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Post Pixel thread! Feel free to post mp4s
File: Undead Vial.mp4 (185 KB, 1080x1080)
185 KB
185 KB MP4
File: landscapes.mp4 (713 KB, 960x960)
713 KB
713 KB MP4
File: adventure.mp4 (557 KB, 960x960)
557 KB
557 KB MP4
File: castle_by_kryssalian.mp4 (1.19 MB, 1080x1080)
1.19 MB
1.19 MB MP4
File: Ramen.mp4 (313 KB, 900x1200)
313 KB
313 KB MP4
File: Sentinel.mp4 (394 KB, 1080x1440)
394 KB
394 KB MP4
File: Corpo.mp4 (363 KB, 1200x1600)
363 KB
363 KB MP4
File: Refuge.mp4 (658 KB, 1200x1200)
658 KB
658 KB MP4
File: Sightseeing.mp4 (1.39 MB, 660x880)
1.39 MB
1.39 MB MP4
File: Stormgate.mp4 (120 KB, 1000x1000)
120 KB
120 KB MP4
mp4 is allowed now?
No don't try it, this makes mustard gas.
File: Cozy.mp4 (4.58 MB, 1080x1350)
4.58 MB
4.58 MB MP4
There was a pixel art webm I saw a year or two ago, looked like a side scroller game with a witch chasing a little girl left to right while some kickass (DnB?) music played. Then at some point the girl powered up and started chasing the witch right to left. Also the webm was really long, seemed like way over the normal 6 minute.
Anybody got it?
File: 07900_1129.gif (1.1 MB, 702x600)
1.1 MB
1.1 MB GIF
File: 1549498521045.gif (169 KB, 800x336)
169 KB
169 KB GIF
damn i wish i had rich parents, the second hand nostalgia hit hards
File: 1549498267125.gif (865 KB, 810x1440)
865 KB
865 KB GIF
File: 1545890962905.gif (996 KB, 500x475)
996 KB
996 KB GIF
File: 戦う絵 by APO+.webm (555 KB, 960x520)
555 KB
That's a smooth animation, sick
>second hand nostalgia
nostalgia for a time that people other than me had (but i knew and wished for)
File: Repaer of Souls.mp4 (107 KB, 1300x900)
107 KB
107 KB MP4
I love this stuff so much.
File: autumn night.mp4 (4.36 MB, 430x480)
4.36 MB
4.36 MB MP4
This encapsulates my most deep dream.
File: 1687818538748662.gif (1.27 MB, 768x256)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB GIF
File: 1691168797006654.webm (263 KB, 540x810)
263 KB
File: Maneater Ring.mp4 (166 KB, 1080x1080)
166 KB
166 KB MP4
File: waterfall_chikazawa.gif (549 KB, 800x600)
549 KB
549 KB GIF
at this point, some bitch crawls out of a painting or the tv, she's getting raped
File: Tranquil by v78.mp4 (126 KB, 640x400)
126 KB
126 KB MP4
File: XXA8yk.gif (105 KB, 496x478)
105 KB
105 KB GIF

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