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Post this stupid fucking WHORE
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Also does anyone know why she has a hebrew tattoo on her back?
Is she a FUCKING JEWESS??????????????????????
wtf when did she get a booty like that?
Its just called having a kid and letting yourself go in the rest of the world mutt. God you're disgusting.
that's a beautiful ass the way all the fat just went to her booty. there should be goon tributes to that donk
Remember when she used to have a general here until her simps dropped her? Kek
struck a nerve, hole?
How many kids is she up to?
Yeah she chose the chad not the simp
she was always tiny and bottom heavy
Any archives where I can read her lore?
I find the younger version of her extremely cute and heard she did some cuck shit idk
The incels on this thread are amazing. A cute girl that seems fun is apparently retarded cuz she won't fuck your needle dicks. Terminally online low life fags crying about a female. I mean, hey, never change 4chan. Lmao at all you queers. The holier than thou shit is old and worn out. No one will fuck you cuz you're faggots are obsessed with your own failures and self loathing. Lol! How fucking sad.
LOL you're coping hard. Absolute genetic dead end that can't see past his insecurities and go out and find a cutie. The half dozen of you fags in an echo chamber actually do women a favor. They don't have to deal with your fragility. Your DNA will never be passed on, it will never bear a new life. You sit there and cry, project, jerk off to the memories of the only woman to ever technically touch your needle dick, your mom. You're an absolute laughing stock. Lol we all hope you enjoy being an indignant, laughable, absolute queer. Keep jerkimg off, it might work out for you and you only. All is normal people will never know who you are unless we come across an incels thread like this. I'd ask you to kill yourself, but you already have. Genetic dead end, Zozzle!
You're pathetic reddit bro
Excuse me? She cucked someone? What's the story there?
she had a nice butt but it wasn't a donk.
Why does this random gamer girl attract so many freaks? She hasn’t been relevant in like ten years
how old is she now, like 50?
hi dodger
i don't really care about all this discussion about whether she's a whore or we're just incels i just want to see that ass
remember that one weirdo stalker she had Press Fart to Continue? Whatever happened to that guy is he still around?
Why do you call her a whore? She's a nice girl
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Dodger plz go
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Read none of that & I can already tell how much of a faggot you are. You need to go outside.
I had a girl built just like that. I miss her.
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Why's the thread so negative?
That's not what happened. The one guy who posted her got caught up in the tiktok general crackdown. They started deleting his threads as well as ttg so he stopped
How this is even possible, she's all ass the smell must be terrible.
This is literally the most generic 30+ mom ass. Actually talk to a woman you fucking LOSERS
You're an American, the post.
it's not. i wish that were true.
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Her now. She hit the wall a couple time.
I used to be so in love with her when I was in high school. it was a sad time.

she is seriously so ugly, now. I'm glad she had a kid before her time was up. And I'm glad i'm over all of it

hahaha do you think any sane person wants to read your ramblings you fucking loser?
>v-mouth and hawk face
>hahaha do you think any sane person wants to read your ramblings you fucking loser?
he's right about everything he said tho. Im in the prime of my life rn and you neurotic faggots make it harder for yourself. just go out and grope some bitch since thats the only shot u have of being close to a wamen
>the old hag is still seething
lose weight
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I can love you better than Sam does Dodger just give me a chamce
Would smack
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Why you calling my wife a whore? Damn chuds
It's obviously a woman bro
She was cute back in the day but she has an unexpectedly plump body XD
It's like all bottom too
Truth. She doesn't carry the weight well. She should either get skinny again, or hit the gym and do some squats to give her ass some form.
nope, that ass is perfect. would grab her by the pony tail and just smack that ass while i plap from behind
Look, being that guys who is all "hubba-hubba" over dumpy mom bods, isn't an endearing personality trait. Just makes you look desperate to have anybody.
Look, shut the fuck up.
I agree, I also hate the men who pretend they don't care about ass stretch marks, I blame feminism and woman "liberation"
I don't think it's feminism. It's just how some guys are wired. What happens, is that they are regular 5/10 guys. And so they end up dating some 5/10 women at sometime in their life. Or maybe it wasn't even dating. They only had a crush on an average girl they happen to know. Or maybe it went beyond dating and they're married. Point is: the women that gave them the time of day irl, becomes the foundation for their taste in women at large.

That's why they're always like "have sex, and touch grass". Because they're basing their taste off of their personal experiences with women. And their personal experiences happen to be some 5/10 who likes anime, so she's the world to him. Or his 5/10 wife that he loves dearly. Or 5/10 Sarah who said she liked him back in the 10th grade.
It was one guy, and he was more than a simp. He was a stalker who had been posted about her for about a decade on 4chan. She filed a restraining order against him because he physically stalked her at conventions, and he was banned from every popular social media site because he just couldn't stop shitposting about Dodger. He was incredibly obsessed with her and that obsession destroyed his life. It's a good thing he finally was able to let it go and now posts on "alternative social media" pretending to be an online investigative journalist.
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let her go
> She is a MOM
>>5745753 >>5746317 >>5746490 >>5746943 >>5747803 >>5749076
I'm glad you've put it behind you.
wholesome outcome
Why does this information bother you?
So like Bjork stalker level
I know she's a mom. I like to watch her content sometimes
What do you mean?
>hahaha do you think any sane person wants to read your ramblings you fucking loser?
irony is lost on you
Look, niggers.
She goes by she/they now
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Btw she started vtubing
>she started vtubing
of course she did
can't pull audience with her post wall and post kid face anymore so gotta hide behind an avatar
He was the guy making all these threads.
Iirc she said that if vtubing was a thing when she started that would have been all she would be known for
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I'll post what I've got.
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Oh hey that's cool. A female streamer who doesn't try to get clicks using her bo- >>5752721
Well at least she hasn't done anything crazy like get caught flicking the bean on stre- >>5745661
Well maybe if she sees this thread she'll have a good sense of humor about it and not have a complete meltdo- >>5745999 >>5746003
Ugly bitch is gross now. She was cute back during the tale of the dragonborn song days.
Dodger doesn't see any of these threads bro
I'm 10% convinced that she did
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It's almost like time is linear
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She was literally a playboy model.
Well that's some new information to me
That was a special gaming segment like 10 years ago.
She was legitimately hot 10 years ago
Idk what he said, I ain't reading that, but everyone is replying and I want to be part of the group.
best answer
Wall, wall never changes.
a new pasta is born
This bitch and couple other prominent ones had this look.
It was like off-scene. Scene-ish, but not quite fully there.
mememolly*, thehill88*, applemilk88**, meekakitty

* ones i've fapped to
** i've also fapped to, but especially when she released gravure video during her japanese stay
She melted into the average normal mom.
I'm strokin my dick
I got lotion on my dick
I'm strokin my shit right now
i wish i could see that much booty when i go outside, but i don't.
Stinky smelly dodger farts
see >>5761028 lmao. cope and seethe.
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What niggas had to resort to before AI
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And another gemmy. Wonder if there's more.
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You know they run her husband out of the room.
Even a brapchad might have second thoughts.
I wonder if the autist that used to make these threads died or something?
He was so fixated, so loyal and diligent in posting threads about her.
She's schlicking
he moved on
But can she jump now?
Guy's like that don't just move on, anons.
They either get caught trying to get the girl or suicide.
maybe not as high but definitely with a thunderous clap
I wonder if there's any clips of her twerking...

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