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File: 1716938237973141.webm (5.33 MB, 692x888)
5.33 MB
5.33 MB WEBM
Hyperborea Edits
For the Coming Man!
File: Summon The Tards.webm (1.27 MB, 720x480)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB WEBM
File: 1713398725902901.gif (103 KB, 987x283)
103 KB
103 KB GIF
File: oc v1.webm (3.36 MB, 720x1280)
3.36 MB
3.36 MB WEBM
I tried my hand at making some oc, whatcha guys think?
call for tards and they arrive.
File: 1730202277010196.webm (5.74 MB, 1080x1080)
5.74 MB
5.74 MB WEBM
Cool vid except for the bodybuilding. It looks horrible (borderline gross; to both men and women btw), it's not functional at all (can't run, can't swim), etc. Beyond that it's useless. Just eat healthy, read books; and if you seek right-wing activities, run and train with guns.
File: ai borea.webm (5.99 MB, 640x360)
5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
File: amv.mp4 (2.32 MB, 576x576)
2.32 MB
2.32 MB MP4
File: they were not.webm (5.93 MB, 400x400)
5.93 MB
5.93 MB WEBM
holy fuck this is so good
Arnold is a faggot traitor.
Found the fattard
anyone got link to good quality of Roman Gibson's Hitler traveling to Agartha? Yt deleted it. The music in it was really good
File: something.mp4 (3.92 MB, 1080x1920)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB MP4
File: Jonathan bowden 4.mp4 (3.87 MB, 640x360)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB MP4
File: Jonathan bowden 6.mp4 (2.81 MB, 720x720)
2.81 MB
2.81 MB MP4
File: 1723013571580087.webm (5.81 MB, 720x720)
5.81 MB
5.81 MB WEBM
bowden was a gem
File: 1723013671049862.webm (5.87 MB, 720x720)
5.87 MB
5.87 MB WEBM
File: 1723029735852145.webm (5.86 MB, 864x446)
5.86 MB
5.86 MB WEBM
File: 1725193129243871.webm (3.71 MB, 480x271)
3.71 MB
3.71 MB WEBM
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5.44 MB
5.44 MB WEBM
File: 1723013411906768.webm (5.81 MB, 960x720)
5.81 MB
5.81 MB WEBM
File: Bowden pagan edit.webm (5.9 MB, 854x480)
5.9 MB
Yep he was. I found loads of edits here https://nitter.poast.org/todesbund but I am not doing well with converting them to under 6mb. Is there a website or software that can get them down to size? Shotcut makes the videos just a little bit smaller when I try to compress them.
nice find. i use ffmpeg. some people use handbrake or webm converter too.
File: Jonathan Bowden 1(1).mp4 (5.76 MB, 720x480)
5.76 MB
5.76 MB MP4
File: Jonathan Bowden 2.mp4 (5.62 MB, 720x480)
5.62 MB
5.62 MB MP4
File: Jonathan Bowden 3.mp4 (5.97 MB, 480x360)
5.97 MB
5.97 MB MP4
File: Jonathan Bowden 5.mp4 (5.92 MB, 480x360)
5.92 MB
5.92 MB MP4
File: Jonathan Bowden 7.mp4 (5.6 MB, 480x360)
5.6 MB
5.6 MB MP4
File: Jonathan Bowden 8.mp4 (5.76 MB, 480x360)
5.76 MB
5.76 MB MP4
File: Hypertod.mp4 (5.95 MB, 480x360)
5.95 MB
5.95 MB MP4
File: Moar Bowden.mp4 (5.74 MB, 480x360)
5.74 MB
5.74 MB MP4
File: Something Better.mp4 (5.98 MB, 480x360)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB MP4
File: Tears In The Rain.mp4 (5.4 MB, 480x360)
5.4 MB
5.4 MB MP4
File: Oh Look More Bowden.mp4 (5.66 MB, 480x360)
5.66 MB
5.66 MB MP4
File: I Have No Plan To Stop.mp4 (5.73 MB, 480x360)
5.73 MB
5.73 MB MP4
File: Bowden Once Again.mp4 (5.89 MB, 480x360)
5.89 MB
5.89 MB MP4
File: To victory.mp4 (1018 KB, 640x360)
1018 KB
1018 KB MP4
Last one. Also before I go. Let me just say that nigel farage and tommy mossad are massive zionist faggots. Now the shills can dump the schizo and rap edits.
what song is this?
In the hours leading up to the battle, Lord Nelson, in the quiet solitude of the Great Cabin in HMS Victory, composed an elegant prayer that says much for him as a patriot, a naval commander and, above all, a very generous and humane man. He understood the rigours and hardships of sailors and held a strong belief in Christian charity and had no wish to see his philosophy of annihilation to proceed beyond the act of surrender.

"May The Great God whom I worship grant to my country and for the benefit of Europe in general, a great and glorious victory; and may no misconduct in anyone tarnish it; and may humanity after victory be the predominant feature of the British Fleet. For myself individually I commit my life to Him who made me, and may this blessing light upon my endeavours for serving my country faithfully. To Him I resign myself and the just cause which is entrusted to me to defend. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The Fleet observed Nelson's prayer to the letter. Yet noone present in the Fleet could have known what he had written. It is a tribute to the example that Lord Nelson set for his officers and men that when the burden of history fell upon them they knewwhat he expected.

absolutely dripping with hyperborean spirit
im looking for a hyperborea themed webum with atomic weapons with indian letters and math and the song by perturbator x health is playing, does anyone have it?
good job anon, much better than the last thread
File: moral force.mp4 (1.52 MB, 854x480)
1.52 MB
1.52 MB MP4
I have found a dozen more kino edits.
File: Words Of Wisdom.mp4 (5.87 MB, 720x480)
5.87 MB
5.87 MB MP4
File: Inequality.mp4 (5.75 MB, 720x480)
5.75 MB
5.75 MB MP4
File: What You Can Become.mp4 (5.92 MB, 528x480)
5.92 MB
5.92 MB MP4
File: Masculinity.mp4 (1.51 MB, 728x720)
1.51 MB
1.51 MB MP4
File: European.mp4 (1.01 MB, 720x1004)
1.01 MB
1.01 MB MP4
File: European Vril.mp4 (1.76 MB, 500x510)
1.76 MB
1.76 MB MP4
File: Ultra.mp4 (2.16 MB, 360x360)
2.16 MB
2.16 MB MP4
File: Kvasir Hyperbo.mp4 (5.85 MB, 360x280)
5.85 MB
5.85 MB MP4
File: sacrifice.mp4 (2.08 MB, 640x360)
2.08 MB
2.08 MB MP4
This one's for you, fatass. https://files.catbox.moe/qwfp6q.pdf
File: 1727201476780859.webm (4.82 MB, 1280x1280)
4.82 MB
4.82 MB WEBM
kek, thanks for this. Where'd you find it?
Found it on an abandoned telegram, TheLiftwaffe
File: 1729577289525342.webm (1.84 MB, 720x720)
1.84 MB
1.84 MB WEBM
Thank you, Brother.
I'm black with brown eyes and black hair am I hyperborean?
^ More like Hypoborean.
File: vqsTUhq2CRmn7JO5.webm (3.88 MB, 700x700)
3.88 MB
3.88 MB WEBM
File: 1771286305604816896.mp4 (1.56 MB, 710x400)
1.56 MB
1.56 MB MP4
File: 1771580643094548480.mp4 (5.84 MB, 720x720)
5.84 MB
5.84 MB MP4
File: 1771580895708979200.mp4 (3.38 MB, 480x480)
3.38 MB
3.38 MB MP4
File: 1771581079776112640.mp4 (5.53 MB, 850x480)
5.53 MB
5.53 MB MP4
File: 1771747946717118464.mp4 (5 MB, 506x430)
5 MB
5 MB MP4
File: 1771748604069527552.mp4 (3.38 MB, 720x720)
3.38 MB
3.38 MB MP4
File: 1775298434410721280.mp4 (2.15 MB, 532x300)
2.15 MB
2.15 MB MP4
File: 1558932846512939009.mp4 (3.67 MB, 1280x720)
3.67 MB
3.67 MB MP4
File: 1848486102102904832.mp4 (5.35 MB, 720x730)
5.35 MB
5.35 MB MP4
This is the best hyperborea thread I've ever seen
File: wild_hunt.webm (5.72 MB, 320x320)
5.72 MB
5.72 MB WEBM

File: Antiquity.webm (5.95 MB, 320x180)
5.95 MB
5.95 MB WEBM
File: state_of_you.webm (5.9 MB, 409x230)
5.9 MB
File: atlantes.webm (3.64 MB, 400x200)
3.64 MB
3.64 MB WEBM
File: mermaids.webm (5.91 MB, 480x270)
5.91 MB
5.91 MB WEBM
File: agartha.webm (5.96 MB, 409x230)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB WEBM
File: contact.webm (5.95 MB, 409x230)
5.95 MB
5.95 MB WEBM
File: Tony.webm (6 MB, 467x350)
6 MB
File: joaq.webm (5.98 MB, 693x390)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
>if you're fit but say you don't want to look like an inflated clown then you must be a fatass
Who says you have to look like an inflated clown?
>Just eat healthy, read books; and if you seek right-wing activities, run and train with guns.
Why leave out exercise and gym? I agree that bulky bodybuilders look off-putting and I personally go for a muscular build like statues but not working out is retarded
ngl the music used is a bit cringy, specifically the voice
link to full speech? I really like this one.
We could take the lyrics. Use AI for some actors or singers voice and add different music. Use, reuse and recycle for victory!
Anyone have the one saying something like "the ancestors of Europeans were extremely violent" with drawings of iron age europeans?
File: 1717012075918782.webm (4.12 MB, 1280x720)
4.12 MB
4.12 MB WEBM
>>5749905 (OP)
Chim chimney chim chimney chim chim cheeree !
A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be
Chim chimney chim chimney chim chim cheeroo !
Good luck will rub off when I shakes hands with you !
File: PPUNFbGRR4tS.mp4 (985 KB, 480x480)
985 KB
985 KB MP4
File: iu3BiTI9jrz1.mp4 (1.41 MB, 558x480)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB MP4
File: uTpHuNuwh9lf.mp4 (837 KB, 270x480)
837 KB
837 KB MP4
File: 1463095079338491904.mp4 (2.83 MB, 640x454)
2.83 MB
2.83 MB MP4
Thank you anon.
I've been looking for this for ages, thanks anon.
File: Ol.mp4 (5.68 MB, 720x480)
5.68 MB
5.68 MB MP4
If an entire nation has become cowardly, and there are only a thousand left who want something great, and who have the power to transform the state, then these thousand people are the nation.

-Joseph Goebbels
File: Garden.mp4 (4.99 MB, 720x480)
4.99 MB
4.99 MB MP4
File: Death.mp4 (5.53 MB, 1920x1080)
5.53 MB
5.53 MB MP4
“Those who cannot bravely face danger are the slaves of their attackers”
File: What Would You Die For.mp4 (5.54 MB, 720x480)
5.54 MB
5.54 MB MP4
Someone who fears death is worried about either not having any awareness after death or that their experience will change. However, they should find comfort in the idea that if there is no awareness, there will be no feeling of pain, and if there is any awareness, it might lead to a different kind of existence, meaning death isn’t really the end.
-Marcus Aurelius
File: Gods.mp4 (1.62 MB, 720x1280)
1.62 MB
1.62 MB MP4
File: Bowdenvision.mp4 (4.8 MB, 720x480)
4.8 MB
4.8 MB MP4
File: 1730430006982981.webm (5.37 MB, 720x720)
5.37 MB
5.37 MB WEBM
Why would you need more than running and pushups? The human body isn't meant to be artificially made big through the lifting of weights over and over. Muscles build up for specific activities (eg when you swim your shoulders get bigger). Lifting weights will not only not make you better at important (soldiery) activities like running and swimming and surviving outdoors, it will make you worse. And it looks worse (even the bulky builds you refer to). I just fail to see the point. But of course that's just my analysis, I don't judge. (Except for the steroidheads like those in the webm that sparked this discussion who indeed look ridiculous; them I judge as foolish.)
File: The Gods Envy Us.mp4 (4.3 MB, 720x480)
4.3 MB
4.3 MB MP4
File: Glory Life Energy.mp4 (5.97 MB, 1920x1080)
5.97 MB
5.97 MB MP4
File: Hang em.mp4 (798 KB, 1280x720)
798 KB
798 KB MP4
The human body was made for tasks like that, we just technologically progressed beyond the point of needing to do it anymore (with things like automation and machines) and we have lost touch with it, which is why it is good to exercise and hit the gym. In today's day and age, you are able to live whilst barely moving and not even leaving your house (since you can order food and groceries). Is this the intended way for our body to function? Obviously not. We were built to hunt, climb, swim, run, etc. and we also built civilisation by moving heavy materials to and fro. Even the Greeks and Romans knew of the importance of working out and had gymnasiums dedicated to Hercules.

There is no excuse not to hit the gym and exercise. It provides various benefits to your body on a biological level.
based however chemtrails is a cringe psyop
true, they are spraying various chemicals and metals into the atmosphere though https://www.cbsnews.com/news/geoengineering-treatment-stratospheric-aerosol-injection-climate-change-study-today-2018-11-23/
80% of normie conspiracies are a psyop
ATC - Around The World
Thanks, what's the source for the music?
I meant the remix in the vid. I already knew the original
Anyone have the other Mario Judah Epstein webm?
You know the one
hahaaaa this one is fucking god tier
Up to date video most important of the century.
download share everywhere.

> captcha: NYAHN
File: white man awake snip.webm (2.47 MB, 1920x1080)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB WEBM
File: hypergate_part1_2.webm (5.85 MB, 640x260)
5.85 MB
5.85 MB WEBM
good shit anon, this goes hard
Very hard
Chemtrails are real and you can literally see them with your own eyes. You can also see the difference between condensation and chemtrails, as condensation quickly dissipates after whereas chemtrails stay and begin slowly falling and dispersing before turning the sky into a white haze.
what is this kino?

its called cloud seeding
This one is actually great. Got more? Any Link?

Truly a work of love. Amazing.
File: 1724849134751275.mp4 (3.73 MB, 576x726)
3.73 MB
3.73 MB MP4
File: HYPERBOEAGATE_PART1.webm (5.84 MB, 640x260)
5.84 MB
5.84 MB WEBM

Okay, I have perfected my webm. Hopefully it is not complete trash
File: HYPERBOREAGATE_PART2.webm (5.15 MB, 640x260)
5.15 MB
5.15 MB WEBM
and part 2. I wasn't sure if I should add this, but maybe it cuts off too short in the first part...
File: cult_vs_euro.webm (5.72 MB, 1920x1440)
5.72 MB
5.72 MB WEBM
File: aryan_origin.webm (5.37 MB, 640x360)
5.37 MB
5.37 MB WEBM
File: white people.webm (5.08 MB, 600x600)
5.08 MB
5.08 MB WEBM
File: Sonnenrave.webm (3.72 MB, 486x720)
3.72 MB
3.72 MB WEBM
File: higher_purpose.webm (5.98 MB, 640x480)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
File: ever know.webm (5.47 MB, 870x720)
5.47 MB
5.47 MB WEBM
File: what_men_want.webm (5.82 MB, 640x628)
5.82 MB
5.82 MB WEBM
Anyone got the indo european one?
Where do you get the footage?
File: 1848342107288973312.webm (3.93 MB, 600x600)
3.93 MB
3.93 MB WEBM
File: 1469430427920252945.mp4 (452 KB, 640x460)
452 KB
452 KB MP4
Thought this was just an edit, but no, it's a real shitty streaming series. It's called Alt du Elsker and you can find the first episode on jewtube.
Unholy - Silver Grave
File: 1866348227932327936.webm (3.91 MB, 600x600)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
File: End_of_Heaven.webm (5.51 MB, 640x480)
5.51 MB
5.51 MB WEBM
> alien_sky_EP1-11.mp4 67.5 MB
> https://files.catbox.moe/txv8c3.mp4

> alien_sky_EP12-19.mp4 65.9 MB
> https://files.catbox.moe/uwc6e5.mp4

> alien_sky_EP20-25.mp4 50.1 MB

> alien_sky_EP27-33.mp4 83.9 MB
> https://files.catbox.moe/b7ez4w.mp4

> alien_sky_EP34-45_finale.mp4 0.1 GB
> https://files.catbox.moe/33949r.mp4

> discord_sky.mp4 42.4 MB
> https://files.catbox.moe/s74nte.mp4

> Electric_Feel_Birth_of_Venus.mp4 0.2 GB
> https://files.catbox.moe/2uznht.mp4

> End_of_Heaven.mp4 21.4 MB
> https://files.catbox.moe/pa0qtp.mp4

> Little_Mars_Age.mp4 0.1 GB
> https://files.catbox.moe/8qgr9t.mp4

> planets_et.mp4 78.7 MB
> https://files.catbox.moe/bxixfm.mp4

> Saturn_Theory_Cosmic_Love.mp4 0.2 GB
> https://files.catbox.moe/xei7j1.mp4

> thunderbolts_die_young.mp4 52.9 MB
> https://files.catbox.moe/6757by.mp4

if any anon wants to resize/edit them so they can be upload'd as mp4, feel free!
File: Story of a man.mp4 (5.87 MB, 720x480)
5.87 MB
5.87 MB MP4
First try at making a video.
Fucking outstanding
Part 1 is fire. Part 2 has too many overlays for me. I think it could work with a higher resolution but at the current size it becomes too much like its all blurring together. I can’t even tell what I am seeing in some parts.
Why do Europa edits in general always have to include social media whores on yachts?
File: dream.webm (1.45 MB, 854x480)
1.45 MB
1.45 MB WEBM
File: MM.mp4 (5.7 MB, 848x464)
5.7 MB
5.7 MB MP4
File: 1708596642490418.webm (5.88 MB, 640x360)
5.88 MB
5.88 MB WEBM
This is my attempt anon
Please, if anyone has
-the Charles Manson one
-the ones with Richard Spencer (there were a few a while back),
do post! Thanks.
File: ace80y.webm (5.67 MB, 640x360)
5.67 MB
5.67 MB WEBM
thank you so much anon! now i can post some of them in the next thread. what do you anon(s) think about these vids? i made them just to get the footage out there and seen quickly. the visuals have much history, mythology, and culture. the origin of the black sun is very interesting to say the least. the source material for many of the vids is linked below:



saturn theory is not popular with kosher science but i've seen it posted on /sci/ and /x/ occasionally. the premise is that mythology tells the history of this planet and the solar system. enjoi the redpillz anonz.
also the vids with subtitles are from this gaia series, linked on mega:

I don't really get it. What is this about?
File: 1729026581874770.webm (1.97 MB, 640x360)
1.97 MB
1.97 MB WEBM
Get fit!
bowden did some acting? please fill me in because i've only recently discovered him through Steve Laws
How to have an Aryan awakening:
Do IV ketamine and listen to this music ITT
File: 1591302714932.gif (2.19 MB, 854x480)
2.19 MB
2.19 MB GIF
start with these articles
> https://saturndeathcult.com/the-sturn-death-cult-part-1/

that will give you a basic idea of the concepts and ancient history, there's even articles about the blue bloods and money changers of old. the swastika can be seen in the 'end of heaven' video, a spinning wheel in the northern sky with four streams of plasma coming from Venus, which is hidden behind mars. the plasma flows away from the sun, Sol, towards saturn which is above venus.

think of the planets stacked up pole to pole north to south. looking north from earth humans could see these other planets and were inspired to create the concept of time from watching the crescent of light and dark during the night and day. the axis mundi is what it's called, these four rivers in the north and the entrance to hyperborea!

see the polar configuration animated here:
What's the song?
File: 1808223393013010432.mp4 (818 KB, 360x640)
818 KB
818 KB MP4
File: 1866703077752942592.mp4 (2.1 MB, 576x768)
2.1 MB
2.1 MB MP4
File: White Beauty.mp4 (1.06 MB, 576x720)
1.06 MB
1.06 MB MP4
File: If It works.mp4 (2.28 MB, 720x720)
2.28 MB
2.28 MB MP4
File: 1848572850711547904.webm (3.76 MB, 600x422)
3.76 MB
3.76 MB WEBM
Sorry about my face - dsa
No wonder jews love (((Saturn))).
Does anyone have the one beginning with:
>Pull that shit up, Jamie
Looksmaxxing Aryan Beasts
song name?
2017 telegram niggas... vros its been more than half a decade

brvder u just sped up a documentary

got the full mp4? might add it to my hyperobrea collection
I haven't gotten around to learning how to make a huperborea edit yet but I'd love if someone made one with this song, it's just has that vibe and just generally slaps hard

Akira Kurosawa's "Ran" (1985)
It's an adaptation of Shakespeare's King Lear
lol thx, i know it's sped up. just clip'd out the people talking, added music, changed speed and cut extra to fit the music. the point to get the visuals, symbols, planets, history, etc. into anons eyes so if u see anything u like you can add it to hyperborea videos, there are so many ancient aryan symbols to study. ur welcome to learn brvdr.
i dont want to find hyperborea anymore i just want to get a cuddle
File: thezone.webm (5.85 MB, 640x360)
5.85 MB
5.85 MB WEBM
quit masturbating and direct the energy towards women
Anyone got "late night thoughts: white people are aliens"?
thanks anon!
File: 1642629999009.webm (1.82 MB, 416x368)
1.82 MB
1.82 MB WEBM
im gonna need this song for future edits
File: HyperSunnyOC1.mp4 (4.33 MB, 640x480)
4.33 MB
4.33 MB MP4
File: hsOC2re.webm (4.12 MB, 640x480)
4.12 MB
4.12 MB WEBM
This but with boys instead. Women disrespect you for being weak. Try that and she'll leave you for an unfeeling gorilla in no time.
what software do you use for converting your videos into webms ? I have troubles with avidemux
i just use a website to resize and convert stuff, there are many just google it
does anyone have the one with aryan abby/ben shapiro smoking bongs in a yurt, becomes an eagle...
Does anyone still have the “your sister's womb” hyperborean meme based on the imagery of “The Coffin of Andy and Leyley”?
Music? Shazam only gives tracks that sample this
Movie pls?
song is high tide - brothertiger
My wife.
postmodern aryan ideals
Die Niebelungen: Part One



One of the big productions coming out of germany in the 1920s when the german film industry was still cutting edge.
Together with part 2 easily one of the best movie, if you acustom to the music and the silent movie and the sometimes funny and out of time sfx, it's screenplay, brutalistic sets and especially the tactics and fighting in part two are a great interpretation of medieval writings of probably 1500+ year old sagas and folk tales.
File: 1731237750681308.mp4 (6 MB, 1000x562)
6 MB
6 MB MP4
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2.98 MB
2.98 MB MP4
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5.98 MB
5.98 MB MP4
File: 1718664410906455.mp4 (5.98 MB, 640x640)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB MP4
File: ziondon.mp4 (1.64 MB, 640x352)
1.64 MB
1.64 MB MP4
Zion don cringe
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5.72 MB
5.72 MB WEBM
File: 1723009401156787.webm (5.28 MB, 480x353)
5.28 MB
5.28 MB WEBM
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3.29 MB
3.29 MB WEBM
File: 1723014566065575.webm (3.27 MB, 1080x1920)
3.27 MB
3.27 MB WEBM
File: HSoc3re.mp4 (1.97 MB, 640x480)
1.97 MB
1.97 MB MP4
lmao ok this one won me over at the end, saved.
We wuz
Does anyone perhaps have or knows where to find the Indo aryan chad chariot invasions meme video? It might have had milk in it too but I'm not sure
Anybody know if the Eternal Empire discord / seele14 is still a thing?
Holy gem!
File: 1709332078368987.webm (5.9 MB, 700x394)
5.9 MB
Good one
File: 1730025912355608.webm (5.83 MB, 700x370)
5.83 MB
5.83 MB WEBM
File: I Am Become Death.webm (5.39 MB, 640x360)
5.39 MB
5.39 MB WEBM
File: 1869699454053285888.mp4 (4.55 MB, 720x1280)
4.55 MB
4.55 MB MP4

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