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and nothing of value was lost.
why does anyone need to go to the barber/salon to get their head shaved?
hello! women! dumb!
I don't get it
>we're gonna do what the chuds want to own the chuds
women are so fucking retarded
She has grossest eyelids I've ever seen. Foreskin eyelids and nasally voice.
Let me see if I've got this right.
You refuse to take any right wing dick as a matter of principle to begin with. Now you're going to hold out on left wing dick as well.
I doubt there was a line out the door in the first place, but ok. No dick = no kids. No kids = no future generation of fragile blue state emotional retards.
Somehow you think this is a loss for your opposition?
shes going to wander into a bar in the next couple weeks and get assdrunk and railed by the first person she thinks is passable and not tell anyone, as they all used to before dating apps

it's all a show. they don't really care. it's all about what people think they know about you.
what does 4b stands for even? bald busted braindead bitches?
It's Korean in origin, centered around four things feminists over there and beyond are saying no to:
>No marriage (Bihon): rejecting the institution of marriage as a means of reinforcing gender roles and patriarchal power structures.
>No childbirth (Bichulsan): refusing to bear children as a means of escaping patriarchal expectations and societal pressure.
>No dating (Biyeonae): rejecting romantic relationships and the societal pressure to conform to traditional gender norms.
>No sex (Bisekseu): refusing to engage in sexual relationships as a means of resisting patriarchal control and objectification.
damn... bitches be crazy
Sounds like they're ready to be drafted. fight the patriarchy by being conscripted into the manliest job.
This is exactly like "political lesbianism" in the US.
Draft the bitches, they're begging for it.
>No sex (Bisekseu)
Why do they use "sekseu" instead of their own native word for "sex"? Assuming it's a loan word which, phonetically, seems the case
Bitch, braindamage, 'besity,'beetus,
>refuse to take any right wing dick
In my experience women don't actually care outside of signaling on social media
I have never scared anyone off with my extremely illiberal opinions irl

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