots. I smoked for 25 of my 37 years- worst mistake of my miserable life.
Self-control is key, I try to avoid it nowadays as I'm impulsive and do it for days/weeks straight until my stash runs out. Doing that makes you mentally dull and numb, which is a bad idea.
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Why is everything a gif? Am I so high that I time traveled back 15 years?
How many of you can go a month without being stoned or drunk?
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everything your parents and teachers told you about weed was true. it is a gateway, it is addictive, it will make you lazy, it will make you turn gay, it will make you retarded, it will make you into a criminal, it will make you hang out with a scumbag crew, it will make you worse at driving, you will waste all of your money on it, it won't make you rich, you won't get laid, it won't make you popular, it won't make you creative, it won't enhance experiences, it won't heal you, it won't calm you down, it won't make you better at anything.

Dicks everywhere.
>it is a gateway
if you're chasing a higher high, yes
>it is addictive
>it will make you lazy
>it will make you turn gay
>it will make you retarded
>it will make you into a criminal
>it will make you hang out with a scumbag crew
if they are all stoners, yea
>it will make you worse at driving
anything you need focus and concentration is fucked in general
>you will waste all of your money on it
>it won't make you rich
>you won't get laid
>it won't make you popular
>it won't make you creative
you feel that way in that moment, in reality...
>it won't enhance experiences
see above
>it won't heal you
slows cancer, and brain cells too..
>it won't calm you down,
CBD does, THC not so much
>it won't make you better at anything
>come down with CHS
>find out after two ER trips in a week due to it
>quit cold turkey
Sucks, bros.
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No, I'm addicted and I haven't been able to stop for 14 years daily. It's not fun anymore, it's now just wasting away my life.
Help me, I need to stop.
Stop buying weed? Tough it out
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It's 420chan again
Hemp is an entirely different crop, I think its less than 1% thc. The founders liked it because it was extremely useful for making things like oil, fabric and rope.
>Big ol' doinks
gets me every time
I had no idea that was a thing, I'll do an extra dab for you after work.
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everyone was so dam high that noone actually posted on the day of kek
Thank bruh. It's rare, and I spent a decade smoking several times a day before it developed, but it's very real - smoking/vaping/edibles now make me vomit uncontrollably and have a severe panic reaction.

Drinking just isn't as much fun. I should take up payote
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I was gonna get high
but then I cleaned my room.
>it won't heal you
Technically it can, but it can be very difficult to tell if it's worth the side effects.
lmao, pretty good dudeweed bait
Dude weed
Fucking losers
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Fire it up!!! Just in time; this shit was at the end of page 10.
Holy smoking for Sunday. Games are fun.
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I'm smoking fat rips of Jack Herer and some stuff called Starburst, which is really indeed fruity. It's super stormy outside right now. Good times. No responsibilities.
I just did. but because I worked 7 12s for a month. now I'm chilling again.
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>Live in weed illegal state
>99% of the time I have to smoke weed carts because no smell to piss my landlord off

This sucks, the cart high is nothign compared to a joint or edible high
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space age cake live resin, reporting in from FL
>fuck Trulieve but its gas
Careful with Jack, too much will give you panic
>worst mistake of my miserable life
Why though? Let me guess. You're a lazy fag and want to blame it on something other than yourself.
agreed. i have to do the same shit bro.
Never see this one posted anymore. Nice webm anon.
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So a several things.
>First of all,
I wish to know which strain is your ideal strain for highs. I live in the Caribbean but specifics of the strain are just limited to local and high grade. Nothing else.
what the best tunes you gun for during your high. I go for shit like Gabor Szabo and slift. Some truly fine songs to comfort the soul on the adventure. https://youtu.be/ng6LGjoZSQo?si=TCyPBTUXG3DJF0wI.
in return for making such a thread, here are some manga recommendations. Katajikenai and ultraheaven, or rather anything written by koike keiichi.
>Fourth and foremost,
why do people hate stoners so much? Outside of the outliers who make their whole personality about weed, there's no need to show angst against people who are stuck in one place and prefer to transcend elsewhere. Even if you hate them because of their lifestyle, what does it matter if they're destroying themselves (as you claim) it's one less carbon footprint remaining on the face of the earth right? So why so strung up?.
>Penultimate question.
Are you deemed less of a stoner by gunning for edibles instead of smoking it? Asking for a friend.
while I am a member of duty, I still find freedom to be a cool faction. Lighting a fresh one while in the zone must be an awfully impressive high and I am quite envious of such wild individuals. Shame that faction sucks NATOs cock tho.
>Bonus remarks

Anyways. That's all I gotta say. Adios and arigatou amigo
This seems a good place to ask:
I have a 40x Salvia Extract (bought legally in Amsterdam) that I thought was edible like the shrooms, but it seems that it is intended to be smoke.

I cannot smoke it cause:
>I don't have a pipe
>Still I couldn't smoke it in my rented appartment (smell, smoke detector)
>I don't want to try this shit on the street

So stoners, junkies, and other conoisseurs, do you know if I can take this shit orally like in a tea or something? Its a package that says 0.5gr, I still haven't opened it. Also, what am in for?
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Starting at 12 is for ignorant retard bastards with shit for parents. No wonder your life is miserable. You never had a chance. I'll bet my paycheck that you didn't graduate high school.
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I heard it's coming back in 2025. Smoking a bong hit in hope and anticipation.
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lol, Peyote isn't something you can just 'take up'. It's just over, dude. That SUCKS beyond anything I can even imagine, because I can't drink anymore and I certainly can't keep my life together using hard drugs. Weed is all I have left. Without weed I'd be 500 lbs. or homeless. I'm sorry dude. We all must have something to help us unwind. I'd take up meditation and do mushrooms every weekend if I was in your position.
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It really isn't that different. I smoke pipe, bong, joint, whatever I want. And I have vapes for public convenience if I want to smoke at the grocery store or something. The vape cartridge high is really not that inferior, dude.

You should be grateful you can get a THC high. But if you don't have access to black market bud you just aren't trying. You gotta get yourself connected. The writing's on the wall.

And even if your landlord is a dick just take your joint for a walk around the block. It does a body good to have a nightly constitutional anyway. Get a few neighbors to walk with you and discuss the day's events. You could call yourselves 'The Ambulators'.
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You're a weird one. I smoke all day so strains don't really seem all that different. They're all strong hybrids. I have 5 different ounces right now and they're 23% to 27%. For me at least, high is high. I've never found the whole sativa/indica energy/sleepiness thing to be all that accurate. There are too many variables that change effects. And while you can buy something at a dispensary and it has a name you recognize and it's the supposed effect team you are looking for, it doesn't mean anything. Maybe the "budtender" is able to personally vouch for it, but that's often not the case. They have so many strains for sale. It's more info than you'll ever, ever get from a black market dealer (unless he's the grower), but it's still not a real science anyone understands and it's a subjective experience affecting everyone differently.
I'm not a big 'tunes' person. I like new age instrumentals and classical and jazz; soft background music.
The rest:
I don't care what people think.
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It definitely won't set off the smoke detector or leave a lingering odor that anyone will notice after 15 minutes. Certainly not anything they can smell from outside or a hallway.

It's really not a stinky one and you're only taking one, albeit one MAJOR hit. It's best to do with a gravity bong anyway so if you have a fan in your bathroom just make one in your sink with a 2 liter plastic bottle and some foil and smoke it in there. You can fill your bathtub with pillows and blankets first and get in immediately after smoking because you're definitely going to want to lay down or sit down. You kind of have to, because you leave reality for a few minutes. It's nice but it's *weird*. It gives you strange tingling sensations, pins and needles. There are patterns and stuff in your closed eye visuals or whatever you're looking at starts repeating and swirling and spiraling. Like Barney's burp when Homer ate the pepper. It's a very specific aesthetic that a lot of people experience, but it's hard to explain. Some people are gone for hours or days they think. It can be like DMT if you get trapped in a bad trip, but that's usually when people eat it like you want to. I wouldn't recommend any oral administration of salvia; I've read it's much more intense and longer lasting that way. I've only done salvia a handful of times. It's not that enjoyable that you want more right away. And it doesn't give you any of the euphoria you might get from acid or mushrooms.

The best part is that it's over in less than five minutes.
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I'm high right now!
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I found a free game on Steam that's like Magic the gathering but about weed.
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whats it called?

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