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Post people's reactions to the outcome of the US presidential election. People crying, fuming with anger, people coping, anything that you think is funny
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it's gonna be a glorious thread.
all hail big loud Orange man.
I like this thread
let's all hope that this faggot offs himself during inauguration
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I think this frame looks better as the thumbnail
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Not having sex shouldn't be much of a challenge for that gorilla.
All of these "adult" "women" throwing tantrums like actual children. They've been coddled far too much by society.
This one is somehow more palatable on the ears than the original
She looks and act a lot like Tony's sister Janice from the Sopranos. Same energy
I'm getting more of a seethed bite
What's up with those nose rings?
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An OC I've made.
It's become a trendy piercing for a libtard white women, same reason they're all covered in shitty tats now.
This is the weirdest uber driver I've ever had...
Anyone want to tell this trooned out faggot that Trump got over half the male Hispanic vote and male black vote?
Are those men too fucking stupid know what's best for them?
You tell them that and they'll just say they're racist/sexist. Don't try and logic with these retards. Unironically don't even engage or feed their retardation. Point and laugh from a distance
Correct, engagement means they might learn from their mistakes
Let them continue with the "future is female" and "tranny faggot" agenda
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Same logic as don't feed the trolls. I mean they may not realize it but they are "trolling" society. You don't give them energy to feed off of. You give them nothing, and they have nothing to react to, so they find a way to cope on their own.

If you ever get a GF or a wife you'll understand. They have tantrums like this all the time. Don't try and rationalize it. Just let it bounce off you and don't show any reaction to it. Don't feed it with more negativity, don't get passive aggressive, don't argue. Just let it go and let them have their tantrum and get it out of their system.
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I will NEVER trust somebody who uploads a video of themselves crying to social media
I really hate this logic.
You put a woman up there, you're expected to vote for her. Otherwise you "hate women".
What about the fucking policy? What about other things you may not like about her past actions?
No, no, you don't like her because she's a WOMAN. Why are they like this? Why can't they accept any form of nuance?
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>I hate you as much as you hate me
So she's indifferent?
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Why and I so bricked up after watching these
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I hate this nose ring shit. There's no way men find it attractive. What the fuck is this >>5726327? It's disgusting.
they are just so pathetic and vulnerable it fuels your inner predator
Well done, sir
Fucking grown ass man posting a video of himself crying
This song slaps, I've been dancing to it all day since i saw this earlier. Miley rules, premium slut.
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What race even is she?
I wish she could see me face while I'm watching this
Nah I just got a weird thing for black chick's that are loud
Thank you very much for posting and converting these. It's even better than the Twitter stuff.
>When people who don't agree with me vote, that's un-democratic
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You're welcome.
I didn't vote. Anyone getting emotional about the election is mentally unwell. They're also turning on Hispanics and other minorities because most of them voted for Trump lmao there's not a voter out there with principles or strong personal convictions. Just two flocks of birds yelling at each other across the street
She's culturally appropriating that accent. Bet she fucks a lot of blacks
I think that this is ftm troon.
Seems like typical crocodile tears. I hate Trump but this is just ridiculous.
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Dont stop I'm so turned on rn.
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They feed off of your energy. It's very much related to personality disorders like narcissism, bpd, and histrionic personality. They might have some cause for concern, but they blow it out of proportion largely because they are addicted to the biochemicals that are released by stress.
Are mullets back?
The mark of the cattle.
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She can't even make herself cry how is anybody supposed to believe her posturing?
Has any video from the campaign HQ come out yet? Usually those are full of crying.
not the smartest monkey in the branch
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It's just affected for the camera. Nothing authentic. All these mentally disordered people probably don't have any authentic character at all.
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Squeal like a pig.
imagine how many bratwursts you could fit in that cavern
holy shit dude her lower face is just one big mouth
Looks more like she's implying she'll suck some dicks.
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So, just act sad when I go to Starbucks this weekend when I go read?
Got it
she'll fondle my balls? i dont get it
lmao at all these danger hair septum piercing troglodytes
Real life shit as opposed to what? The internet is real and it just decided an election again.
>angry frog
Most of these women are uglier than the average incel by a longshot.
They've made such a horrible name for themselves and can't even see it.
>Real life shit as opposed to what?
she looks like a pug
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Holy shit the troons got pepe
yikes that's a hideous gorilla moustache
>The internet is real and it just decided an election again.
The internet did not raise housing prices over 50% in less than 4 years, in some States as much as 66%, people couldn't even pay the rent in mobile home areas and had to leave.
There is money for Ukraine and Israel but they can't help the homeless Americans or people struggling, as they pay over 300 dollar at night in 5 star hotels for criminal illegal aliens? ( Yes, all illegal aliens in the US are criminals, entering the US illegally is a crime )
This reminds me of when I was in high school and I'd randomly tell people to calm down because it would have the opposite effect. She's literally behaving like a 14 year old.
she sounds.. not sincere, like she does not actually have conviction in her own words
Think of how much Clabber Girl could fit in that maw.
>horse faced tranny calling other people ugly
loving every laugh
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lol that fucking fu Manchu stache
If people spent less time fucking around on the internet I'm sure it would have an effect on this.
Politically unaware. Her rights would be gone after inauguration day not after election day.
The funniest, scariest shit I’ve ever seen. Well done.
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>HL2 audio
Holy fucking gem.
Holy fuck she hit the wall hard, looks like a grandma
>covered in tattoos, posting yourself crying on tiktok
The shower cap really sells it.
Because thats not how they vote, they wouldnt understand it the same way an "educated" voter would.
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A fringe minority of mentally ill women who spend all day on reddit were gaslit into thinking they were the majority. It's actually kind of sad when you think about it.

They don't even have muh popular vote to help them cope anymore.
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>Nose ring
All that’s missing is a canine “companion.”
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I prefer this version
why cant these hookers get a hobby that isn't taking every dick they see?
Because they're rewarded for behaving this way. Path of least resistance.
freedomtoons is cringy as fuck
>This will sell our ideology.
man, What is the live feed on people actually throwing up? I want someone to back up their words and puke for the camera. I mean, they're already halfway there with the snot and tears; they might as well go all the way.
Still waiting for her to deliver
need to add smoke detector low battery beep lol
>If you sat there and voted
Who the fuck votes sitting down?
>we fought a good fucking fight
by...voting? What revolutionaries.
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Its so unnerving that you can see them with total normal expressions and the second they realize the recording has started they turn on the emotion.
It's not sad to me. They deserve it.
That’s a rough-looking 35, never mind 21.
Their ideology is that we should support society's weakest and most vile, and the boundary for this can be pushed infinitely. They're treated like babies until they act like babies.
Canada is going to flip conservative next year too kek.
lol, thanks for sharing this.
Based, she better deliver.
That is one ugly coal burner.

Get some standards, Tyrone.
How dare this thing use based Aphex for her background music. Sue this bitch, Rich.
Man, things have gotten ugly.
yeah >>5726403
this guy is faking it kek
Poor guy was slated for a top cabinet position in the Harris administration.
These retards were in desperate need of a reality check for over a decade.
Note how she talks as if Trump was in charge of the last 4 years as well. There is no salvation for people who think like this, and it is entirely her parents' fault. When I was 12 I was playing with action figures and watching cartoons. Politics shouldn't be on the radar of a 12-year-old at all.
Looks like the predictive powers of astrology were highly egg-saggerated.
anyone else jacking off to this thread right now?
I did when I filled out my mail in ballot a month ago. Fuck going to actual polls and standing in line.
>”How much more qualified and intelligent than an 89 IQ professional blowjob hack do we have to be?”
Fat smeagol
“Jabba, I’ll pay you triple! You’re throwing away a fortune here! Don’t be a fool!”
I swear I though this was 73-year-old sideshow performer by the thumbnail.
>Threatens the world with removing her eggs from the gene pool
Oh, no. Please don’t.
4/10 scream, feels forced and fake, needs work
Oh man. Then you’re on that bitch’s shitlist, anon. I stood, so I’m fine.
Any chance someone skilled with .webm's could take the ones from this thread and combine like this?
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We got an ass eater over here!
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ngl lads Im gonna miss this rickety old fucker
are they just recording what they say to themselves in the mirror everyday?
Hey don't blame chat for supporting with a view.
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>It's so over I have to scream
what? Just move to another country if you hate him so much, make it your goal and if you focus on nothing else if you can't afford it and you'll probably be able to in like 2 years, that's probably gonna be the time any changes he makes actually happen
>women realizing that only chads voted Trump and they're stuck with cucks or nothing at all
wew lad
Cmon on. She's obviously saying that trump is the anti women choice obviously, not saying anything about kamalah, same as how many said the same about Boden irregardless of his actual rhetoric or policy
Please pull your head out your ass
I'm fucking crying
What if you voted for a felon over a woman for the lulz instead of misogyny?
That guy looks like a Kamala voter. Alternative Trump supporters are so fascinating.
It's a combination of both. Kamala is a woman, and Trump is, to them "anti-women" (which is untrue considering he's trying to keep troons and bugs bunny disguise types out of womens' sports).
They're deeply demoralized because people didn't just vote for the anti-woman candidate, but committed the simultaneous sin of not voting for a woman.
Also the popular vote was won this time. In 2016 these bitches would demand to end the electoral college and insist that the majority of the US actually liked Hillary better.
They don't have that anymore. They're outnumbered, outgunned, and they feel the shit out of that. It's why there's no calls for civil war.
They know there's an above 50% chance they're talking to Trump voters.
She needs a good dicking down.
Love how she censored racist and bitches. Gotta make sure to maximize the chance her tears may get picked up by the algorithm so she might get Tik Tok famous and not have to work again.
The way she was talking about nibbling on Trump voter asses, she also wants a good dicking down.
They need it too. Please dick them down so they stop being bitches
>Cheap gas and cheap groceries are bad because poor people exist
...No, not rhetorically. I'm seriously asking, just... what?
This one seems like satire.
>That guy looks like a Kamala voter.
He's got tattoos, sure, but he doesn't strike me as gay.
>That guy looks like a Kamala voter
he doesn't look black or jewish
A lot of leftists look down on the poor. They just act like they're protecting the poor to make themselves look morally upright.
Elections like this are great for ripping those masks off.
fucking kek
70% of these are men. Did you realise, anon?
I genuinely think he actively tried to tank her campaign as revenge for her forcing him out, insanely based
Ah, kinda like the whole 'if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. Get back on the plantation and do as your told' thing?
It's a man's job
did some combining
tried to get the kino parts in
calm down
way more of us than u think. I'm a bisexual habitual drug user but truly do believe the freer the market the freer the people. People in general are just tired of the bullshit. White people are tired of being the scapegoat for everything the past 8 or so years.
im crying
just today?

would btw
That's exactly what we've been seeing. There were a lot of "You know what fuck Mexicans, I hope you get deported" posts on twitter.
>>5726566 here, thank you >>5726620
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Because they voted Trump? I know it's dumb to point out that it doesn't make sense but that's funny considering legal immigrants (i.e. the ones who are citizens and therefore able to vote at all) can't get deported and don't like illegals either.
Yes, because they voted Trump. An unprecedented amount of south Texas counties (almost always the leftist side) voted Trump this year, one of which hadn't voted R in over a century. Hispanic turnout across the country was R, and it was for that exact reason: they got in legally to get away from the people who'd get in illegally.
Thanks anon.
Miami Dade county is also red now because Cubans fucking hate commies.
Words alone cannot describe the overwhelming urge I feel to molest this woman
>habit of car screaming
Totally normal and healthy.
This one is a meme for sure. Sounds like nigra scream.
fucking kino
What the hell do these 'groids think is going to happen?
And what do these gashes think is going to happen?
They literally think minorities and women are gonna be second class citizens with no rights.
They unironically believe that all forms of birth control and contraception will be banned and abortion will be made illegal nation-wide.
They also actually believed that if Harris won, they would somehow magically re-instate roe v wade. I wish I was making this shit up but it's not hyperbole. It's kinda sad.
Outlaws when you shoot them in Mad Dog McCree
not having sex is a proven way to prevent pregnancy
All this reminds me of the ritual rending of garments and performative mourning that Jews used to do in antiquity.
>bumpkin-ass towns
makes you wonder what drives bumpkins to pick the opposite side as these people
i want to live in a world where this is factual
>why not?
this will do nicely as a general use reaction webm, thanks
Being the child of a blue voter and watching how your parents act must be traumatising.
>she sounds.. not sincere, like she does not actually have conviction in her own words
its all the fluoride and xanax
Sides are gone
I'm a University Professor with a PHD in Electrical Engineering and I voted for Trump. Most actually intelligent people are Republican btw.
WAIT is this the HR lady? The one who posted about how she will talk to other HR ladies and prevent you from getting a job?
i am not sure whether they are acting like victims because that's the only thing fulfilling their desire for purpose or if it's due to being terminally online and watching television news that they think something big is gonna happen.
>it should not be this close
yep. it wasn't. democracy has spoken.
>STEM educated people vote mostly 50/50
>Liberal arts educated people vote almost exclusively blue
>only one of these groups is likely to be composed of low-skilled labor and wagies.

They can be both
Silly goose, blue voters don't have kids.
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she's smiling at the start. lmfao. she's asking to get BLEACHED
amen. but still not enough.
these retards should be beaten over the head with sanity and common sense just like we're being beaten by their niggerfaggot propaganda from every screen.
Eddie Bravo is taking this really hard eh? I thought he would vote republican
Reopen the asylums and throw em in.
They aren't actually gonna learn no matter how hard you teach them. Even if you do get through to them, they tune it out and are exactly the same the next day.
That being said, the popular vote win ensures what's effectively a cultural shift. Media knows that twitter is a terrible demographic and that they've been pandering to a minority the whole time. I hope, and it's genuine hope here, that this might actually help entertainment as a whole. I've even seen signs of entertainment healing, like that one Sydney Sweeney commercial aimed at male buyers.
I think its cute you still have hope for the entertainment industry.
Trust me, they will not learn a damn thing from this.
Then thank God for AI and independent entertainment.
It's either they change their shit or die (either literally or just go ignored) and be replaced completely just like the news was replaced by random people with cameras.
>Sydney Sweeney
isn't she playing a coal burner in an upcoming movie?
>my parents don't understand what they voted for
Again, people are tired of being lectured by fear mongers.
That wasn't my point. My point was that was probably the first tit-bait commercial I'd seen in years.
Her mouth is so big it looks like she doesn't even have a chin lol
Lol that's the most limpwristed scream I've ever heard in my life
Nobody is having sex with that ugly sheboon fuck pig HAHAHA.
Political Correctness and DEI are so fucking bad it has united Edgy Left Wingers of 20 years ago, Hispanic Men, and Black Men, even Muslims. This shit is so poison to the Democratic Party it has costed them the Popular vote. For someone like me, I support the legalization of Weed and Psychedelics, my Entertainment not fucked with(DEI/Political Correctness), but because the Democratic Party and Progressives are retards with DEI/Political Correctness and do not listen to anyone but themselves, we are unable to support Candidates, but will support certain ballot causes.
"Sir, Private Pyle reporting as ordered, sir!"
She has to know she looks like a howler monkey right? Like its just silly.
lol this one is fake. You can tell by how exaggerated it is.
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>Bottom Middle Blue Shirt with Red Hair With the "I'm so sorry we tried Kamala"
This woman knows it's trivial lol. She is doing it so that way she is not thrown out of her friend group and is holding back from laughing at how retarded the whole thing is.
I so would do her.
Adios amigo :^)
But all women are whores, how are they gonna manage that?
i didn't sit there and vote for trump, i stood there and voted for trump
actually there was a guy on crutches at my polling place and they gave him a chair to sit and vote
that's a shame, she could actually look very pretty but then she had to expose how fucked in the head she is.
Fucking LMFAO
i agree. the animation is top notch but they really gotta work on their writing. mix of boomer and forced humor
Damn lol thank god for the moderates and independents saving us from Kamala Harris in Arizona. No sane normal person would vote for a candidate that is not for the working class families and is DEI.
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with sound
honestly those shades are pretty fire, i'd go to a party in those
so it's been a trend for a while, but what good does posting a video of yourself crying do??? yeah attention, but now it's on the internet forever
All that stuff is plain demonic, that's the only explanation that works.
I'm not looking forward to another 4 years psychosis
>your guy loses
>better make a tiktok and show the world how childish you are
Why do people do this? Fuck bad publicity is better than no publicity. It just doesn't make sense to throw a wobbler on camera and have the whole world laugh at you.
Well done Anon.
Oh believe me you will not. This was a slaughter and a fucking mandate against a lot of what we have witnessed this decade Political Correctness/DEI, Our Entertainment being messed with, Food costing a lot, not caring about Working Class and uneducated voters. It costed them the entire popular vote, the presidency, the senate, and I will not be surprised if the House swings right wing as well. DNC absolutely failed on every fundamental level to listen and it's on them, not on Russia, not on the people, but the leadership and the cultural conglomerates of the DNC. Otherwise they will end up losing Black Voters, Mexicans, Uneducated voters, Working Class and White Voters.
Nobody's having sex with her anyway
same thing that makes them put their pronouns in bio it's mental illness solidarity
Holy fuck that is one gigantic freakish nose
Nobody voted against Kamala because she's a woman, people voted against her because she fucking sucks
Absolutely mental how feminists went from fighting for rights, to fighting for supremacy, to fighting to turn each other into spinsters.
What is the antonym for 'prognathism?'
They seem uptight and have no personality other than Identity Politics and Sexuality. It's something I notice with these people on Social Media. It must be a miserable existence to have nothing to their lives other than that, and their pretend hobbies. Maybe if they went outside or actually watched some anime, smoked some weed or played some vidya and made real friends. Their lives would be far better.
Anon, my sides
fuckin kek
no, these creatures are hideous
The whole "on the internet forever" thing doesn't even matter anymore with how saturated it is with crap like this. Everyone just wants to see the next thing.
Never left.
Is that shower cap meant to look like a watermelon?
The woman in
says it loud and clear.
>I'm scared to go to sleep, I might wake up a motherfuckin slave
Delusional, but hilarious
Capcha: MTKKK
>Tell me this is all a dream
Funny enough I had to check multiple times to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but I thought I was having a really good dream
Why does aunt jemimah have fish hooks in her nose?
She looks like she's about to start singing about some poor, unfortunate souls
Lose some weight, stop making politics entire life, and have some hobbies. Maybe she would be a better person overall. Making this the center of your existence and not having chill is just a miserable lifestyle.
I voted for Trump in 2016 because it made me laugh and I got 4 years of pure entertainment. I voted for Biden in 2020 for the exact same reason and was paid in full. Voted Trump this time and I expect payment in full and then some. What a time to be alive, anons!
they genuinely think that trump is going to re-enslave them.
i wish he was so much as a tiny fraction of how extreme they think he is.
This. I want Trump to do one fucking tenth of the insane shit the left says he'll do.
uh trump didn't outlaw abortion he just delegated it to the states which is the constitutional thing to do for issues which the people are divided on... if you knew anything about politics, the constitution, the structure of government you'd know that having the federal government decide issues that the country is split 50/50 on is a bad idea... little something called the civil war... fucking retard.
Do people care about that that much? I know he's not a good person but the charges weren't that severe (something with taxes or not paying for something) and the whole process was a kangaroo court.
In comparison, I bet that if you scanned any major politician enough you would find much more heinous shit to put them into death row

did something else came out or they're still clinging to "grab em by the pussy" thing?
>thread made 10 hours ago
>close to bump limit
You guys really are seething.
>ugly girl comes to terms with the fact that guys will only consider her a slampig at best
this is what happens when you teach people that they're a privileged class for decades
bless you, anon
>You guys
No one in this thread is seething. We're laughing at the crying democrats.
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Nick Fuentes egging them on
holy shit
these dumb cunts literally get everything they believe from tiktok and reddit kek
>oh yeah? we cant fuck men without consequence anymore?
>well we'll go back to TRADITIONAL VALUES!
>thats right, no more sex or children! we are ALL going to wait until we find a man that truly loves us the way we love them!
>and not only that! but we'll stop trying to disguise the fact that a lot of us are shallow and vapid cunts!
>so now you'll be able to choose someone based off of their real personality a lot easier
>yeah! that'll show you men who's boss!
its quite comical.
the amount of lardball feminists i see that act like "oh yeah well you cant fuck me!" is some massive own is hysterical.
no, fat fuck, the chads arent lining up to fuck you.
at most you'll get some fetishist that cares more about your body than the ideals that you scream about on a day to day basis.
Oh should've posted the original:

That tiktok reaction was just the first time I saw it
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>what has happened to democracy
you're looking at it.
When she turned the camera on the three chads, enraged at how they probably voted, while making a video about how mad she is that they didn't vote her way, she STILL went straight to sexual fantasies about them. I am fucking CREASING.
Delusional people
the thread
its actually pretty sad to see now many undeucated "educated" people there are, bitching and monaing abou moogeyman shit they believed because media.
its crazy on at least a few levels
Good shit man
My ears thank you
this bitch's hands are bending backwards what the fuck
>we were progressing
fucking what?
Jesus Christ that had me laughing louder than I have in a long time.
nah, thats dumb as fuck.
fucking lol
>I nodded at a stranger on the street and she nodded back. she must feel so devastated. also did I mention I'm off my meds?
>my body, my choice
>i think ALL women should stop having sex in protest
make it make sense
Couldn't get through this one. too painful for a cringe thread
but she doesn't deserve it, beucae she wanted to vote for someone else.
> people are experiencing pain and fear
Not my problem!
I'm not, he's let a lot of fucked up shit happen on his watch including UN agenda 2030 shit. he's a fucking traitor
everyone hates commies
>listening to a troll, a known troll
Oh my god what happen to her chin?
Why are the majority of these bitches balding?
She hasn't matured into a salamander yet.
You should appreciate it. They're marking themselves as damaged goods that should be treated as such. Most men don't find it attractive but they know an easy mark when they see it.
Try to think of it as a little gold star on their sleeve.
>you don't scare me. work on it
Demonic af lmao
do people actually believe this kind of shit? if they actually believe this? The media conglomoerates should be sued for psychological terrorism or something. these people have probably 85 IQ and cant take this modern day propaganda they';re going to die from a stroke.
where do you think you are?
No people don't really care.
The whole felon thing was about campaign finance laws and it wasn't a serious crime, it's just that breaking a federal law is known as as a felony and they really wanted to harass Trump and stop him from running again.
The break down is that he wrote his payoff to the whore as a business expense when it should have been a campaign expense, but if he wrote it off as a campaign expense they would have charged him for not writing it as a business expense. Thus nobody cares because they weren't treating him fair anyway.
>president elected through democratic vote
the irony
>you are the people in history they warned us about
the irony
... for the last clip she edited a cat into the background
WHY? what purpose does that serve?
i mean you can plainly tell its edited in, the shading is all off and it moves around a little when first in the frame.
They will have to get jobs and be an upstanding member of the community.
I'm curious. How did the far right reaction on social media when Biden won?
Oh wait never mind, I just remembered they stormed the white house lol.
thanks doc
Both sides are stupid
>feel like ive watched a hundred clips already
>only a third of the way down the thread
holy kino
No, he's genuinely faking in that he wants you to think he cares to the extent he hopes to portray thus. Such individuals all look the same to me, regardless of the fact they have different facial skeletal structure or hair color. This is the spirit of the sodomite damned, a limp wristed basedboy nigger buffoon who behaves mindlessly like their peers and parrots exactly what the gay devil wants them to say in order to bend over and fit in like they love to with their interdimensional anal parasite buttbrothers in Lucifer.
He physical face is fine, but she intuitively gives me the vibe she sucks so much cock, and probably faps to interracial porn. If I were her father, whatever it is she's yammering out, I would have broken her jaw. Then again, such things would probably excite a repressed carnal desire within her to be physically dominated by a man.
She looks like she faps to fart porn.
uploaded it to YouTube
Thank you for winning us the election :D
>Most actually intelligent people are Republican btw
that's a lie
>Liberal arts educated people vote almost exclusively blue
You actually need open mind and creativity to create art so that's not surprising
The left is genuinely retarded and has no creativity.
No one stormed the whitehouse you retard. Really showing off that liberal ignorance.
>xhe believes that IQ is a proper indicator of intelligence
oh no no no...
thanks, here's a webbum
Well, Fuentes is a Kamala supporter, so...
Ah sweet! There's gonna be a shortage of crazy pills!
File: bye.webm (301 KB, 1920x1080)
301 KB
the real biden died. this biden is a wholesome actor.
File: 1453160073457.gif (3.89 MB, 221x268)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB GIF
Kitty! :)
I would dick her down so good she’d calm down
some of them 100% believe that Trump will revoke all legal rights for minorities on day 1 in office
there were people that literally killed themselves because of the brainwashing
This bitch could eat a watermelon in one gulp
Trannies trying so hard to look and act like men yet they're still crying like a woman at every hurdle
>tell people to not only not vote trump but to vote kamala

I cannot fathom the mind of a loyal groyper
>wanting reasonably priced goods to stop having their prices arbitrarily jacked up means you’re broke
Spoken like someone who never once had to foot the bill for a meal in their life.
It's a form of public ritual mourning, which is not a new concept. Tiktok is just a new vector for something that's been done for thousands of years. In a way, the "best" meltdowns are a badge of honor because they put on a performance that stands out.
its absolutely crazy
>make thread
>wait 2 hours, only 3 posts
>go to bed
>check thread in the morning
>350 posts
>these are the same people who always talk about wanting to help the poor
This is hard proof that god is a sadist, there's no other reason to make women be like this
That makes me feel better about some funny shit he did, I've held in laughs thinking wait remember this guy is a pedo
How should women submited to the satanical ideas of feminism act?
No it's not, look at hos nails

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