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Jew/Israel thread
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The Jews messiah won't come unless the world is 'diverse' and races are eliminated. ,(in case you're wondering why Jews are erraticating whites in europe via their mass immigration). .
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Fuck every Jew that ever lived. You are a fucking plague and have always been humanity's cancer. Seriously fuck you if you're reading this. You goddamn curse.
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Israel sets up the conditions for the refugee migrations to europe to happen so they can create an anti-muslim backlash to further prop up the shit that it does in the middle east.

They're using the migrations they start in the first place as scapegoats to legitimize their own existence.

Ever notice how much neonazis love it when israel does to arabs that they can't get away with in europe?
I speak hebrew he says
>insufficient US tax dollars
>shame on the goyim
>but we love our little pets all the same
>kiss kiss
thats not hebrew, thats jiddish you retard
Wow they're playing 6-d chess. They must be very smart to make you their bitch.
Oh boo hoo. Little butthurt weasel.
Who is this man, what's his book please ?
Paul Gottfried


>what's his book please ?


I think he's referring to "Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt: Towards a Secular Theocracy" but I can't find that specific citation.
I mean all /pol/ shit aside this is pretty obvious yeah. But also, not exactly a new historical concept. It's the cycle of :Jewish diaspora sets up in X country. They do okay/well/oy vey, but intentionally never integrates and remains distinct. Shit goes wrong because that's what happens, oh look here's this distinct group of people to fucking scapegoat. Especially if they're doing well fuck those guys.
But it also keeps fucking happening so after like historical time 10 it become a fetish not unfortunate. Or some weird burn/slash agriculture except with Radhanites
sweet a racism thread.
why do the jannies allow this form of blatant racism?
do they also have a massive inferiority complex?
really activates my kosher almonds
>complaining about racism on 4chan
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>complaining about obvious sarcasm
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Based Israel
Hmm, how does one usually get kicked out? Hmmmmmmmmmm
They used Binken to give themselves more validity? Were they selling this internally as Uncle Sam blesses our annexation?
You should be asking ""why does one usually get kicked out?"
That was the general implication. It's like asking a buddy how they got banned from the local Walmart. Obviously, you wanna know what the hell they did manage such a thing. They always play it up like "Everyone just hates us for no reason, so we need your pity, protection, and money. If you don't, we'll tell everyone you're every horrible thing at once!" I'm always floored by the fact that most don't even question it, despite the coercive behavior.
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Lol just look at those goblins clapping. Scary stuff.
WARNING: May contain a product placement
I was talkign about jews
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Same lies, different shit.
Jesus by definition was not a jew. He believed in himself.
And they killed Him for it.
John 1:11
Nazis and Jews are one and the same shit, simple as.
Those demons are the real enemy.
When you're not under threat of being called anti-semetic; jews are the best at taking the piss out of their own, holy fuck
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Hamas Leader Khaled Mashal
>nazis and jews are one and the same shit
Do people still believe this shit?
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I found it by copy pasting letter by letter from the hebrew chart on Wikipedia the text on the top left corner.
another funny one.
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>Russians and Jews
Is he retarded? That was like the worst example to choose considering that there were plenty of peoples opressed under Russian rule. Also in general it ignores the Roma who were also considered outsiders even moreso, since they had to live around the cities unlike the Jews. It feels like a massive misrepresenation to form a narrative of being the sole victim of discrimination, when they were never. In every part of the world the Jews were, there were those who were treated worse: in Britain it was the Irish, in the US it was the Blacks, in Russia it was the peoples of the Siberian frontier.
>Trump identifies people who might be interested in buying his merch

Reading any further into it is insane.
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>returning to zion is a cornerstone of jewish faith
it is biblical heresy to do that before the messiah returns tho?
go away, you person of little faith
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>A jewish homeless is more consequential than Lukashenko, Putin, Xi and Orban
religion of delusion
of course she has a Christian cross hanged in the neck
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Greatest allies.
The jews are literally invading foreign land and committing genocide in the name of lebensraum for their ethnostate as they spew rhetoric of them being genetically and spiritually superior to the rest of humanity. How are they not?
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the anti-Christian psyops are pretty lazy
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What a disgusting language.
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One of the few blacks I'll put up with.
It's too bad that she has an annoying personality. She should write articles so I don't have to listen to her speak.
Why are their Sus spaces in the Kayne tweet
dots appear as spaces?
man you retards aren't even pretending to not be /pol/-lite anymore
christianity is the jews' best tool of control and it's not close
Does the ADL support Europeans having their own countries as national homelands?
Painful to accept but true
Look at the rate of unchecked immigration and you'll have your answer.
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fucking Lmao
<-- literally jews dancing with open nazis
Pure cohencidence.
>When we pull centuries of bullshit, blame them when they point it out!
On behalf of the goyim: we dindu nuffin!
Germany helped found Israel in the 1930's. They literally paid jews to leave, and were given a tour of the region of their colonies by the zionists.
it can be the opposite if you've got good leaders but that's rarely been the case in history
>doesn't believe (((jews))) when they claim to be white
>believes them when they claim to be descendants of israel
it's not really a matter of belief
jews are slavic-levantine mutts
this makes them not white
if they're not da reel jews, then why are they jewish in the first place? judaism is a racial religion. you cannot convert to it because only descendants of Abraham are eligible to receive yhwh's covenant, and they do not seek to convert people.
the idea that jews lie about everything is retarded absolutism
as to whether they are descendants of israel, who gives a fuck. all descendants of Abraham are sandniggers who mutilate the genitals of newborn babies, they can get fucked and die
Pagan LARPers like you are the weirdest people. Honestly sad to watch. Nothing more than delusional Internet slacktivists who will influence nobody but other deluded autistic 20-somethings Internet slacktivists into continuing to masturbate each other in ridiculous echo chambers and ultimately having no real effect on anything anywhere at any time. Christ is far superior to anything you people could ever dream up.
i don't know anon i'm not a larper myself just racist but some of those guys are out there having huge families, creating communities and all of that. doesn't varg have like 10 kids? how many do you have as a based 4chan christian? zero? seems to me that you're shifting the subject because you're unable to address and refute the points brought up in that post
And Christians aren't having huge families? You only see what you want to see. Anyway, there's really nothing of substance to address here, it's the typical divide and conquer business that is all over the Internet now. Self-flagellating white liberals are nominal Christians at best and outright antagonistic towards Christianity at worst, so this commonly-asserted idea that it's "Christcuckery" that is at the root of the degradation of the West is patently absurd, not to mention ahistorical considering Christians have been at odds with Jews and Muslims since the beginning of the religion. Pierce may have been well-informed on some issues but his views on Christianity seem honestly myopic to me, and some attempt to LARP as pagans doesn't seem like an answer and a secular atheist society is essentially what we live in now and that's not too great, is it?
i didn't ask about christians in general i asked about you personally since it's you complaining about slacktivists so i wanted to know what you're doing to have a real effect
as for self-flagellating white liberals you couldn't have used a better word there, self-flagellation is literally a christian cultural inheritance, that's where white guilt comes from. their cuckery is only a secularized christian ethos acquired after centuries of indoctrination, they aren't the nominal christians that's you. really, read the new testament and ask yourself if you actually agree with its teachings. luke 6:27-36, acts 2:42-47 and acts 4:32-35, galatians 3:28, and so on, are the blueprint for all the left-wing politics plaguing the west today
mp4 related, i disagree with him on the anti-christian part but he gets the point across
>so i wanted to know what you're doing to have a real effect
Not spending my days circle-jerking on Twitter or 4chan, that's for sure.

>really, read the new testament and ask yourself if you actually agree with its teachings. luke 6:27-36, acts 2:42-47 and acts 4:32-35, galatians 3:28, and so on, are the blueprint for all the left-wing politics plaguing the west today

Christianity provides a moral framework that paganism does not and has been the catalyst for the best that Western culture has had to offer to the world, and your simple-minded and typically myopic point of view doesn't contradict those facts in the slightest. The more that people have strayed away from the moral code laid out by the Christian doctrine, the further we have descended into the rotten societal mess that we have now. You can cherry-pick specific verses about gentleness and say, a-HA, that must be the reason why we have nearly naked gay guys flaunting their dicks on the street in front of children and backwards third world Muslim Africans flooding into every Western country, but anybody who isn't a retard who gets their education from contrarian Gen Z Twitter memes can tell you that's patently ridiculous. And if you think LARPing as a pagan and essentially regressing into acting like animals is going to bolster us against outside threats, then I'm Odin.
How and why?
>asked about what he DOES to have a real effect and differentiate himself from the slacktivists he's criticizing
>brings up other people's actions first then when pressed answers with what he does NOT do
don't you get even a little bit self-conscious while typing this shit?
>Christianity provides a moral framework that paganism does not
yes a cucked one devoid of ethnic roots and national identity, forever orbiting the jews and their religious texts
>has been the catalyst for the best that Western culture has had to offer to the world
the best was already present in western cultures way before christianity, being a product of natural selection shaping the white man into what he is and enabling him to build western civilization, that despite the christian worldview promoting passivity and the rejection of worldly achievements. the european powers had to ignore half of the bible and twist the other half (like you're doing now) to even consider sailing around the globe conquering and plundering other continents
>specific verses about gentleness
none of those verses is about "gentleness" did you read any of them? luke 6:27-36 is part of the sermon on the plain where jesus basically tells the disciples to be the opposite of everything that made the west successful since the fall of the roman empire, acts 2:42-47 and acts 4:32-35 are literally proto-communism, and galatians 3:28 provided the earliest foundation for modern egalitarianism
>nearly naked gay guys flaunting their dicks on the street in front of children and backwards third world Muslim Africans flooding into every Western country
i don't know about the naked gay guys since i never saw any doing that in my country but allowing 3rd world immigration is absolutely something christians do solidly based on biblical teachings. you'd have to dig up some decontextualized old testament verses to challenge them on that and there'd still be shit like leviticus 19:33-34 left to defend immigration with
>don't you get even a little bit self-conscious while typing this shit?
>yes a cucked one devoid of ethnic roots and national identity, forever orbiting the jews and their religious texts
Whereas paganism provides no morality whatsoever. Ironic you talk about "cucking" when there's nothing that makes you more vulnerable than to have no moral code whatsoever and essentially live like beasts. I'm sure that'll be a potent safeguard against hostile Muslim invaders. You mentioned Varg earlier-- he himself has gone on record saying that white people will absorb Islam, but they'll totally make it better when they do. LOL, if that's an example of the "uncucked" strength provided by pagan belief systems, then no thanks.
>the best was already present in western cultures way before christianity
White people have achieved amazing things before and after Christianity but Christianity provided a springboard for a level of art and literature that was never before seen.
>you'd have to dig up some decontextualized old testament verses to challenge them on that
The irony of you talking about decontextualized verses, all you've been sharing are decontextualized verses. I don't know where you come from but you don't impress me.
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serious question, sounds like you're in no position to judge
>Whereas paganism provides no morality whatsoever
that's some historylet statement, anon
every culture has moral codes, even the pagans who according to you lived like beasts
this is roman historian tacitus on the marriage institution and morals of germans before christianization:
>Their marriage code, however, is strict, and no feature of their morality deserves higher praise. They are almost unique among barbarians in being content with one wife apiece - all of them, that is, except a very few who take more than one wife not to satisfy their desires but because their exalted rank brings them many pressing offers of matrimonial alliances. The dowry is brought by husband to wife, not by wife to husband. Parents and kinsmen attend and approve the gifts - not gifts chosen to please a woman's fancy or gaily deck a young bride, but oxen, a horse with its bridle, or a shield, spear, and sword. In consideration of such gifts a man gets his wife, and she in her turn brings a present of arms to her husband. This interchange of gifts typifies for them the most sacred bond of union, sanctified by mystic rites under the favour of the presiding deities of wedlock. The woman must not think that she is excluded from aspirations to manly virtues or exempt from the hazards of warfare. That is why she is reminded, in the very ceremonies which bless her marriage at its outset, that she enters her husband's home to be the partner of his toils and perils, that both in peace and in war she is to share his sufferings and adventures. That is the meaning of the team of oxen, the horse ready for its rider, and the gift of arms. On these terms she must live her life and bear her children. She is receiving something that she must hand over intact and undepreciated to her children, something for her sons' wives to receive in their turn and pass on to her grandchildren.
>By such means is the virtue of their women protected, and they live uncorrupted by the temptations of public shows or the excitements of banquets. Clandestine loveletters are unknown to men and women alike. Adultery is extremely rare, considering the size of the population. A guilty wife is summarily punished by her husband. He cuts off her hair, strips her naked, and in the presence of kinsmen turns her out of his house and flogs her all through the village. They have in tact no mercy on a wife who prostitutes her chastity. Neither beauty, youth, nor wealth can find her another husband. No one in Germany finds vice amusing, or calls it 'up-to-date' to seduce and be seduced. Even better is the practice of those states in which only virgins may marry, so that a woman who has once been a bride has finished with all such hopes and aspirations. She takes one husband, just as she has one body and one life. Her thoughts must not stray beyond him or her desires survive him. And even that husband she must love not for himself, but as an embodiment of the married state. To restrict the number of children, or to kill any of those born after the heir, is considered wicked. Good morality is more effective in Germany than good laws are elsewhere.

>You mentioned Varg earlier-- he himself has gone on record saying that white people will absorb Islam, but they'll totally make it better when they do
i don't doubt white people could salvage another desert religion derived from judaism but did he really say that?
>Christianity provided a springboard for a level of art and literature that was never before seen
another historylet comment, during late antiquity the production of art and literature plummeted, it would take christians centuries to have anything to compare to greek and roman works and that only led to the pagan renaissance and i wouldn't expect a christian to brag about the birth of venus by botticelli or even dante's divine comedy as triumphs over paganism
>The irony of you talking about decontextualized verses, all you've been sharing are decontextualized verses
the verses i posted are all in context but you thought they were about "gentleness"
worse yet, you say christianity provides a better moral framework but cannot quote a single verse to support that claim (and i don't blame you for it, really, it's nearly impossible to find any that aren't cucked morals and just end up proving the point about christcuckery)
Anon, I was mulling over what you said even before this and I honestly don't have a substantive response. I enjoy asceticism and spirituality but I can't abide what essentially amounts to total submissiveness and what is the point if I'm just going to pick and choose what I want to believe in and what I don't want to believe in? Sorry, I guess you were right.

That being said,

>i don't doubt white people could salvage another desert religion derived from judaism but did he really say that?
He had a video where he said something like that but I'll be damned if I could ever find it. It sounded like a sad cope for being overrun with Muslims.
>but I can't abide what essentially amounts to total submissiveness
well neither should you
if anyone takes what belongs to you then you demand it back, if someone slaps you across the face you slap them back...
Oh no no no


rabbi get me CUT! NOW!!!
>How and why?
Because jews are running the show and they're using neo-nazi ideology as an anti-Russian tool
The sad thing is, this isn't even close to a full list. This shit would go on for hours, even if we just stuck to TV and movies. Even more if we branched out into politics and corporations. They're fucking everywhere!

By being invited in first
More importantly: Who kept inviting then in?
Sauce me nigga

Narrator: Their's was a mythical America. A world of boundless optimism, happy endings and homespun truths. This was a world of clapboard houses with broad verandahs and white picket fences, gleaming streets and shops with friendly picture windows. Hollywood's America was made up of citizens who were industrious, religious, wholesome and decent. And although they were of different classes and ethnicities they were knitted together by a larger almost spiritual sense of family. The moguls created the images, the icons and the visual forms that we identify with the American way of life.
Neal Gabler: They created their own America. An America, which is not the real America. It's their own version of the real America, but ultimately this shadow America becomes so popular and so widely disseminated, that its images and its values come to devour the real America. And so the grand irony of all of Hollywood is that Americans come to define themselves by the shadow America that was created by eastern European Jewish immigrants who weren't admitted to the precincts of the real America.

Narrator: The moguls are gone, but their vision survives. The America of Edison and Rankin has given way to an alien ideology. It isn't to Communism or Judaism that the Gentile elite once feared. It's Americanism as defined by Hollywood. The icons endure. The little guy fighting the odds. The pogrom imagery. The desperate desire to survive and the various races assimilating to create the ultimate happy ending... A white middle-class President articulating the Jewish experience writ large. A new global religion, Hollywoodism...
Jonathan Rosenbaum: There was a Hollywoodism then. There's a Hollywoodism today. I would go further and say it is what is the ruling ideology of our culture. Hollywood culture is the dominant culture. It is the fantasy structure that we're all living inside.

That's not true. The messiah comes when all the kikes are gathered within Israel's borders, where thus they all have to be sent asap.
Sounds like a win win to me.
Christian kings
on the advice of ... other merchants?
No advice needed for that look up court jews
The fuck are you talking about, Russians and Jews were one of the biggest examples. Russia was run by jews for the longest fucking time lmao.
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>court jews
they done fucked up
BAsed! Crust is kang!
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TKD, from the river to the sea!
Can i more, anon? Thank you.
Most any other group would shrug such a thing off, but not the masters of victimhood.
I've been searching for the Black Hebrew Israelite video where they deny the holocaust in NYC and then some jewish boy comes up to them and they make him cry and exclaim 'THAS RITE' one after the other. Judging from video quality and general clothing it had to be from the 2000s. Searching online I can only find a similar one but it's post Kanye antisemitic chimpouts so it's not the real one. Does anybody has it somewhere?
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At your service
Thanks man I couldn't even find it on archive.org. Either I'm awful at this or it got totally wiped
Damn I feel like I commented this last year. This thread has been around.
Even if they do, it wont work
They have overextended already. The sane portion of the populace hates the regime already
The more they overextend, the more obvious their true desires become
>jews causing endless problems in Western countries
It's working, though. So Jews are right and their beliefs are right.
How can you think whites are the supreme race when you realize how easily Jews rule over them?
In other words, the places where the Jews are allowed to run propaganda are the same ones people aren't noticing as much. It's okay. They'll catch on eventually. The Synagogue of Satan is too bold not to be noticed now.
He's not making me think any less of Nazis by stating that.
>terroristic threat
But of course.
He only said what they already do. They have nannies for most members of Congress, every president goes to Israel to kiss the wall, and they killed the last guy who tried to get AIPAC marked as a foreign lobby group.
is it working, though? every "diverse" area crumbles under its own weight in a generation or two. the west is going to see mass ethnic cleansing well before the end of this century, but the next time it happens there isn't going to be anywhere left for jews to flee. will they still claim that it's "working" then?
>maybe 15 mil
lol. you deserve to be ruled
not to mention their long history of assassinating western leaders who stood against them, and false flag attacks against western targets in an effort to get the west to declare war on egypt, iran, syria, and any other enemies of israel. people who are shocked at the idea that israel and the jews are willing to kill westerners to get their way are people who haven't been paying attention at all.
I only keep it short these days because the list of shit they're up to is so long that I'll have to type for an hour each time. There's effectively no end to their bullshit, and that's just what they're currently doing. History makes it even worse.
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It is working, we have a citizen class (nonJew) too pathetic and weak to do much of anything outside of run machines and rebuild those machines. The Jews own them entirely, including you and me.
Only Jews have lived forever against all odds, and the whole world is now stacked in their favor just like God promised would always happen. You'd have to be blind not to see it.
More of those bullshit rules that sound like they're trying to trick God. Keep taping your refrigerator light switches down!
Except these people hold no blood link to the ones that were given the promises. These claim to be Jews, and spread nothing but corruption, lies, and debauchery. They are the Synagogue of Satan.
That's clearly refuted by the world around you. Turns out /pol/ memes and cherry-picked out of context verses about how Jesus wanted you to be a hateful racist just aren't true.
This bitch is seriously scared of Zion Don and thinks that I because I don't have a maga hat I'm a good guy who won't spray her with pesticide.
Okay Rabbi. I'll just proceed to ignore the fact that Jews act horrible because you said it was about the verses and /pol/tards.
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