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is that cat getting 2nd-hand embarrassment from some guy making cat-growling noises?
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Lmao homie shook af
Birds aren't aminals
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Animals are mostly driven by instinct so it's reaction is probably more along the lines of "Why is this large creature angry?"
Like when you do bird calls, they react. They know you're not their species but they're not thinking about you not being a bird, they're wondering what the fuck you're saying.
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we should get webms of your mom in here
that's a proper animal
>a vegan hotdog
So not a hotdog then. Why would you like to a chimp like that? Just ain't right...
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Well that's something I haven't seen before..
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Is this a pet or a food?
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You're not funny.
99 percent of these are animals having stress reactions
has to be mexico, that's the only place I have ever seen shitty walls with broken glass on top of it.
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me too
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maybe if you're a gay retard
Women shouldn't take care of wolves. When a woman is on her period they can smell the blood and "mistake" it as a wound and a weakness and attack her to reach higher in the hierarchy (where the caretaker must be at the top). There's been numerous situations where wolves have attacked a female caretaker.
michael jackson music
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look at all the stress in this one
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I made this webm just for you
George Floyd's last moments
That fish was still alive. What psychopath thinks this is cute? This is horrifying and evil.
He ate the tomate
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please stop friends
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lmao this ones the best
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because you don't want a chimp enjoying whatever is in a regular hotdog. That would be way too dangerous for everyone around
I had a dog that ate the avocados that fell from the tree
does your bitch bleed that much? i cant smell shit on mine when shes shitting the bed with her cooter blood. i love her so much i fucking miss her what do i do fuck i hate everthting i need her here with me fucking hell i miss her
i cant stop laffing lmao what the fuck bnigga he shittin
its tomanate
>the silent scream as his ass bubbles with stench and horror from within
Perhaps we're not so different, after all.
trump supporters when you try to take away their tranny porn.
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You know I guess I knew they must shit somehow but I never thought it'd be like this
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Fish tripod for long range shots
Dude. You do realize fish eat other fish alive too, right?
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"yeah fuck around and find out Human"
kek, deer are based
>orange cat
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Moo bitch
Get out the way
Get out the way bitch, get out the way
Moo bitch
Get out the way
Get out the way bitch, get out the way
The fuck kind of dog can climb a tree? You sure it wasn't a cat?
This needs that cartoon slipping sound lmao
>Clean it up jannies
Read again
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Kowabunga dude
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The way he stops and looks back, and then struggles on more determined makes me feel stuff
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wow this is peak!!
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>it's meowver
Get back to your safe space in the ice box, snowflake.
It's all fun and games until he gnaws off your genitals
Do frogs/toads actually bite that hard? lol
what does this say about chickens? why is it doing that? does it prove that the chicken knows what a cat is? can it distinguish between a grown cat that doesn't need to be sat on and an infant cat? does it consciously equal a tiny cat / kitten with an egg that needs to be hatched? those webms are crazy if you think about it. and how can anyone even think about eating a chicken after seeing this
you an incel and an idiot, she handled that situation well.

if she left that wolf on that guy any longer that wolf would've started to bite and pull at other parts. wolf packs hurt each other more than what she did to establish their relationships and place in their pack. look at the way that wolf approached her submissively at the end.

she is their momma and they fucking know it.
no, he's just a bitch
He did his part to help his species; he could feel that pull towards nothingness and if he managed to breed, he might pass on that urge towards his offspring.

He marched into oblivion so others wouldn't have to.
A few things to consider. Chickens (like many animals) have an extremely strong maternal instinct. Kittens are a (reasonably) similar size to their own babies. Kittens can also be very cuddly and possibly got close to the chicken in the first place because it was (reasonably) close to the size of their own mother. It's possible that the chicken recognized that these kittens appeared to be vulnerable. Chickens likely cannot recognize the age of the kittens, and would have acted the same way for anything reasonably the same size (regardless if it was a baby or adult animal), especially if the animal tried to cuddle with it.

Finally, there's a very high chance the video was staged for views. Lets face it, this is an absolutely adorable video and everyone could see the amount of shares it would bring. Why wait for something this adorable to happen naturally when one of the kajillions of desperate influencers out there could immediately stage something like this and have great content to post right away?
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>Finally, there's a very high chance the video was staged for views
I would agree if it was the only video like this. I've seen at least four. In one of them, the chicken very resolutely placed the kittens back underneath itself, when disturbed.

I can't help but feel like chicken have enough intelligence and consciousness to recognize that those kittens are helpless and in need of attention, and enough "empathy" or whatever you want to call it to become active in helping them
it's powerful footage but the bland truth is probably that it's literally just mental illness. the same instinct that tells the other penguins to follow the rest and move towards the edge of the ice tells that rogue penguin to just move towards the mountains.
>"Can you sing, master hobbit?"
cassowaries are literal dinosaurs
Fuck, you got me hahaha.
what is that tiny creature? aside from the lemur
I knew Joe Rogan lurked animal gif threads
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Happened to me in real life. A turkey and a cat apparently formed a bond and the cat was leading all the chicks around in the farm, cuz they were curious and didn't want to stay indoors all the time, the turkey kept the kittens warm all time, because of her nurturing instincts. It's something that happens all the time. Like your dog chasing away unfamiliar cats, but defending your cat.
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This is why that one Penguin walked off into the mountains
which JRE episode is this
yeah it hurts a little bit.

source: used to catch frogs and lizards and put them into my sister's bedroom
A real human bean
Do people really believe that some highly intelligent great apes live in the northwest and have somehow avoided detection, not even their bodies being found, because???
1/3 of its body is jaw and it has two pointy incisors
some remix or parody of
get the shazam app so it can hear whatever song and give you the source
I hate that these motherfuckers have our eyes.
Maybe we have theirs?
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Poor dog he was probably in the doctor's office so long for a surgery or procedure and the stupid owner didn't let him roam around outside a bit after picking him up
is this real?
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brooding hens will sit on anything that moves and fits under their ass. I've had two die because they tried to brood snakes.
This is why I never want to fight a cat of almost any size.
Slam that fucking body into jagged rocks almost at the heavier deer/goat's terminal velocity and it just stays latched on by those claws and teeth.
Now I know why Dankpods calls Frankie a stinky.
>feeding beautiful animal goy feed
>what does this say about chickens?
Chicken brain see small fuzzy thing and think "baby chicken must sit on."
does that look mean she's down for a round of stick-the-fruit-in-her-loop?
Ah yes, the hopping white-pants dinosaur
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>Kookaburra webm
>no sound
Why would you even bother saving this?
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>cats choise nonviolence
not a chance
Blocked drain
he even arcs the end of his tail so it wont touch the shit

very lovely
whats wrong with tranny porn,
no we both have the eyes of a common ancestor. we didn't evolve from monkeys directly, we evolved alongside monkeys from something else
all good!!!
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bunners are so weird
He's literally me
He's gonna eat those things until he's sick and has explosive diarrhea
this new polish artillery is looking hi-tech
so are pigeons
Imagine being that guy who hoards webms of animals shitting. Now imagine his life.
A thread ruined by a transexual scat fetishist. Many such cases
It's a paranormal phenomenon.
Hit them hard
ugh dude disgusting
Being a penguin must be the shittest existence on earth.
Wow what a great pet.
Pfft lmfao
I stg labs had a conference at some point where they decided that this is their dying objective. I have never known one that wasn't a gluttonous dumbass. Very sweet otherwise.
Is this a kiwi farm?
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kek good filename
If all frogs in the world stopped REEEEing at once, the dimensional standing wave of material reality would collapse immediately, and entropy would finally return everything to the quantum soup where it belongs.
>h-he's fast!
soulless chinese bug people duh, been here long?
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for metal
>You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in!!!!!
You mean a broody hen. not brooding
Being indian or chinese is worse
Look at him. He loves it. Just like the commercials said he would.
They bury their dead like we do
Could be anywhere, I've seen this in Holland and Germany. The walls were old and not that shitty, but they still had broken glass on top.
Beautiful sound when they all join in at once.
nigga its a fish
who added the retard fucking bitch music
I think its time to go for a walk
If evolution is so smart, why didn't it think of this?
if you want horrifying and evil, look inward. i've observed that people who loudly project sensitivity like this tend to have really ugly and callous sides to their personality.
what a cuck. I'd be taking home a trunk full of venison that day.
I think all animals are far more aware than we give them credit for, but we don't allow ourselves to believe that, because it would interfere with eating them. Not that I think we shouldn't.
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so kill all frogs, got it.
Hey, it's the same mental illness that drove some apes to approach fire, attempt to befriend wolves, pray to entities that no physical sense could perceive, slaughter millions of its kin, try to fly, and eventually even to leave to surface of the planet.
Granted, that one penguin probably won't be achieving anything this time around, but it took a few thousand burning corpses before those apes managed to get something out of fire as well.
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Or, you know, the dog is just afraid of car rides
can dogs have the tism?
real bros. I even teared up a little
Holy fuck
>Not liking m83 - Outro.
shut the fuck up herzog put a music there for a specific emotional use and a faggot puts his dumbass fucking retard music over it because his porn addicted mind cannot conceive emotion as a build up or a complex structure and goes straight for the pornographic option of putting indecently suggestive music.
You people are all retarded I know that but its still a fight I'm willing to have against all odds.
The height of your soul is something you can only construct on this earth. God does not exist you have to heighten yourself by natural means. And you people avoid like the pest any form of self empowement. Its sickening seing such plebeians walking the same earth as mine, knowing they are guided by their passions and not guiding their passions. And the day their passions will destroy them they will go the full excision route like the christians and completely go to war against their passions instead of heightening them.
You are doomed. Nietzsche was so right. I am so superior to you people its an infinite pleasure warring against your stupidity.
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TOKYO HEAT (Tokyo Drift) by C.H.A.Y
>Nietzsche was so right.
Stopped reading there.
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is that bait for me to give a smug reply like:
>haha lol at least you read 95% of the post haha
>hating on based Pongos
low test and low IQ behaviour, also propably a nigger
hold up dinosoars realy wear bnidred?
In the summer here, you get a loud chorus of tree frogs croaking pretty much in unison, and then one rings out loud that sounds just like this.
It's very nice, an almost melancholic tone.
Dogs are dirty shitters. If you don't have a farm or a countryside house and you have dogs in the city you are also a shitter scum, literal dog shit picker.
Yeah, he's a based retard.
Not related exactly but interesting:
there was a test on a kind of geese whose egges are brown-speckled light blue.
Researchers kept replacing the eggs with increasingly bigger and bigger "eggs" (eggshaped items painted in blue with brown specks) up until they were basketball sized and the geese would continue to try to sit on them.
For those geese there was no upper size limit as they're hard coded to try to hatch anything round and blue with brown specks, no matter how large it is.
I live in a SEA city. Forever there have been frogs in the garden as I've always lived in dense green pockets in an otherwise shitty concrete garden.
I've not heard a frog calling during/after the rain in about 10 years now. It only occurred to me this past rainy season. I think something is very, very wrong and I am slightly worried.
I heard that people in America are asking eachother what happened to all the bugs that would smash on their windscreens on the highway that they remember from their youth. Apparently that's gone now too.
I live in Holland and my parents tell me that story too. When they were young, the windshields were full of bugs. Now, nothing. Feels very bad, man.
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>all the bugs that would smash on their windscreens on the highway

> "BuT wHeRe DiD aLl ThE bUgS gO?!"
the windshield, you fucking NPC.

the frogs however is much worse because it's a signal of the water being contaminated with chromosome-destroying plastics and petroleum industry adjacent chemicals, as well as farming industry fertilizers changing water Ph and bacteria levels.

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