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post election seething

Previous threads
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couple of reposts to get it going again
holy fucking shit it's a woman
What's 4b?
Another "We women will stop trying to appeal to men... we mean it this time!" thing?
>men did nothing
>men won
The most hilarious thing about this is that the type of woman the type of man who voted for Trump wants is the type of woman who likely voted for Trump herself and/or isn't an 'alternative' whore, so the only men these retards will hurt with this is the type of liberal simp pussy who cries himself to sleep every night thinking about how evil dem Drumpf is. Jesus CHRIST women are retarded.
...is it, though?
4b was started by north korean women
its just them being volcel because they hate their men
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By all means, screeching libtwats. Stop having sex and procreating with emaciated, bald soisimps. That's a whole generation of bug eaters the rest of the planet won't have to suffer. Please fucking DO let yourselves get bred out. That'll sure show everyone.
did CWC react to the election results?
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Inflation going down already
any webm of a cuckold saying his gf is doing 4b but making an exception for the black boyfriend?
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>twigs for arms
how threatening
Kek, he's taking the shit in every sense of the word I think
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hope he sees this
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I can fix her
>pick at your teeth with your tongue like a fucking ape every 3 seconds cuz you couldn't do that before recording your worthless tiktok
>have the IQ of 80 and believe wearing a mask all day will improve your health
in general the overrepresentation of women in this whole mess goes to show women should not have the right to vote or make decisions on anything more important than what to make for dinner
I didn't know you hanged out around here, mr eminem
First of all don't disrespect edward norton. Secondly, her teeth sucking is probably due to anxiety or a neurological condition like tic disorder
i'm sorry
This is good salt and all but was 1 week of salt really worth it? They aren’t gonna have meltdowns everyday and Trump’s tariff shit alone is gonna fuck up your prices at the grocery store way more than inflation did. Owning the libs is a rather fleeting high when the only thing truly getting owned is you, wagie, by your corporate masters who also happen to love Trump. I wonder why…?
this is just a freakish twisted woman like a mutant or a horrible genetic birth defect but the terrifying thing is she did this to herself.
Your first mistake was thinking voting matters
Why are Tik Tok women so ugly?
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This one is the GOAT.
Karma for the champagne socialist lmao
>hail satan
kill yourself
>hail reason
thats hilariously ironic
this entire thread is the reason why "social media" is complete fucking SHIT.
no, its you, becuase you're mentally retarded and delusional.
wonder how much NGO bucks were disperesed for that
>no hair dye
>no makeup
>no hooker clothing
Uh okay, how can I endorse this "4b movement" in my country?
God I love women, they are so innocently retarded.
Followup for this one?
>when this almost nonexistent edge case happens that the media will repeat 10 thousand times
>now let me continue destroying the fabric of society
Is that dude crying?
all canceled.
OH.... so NOW the election process is broken and fraudulent. onyl becuase "your" candidate lost, "your" side lost.
holy fucking shit lol
I have a feeling they installed Trump for stability
Now you get a 4 year pause (but never reversal from this paid-for cuckservative) before 4 more years of a democrat, ratcheting it all along a bit further
>I dont have supportive men in my life, so FUCK MEN
reproductive rights is the fucking carrots you oblivious dumbasses (useful idiots) were chasing, you latched onto.
*tighening the noose
Well, here's her YouTube page. She hasn't deleted it yet. https://www.youtube.com/@ArleneUnfiltered
They invested their time on a candidate and they lost. They are expressing upset, crying, distressed emotions, you stupid coomerbrain cunt
>we love America
do they?
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that laugh with the lack of facial expression is just psychotic
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>give us more money for our recount victory fund
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Random crazy people on Tiktok are fun, don't get me wrong. But do we have any ones of prominent leftists like Young Turks, Destiny, Vaush, etc?
I wanna see the exact moment the hope leaves their eyes when they realize Trump is gonna win
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>Aqua Tofana was a notorious poison, reputedly concocted in 17th-century Italy by Giulia Tofana, used to discreetly kill people by mimicking the appearance of ordinary cosmetics or medicine.
Why don’t you show her your tiny dick, if you really want to see her burst with facial laughter
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i think its hysterical how self destructive the left is
>opposition wins
>immediately double down on the practices that made you lose
>immediately adopt their ideals (4b)
>immediately turn on your own allies for not doing enough
>immediately ask for the people you were relying on to be deported
>immediately sterilize yourself, ensuring less dem children for future generations
>immediately mark yourself in various ways (blue bracelets, bald shave)
>immediately admit to criminal intent (perfect example just now >>5730790)
Was not charged for insurrection. Why they keep repeating this
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>you voted for a racist, rapist felon who wants to take everyones rights away so its ok
>Impeached twice
They also don’t mention he was acquitted
>And I didn't care!
Wow that's so rock and roll.
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its much easier to control people who're scared/afraid
if they stop perpetuating all the lies then they'll lose control over them
Sharia is the only solution!
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Nice lol
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Women can’t be priests, silly cosplayer
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Didn't women say they do all that shit for themselves, and it had nothing to do with men? Hmmmmmmmmmm, really makes you think...
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Don't forget the most damning one I keep hearing, like this creature says >>5730786
>oh so you wanted eggs to be cheaper?!
Outright telling people upset about the price of food to just suck it up and deal with it for the sake of a Kamala victory.
he's probably just hungry
yeah, I can definitely fix her
This is just weird.
I'm so glad the Film Actors Guild has reunited to let us know what we should think about things. Thank you, FAG
She thought the 4b's are:
You may not be threatened by her twig arms but you should be threatened by the fact that she has twigs for brain.
These creatures are so unpredictably and unfathomably retarded that out of all possible options in some situations they will come up with solutions that will make you speechlessly stare into the void. You will be horrified, enraged and amused at the same time.
I hope Sudeikis voted for Trump and will raise his kids as fag hating republicans. Possibility is small but one can hope.
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looks more like he's having a heart attack
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Based old lady
>all the "women" replies
The gender war's been ramping up for a while but I feel like this election made it explode like an atom bomb. It's one of the many facets of how retardedly polarized everything is getting, where you're letting social media tunnel vision and astroturfs convince you these screeching whores represent all women in reality, I'd even go as far as saying they don't even represent most. Only a schizophrenic TDS lolcow fringe are doing any of this liberal misandrist bullshit. If you're so autistic that you can't just go outside and you need a statistic, the majority of white women voted for Trump. The gender war is kike shit and heavily plays into the faggot agenda, probably as a depopulation thing.
>>immediately ask for the people you were relying on to be deported
I saw a huge r*ddit thread where liberals were salivating over deporting illegals. It was bizarre. And anyone who pointed out the change of heart was told
>we're just giving them what they voted for
I mean I get it, but it's still abandoning your principles
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Why do these negroids act like trump is gonna put them in shackles and send them to the cotton fields?
Americans so whats the situation? Are you seeing any public freak outs or is everything just the same as always?
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Nothing until inauguration day
makes me hopeful for another HWNDU or at least a spiritual successor

kek it would be delightful and fascinating if this whole thing births a lefty version of Qanon.
There's a ton, the KF election thread has all of them
KF is full of lying pedos who would cry just as much about Trump
Reminds me of the quote: "Men want to be the hero and save the day, women want to be the villain and get away with it."
How many women went to Epstein's island?
I know a fellow troll when I see one. This is a troll larping as a libtard
Is there something wrong in the food or water supply? people weren't this mentally ill 20 years ago.
>t. lolcow
You know who I don't see seething about the result? The kikes in pissrael. How long are the rest of you going to be content with the worthless histrionics of bipolar women and faggots instead of the shrieking and sizzling of kikes frying in their merkava tanks? You are slaves fighting other slaves in a kike arena. Kill the masters.
>your body my choice
Nobody has ever said this to anyone.
Why do these freaks keep inventing fake scenarios.
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Did they actually try to turn her word salad into a shirt?
The leftist position is based entirely upon
>we need to cater the entire law around the needs of .05% of the population
What a repulsive fat blob. Why don't these lardballs have fucking shame at their appearance?
Imagine being white in 2024 and showing any sympathy towards these feral animals. They hate you regardless of how much you bend over for them and being kind to them is only seen as a sign of weakness.

Hatred and "racism" is the natural order. Get with it or get knuckled under.
Why do leftists always glorify ugliness?
She wrote him...AND he still ain't callin'?
>"It's gonna be your street, my shit."
>two more weeks
My sides.
Does anyone have Fuentes macing the tranny at his house?
she is the wife of Jabba from star wars
>I have a feeling they installed Trump for stability
yup. right wing jews want him in for a quicker oct 7th revenge. The same right wing jews dont give a fuck about ukraine, that was a left wing jew project.
Whole lotta hubris there padre.
So glad they have had wide spread abortion for all of human history or we would have gone extinct by now
>You may not be threatened by her twig arms but you should be threatened by the fact that she has twigs for brain.
this is the face of someone who has been able to be physically abusive with others purely because she is so weak that her mosquito punches aren't worth going to jail for.
teach your daughter to not be a whore
but makeup is for women competing against each other, it's just companies preying on their insecurities
meanwhile men don't care about makeup
The left is 100% genocidally racist against white people and they have nerve to still try and act like I'm a villain for pushing back against it.

Fuck them.
They started freaking out even harder when they got told illegals can't vote.
>Street shitter import simping for women's rights.

Lol wtf
Petah griffin
Imagine huffing so many of your own farts and being so mesmerized by fear porn you go out and sterilize yourself
Did she even read that? It says the first 40k of any new donations from individuals will be given to the DNC, and then the next 3k will be allocated towards a recount.
You need to donate $43k for $3k to be allocated for a recount.
>did a democrat voter read what they were voting for/signing/paying
It's a rhetorical question isn't it
Why the hell do they think he's going to do all these things? Do they get off on being persecuted? Even my wife agrees, women in the West live life on easy mode.
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its been said ironically but taken seriously
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I'm enjoying all the WGTOW nonsense
what is up with the piercings and these people, I'm starting to see a pattern here.
Micheal Moore is such an offputting whiney slob
incomprehensible. have a nice day!
>all these people taking it so personal
Can't help but notice all of these are either mentaly ill, chaotic lifestyle womens or both.
It's like they've been endoctrinated in some kind of fucked up cult that targets weak people and use them in the most fucked up ways short of mass suicide.
how come you can tell which 'side' someone is on immediately just by whether they look like a normal person or not?
they...still think men care about make-up?
Top-right is the odd one out, right?

That guy's got to be the most incapable falseflagger in the history of falseflagging.
What the fuck is he doing now after his anti-Trump campaign? Who does he think he is fooling?
>we are going to go trad and stop being whores to own the men for not letting kameltoe win!
I didnt even vote and I feel like I'm winning. Thanks Trump.
It would truly destroy men if women stopped getting shitty nose piercings.
>i'm going to stop dyeing my hair, wearing make up, apply fake camera filters and wearing slutty clothing
I heard Afghanistan is nice at this time of year.
They love western women too, so that's a plus!
>Do they get off on being persecuted?
Uh, a lot apparently.
>racist sexist kkk
i unironically thought this was a stupid joke that psychicpebbles made up i didn't know it was a real slogan
the fuck's wrong with geminis, bitch?
>immediately sterilize yourself, ensuring less dem children for future generations
i've unironically asked family members about this, not that any of them are crazy enough to be snipped, but just the whole idea around birth control and abortion being total self destruction of your ideals. it's so fucking retarded. as if people with certain ideologies aren't already outnumbered 1000 to 1 by the rest of the world.
>i want to make the world a better place for future gens
>by not having kids and multiplying my thoughts
>and by leaving nothing but a dead end
>and making everyone's life around me harder by being retarded
that's literally how entire civilizations and cultures die out. interesting how the ones that last the longest have a strong sense of community, family, regality and sense of self worth. fucking retards.
it's ironic because she says stuff like "are you part of why this happens?" and it's actually the insane clowns like herself that caused normal sane people to step up and say enough is enough and vote for the orange man to stop the circus
Please. God. Yes.
I hope all you hysterical twats sterilize yourselves.
MAGA men aren't trying to impregnate your stupid ass. But absolutely, by all means. Close up shop and reduce the numbers of the next generation of bald, emaciated vegans throwing tantrums into fucking TikTok.
>Still not getting laid
Why is your son a political target?
Could it possibly be that he's a half-breed or assbandit?
Also, if anyone else said your 17-year-old daughter was of child-bearing age, you'd implode under the weight of your own outrage.
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/pol is pointing out how he was anti-trump and suddenly became pro-trump again
pol isn't buying it but you know how shilling goes
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>Verbally abuse some rando that disagrees in a parking lot
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Man this is the first hot chick I've seen in all these meltdowns.
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Is 4b exclusively a tic tok thing or it actually going to a trend like the safety badge or whatever it was called when trump got elected back in 2016
Must be shenanigans. There's NO WAY most of the country is tired of your smug, superior bullshit.
Do these people ever listen to themselves?
Grapist? The Don owns a vineyard?
Yes. That's the problem.
>this account is private

Kambala needs your donations to pay the 20 million celebrity bill!
Hail Satan.
Hail Reason.

I will always honor my fellow Americans before a president.
I hope her husband is driving
I'm suprised there's no AI slop meme yet
White women just barely voted for Trump, like 52%. Other women overwhelmingly voted for Kamala and young unmarried white women definitely voted for Kamala.
>They're dead
>Well they will be
Nigga what?! Lmao
good one
What the fuck is this creature?
Filters still on, honey
This one loves creampies
If they're in the minority, it's not really overwhelming, though, is it?
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She deleted/privated the followup cope video she made, but the internet doesn't forget
Sorry mate but that doesn't answer my question. I mean are people discussing 4b outside of tik toc, like is this being a talking point irl and on other sites like yt, Twitter and more?
It's nonsense that's exclusively online. These whores will still fuck men, they'll just pretend not to for internet points.
Based spirit trolling that goth hoe
She ditched her septum, hair dye, aborted daughter, because she forgot the condom. She sent to letters to the father, but he must not've got 'em
>my enemies won so I'm castrating myself
Try to imagine historians 100 years from now trying to wrap their heads around this insane progressive retardation.
progressive christians are a fucking disease
the effeminate and homosexuals will not be saved (1Cor 6:9-10)
Lmfao this coon had me goin for a bit
>Never happened in history
Raegan painted the entire country red. Fuck I am so glad these bitches are suffering, nobody deserves it more
Chris moved to some alt-twitter called Bluesky.
This is what they have to say regarding the election

They also watched some of the election live but I don't think they reacted to the final result.
That dudes cringey as fuck
Didn't they do all that shit for themselves?
Fucking morons. Who tf would want to date a tatted noseringer anyway man....ffs/.
Is it really that taboo to not care about politics in the US? In my country anyone who talks about politics in public is considered a weirdo
The people filming themselves like this are the outliers and are mentally ill.
It's totally normal to not care. Only 145 million people voted out of 334 million.
You know kids cant vote, right?
Excluding minors still means there are over 100 million adults who didn't vote.
>Putting a covid mask on to protest trump
Holy shit unironically that is kino. A shame the other women are opting for a movement that would take months in order to show any results at best and literally next to impossible to empirically prove anyone if following at worst
If you admit you don't vote 9/10 times it's going to result in someone going "wtf you should vote x you don't care anyway right"
They fail to grasp the nuance of the situation and just think you're someone to convert. I just say I didn't vote and act like I'm still deciding so they vent their opinion non-hostile and I move on with my life.
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What race is he?
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seemse tense
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seems* tense
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probably space lasers
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dont forget to feed your women
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None of these people actually care
They just make these for clout
Is that a fucking lightsaber?
Um... Based?
Where have i heard this before?
I dint think lefties realize how many people don't agree with them in this country.
top kek
black (puerto rican)
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Epstein didn't get away with it. And neither did Maxwell, who was a lady.

As in, pretend
Men (including assholes) imagine themselves as heroes even when their not, and women fantasize about villainy (like poisoning) in ways men never do
Actual fucking fanfiction.
and this time trump knows what he's doing ontop of bringing his own team so he wont be constantly backstabbed.
best part is that this wouldnt have happened if they just let him take 2020 before continuing as normal in 2024.
Surrogate activity
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holy shit that thing exists
what the fuck is wrong with you get some taste you animal
atheistic Satanism is a jewish movement. the OP is the direct result of kikes.
Are you gay? She is genuinely cute.
You're free to like what you want, but there are more attractive women ITT.
oh so shes not hot anymore, shes cute, got it.
Which country is this? One where it's against the law to complaining about African migrants raping your women?
kek this is some kino trolling
I wasn't expecting something as seemingly innocuous as turning on the sound would leave me so traumatized
She literally think making herself up is for the benefit of men
After this bitch is done feeding her kitties, she's going out to look for a samsquanch on her way to the liquor store
>Which country is this?
>Complaining about African migrants raping your women
We don't have many Africans but we do complain about migrants sometimes
Learn to fucking read
Yeah it's funny don't act like you dweebs haven't been coping and seething for 4 years straight by telling yourselves the 2020 election was stolen lol
too lazy to convert
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>someone mentions they're not from America
>American immediately assumes they're European and starts spouting his interracial cuckold fantasies
Thats some insane savior complex all while being an obvious race traitor in some degree. When do these retards wake up and see that they're traitors to their own kind and the people they desire to save actively hate them?
How much more delusional can you be? I get this is obvious propaganda but you just know people will take the bullshit he's saying as truth.
This lady's been spending too much time on /pol/
It's their religion anon, they reject christ to believe in that shit, the school system got rid of the cross and put this shit in its place.
I spoke like it was their choice to be like that, but really it wasn't, their games where rigged to be self destructive toward themselves, their ethicity and their very civilisation right from the start, by shitty family and a society that twist their mind in terrible ways.
What, you thought MUH DICK was just a meme? It's based on reality, that's what they fall back to, every time. If anything, the only weird thing is to see it from a woman kek
>still 52%
your ESL is showing

matter of fact, what's up with the amount of ESL's in this thread? fuck out of here.
He's not the real slim shady.
I'm the real slim shady.
kek not even that much of an exaggeration
Just process of elimination. If not European, then likely some utter shit hole like India or China.
>spouting his interracial cuckold fantasies

Seems just like yesterday when German police were caught trying to cover up 1,200 of their women getting sexual assaulted ina single night
>uploading premeditated murder plans
Great fucking way to get yourself instantly investigated, even if he dies from slipping on a banana peel.
Yeah no fuckin shit it's taboo to talk about politics in your country, you have a monarchy
He's right though, most brown women like Mexicans and such are not privy to this LGBT latin X horse shit. Kamala only got support from indoctrinated college age women, wine aunts, and black women.
If anything this election was proof. Suddenly when dems cant kick out poll watchers like 8 million votes disappear
She does understand that if Trump is gonna start hunting down abortionists with a death squad, then sterilizing herself just after his election will be a pretty damn obvious sign that she is one, right?
how did you post a 8m webm?
it's the other way around

44 89 88
i fucking hate how hard they try to call abortion medical care. It's not medical care you cunt, you bitches just don't want to take responsibility.
this one probably does take the cake in terms of smugness. She absolutely had no clue lmao
>all swing states plus Iowa
>i'm a political analyst
ho-lee-shit. This is your brain on liberal pollsters.
I don't think even the women featured in these videos are dumb enough to have sex with niggers if there was a nationwide abortion ban.
>we are being watched and recorded
>he says as he is recording himself
salt archives from this and the last few breads. most duplicates removed.
Part 1: https://files.catbox.moe/5q3g64.zip
Part 2: https://files.catbox.moe/fx5lzz.zip
Part 3: https://files.catbox.moe/mwna4p.zip
She's sooo fucking smug in the first clip, the followup cope is so satisfying
>"I'm a political analyst."
HAHAHAHAHA so now posting tiktoks about politics makes you a political analyst?? She didn't factor in racism and misogyny into her original analysis??? SHE SUCKS AT HER POLITICAL ANALYST CAREER ON TIKTOK
>44 89 88
is that hex/decimal value to edit or something?
Yes, that's what barely means you dipshit.
anon, I'm crying. superb job
perhaps check the archive
>Greetings fellow rightwingers...
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You think everyone is memeing when they say /pol/ went brown?
>Weaponizing miscegenation
>Gloating about imaginary mutt children
Notice how this blade only cuts one way? Notice how there is no rhetoric telling blacks “lol your kids will be half White?” Why? Because niggers are as aware of their own inferiority as anyone else - more so in fact. But, sad for them, they’re also too stupid to realize this fact is implicit in their rhetoric.
He watched some but then he got bored and played some steam game for a while and stopped streaming.
there are a lot of true believers
the young ones you are probably right about
the old blown out roasties and degenerate gays? they are melting down.
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Christcuckery is the same kind of savior complex bullshit. Until Christianity is a white only religion, its not any different than what that women is doing.
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My contribution.

do I need to say it? do I?
thatnks for the $, suckers!!
NO you can't deduct i toff your taxes
>I'm 16 let me tell you all about what you should be doing
these are the people who are allowed to vote, drive, buy firearms.
>you voted for a racist, rapist felon
if that is true, then why isnt he in prison?
also jews want to genocide more than half the world, enslave the rest, but thats fine.
>because he's a privileged narcissistic manipulative liar who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth and gets away with everything
the cope is cyclical and doesnt stop
it never ends
new bread

Nothing will actually happen, but it'll be a glorious 4 years of seeth none the less.
Quality stuff
>chaos god slaanesh recruitment video
>daughter turns of age and the first thought is to get doctors to surgically help her fuck more if she's not able to just get free abortions
Every vid makes me happier and happier she lost. TOTAL ROASTIE DEATH
so she admits abortions are only for black babies?
lol what a faggot
Look at those pink palms and rosey cheeks.
This isn't real, it's a character.
I can't prove this.
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reposting this because it's so good
>There is one fundamental thing [actually several things] you cannot account for when predicting the outcome of an election.
So, isn't she saying that it's impossible to predict all elections? Are all "political analysts" out of a prediction job now thanks to the [Whatever her name is] Theory?

"I predict Candidate X will win."
"Wrong! Racism and misogyny means you cannot predict elections!"
"Oh, snap."
There's that coping and seething, right on cue lol
so you're saying that becuase he's rich, laws don't apply to him? amazing.
>the cope is cyclical and doesnt stop
I couldn't agree more.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares.
>I have 2 kids
I feel bad for your kids. really.
>If celebrities like me
I don't know who you are, doubt if you said your name I would know who you are.
This ugly bitch SHOULD put a mask back on, ideally in the form of a paper bag over her head.
>hot chick,
Anon, I...
The two-tone knot-top hairdo isn't helping either
>well they're not dead but will be soon
>megan thee stallion
>I endorsed Harris and... so did Taylor Swift!
>we must die with the consequences of that failure
This is 100% satire. 10/10 deadpan.
Great stuff.
Really just goes to show how easy women have it in life, they're never obligated to develop self-awareness and restrict themselves accordingly if they're ugly or retarded. Ugly dysgenic autistic males on the other hand get this beaten into them at an obscenely young age until they've internalised it for the rest of their lives and either retreat to the basement where nobody has to see them or keep their heads down in a wageslave service tard job.
>Take it or leave it!
Bitch, you're ugly as sin, LOL.

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