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File: Hikkimori.webm (5.18 MB, 720x992)
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ZAMN chocolate milk truck
what the fuck bitch
clearest lard I've ever seen
File: Ordar Up.webm (5.82 MB, 640x360)
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Bitch, you live like this?
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Man she's beautifull
fuggin' gross.

>verification not required
She can French my toast any day!
I wish I could order that, but all the restaurants are run by beans here.
Donald Trump will fix that.
I hate to be pessimistic, but I'll believe it when I see it. I'm a minority in my own home town due to border jumpers, and nothing has slowed it down. Every decade, their number replaces roughly 15% of the white population ratio. Can't even read the signs on the east side of town.
Yeah it's more HFCS but it's not a theory bish.
ye wtf. is that quality lard?
its from his late wife
100% sneed oil, no way that is lard
>putting piping hot food into a plastic bag not intended for hot foods
delicious microplastics
>piping hot
lol, nah
that seemed pretty mellow
would be 8/10 if that was OJ and not Sunny D
File: wgk.webm (2.74 MB, 720x1280)
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>delicious microplastics
The fuck is sunny D anyway, it can't be orange juice, it taste more like agent orange then anything else.
>>"Worry about the killer microplastic bees goy!"
Eat and drink in moderations and enjoy life....fuck worrying over everything.
>all that carb
Why? You need some carb in your day but not that much
Nasty looking
How hard Is It for her to cook potatoes, and chicken? I really hope this Is rage bait.
an "orange drink" so flavoured sugar water
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fast food was a mistake
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Best "lard" you'll get would be tallow DESU. The term isn't used accurately enough to assume he's using literal lard as anthropologists would define the word. And yes, tubs of tallow sold for pennies on amazon melt to transparency.
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mean time she should add her vagina juice in the future
She's fucking retarded, the client just wanted a good pizza with high quality Ingredients.
I don't think I can save her....
any recipe that starts with 5lbs of butter is an instant red flag wtf
Seared bite
Wait .. Caviar isn't vegan
Neither is honey, come to think of it. What the fuck kind of diet is this?
>give 2000 dosh for a pizza to some retarded slut
>She comeback with a salad on bread toasted with yellow tinfoil amongst the topings
I'm not italian, but I think I would call tony for a small favor, somebody need to get whacked.
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I can't believe how many people are too stupid to understand how the bag doesn't melt.
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Average cigar man eats his ash because it contains the ponderings of his chuff sesh. and he wants to keep those memories.
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future nikados
fake and gay
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>ground beef is still completely raw

what the fuck is wrong with people, basic common sense would tell you the dough on the outside would be scorched to a crisp before that beef ever cooks inside

and why the noodles? what the fuck even is this other than a waste of food?
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how did you find this video of me?
What is that supposed to be? An aborted fetus?
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coom burger
File: thanks for the coffee.webm (805 KB, 640x1138)
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Is this one of those yokai I've heard so much about?
her cranium to torso ratio is off the richter scale
That poor rich guy got scammed
If you're posting audioless webms on /wsg/ or /gif/ then you need to go back to whatever shit board you came from.
she looks like she loves anal
I wasn't aware that Sloth was a real person.
Wait until you see pride and envy
Have you not seen The Goonies?
That's neat but why not just make ostrich plov instead of half-assing it?
Ah, yeah my bad
Worst looking pizza ive ever seen

Cant tell if this is bait, the tomatoes and everything is just so sloppy
Believe it some more, Einstein. Tell me why because I slept through Dupont class.
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What is a moderate amount of toxic chemicals in your expert opinion?
Same as the average indian sacred river mouth full or the average dumbster water source in a tribal village in africa.
Stop being a white male and accept to live in your own shit already! Guh you racists are so evil with your 1st world cleanliness problems.
t. White liberal woman
File: burger splurt.webm (2.9 MB, 608x1080)
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>when the burger goes O
Blame the French.
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>homemade roundmeal
I wonder if she's ever met Davis.
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They'd have to pay me just for doing that to those poor ingredients.
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Bro that ship has sailed, it's in everything, your meat, your veg, your rainwater.
>webms that make you go death to america
How the fuck are you supposed to eat this shit? Why do they do this? Why do they make tall burgers that you can't get your mouth around? This is fucking stupid.
>Your order: "I'm hungry"
Ja/ck/ is deathly afraid of heat of any kind.

Is he on his 3rd stroke or 4th, does anyone know?
child abuse
Also wtf is it with retards and putting sauce on top of fries? THe whole reason fries are good are that they're crispy, do these idiots think soggy fucking fries are good
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Had one of these at Lazy dog in Vernon Hills IL, it didn't have nutella but it was pretty good
oy vey
>eating the whole leg by himself while the guy with hair and the cat watches while still hungry
This is why he's bald
more like coffeed-ice
A roundmeal died for this
Average Kamala voter
Fuck your food pyramid, we're building a carb obelisk.
I like coffee, but I quit about a month ago and now I really appreciate how absurd the whole coffee apparatus is. With tea you just put leaves in a mug and pour water on it. Then when you finish you can get a second steep if you want. It's so chill in comparison and the high is much more steady, although subtler.
Fucking "dinning experience" garbage. Japan is a country full of stupid gimmicks
>didnt activate the almonds
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Love it when my burger looks like an cancerous ovarian cyst
agree that the food looks nasty but theres something cozy and wholesome feeling about this
she looks like one of those girls that is very impressed on how she looks despite being so ugly.
she makes chud chow though
this is Kay, his nemisis
Eating sushi with chopsticks is so fucking pretentious.
That's a man
File: Clean Carbs.webm (3.45 MB, 640x640)
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>kids dinner
either she has like 20 kids or her kids are 300 lbs each
Why the fuck would he just not smash them in a bag
>the banana isn't sweet enough, I need to dip it in sugar
Wait, raw ground pork?
It's called Mett.
It's basically raw ground pork with spices.
The food regulations in Germans ate among the strictest in the world, the meat for that stuff is usually very high quality and it tastes way better than you might think
Prove it.
When objects are touching, sometimes they share certain properties. In the case of heat and/or fire, the high thermal mass of the water soaks up all the heat and since the plastic is so thin it easily conducts all the heat into the water. If the bag would melt below 212F it would eventually, but you would heat the water to the same temperature.

You can replicate this with a piece of standard piece of copy paper and a soda can. If you wrap the paper around the can and try to light it on fire with a match, the paper won't burn. It's the same situation, the metal in the case is soaking up all the heat and in this case, radiating it away as well. You could set the paper on fire if you had any heat source capable of heating the can up to the ignition point of paper, 451F.

Thanks, Mr. Wizard.
I'm replying to myself, sorry for high posting I really fucked that up.

But I found the relevant video https://youtu.be/RuclSKSS_EY
I sucked his dick
I'm mostly amazed that the bag is holding the water without stretching. That's an awful lot of weight to hold, especially when most plastics soften before melting. Polyethylene truly is a wonder material.
I wish her ice was filled with my piss and she was drinking it and saying how yummy it was.
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>With tea you just put leaves in a mug and pour water on it. Then when you finish you can get a second steep if you want. It's so chill in comparison and the high is much more steady
That's also how you make coffee though
The videos of americans cooking meals using hyper processed foods is ragebait memes, right?
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that's like $45 worth of mcdonalds french fries alone. who the fuck could afford to make something like this.
But seriously, can you guys recommend some food recipes to a lonely man
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i remember in the world cup, messi did not like him very much
The wood paneling on the walls the aluminum foil around the burners, Sunny D. I haven't seen these levels a white trash in awhile.
Do Americans really?
this is not easy at all
You can also do the same thing with a paper cup filled with water.
for 60 dollars you too can make a meal where the leftovers are eventually going to be thrown in the trash.
Neat! Thanks.
wdym the other guy and the cat also got a leg.
You wish you had a cute girl cooking your breakfast every morning faggot
>no tattoos
>no retarded slut nose rings or other piercings
>1950 hairstyle
>cooks breakfast
>the attention of the video is on what she's doing insted of her tits and ass
I kneel, you may not like it, but this is what peak female condition look like.
I've seen that video before. He was trying Buckfast.
where's the mentioned canadian?
Plov in Central Asia but same thing.
she grew a beard from eating all that raw meat
Bro specced into human pig
Father forgive them...
nope. not falling for your uzbeki psyop
It's like he started with the idea that he could slice the whole stack clean in half, then when that didn't work he was like... fuck it we're making mozzarella sticks. Peak engagement bait though.
is this sand piping hot? is that how its heats it up?
i haven't eaten one of these in like 20 years
i haven't eaten anything decent since august
i'm so hungry
HFCS is only marginally worse than sucrose.
Sucrose = 50% fructose, 50% glucose
HFCS = 55% fructose, 45% glucose
Really, the issue is fructose. That shit either ends up being turned into methane by enzymes in your body or it ends up in the liver (which can result in fatty liver). When you eat fruit it's no big deal cause fruit has so much fiber that it gives your enzymes more time to turn it into methane but when you get it as fruit juice/soda/whatever it goes straight to your liver.
Glucose is good though. Every cell in your body requires glucose to function and your body has mechanisms to regulate it. Carbs get turned into glucose as well.
The only thing to watch out for with glucose are types of diabetes (basically what it's called when your body's blood-glucose regulation mechanisms fuck up for one reason or another). Your pancreatic islets cells produce insulin, glucagon, and other shit that your body uses to raise or lower blood-glucose levels. Type 1 diabetes is a genetic disorder where your immune system attacks your pancreatic islets that produce insulin (used to lower blood-glucose levels by telling your cells to feed). The other types of diabetes involve shit like insulin resistance and other shit and their causes are still largely a mystery and the risk factors are just shots in the dark.
Lard is clear unless you get it dirty or burn it. I saw another video where that old dude explains that he saves and reuses his lard. I think it's somewhat questionable to do this if you're frying at high temps (cause polyunsaturated/unsaturated fats will oxidize which leads to artery plaques, though lard is mostly saturated fat which should be safe). That said, the trick to cleaning/reusing lard is to pour it into another container, cool/harden it (easier in a fridge). All the burned stuff/contaminants/water/gelatin will settle at the bottom of the container, so once it's hardened you can just remove the hardened lard and leave the contaminants behind (and scrape off any remaining contaminants stuck to the bottom of the lard).
In Mexico, there is a taco meat called "carnitas" where you traditionally reuse the lard over and over again specifically for that dish and it builds up character. They call this a "manteca madre" (mother lard) and the lard is only heated to about 95 degrees Celsius (never above 100 degrees Celsius) with the meat being slow cooked for hours like confit.
I recommend buying lard from a Mexican shop or making it yourself (just don't raise it to too high of temps). Don't buy Crisco, I have no idea what the fuck they do to it but the trans fat levels are absurdly high for that to be regular lard.
Keep in mind that trans fats are now banned in a lot of countries and the UN has a project to get them banned in all countries because they are universally recognized as causing abnormal cholesterol that turns into artery plaques and shit.
Tallow is beef. They taste and smell very different. Lard/tallow are still used in many cuisines instead of trash-ass seed oils and in those cuisines you'll often have dishes calling for one or the other or some ratio of both, for flavor reasons.
>Don't buy Crisco, I have no idea what the fuck they do to it but the trans fat levels are absurdly high for that to be regular lard.
Whoops, I meant Tenderflake. I generally avoid hydrogenated fats like Crisco as well but if you don't care about flavor and if the trans fat levels are really low then it may be fine to use. Donuts and stuff are cooked in shortening (like Crisco) these days, but back in the day they were cooked in tallow or lard. Some people still do this and imo they don't come out tasting meaty BUT the act of heating the lard to cook donuts does give off a meaty smell so be prepared to have that in your kitchen.
Lost me at beans. I don't know if it's a regional thing or what but I've never seen beans in proper Mexican tortilla soup, only in gringo tex mex imitations.
Go look at her socials now, she's busted
Yeah it's shit, I just wanted to sell a dream
File: HowToBasic - Turkey.webm (4.4 MB, 1280x720)
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I vomited a little just looking at it for 2 seconds. How the hell do Americans eat shit like this?
So what's homoerotic about this?
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You will eat all the plov but only after serving it to everyone in the room older than you.
The heat of the cheese cooks the fries
nobody with more than 2 braincells like that dumb faggot

>biting into food and dropping your crumbs all over the other food that is cooking
If they look like that I'll pay extra
no joke the best looking thing in this thread
You're right mi güero, it's all ok except the beans... and the jalapeños.
Maybe anon's a fag
>Cheesah beecha wonky Chewbacca
Mostly like. Somehow that closet fag sees two dudes cooking next to each other out of intimacy range "homoerotic"
If she did that to my ballsack I'd pay her tenfold
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food in general is just gimmicks
food peaked with full English breakfast and burgers
despite his restaurant doing very well and serving to mostly rich people, he pays like shit to his employees.
he's an absolute cunt.
she flinched when he tossed the knife.
Controlled demolition.
That's an elephant.
It's just a joke
The food is on the wall you retard.
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He really expected people to clap kek
He's a 4channer who made it but somehow refuses to let go of his childish and autistic antics.
i remember when this guy made cocktails and other alcoholic drinks and always had a hot bitch with him in the video. its sad to see how far hes fallen down into the clickbait dumb fuck videos like lets put 50 slices of velveeta inbetween bread and put it on the grill shit
The heat of the table melts the cheese
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You sure? I could swear it was a whale.
meaning what?
Maybe not related, but anybody got the WEBM of the Japanese alcoholic that starts the day with 3 cans of beer and some noodles then goes hiking with a backpack full of beer?
they NEVER show you them eating it
i'll call it plov when wikipedia has an extensive article on "plov" rather than just an alternative (niche) spelling name to pilaf
I dont have it but this sounds based
I would let her cook me breakfast
Thumbnail looks like a pile of squirrels
This is misleading, because she says "we eat a kilo of pork". She's only eating half of that. She's not even that fat by American standards. Pork isn't the problem with her diet.
Why isn't she screaming about Trump
Is this a stealth coomer thread
There's literally a trunk you moran.
If she split his ball sack open and started eating it he would pay her 10 times the price of that bread.
Biden lost, intra-liberal faggot 'male'.
I don't have it either but you should have mentioned it's a cute girl, your description makes it sound like some fat guy.
What's that he's making, quicksand?
That's kind of the idea of being a chef you know
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I don't even blame you for not realising it was satire.
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Tens of millions of people call it plov, but you do you.
Delicious baked squirrels (not PNut).
At least it's not a robot.
Not only ugly, stupid too. Disney lied quasimodo would have been a mush mouth retard not the artistic savant every redditor thinks they are
Now that's what I call good stuff. Keep it coming.
>step 1, ruin a knife to keep children entertained
Dunno how I managed to omit that fact...
it's funny because it's true
put that "plastic" bag in your microwave and tell us what happens
millennials raised on Epic Meal Time
Americans disgust me.
Dude, what are you talking about?
That's clearly a Brazilian.
ahhh the 1:27-1:28 transition where they realised it looked shit and there was no cheese so decided to do a reshoot where they melted another block of cheese and just poured it in before splitting the turkey again
You think I don't know a monke when I see one??
In what universe are those Americans? lmao you esl trannies are ridiculously obsessed
lel baited
He doesn't know.
explain like I'm a single cell organism
Fuck is this pimpleburger?
Someone was clapping, are your speakers busted?
Why the hate for Messi?
For once
I would not
based, wicked good tacos
what a retarded knife
Looks like we know where all the fat went into.
>I'm mostly amazed that the bag is holding the water without stretching

There's actually a video that demonstrates water's ability to absorb heat energy: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VX9OmhSVhiA

Also? You can cool water faster by boiling it first, then throwing the boiling water into a freezing temperature area/space..
The restaurants they put up are all dirty and do poorly on health inspections. I'll make my own damn tacos that don't require the purchase of a new toilet.
It's top tier for skinning/shaving/fleshing/etc.. animals and stuff, but there aren't many videos on youtube.
Inuit process entire whales and shit using that knife so what you're seeing at the end is just the end of the process.
>no piercings
Look at the end of the video dummy
Pro-tranny psyop
I'm not gay but there's just that looks incredibly gay-parodyish about the way the second guuy appears on screen
I can't explain it lol its the only webm with 2 guy that gives that feeling
No, it isn't, and you probably look like a fucking ape eating them with your fingers.
Are you retarded or just don't understand how physics work
oh so thats where I remember him from
You mean to tell me that amerisharts individually unwrap every piece of cheese? How is that ever more convenient than regular pre-sliced cheese, or than slicing it yourself?
Lets not

Retard shit

What an awful thread 4 cocksuckers
Forgeben mein gott, ich will schützen mein fucken breinen aufgang
alcohol and pet bottles are a dingus move`
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Ulu is one of the original knives. More carcasses have probably been butchered with them than any other type of blade.
>Lets not

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