previous >>5703415Post vidya gaem related stuff
Does anyone know the source of the music that's used here?
>>5728217the one used on the magic spinning wheel*
>>5727887Holy shit! Is this real?
>>5727889Oy vey!
>>5728217I think it comes from Hearthstone.
>>5728247Yup, took a little looking, but here it is! Timestamped it so you'd get straight to the right spot.
>>5728247>>5728250You're right! Thanks.I knew I recognized the track from somewhere, and I thought it sounded like it was from Blizzard doing a bit looking myself, I found the original track
>>5728259I wouldn't have managed to figure it out without the gritty old movie wind up effect at the start. Despite my very short time of messing with Hearthstone, that stuck with me.
>>5727887I wish I could find that one webm of these lizards dancing. :(
>>5727939Never watched this, is it good?
>>5728238yup. tobal 2
what did Multiversus mean by this?
>>5727887I miss the 90s.
>>5727958Is that the same motherfucker from the Eric Andre show?
>>5729574And league of extraordinary gentlemen.
>>5729035looks like natalie mars
>>5728356Yeah it's a good movie, anon. Although even the cut down version is 2h 24m long. If you don't mind length, go for the director's cut
>>5727887Anyone here remember I-ninja?
>>5732053ya, it sucks. can't believe I bothered to finish it.
>>5728292Fucking Pizza cutter swords.
>>5732642okay you got me, what didn't you like about it, I played it as a kid so my opinion of it is clouded by nostalgia.
>>5734689Hate this little shit like you wouldn't believe. Sunshine did many bad things and he's one of the worst.
>>5736687I haven't seen that dkr level for 25 years. Thanks.
>>5733370Amy is so fucking cute and sexy.
>>5727887>>5728292>I like good pussy and i like good weed....
>>5727894LSD dream simulator type beat
>>5737638thats kinda cool, although its funny gen z just shits themselves instantly like just attack it bro
>>5737798Anime faces in 3D are so fucking uncanny. Legitimately disgusting.
>>5737831t. boomer
>>5737661I still remember discovering the ATV map bound as a kid, and it was legit the coolest thing that had ever happened to me.
>>5737634hearty kek
>>5738073So what are the max restraints for mp4 on 4chan?