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File: cowboy.webm (655 KB, 240x426)
655 KB
Previous >>5735558
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999 KB
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2.46 MB
2.46 MB WEBM
>has all the women, opportunities, lives in a great apartment
>still complains
File: THE family.mp4 (3.23 MB, 720x1280)
3.23 MB
3.23 MB MP4
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3.34 MB
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5.88 MB WEBM
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650 KB MP4
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1.55 MB MP4
Kill yourself
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3.92 MB
3.92 MB WEBM
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254 KB MP4
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5.83 MB WEBM
I think this movie was meant to be a hit piece but it doesn't read that way to the right crowd
Trump'll prevent it.
File: WYWuhYBXFufiHsRR[1].mp4 (2.79 MB, 1232x656)
2.79 MB
2.79 MB MP4
There something about this guys facial structure thats insanely unnerving. If someone told me he was a pedo, i'd believe it.
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5 MB MP4
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3.7 MB MP4
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1.23 MB
1.23 MB MP4
south korea coup attempt thread theme
not enough bmwf couples

-1000 ESG score
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tempted to believe she's older based on her hands but they may have aged prematurely due to the diligence needed to make yarn or sew or w/e. seems like wife material desu, or at least the best handjob you will ever get
File: jaida shoots on ref.mp4 (534 KB, 888x492)
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534 KB MP4
>How to become Catholic in 5 Steps
>By God We'll Have Our Home Again
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5.89 MB WEBM
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5.81 MB WEBM
Well that's a rather arbitrary distinction.
nope his argument is very sound.
File: massivelyendowed.webm (3.52 MB, 354x588)
3.52 MB
3.52 MB WEBM
based black man
File: rei press.mp4 (957 KB, 480x480)
957 KB
957 KB MP4
Ignoring the fact that "Marriage is all about procreation, except in every case where they don't procreate," is a meaningless statement, he's basically arguing:
>Sure, that straight couple can't/won't have children, but if multiple fundamental facets of their lives (up to and including their very bodies) were different, they theoretically could!
>But for that gay couple—uh oh, a fundamental facet of their lives prevents them from having children!
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1.3 MB
1.3 MB MP4
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5.34 MB
5.34 MB MP4
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5.73 MB
5.73 MB MP4
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236 KB
for /calg/ (kiss your sister)
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3.06 MB
3.06 MB WEBM
It's more like
>that straight couple went into it knowing they should be able to procreate with just each other
>that gay couple went into it knowing they can't with just each other
And marriage is supposed to be able creating a more stable environment where a child is more likely to be better off. You kind of need reproduction to be kept regular if you want your society to continue.
>>that straight couple went into it knowing they should be able to procreate with just each other
The example given in the video was literally of a straight couple going into it knowing they couldn't.
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3.91 MB WEBM
In principle (the argument he makes), it is possible for straight people to reproduce. Not all straight people, like a qualified exception of the infertile. But everyone who has ever come to be since the beginning of time up until this point was the product of a sperm cell and an egg.
It is never possible for gay people to reproduce with each other.
Marriage is about governing and implicitly encouraging reproduction. The fanfare, cargo cult, or cultural obsession with marriage is irrelevant. It is not a badge, but a reaction to regulating reproduction to be compatible with polite society, more in line with Hobbesian states of nature and implicit and explicit trust. Gay marriage has absolutely no bearing on anything other than fashion and some slight tax code changes.
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809 KB MP4
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4.51 MB WEBM
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852 KB MP4
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268 KB
Version without top and bottom cut away.
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787 KB
>The example given in the video was literally of a straight couple going into it knowing they couldn't.
Heterosexuality is healthy by definition, will produce children by definition, even if you think you are sterile you might have a 1% for the sexual reproduction to succeed which is entirely different for sexual perverts like homosexuals, which is wrong by definition, 100% never works both by definition and in absolute terms, is unhealthy and is also completely different from sterility because it's a choice, it's the choice to do wrong, ergo being evil.

If you see a couple of old people, they might be grandparents, they might have successfully reproduced with each other in the past and are now maintaining their sacred marital vows. Of course, marriage wasn't invented so that old people get married while old, but them getting married doesn't destroy the definition of marriage whereas if you see a couple of sexual perverts like homosexuals, their age doesn't even matter, nothing else really matter, you know that they are wrong by choice, you know they can't reproduce because they misbehave sexually, hence being perverts. If you then include this into the definition of marriage, as opposed to old people getting married, you destroy the sexual aspect of marriage completely because homosexuality is itself the destruction of the sexual act. This means that all sexual obligations within marriage are removed and destroyed, such as not being able to have sex outside of marriage and owing sex to your spouse. This because homosexual cannot BY DEFINITION AND IN ABSOLUTE TERMS have sex, they can only engage in sexual perversions. This is also why, since you accepted homosexuality in your mind, in your mind the concept of sex is also destroyed, you don't understand that for sex to occur, a male and female necessarily need to be involved.
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3.81 MB WEBM
File: Stats2.webm (462 KB, 1072x460)
462 KB
He's bald.
File: WeDontLikeYouFag.webm (1.39 MB, 900x506)
1.39 MB
1.39 MB WEBM
not enough bunnyhopping
File: thebouncer.webm (184 KB, 1280x720)
184 KB
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4.55 MB WEBM
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2.33 MB
2.33 MB WEBM
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4.29 MB
4.29 MB MP4
What's the plot here?
Arnold is accused of groping a woman, but everything's fine after he uses an energy drink to undergo a magical transformation?
tell me about it
el negro es el fuego
Yeah, the catch-line of that drink is effectively:
Drink me and everything will be fine (だいじょブイ=だいじょV).
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5.33 MB WEBM
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5.81 MB
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2.51 MB
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5.95 MB
5.95 MB WEBM
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3.82 MB
3.82 MB WEBM
zoomer """"humor"""" everybody
File: 😭.mp4 (1.24 MB, 576x1024)
1.24 MB
1.24 MB MP4
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2.5 MB
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1.59 MB
1.59 MB MP4
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1000 KB WEBM
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528 KB
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2.82 MB
2.82 MB MP4
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4.83 MB
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3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
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4.87 MB
4.87 MB WEBM
metal general
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1.27 MB
1.27 MB WEBM
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3.84 MB
3.84 MB WEBM
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5.73 MB
5.73 MB WEBM
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647 KB
What does/did Enron do offically?
Banking? Engineering?
I just remember as a kid/early teen that they had a big fuckamaloo and went under
10 year old clip and it still slaps
File: pray.webm (1.48 MB, 576x770)
1.48 MB
1.48 MB WEBM
for metal general
File: nosey.webm (964 KB, 720x1280)
964 KB
for /metal/
Energy, Natural gas stuff, powerplants, the like.
File: e303a.webm (1.18 MB, 1280x590)
1.18 MB
1.18 MB WEBM
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5.51 MB
5.51 MB WEBM
File: forza horizon 5.webm (1.65 MB, 720x548)
1.65 MB
1.65 MB WEBM
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3.79 MB
3.79 MB WEBM
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316 KB
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5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
>has all the women, opportunities, lives in a great apartment

TL;DR he bald.

That's part of his character. He has all these opertunities but is still manages to fuck it up, it's his shtick. + what >>5750805 posted.

Also as a side note I like the back and forth between George and Kramer in that episode, where Kramer asks if George ever yearns. I used to yearn a lot but now I don't anymore, don't know when exactly but one day it just stopped. Don't know if that's good or bad, don't have any feeling for it one way or the other, the thought just struck me when I saw the clip.
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5.47 MB WEBM
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5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
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2.28 MB
2.28 MB WEBM
Is that from one of Kakaowy Szatan's videos?
This is a show made for kids btw
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3.9 MB
Nooo you see the ad said they're leading by example. They're the good guys, actually
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5.28 MB
5.28 MB WEBM
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2.46 MB
2.46 MB WEBM
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490 KB
File: piss rabbis.webm (3.91 MB, 720x394)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
File: Untitled-1.mp4 (5.81 MB, 1024x576)
5.81 MB
5.81 MB MP4
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882 KB
File: uk pedos.webm (787 KB, 640x640)
787 KB
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3.99 MB
3.99 MB WEBM
This is normal, legal knowledge that I can share with my friends
File: The Stats.webm (506 KB, 1024x658)
506 KB
Have the prequel as well
File: speed test with sound.webm (2.42 MB, 1200x674)
2.42 MB
2.42 MB WEBM
File: er.webm (5.7 MB, 358x540)
5.7 MB
File: 22-1.mp4 (4.35 MB, 854x480)
4.35 MB
4.35 MB MP4
File: gits.mp4 (2.87 MB, 720x576)
2.87 MB
2.87 MB MP4
File: Lumumba.mp4 (2.86 MB, 608x1080)
2.86 MB
2.86 MB MP4
Don't order a Lumumba, it's racist.
File: Rapid Firing.mp4 (5.86 MB, 1920x1078)
5.86 MB
5.86 MB MP4
>the most nutritious type of meal is when i destroy the nutrients in it and then add raw butter because i identify as a carnivoreTM
I watch abom79 from time to time. I used to use his dad's machine shop all the time years ago. The work he pulled of in a glorified shed was amazing
Enron no longer exists. The brand name was bought by some comedian as a joke and now he sells Enron branded tshirts.

In the past, they were an "energy trading" company that was actually running a big scam.
legit banger
>hamburger hamburger
how is this so good?
File: assad laughs.webm (600 KB, 400x226)
600 KB
I don't get it, why did he look like he shit his pants?
Holy fuck! Where and when was this?
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855 KB
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5.55 MB
5.55 MB MP4
What's the source? I'll rip you a webm version because that h264 encode is just awful.
File: 1733349430383986.mp4 (191 KB, 256x480)
191 KB
191 KB MP4
Georgia, recently.

File: net.webm (3.72 MB, 1104x620)
3.72 MB
3.72 MB WEBM
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199 KB
File: Shock Treatment (1981).webm (5.98 MB, 1412x1080)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
File limit reached, new bread here:

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