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File: Devilfish.webm (5.56 MB, 640x640)
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Post stuff that lives in the ocean
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File: Swimming Anemone.webm (5.8 MB, 1000x562)
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wtf is that real?
File: SHARTLANTIS.webm (2.35 MB, 1280x720)
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All* anemones are capable of moving from place to place with their foot, some move slowly like a snail, some detach completely if they feel threatened, too much light, not enough, too much flow, not enough etc.
SOmewhat common in hobbyist aquaria where they will find their way into display pumps, block the overflow grill, do cartwheels over everything killing everything they touch etc.
That fish at 00:27 always cracks me up:
>uh... what the fuck...? ...nobody is going to believe me
>do cartwheels over everything killing everything they touch
My butthole after spicy food
File: File Clam.webm (5.57 MB, 1024x576)
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Under the sea OST
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i was not prepared for that
>sea turtles mate
Anyone got some Deep Sea Webms? Those are my favorites
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How about some things that don't live in the ocean?
i wonder how is it to meet like one of these close by
finger lickin good
File: deep-sea fish.webm (5.62 MB, 1280x720)
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Humans have fucked things up so we're starting over again.
There's always a bigger fish.
File: deep water merchs.webm (3.17 MB, 640x360)
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Is that Plura cave?
It's the Blue Hole in the Red Sea.
At a glance, this might give an explanantion why so many people die there.
File: Banded Sea Kraits.webm (5.74 MB, 1024x576)
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File: Baleen Whale Fall.webm (5.49 MB, 1000x564)
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File: Juvenile Tripod Fish.webm (4.48 MB, 1080x1350)
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Makes me want to bite into a juicy, fatty steak.
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Humpbacks don't tolerate the sound of respirators so you have to freedive with them in the middle of the open ocean, well away from the boat. So it's a little scary. However if they like you, you're next to one of the biggest and deadliest things in the ocean so maybe you'll be alright.
what would happen if I stuck my dick in it
File: brine.webm (2.09 MB, 1280x720)
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'tis a remoreseless eating machine
Cute fishy can't get a drive thru.
>GARY! I was just looking for the /sp/ thread!
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I find it sad that space is seen as the pinnacle of exploration and science even in spite of the timescale of experiments and explorations of it being so bad, having to wait till your deathbed to hear results. And even if you can make use of such, it requires billion dollar instruments such that little of it beyond what can be seen from a 500$ telescope can be confirmed by the non aquainted. And even if you just trust them, most of it's nothing, which in fairness is expected given the supposed vastness.

Meanwhile there's countless bizarre lifeforms, both superficially and functionally, lurking in the waters that make up 80% the globes surface area, which man can reach much more easily, to further understand extremely different morphologies, life cycles, strategies and so on and it's the least explored area of zoology, and, excluding microorganisms, biololgically.
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I think part of the reason that there is so little funding for ocean exploration is because resource extraction from the ocean is so valuable.
If a particular area is shown to be rich in biodiversity then it becomes harder to justify the exploitation of those resources.
It's much easier to just drill, mine, and trawl the ocean with blind ignorance to how much irreversible damage is being caused.
File: bigfin squid.webm (2.17 MB, 1280x720)
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>most of it's nothing, which in fairness is expected given the supposed vastness.
You say that like the ocean is different. As if, even with the enormous amount of life it holds, the overwhelming majority of ocean isn't just boring salt water.
Saying "which man can reach much more easily" is plenty debatable. Consider that the longest continuous amount of time a human has lived in space is 437 days, while underwater it's 100 days. Cheaper doesn't mean it's free to look around, so an understanding of especially deep ocean life still places you at the mercy of scientists who can afford to look. Just saying, if a skeptic was shown the original footage of a bigfin squid (which I apparently don't have), he could very easily say it looks like doctored bullshit.

Hating corporations is perfectly natural, but come on, man. Yes, we can easily and confidently point to something like horseshoe crabs and say corporations don't actually care about the well-being of animals, but in this situation, we can ask why they should bother to look in the first place. To anyone, corporations and individuals, caring about the environment beyond the demands of law or social pressure is purely an act of charity. If the location of such resources are already known, there is no reason why anyone should spend extra on this thing, other than unaffiliated groups saying they should.
File: Squid Chromatophores.webm (4.77 MB, 1024x580)
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if only women had bioluminescent pussy lips to attract males...
Apparently this is well documented behavior by this seal. She'll tail the research group and when they shine stuff at night she'll go in and grab it.
>Humpbacks don't tolerate the sound of respirators
why is that? I don't know much about diving
>we can ask why they should bother to look in the first place.
to protect other animals living on earth, chud. simple. clearly, individuals at least have an interest in marine life. corporations, unlike people, naturally have no interest in acts of charity because they are motivated by profit, but that doesn't mean that individuals can't construct a system under which corporations are unable to exploit marine life in the interest of both charity & research, which could also open up new industries for corporations to benefit from>>5736205
>we can ask why they should bother to look in the first place.
to protect other animals living on earth, chud. simple. clearly, individuals at least have an interest in marine life. corporations, unlike people, naturally have no interest in acts of charity because they are motivated by profit, but that doesn't mean that individuals can't construct a system under which corporations are unable to exploit marine life in the interest of both charity & research, which could also open up new industries for corporations to benefit from
Needed the Half Life head crab screams.
it's turtles, all the way down
that's a sperm whale
The fact that corporations do donate to charitable causes aside, usually announcing as much for praise... People who are interested in marine life and maybe support the cause in buying certain documentaries are common, but it's a rare individual who simply donates with no expectation of a return. The question isn't whether anyone is interested or not, it's investment and return - the only difference being a person and a corporation here is scale, and related societal expectations. Corporations may pretend to care, but I shouldn't have to cite things like Kony to show how easy it is for people to "have an interest" just as well.
Speaking of easy, it costs nothing to say the other guy should use his resources to better the world. In a reality where "a fool and his money are soon parted," the world is still waiting someone who can afford to be such a generous Timothy Dexter. It doesn't matter if there's a literal panacea in the ocean somewhere, waiting for a benevolent and pure soul, there's a great deal of risk and investment involved with searching, to say nothing of the probable cost of actually attaining or developing a viable eco-friendly alternative to such a resource.
I'm not saying corporations are blameless, which you might realize in the part where it was said "Hating corporations is perfectly natural." I'm saying, given a calm and unbiased mindset, their decision is perfectly understandable. Corporate greed is ultimately human greed, just as corporate thoughtlessness is perfectly human. Whatever hypothetical utopian system we can imagine to protect nature while reaping all the benefits, individuals anxious to take advantage of that system will always exist.

tl;dr - dream on, kid. I bet you think "real" communism would totally work, only it's never been tried.
File: slugthing.mp4 (2.68 MB, 460x816)
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When you think about it. All of these strange creatures have evolved and adapted to live under water with reduced gravity while breathing water. If creatures like this exist in this underwater world. Who's to say creatures can't exist in the vacuum of space. If there's a will there's a way. I'm sure there has to be some organisms that are capable of living in any environment you can imagine.
File: squid.webm (2.8 MB, 960x540)
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So many of these underwater creatures look scary and alien. I wonder what a creature which could survive in space would look like? They would have to evolve in such a way we couldn't even imagine.
>Fish of the medieval era: Swam, went to church, paid taxes
>Fish of modern era: Lazy, don't swim, don't pay taxes
File: Sea Angel Under Ice.webm (4.67 MB, 1280x720)
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