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Make Asylums Great Again
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she looks better here
No. You're really not.
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It is simple, we kill the Batman
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holy shit a briton
What is the purpose of this? what is going through this person's mind to motivate them to do this?
>"what goes through her mind"
Gee wizz anon, I wonder too
>we're gonna making speciecism as socially unacceptable as racism and sexism and homophobia
ok, you do that, while we continue making racism, sexism and homophobia the social norm again.
kek, good cooment
That's not a woman
Wait so is moth a proper noun or another pronoun?
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Well, there is no doubt what a man is
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I hate when people use their kids as political props. Doesn't matter if the kid has a troon flag pin on, or a MAGA hat. I saw some other video recently where a mom tells her kids Trump won the election, and these kids, no older than 10, start crying, and you can hear one hyperventilating. What are you filling your kid's heads with that they're so terrified of the guy you don't like winning the election? It's just sad, man. When I was a kid, I could tell you the name of my country's leader, and that was it. Just let your kid be a kid and have fun. They'll have the rest of their lives to worry about political shit
Is he really gay? I can't tell he looks like a straight guy acting like a clown.
They raised her like this, imagine raising your kids like they were pets, basically trained her to be a "chaotic silly gremlin" like Tiny Tina from Borderlands 2, this shit is disgusting, human retardation has no limits.
how does this make you feel?
this was put in here with the bad shit by feds, in order to trick you into being less well-adjusted
man i miss when he was brown instead of orange
It made me feel ashamed for learning French
I was uncomfortable by the end. Kid dressing up as a famous wrestler with a signature look is fine, but as soon as he started going off for Trump, I felt weird about it. Though, a 12 year old doing it isn't as bad as a five year old screaming about Nazis being motherfuckers
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what do they need them for.? anyone asked that question.?
NZbros, why do you allow this circus?
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The government bureacracy epidemic, depth of the epidemic, and solidarity of the entrenched epidemic is nicely explained in this OMB video by Tucker and OMB Russ Vought.

It's a very insightful video into what goes on behind the scenes of the USA government and illustrates why it is difficult for presidents to get things done when all the unelected (and difficult to fire) bureaucrats refuse to comply with the president's orders.
and they say Christianity brainwashes kids.
fucking kek
I would fuck the shit out of a big Samoan chick
>In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is... in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
Lenin must be turning in his grave
He helped create the monster of intelligence subversion of political movements, it's poetic that his ideology ends up being the one destroyed by it.
hard to appreciate the poetry when it's all so pathetic

Halloween costume vs public political protest

Also no profanity in this one
Even if she wanted to raise him as a political prop, she could've done it tastefully. This person is in no way going to be prepared to function in a society where they are not permitted to do whatever they want, whenever they want. This is profound psychological damage she's inflicting. The poor child will likely, God forbid, grow up to do drugs and petty crime. Something tells me that's what she wants. Women often raise their children licentiously to "get back" at the father-figures in their life who have allegedly "oppressed" them, whether it be former husbands or boyfriends or their actual fathers. Raising a little devil bastard is her way of revenge on them and the "system".
I like his points and all but the constant eating while delivering one-liners is akin to Chad smoking cigarette memes. No, I don't find you anymore witty or cool because you're acting nonchalant while being political. This is the male version of females dancing while "outvoting" their husband or whatever. Also, he stole half of those word for word from other memes. He's a parrot saying the sky is blue.
Why, of all phrases, "Point of Personal Privileged"? How did they come up with the most obnoxious way of saying "I have a statement" ever?
probably peak degeneracy in NZ. gather in the place of sanity, respect and law and start doing this.
humanity is truly evolving but backwards
Something to the effect of "If I do this, then I am a stunning and brave hero for the underdog and thus gain status and moral virtue."
They're wrong, of course, but that should be the gist of it.
this is fucked up
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The left want to abort toddlers
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She needs African penis.
Time and place. I don't understand why these people can't just get the time and place right.

Oppa Gangnam Style!

Why does she look schizo?
>this is my state
Couple years ago some anti-groomer bill was up for debate in the state legislature and the (few) lefties here were seething.

Bill passed easily.
>Christianity brainwashes kids.
Cain was family too you faggot demon. God comes before family for a reason
>christcuck admits he's descended from cain
Imagine pushing this psyop online
Christianity is a psyop designed to weaken you
It is actually pretty impressive she managed to increase the intensity each verse over a dozen times.
what does she say at 0:15

>you have a boyfriend!

did chad fry her brain
She said
>je suis une petite amie
Wich mean she's either moving to canada or somewhere in europe
I hope he realizes his parent isn't omnipotent by age 12 or so or he'll be in for a bad time
>watch slaughter videos
I do, it satisfies some sort of sick curiosity in me. Still eat meat.
What now?
I guess he did fry her brain
Wow, yes. Society has gotten so much stronger and rational now that we aren't going to the cuck-church psyop every weekend.

Praise science.
She's either filibustering or completely insane.
I will admit, however, the two are not mutually exclusive.
Scientism is Christianity 2.0. Pick up a book for once.
what the fug, context?
She's a leftist, dummy. Don't you recognize the glasses and the outfit and the physiognomy?
good for her though, what does this have to do with leftism.
*tips fedora*
You only follow Christianity because you can picture Jesus being of the same race as yourself
Here is an exercise: picture him as a semite every time you think of him
Does the Pope or the Bible say he was Germanic (or your chosen race)? Does the Pope or the Bible say that race is even important?
It is very painful, but unless we admit mistakes, we get deeper into this mess.
You really couldn't think of anything else to say other than calling him racist?
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It didn't work this time.
They gave her a freebee and and she still came back and threatened them again. So satisfying to see her punished

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