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We need more tracks for his new music album
shit thread go back to /pol/
nick pulled a boogie, he should hang a sign on his door saying 'cootie free zone, boys only!'
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back to /pol/ poltroon
zero activity advertising thread
I like what he has to say. I just wish he'd had sex before... with something other than prostitutes.
lmao she looks so mad
Rachael Maddow looks like skis a lot but is so scared to admit it.
Just anally annihilated.
Just vaginally victimized.
There's no coming back from that because it's women's worst fear incarnate. A man that gets pussy without a relationship.
I knew that guy was a piece of shit the second he hit the vape in the middle of the discussion.
An old favorite
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Post women getting wet to his audio.
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oy vey
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>cia controlled opposition
You're a kike who doesn't want white unity.
Nick Fuentes is not white and doesn't represent white unity.
He looks white to me
Nick, your religion and homeland is no better. You can't deny Jesus in Vatican City. And if Jews have to answer for netanyahu, then you have to answer for the gay Pope.
whites don't want white unity you fucking weasel
Only retards with no community crave "white unity"
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Unless men are physically around each other and physically go to locations to accelerate and teach children to lift and read, white unity will not exist. The man you see on the internet screen with lots of subscribers who love him isn't unified, he's a man on a screen who believes the holocaust happened. There is a difference between intelligent men and popular men, though each server their purpose. Take Andrew Tate for example, it's the same in his case.
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unironically is this guy a glowie? he's fucking cartoonish lmao
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looks like he lives at home still and uses mace
Yes spic fuentes is a glownigger psyop. right wing white guys for harris.
not arrested on jan 6? all you need to know.
join america first, become unemployable get doxxed by your own "friends" and become a non threat to the system. vote harris!

>Proof Nick Fuentes knew Ali Alexander was a pedophile and grooming teens in America First

>Full Ali Alexander deep dive

>Ali Alexander: I came up with the Jan 6 idea with congressmen Gosar, Brooks and Biggs

>Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes and Ali Alexander inside the Georgia state Capitol

>Pro-Trump ‘Stop the Steal’ organiser apologises for asking teenage boys for sexual pictures

>Ali Alexander texting and being friendly with known federal informant

>Conspiracy Of Silence: "The Franklin Scandal"
>Very reminiscent of America First
No. When dealing with people like Spencer or Fuentes, federal agencies always try to alienate them from their followers rather than posing as one.
immaculate fit
He's gay.
fuck off beaner you'd have no reason to speak english the moment you gain majority get the fuck out of the country
Dude I agree 100%. Everything Nick's done has obviously hurt everything he pretends to stand for.

He spent a whole year smearing and lying about Trump, which is obviously only going to sway Trump voters. 99% of his fan base is right wing so obviously no Kamala voters are even going to hear what he has to say. If anyone who supports Trump still has any trust in Nick, open your fucking eyes dude.

Then to post all this cringe pretending he supported Trump the whole time, when in reality it's just the profitable thing to do. Which is obviously his motivation, to make money. This whole quote going around of him saying "hey bitch, we control your bodies" is obviously rage bait for women, made to get his clips shared. I don't believe women should have any rights, but to use his platform to be so obnoxious and inflammatory about it is obviously just for his own benefit.

If you're going to make an argument for male leadership, you should do it in good faith. Not act like a taunting toddler. It's important for any Trump supporters right now to be trying to retain swing-voter support. Republicans are doing incredible with support from white women, one of the best elections in decades. Now is a better time than ever for white American men to try to find a good woman to marry and start a family - a time to come together and put the gender war in the past. The gender war will likely get stronger again and it would be beneficial to help women see the positive side to male leadership before that happens.

I know most of these Nick posts are just bots but if any of you actually support him, you should really reconsider giving a platform to a rage bait artist who's just making money at the expense of rightwing popularity.
You don't get it. Nick has his own objectives. It's not about Trump, it's about wrestling others for influence for his own ideological goals. He does this by pressuring negative messaging when Trump does a good thing and a cautious positive when he does a good thing. Trump has lots of zionist, neocons, anti-speech, pro-mass legal immigration, anti-christian, establishment types, anti-nationalists, etc. influences. These are some of what Nick rallies his base around. The 1st Trump admin proved that blind loyalty will get you nothing unless you capitalize on gains yourself. That means asserting yourself despite Trump, as the reward for many blind loyalists was being thrown under the bus in the jan 6th mass imprisoning while blacks (platinum plan) and jews (pardons and israeli support/assassinations) got stuff while white americans got shit. As Biden/Kamala got punished on 2024 for their gaza/economy bs, Trump will get punished in 2022 if he doesn't give real beneficial concessions instead of empty promises. That means NO war with Iran for Israel, no mass legal migration, and no censorship of speech including criticism of Jewish wrongs. Which even on X, you get moderation limitations placed on speech thanks to the ADL's influence.
Again, this isn't 2016, this is the post-2020 era where the dissident right now has a more realistic, pragmatic approach to Trump. Nick is correct in pushing back against establishment forces on the right pushing people to globohomo charlie kirk, ben shapiro, matt walsh types uncontested.
Case in point: if you simply listened to Trump, you'd be gigavaxxed and boostered.
Implement sound and you got a deal
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He openly did not support Trump and still doesn't. He didn't support Trump in protest of what the Republican party is doing. While Trump may have the best intentions, the RINOs around him only care about conserving gay sex and Israel. We're likely gonna go to war with Iran for Israel in the next few years.
Nick is 100% a fed. Why do you think so many people went to prison for J6 but Nick wasn't even charged?
So, on the one hand, I absolutely agree it's a bad choice to follow Trump blindly. It's unfortunate that Trump's supporters will be lucky to get an ounce of what they hope will be solved. Trump is, by no means, any kind of savior. However, I still don't see how Kamala isn't provably worse across all issues... immigration, Israel, LGBT, DEI, etc. Nick, running a campaign to support her over Trump, seemed like an edgy way for him to stir up drama and just make money from the chaos. It's difficult for me to believe it's not just about money for him.

On top of all that, I still don't see how it helps Nick accomplish any of these things you mentioned by making statements like >>5731665
To me, that is 100%, dead to rights, all the proof you will ever need that he's just screwing around making rage porn for clicks and has zero intention of trying to come to any kind of solution. He's making it more difficult to get to any kind of solution.
>”Nick is 100% a fed”
>no evidence

Nick never went into the capital and no evidence of being a fed has ever been provided

Meanwhile his main detractors are all glow like crazy and scream of an organized psyop
>Nick, running a campaign to support her.
He literally NEVER did this. Have you even watched any of his election coverage? How can you people lie so shamelessly?
wow hes a hermit lel
look at that dungeon there
bet all kindsa gay shit happens there
>bunch of psycho's coming to your house
>close all the blinds and keep lights off
a-anon i think you need to learn some instinct
>no evidence of being a fed has ever been provided

>horrible for optics
>everything he does is counterproductive
>biggest achievement is giving the other side ammunition
>despite all this continues to remain irrationally prominent
How is he not arrested for that stunt? It's literally assault.
>no evidence

Innocent person: "I didn't kill that guy!"
Guilty person: "You have no evidence I killed that guy!"
He never supported her. You cunts need to stop lying
>Nick never went into the capital and no evidence of being a fed has ever been provided
There have been people who, despite not even being within a 100mi radius of the capitol, have been charged for what happened on J6.
Some people were hunted down two years after the fact. The feds never stopped looking for people who *merely trespassed*.
Fuentes on the other hand encouraged the riot and got off scot-free.
The only way he got away with doing that shit was if he made a deal with the feds. Which probably meant working as controlled opposition to corral autistic loners into a single place (his viewership).
Notice how the video only starts as she's reaching for the doorbell? She didn't post what happened in the minutes leading up to that
>guilt by association
Nice post.
All that and still only a small fraction of participants got arrested. So 99% of people there were feds then? Of course not. Eat shit fallacy nigger.
Anon, he has fed asset written all over his face, you can't be that naive.
I know you've got nothing.
You have to be underage not to see it.
>the blue pilled anti trump guy is sticking around
Great, we didn't had enough faggots, niggers and jews around, we needed a mix of all the above with a severe case of autism.
Verification not required
You got nothing, I get it.
I got three decades of existence, it comes with some pattern recognition.
So still nothing?
"The worst the bear could do is kill me"

The bear will kill you slowly, which is also the worse both a man and woman could do.

Also, she's implying rape is worse than death, which isn't true since 99.9% of women who are raped never kill themselves. Shows they'd rather live with the trauma than be dead.
>You can't deny Jesus in Vatican City
When has Vatican City ever been a holy site for Jews or anyone else?
Do the Christians there spit on visitors? No.
>gay Pope
How many civilians have been killed under the Pope's orders? I'm no fan of him, but there is no comparison.
you're fucking retarded lol
>wearing a pussy hat and using your daughter as a prop for a lame tiktok in response to some obvious rage bait + cringe caption
Where else would he live, under a fucking bridge?
>Where else would he live
most people that age dont live with their parents
that's a very retarded argument. Someone in court would say both
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He never supported her, and also he is running a comedy show. I like watching him because not only do I like his politics, but he is also objectively funny.

I've always shit on Libertarians for throwing their vote away, but watching Nick made me realize that withholding our vote is the only way we can show our disapproval of the GOP. If we blindly vote for the Republican candidate every election because "at least it's not the libs" we are never going to make any progress. I voted for Trump personally because I hate the libs, but if nothing gets done in the next 4 years because of the RINOs on his cabinet, we must withhold our vote in the next election.
everyone lives at home anonie. home is where you live.

joshing aside, he's confirmed to be the owner of the house. and the previous owners were not his parents.
Alex unable to speak against his masters.
Kiwitroons are all mentally ill
>that last question
hes still gay though
i sort of agree on the trump bit -- im inhaling a lot of hopium, hoping he gets some shit done. but if all he gets done is to stop the flow of spics and stop ww3, it will definitely be way more than kamala would have done for us. dem policies were open borders while also trickling us into a global war that we wouldnt win.

i get his point about withholding votes to punish the repubs, and i also understand that we cant treat every election the way the politicians want us to - where every election is the most importantest election ever! - but trump really is the best shot weve had in a long time to get someone in there that will actually move the needle on immigration and foreign policy, so nick looked pretty when he campaigned against him. and even worse with his "we did it!" comment afterwards. make up your mind, kid
>So 99% of people there were feds then?
Only the ones that were caught encouraging the riots on camera and got away with it, retard.
>most people that age dont live with their parents
You'd be surprised
well he is a troll

literally nothing
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lmao this reads like a shitpost from /pol/
>hmm, our recent movies & shows are bombing
>well we can't get rid of all the niggers and women, the lefties will riot
>I know, we'll have a nigger be the new Thanos, that will get the whiteys to watch again
>and we'll even call him Kang
>*nog proceeds to beat the shit out of his spouse*

this timeline is fucking insane
to make a claim, one must have evidence for said claim, a claim without evidence is just opinion or gut instinct. and deflecting people asking for said evidence is a prime indicator that you don't have any, or at least were not prepared to be prompted for it.

and before you jump on me, I don't like fuentes cause he's clearly a closeted homosexual between him hanging out and flirting with that catboy faggot, and then all his interactions with the king of the gay jews himself, Milo, as well as that tranny whatever its name is nick's been obsessed with. just don't go around arguing like a room temp IQ nigger, anon.
I hate the premise - the assumption that all arguments can be talked out and that there can be no violence in a relationship between man and a woman. Completely divorced from reality. Not defending the nigger or blaming the stupid cunt that got together with it in the first place, but it's just weird time, man.
Big dick energy.
test tube freak, man
>a person of a group defends said group
Why exactly is this a gotcha moment?
these all act/speak/operate like women, and so do all of you
literally me with my gf narrating the world
the jews shit on WLP and David Duke as well, are you denying either of them are feds? The smoking gun when trying to determine if someone involved in the white nationalist movement is a fed informant / controlled op is there seeming ability to avoid all but the most minor of criminal and legal harassment, which Nick has demonstrated in spades. there will be some token gestures to maintain the illusion, like him getting put on the no-fly list, but they will never see any serious lawsuits or charges brought against them.
feel bros...
His "optics" really say everything you need to know about him. This sort of low-brow behavior would be acceptable from them if they were teenagers, but they're not. They're in their mid-20s, and in some cases early 30s. AF's aesthetic is one born of cringe, expressed in the near-extinct 1980s style "We're gonna take back America for the J-man!" sort of soft-christian pandering mixed in with clothes their moms bought for them on discount from Old Navy. What positions they hold are malleable, and suited solely to maximize donations which then go to nothing. There is no effective protesting, organizing, or management. NGOs that specialize in goat purchases for third-worlders are more serious.

When I see a man in a suit and tie who expresses his views clearly in eloquent English, he is a man. Someone to be taken seriously. Obviously Fuentes and crew are not men, they are children, because they dress, act, and speak as children. They're not to be taken seriously, and it's tragic anyone does. AF is stale civnat politics that was tried and died because pop-culture references and smirks are no substitute for substance. It's tailor-made controlled opposition.
>the hook nosed media kingpin jew blurts out
>the lower level Goldbergs whip round, stunned at his lack of tolerance
>while the more wily Cohens just raise a knowing eyebrow at each other
If only everyone were as high-brow and serious as you--4chan anon.

Nick runs a comedy show. Politics are cringe if you got a stick up your ass.
>being anti-zionist is cia

lmao fucking nigger kike, gas yourself
AF is a comedy show because Nick himself is a joke
>check his rumble
>nothing from the past week
did he just go into hiding or does he have other sites?
Dude this man's door must look like Sid's from toy story inside. He spent like 10 seconds locking 8 different locks. WTF
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AF is a comedy show because Nick is funny. Name literally one (1) other funny political talk show. (rip Infowars)
>he's a fed because he makes republicans look bad
kek, you are retarded. you actually think republican vs democrat is the meaningful divide and not just a way for the system to harmlessly channel energy.
hahaha nick should do re-enactment of that
Karlyn changed her grift. She's in the groyper sphere now kek
this is too good
I watched this live and I laughed also. Bloodsports were fucking KINO
asmongold reacts
full size
>maybe if we call him a fed the tinfoil hat chuds won't watch him
>maybe if we call him a brown fag the racist homophobic chuds won't watch him
You will never pass as a chud here or a woman in real life.
I remember watching this live. wow, 5 years already.
>When dealing with people like Spencer or Fuentes
Spencer and Fuentes *are* the feds.
"Alt-right" is a MSM term, why do you think anyone would willingly adopt that moniker and them present themselves as the leader of it?
How have you not figured out that these dudes are controlled opposition?
>"Alt-right" is a MSM term
No it isn't. It was in usage on /pol/ and /new/ long before anyone in the media heard about Spencer.
Bullshit it was, I was there for both /n/ and /new/ and never heard it used on either.
That shit showed up in 2014 at the earliest.
Alt right was created specifically as an MSM reaction to the 2016 election and Trump's anti immigration rhetoric while the RNC was doing everything in their power to court Hispanic voters. /new/ had been dead for several years by the time it'd been coined.


Shut the fuck up.
>/new/ had been dead for several years by the time it'd been coined.
Ever hear of 4chon? Of course not.
>Ummm ever heard of peepeepoopoo
Anon, are you familiar with with the concept of "King of the Gypsies"?
The idea behind it is that it's a self proclaimed title whose reach and influence is completely made up and arbitrary.
When people say MSM "made it up", they never mean that literally. What they men is they latched onto the the dumbest possible narrative and intentionally popularized it because they believe it's the easiest strawman to mock and defeat.
You're a fucking idiot for having used the Internet this long and not having realized this, no one is shocked or impressed that the term existed longer than MSM picked it up because this is the case for EVERY FUCKING NARRATIVE THEY MANUFACTURE.
lmao dicky "implicit" spencer was a grifter, as soon as he took that bike lock to the face he immediately turned coat
>What they men is they latched onto the the dumbest possible narrative and intentionally popularized it because they believe it's the easiest strawman to mock and defeat.
I don't think it's unreasonable to say that Trump's 2016 victory was in part due to the influence of the "alt right" internet culture which was percolating for years prior to his run. Really the only issue I have was Spencer's eagerness to pay the role of the leader of a movement which really only existed on blogs and anonymous imageboards.
The fuck is this retard trying to sell
>The fuck is this retard trying to sell
How simple are you? Because I can start at whatever level you want.
When the government decides to install puppet dictators, the dictators don't just come out of "nowhere". The dictators already exist, and have just enough power to be irrelevant.
They become relevant because the US government wants someone that's incompetent enough that they can predictably control, ergo, controlled opposition.

Why is it hard for you to understand how and why Richard Spencer and the Alt-right didn't gain prominence until after MSM covered him?
>goalpost status: fully mobile
BAP won
Buddy, this is exactly why you keep getting fooled by stupid bullshit like this.
>We didn't ACTUALLY install the dictator.
>We didn't ACTUALLY start the war
>We didn't ACTUALLY ship the drugs
You constantly and intentionally miss how and why the power flows.
You recognize the goalposts are moving but you're too stupid to recognize who's actually moving them.

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where'd he go bwos
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my sides
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What's with these fed sockpuppets shilling Catholicism? Milo used to do the same thing until they pulled the plug on him.
>oy vey stop asking about the hats this is anti semitism
He used to openly talk about it in the 90s, but somewhere along the way he started going off about demons and aliens. They fucking got to him and turned him into their agent. It's actually crazy
I'm not a Christian and consider myself a leftist but I have a soft spot for the Groupers. I'd rather have their candidate than whatever blank slate zionist the DNC puts forward next. It's looking rough cause America/Republics voted for ultra-zionist Trump and Co. but hope burns eternal.

The CIA has been known as the Catholic Intelligence Agency, the first civilian director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, was a Catholic.

If you see any e-celebs circlejerking about Catholicism (especially "Traditional" Catholicism) you can be damn sure they're on the agency's payroll.
>A literal faggot
>they are children
Your whole post is a childish cope though. If I fell for a shitpost, you got me.
Has this resulted in anything yet? Worried for our boy
holy kek
File: jerusalem_creatura.webm (570 KB, 1280x720)
570 KB
The tiny rotating AF cube makes it look like he's streaming out of the Middle East. Total memri TV energy.
MAGAniggers bought it and supported him en masse
especially after Juden Peterstein endorsed him
>A literal faggot
pick two?
What in the unholy fuck is this All-AI gen bullshit

Fuentes have you really fallen this far? I mean you are nothing but a joke from the start. Only true morons follow you. But god damn all AI bullshit. Lmao, lol even.

Fucking zoomers not even once.
What are you talking about?

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