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/wsg/ - Worksafe GIF

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  • Supported file types are: GIF, WEBM, MP4

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> search catalog for random thread
> they're full
I just want to post stuff that doesn't fit anywhere.

File: The.Sea.Hawk.[1940].webm (5.92 MB, 720x524)
5.92 MB
5.92 MB WEBM
File: Captain.Blood.[1935].webm (5.94 MB, 576x434)
5.94 MB
5.94 MB WEBM
File: Style.Wars.[1983].webm (5.93 MB, 720x481)
5.93 MB
5.93 MB WEBM
Alright this was annoying me. Looks like a lot of music videos begin with black frames, so I figured out how to skip them because fuck doing it manually if ffmpeg can do it for me.
File: 1708286005619330.mp4 (1.46 MB, 576x1024)
1.46 MB
1.46 MB MP4
File: 1719883799327659.mp4 (3.98 MB, 576x1024)
3.98 MB
3.98 MB MP4
File: 1667841425585580.webm (3.84 MB, 404x716)
3.84 MB
3.84 MB WEBM
File: letthepeepeehitthepoo.webm (781 KB, 1280x720)
781 KB
File: 1664987563268521.webm (2.86 MB, 640x342)
2.86 MB
2.86 MB WEBM
File: 1663291267894488.webm (3.61 MB, 966x720)
3.61 MB
3.61 MB WEBM
File: 1662290568642923.webm (1.79 MB, 240x427)
1.79 MB
1.79 MB WEBM
File: Sir your total is.mp4 (2.57 MB, 640x712)
2.57 MB
2.57 MB MP4
File: Dorito Birth.mp4 (1.51 MB, 640x640)
1.51 MB
1.51 MB MP4
shame Arnold is a mega libtard
It's amazing how people now cosplay as him.
File: Still Not Stopping.webm (3.93 MB, 640x480)
3.93 MB
3.93 MB WEBM
arrr matey... i award this video postey twelve dabloons or be sent to daveys locker..

File: 1715804040956085.webm (5.87 MB, 1200x676)
5.87 MB
5.87 MB WEBM
File: 1733755210204794a.webm (5.37 MB, 1280x720)
5.37 MB
5.37 MB WEBM
Can anyone .webmify this? I don't know how to.
Cute song.
That was pretty ghud
File: Blue_railway_wagon.mp4 (4.04 MB, 192x144)
4.04 MB
4.04 MB MP4
File: 1726103249199250.webm (3.5 MB, 640x480)
3.5 MB
anyone got the webm of the 4chan video with that moot cat walking past the boards with a hammer with the country roads song playing? but the long 45 second version, not the short one?
File: 1724083892990115.mp4 (2.78 MB, 1280x718)
2.78 MB
2.78 MB MP4
File: 1714647001565854.webm (4.65 MB, 1150x646)
4.65 MB
4.65 MB WEBM
File: 1715844750168692.webm (5.67 MB, 1000x562)
5.67 MB
5.67 MB WEBM
Gave me something to test on. If you want to learn,
1. Download with yt-dlp.
2. Use handbrake, webm for lazys, or consider trying my script, which aims to make it easy:
File: 1726575111180879.mp4 (2.28 MB, 576x1024)
2.28 MB
2.28 MB MP4
Thanks. I've tried to learn it, but I'm actually, legitimately too stupid. I think its an IQ barrier.
But I am on windows7 servicepack1
MPV + mpv-webm.
I saw a video on this site that jumping back and forth between two videos of men eating fast food. The first put on rubber gloves to eat a pizza which he ate slowly and effeminately with a knife and a fork. The second was a dude who ordered multiple meals and devoured them like someone was going to steal them. Does anybody have this video?
Does ffmpeg not work on Windows 7?
File: Dodge.City.[1939].webm (5.94 MB, 720x525)
5.94 MB
5.94 MB WEBM
File: Sean Paul - Get Busy.webm (5.93 MB, 640x480)
5.93 MB
5.93 MB WEBM
what song is this?
crazy train
He just confessed, why even bother getting a lawyer
Wait wasnt the jogger trying to harm people, was threatening women or some shit?
anon its literally in the official flash archives ;-;
Posting a quality comparison.
This one is handbrake with the best settings I could set.
ffmpeg with -deadline best.
bit-rate is the same.
They're similar but this one has noticably less banding.
Its just a guy hitting tubes together retard
File: Untitled.webm (5.5 MB, 1392x1366)
5.5 MB
not sure where to ask this and dont want to create a thread
How do you get the snowy effect in 4ch like in picrel without having to wait until Christmas?
what were the full option set for this?
looks very good
File: file.mp4 (3.69 MB, 720x1280)
3.69 MB
3.69 MB MP4
ffmpeg -ss 0:02:15 -t 0:00:35 i input.mkv -vf scale='min(1024,iw)':'min(1024,ih):force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease' -c:v libvpx-vp9 -deadline best -row-mt 1 -b:v 1318k -async 1 -vsync 2 -pass 2 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -c:a libopus -b:a 96k output.webm

The key parameters are:
-deadline best
-b:v 1318k
Deadline best is marginally better than deadline good (webm related is deadline good)

It was all automatically calculated using my script >>5754084
File: _1_input.webm (1.69 MB, 1920x1080)
1.69 MB
1.69 MB WEBM
sweet ty
Sure thing anon. If you encounter a bug or want a feature, let me know.
File: Ultimate Fuel.webm (4.6 MB, 640x360)
4.6 MB
File: Not so fast.webm (4.99 MB, 640x360)
4.99 MB
4.99 MB WEBM
File: You heard.mp4 (4.67 MB, 480x854)
4.67 MB
4.67 MB MP4
File: Magician's Brick.mp4 (3.04 MB, 1920x1080)
3.04 MB
3.04 MB MP4
Please next thread make it about random webm and random mp4.
File: upyoursnigger.webm (3.4 MB, 826x480)
3.4 MB
high tier kino
File: niggerstonguemyanus.webm (2.57 MB, 800x500)
2.57 MB
2.57 MB WEBM
File: 1495520689552.webm (3.77 MB, 840x470)
3.77 MB
3.77 MB WEBM
File: lolicatgirls.webm (3.96 MB, 480x360)
3.96 MB
3.96 MB WEBM
File: ohyeah.webm (3.98 MB, 254x144)
3.98 MB
3.98 MB WEBM
Made me wonder about this one. Turns out the official video on youtube is only 11MB and this is the full resolution.
oh neat they increased the size limit
What's the story? hunt down a nigger stealing his stuff? based boomer.
File: TISM - Whatareya?.mp4 (5.96 MB, 384x240)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB MP4
who is this
File: kermit.webm (5.98 MB, 640x480)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
Retarded fucking webm.
Chris Chan?
File: 1734287229554302.mp4 (2.76 MB, 1024x1024)
2.76 MB
2.76 MB MP4
File: 1734288100423991.webm (2.99 MB, 1280x720)
2.99 MB
2.99 MB WEBM
File: 1734299109243484.webm (1.92 MB, 1536x864)
1.92 MB
1.92 MB WEBM
File: 1734015419489887.webm (1.97 MB, 1062x1080)
1.97 MB
1.97 MB WEBM
File: 1733150480808061.webm (827 KB, 960x720)
827 KB
File: 1733018102984886.webm (2.93 MB, 320x568)
2.93 MB
2.93 MB WEBM
Wyman can't act.
They always try to act cool, but it's like a tranny acting as a woman. It always comes off as fake and laughable
the famed hard pipe hitting nigga i presume
shot a drone
Next I suppose you'll be asking about gifs.
what song is that?
File: swtor_forums.webm (1.77 MB, 640x360)
1.77 MB
1.77 MB WEBM
File: gman.webm (3.99 MB, 400x300)
3.99 MB
3.99 MB WEBM
File: born to patrol.webm (3.89 MB, 960x540)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB WEBM
File: alien rommulus.webm (794 KB, 1792x960)
794 KB
Is this a boyfriend free girl?
File: 1695769457364936.webm (1.16 MB, 480x852)
1.16 MB
1.16 MB WEBM
File: 1734300059599037.webm (1.35 MB, 1280x720)
1.35 MB
1.35 MB WEBM
File: 1734223003023633.webm (1.84 MB, 480x852)
1.84 MB
1.84 MB WEBM
File: 1734303856578435.webm (3.92 MB, 480x852)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB WEBM
File: 1733931467104670.webm (3.86 MB, 480x688)
3.86 MB
3.86 MB WEBM
File: 1733792594083414.webm (3.32 MB, 406x720)
3.32 MB
3.32 MB WEBM
File: 1664341703713512.webm (2.19 MB, 600x450)
2.19 MB
2.19 MB WEBM
File: 1734314711519489.webm (3.87 MB, 640x480)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB WEBM
File: 1734416787232620 (1).webm (5.92 MB, 560x420)
5.92 MB
5.92 MB WEBM
File: 1734300694843241.webm (3.01 MB, 576x1024)
3.01 MB
3.01 MB WEBM
File: 1734301251041883.webm (2.97 MB, 720x1280)
2.97 MB
2.97 MB WEBM
File: 1733107675327525.webm (3.65 MB, 640x480)
3.65 MB
3.65 MB WEBM
File: 1733854219321925.webm (1.77 MB, 576x1024)
1.77 MB
1.77 MB WEBM
File: 1733563596540549.webm (2.62 MB, 640x480)
2.62 MB
2.62 MB WEBM
File: 1734262608626306.webm (2.58 MB, 406x720)
2.58 MB
2.58 MB WEBM
File: 1733722723306731.webm (2.89 MB, 853x480)
2.89 MB
2.89 MB WEBM
File: 1733543405445798.webm (2.75 MB, 402x720)
2.75 MB
2.75 MB WEBM
>baron Harkönnen
File: 1733491805799159.webm (1.26 MB, 720x1280)
1.26 MB
1.26 MB WEBM
File: 1733535792132858.webm (2.51 MB, 480x848)
2.51 MB
2.51 MB WEBM
File: 1734386137351415.webm (2.13 MB, 1280x616)
2.13 MB
2.13 MB WEBM
File: 1734384963692074.webm (1.73 MB, 640x480)
1.73 MB
1.73 MB WEBM
File: 1734384632670575.webm (1.63 MB, 800x450)
1.63 MB
1.63 MB WEBM
File: 1734364506751561.webm (363 KB, 256x198)
363 KB
File: 1732411791901963.webm (2.37 MB, 960x540)
2.37 MB
2.37 MB WEBM
File: 1732420394226530.webm (1.5 MB, 1000x436)
1.5 MB
File: 1730953880282168.webm (3.12 MB, 1280x720)
3.12 MB
3.12 MB WEBM
File: 1730954117441149.webm (1.95 MB, 1280x720)
1.95 MB
1.95 MB WEBM
File: 1731221058318833.webm (1.14 MB, 640x360)
1.14 MB
1.14 MB WEBM
File: 1730662400008505 (1).webm (1.5 MB, 700x392)
1.5 MB
File: 1730660714994591.webm (1.32 MB, 632x1138)
1.32 MB
1.32 MB WEBM
File: UN2aG3ImJBY.webm (1.88 MB, 854x480)
1.88 MB
1.88 MB WEBM
File: 1734384540031334 (1).webm (2.7 MB, 960x540)
2.7 MB
damn son,I haven't seen this one since niggers were rare
File: 1539644061733.webm (3.91 MB, 800x450)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
File: mario.webm (1.52 MB, 720x480)
1.52 MB
1.52 MB WEBM
File: 1704998645442005.mp4 (5.52 MB, 384x480)
5.52 MB
5.52 MB MP4
Found where the original audio is from in case anyone else was wondering
File: KKKcatniggers.webm (349 KB, 320x584)
349 KB
thanks for this classic.
File: _1_input.webm (5.89 MB, 1236x720)
5.89 MB
5.89 MB WEBM
another using your script.
source was shit but still handled it well.
Was using Boram before and always had to fiddle with the options so ty again for providing the script. just handles it all on its own.
would be good to have some options for audio and/or non-6MB WEBM boards
basically remove audio (if any) and target a 4MB output. pic not related, but that would be a great feature for /vg/ stuff.
File: Smoke Two Joints.webm (3.92 MB, 500x500)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB WEBM
It's in there. Just use "--mode gif" to target 4MB with sound, or "--mode other" to target 4MB without sound.
There are all kinds of goodies including the ability to combine audio with a static image.
Does anyone have a video titled "fuck this gay earth" and its just a compilation of how fucked the earth is in terms of pollution, society, etc? It has some hardstyle bass music playing and I cannot find it. Please bros.
File: _1_input.webm (5.9 MB, 1024x576)
5.9 MB
a bit off naming-wise IMHO
As a dev, when I check/grep a README, it's for keywords –or just search the repo for a matching string. Would never have guessed "gif" or "other" would be part of the search string to match my need.
Pls consider renaming them (*or aliasing them) to `--mode blue`, `--audio none`, `--board blue`, `--limitMB 4`; just something which would appear on a grep of the README
More concisely stated: I feel like hiding the options for blueboard renders behind a "mode" keyword isn't intuitive.
Still a banger of a script regardless.
File: 1696309950309185.webm (3.87 MB, 568x320)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB WEBM
File: 1715708126914310.webm (2.04 MB, 640x480)
2.04 MB
2.04 MB WEBM
File: 1649198405062.webm (1.03 MB, 853x480)
1.03 MB
1.03 MB WEBM
File: lalalala.webm (2.49 MB, 480x360)
2.49 MB
2.49 MB WEBM
Fair point. I appreciate the feedback.
--mode is now aliased to --board. I'm also not completely satisfied with "--board other", but I don't really want to alias all board names either. "blue" doesn't really work since it really is all other boards, red or blue, and wsg is a blue board.

I added in --no_audio, so now you can even specify 6MB with no sound.

Also added --size (aliased to --limit), which takes the size in MiB. Technically if you wanted a 2MiB file you can have it now. So now "--size 4 --no_audio" and "--board other" are equivalent.
I put "file size limit" in the readme so the relevant section can be found.
File: _1_particle sim.webm (5.86 MB, 720x720)
5.86 MB
5.86 MB WEBM
>So now "--size 4 --no_audio" and "--board other" are equivalent.
absolute legend
also sorry for not scanning the readme more thoroughly; i was drunk
Naw dude, I appreciate usability feedback since I'm developing in a vacuum. I don't want it to be obtuse.
File: fowl music.webm (3.26 MB, 500x500)
3.26 MB
3.26 MB WEBM
File: 1734588412606720.mp4 (3.22 MB, 574x572)
3.22 MB
3.22 MB MP4
File: 1734629068147823.webm (1.51 MB, 720x1280)
1.51 MB
1.51 MB WEBM
If he wasnt famous kadyrov wouldve sent him to the gay camps
thanks, but i wanted it in webm form if anyone had it
File: 1664330753921389.webm (3.91 MB, 480x442)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
File: 1639506934250.webm (3.89 MB, 320x580)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB WEBM
File: 1645361804305.webm (2.61 MB, 288x640)
2.61 MB
2.61 MB WEBM
File: 1690646054790777.webm (1.88 MB, 800x450)
1.88 MB
1.88 MB WEBM
File: Just_hop_in_the_car.webm (2.84 MB, 480x360)
2.84 MB
2.84 MB WEBM
how do you explain the pillow case to the maid?
how did he think that was going to work?
greatest music video of all time
Maybe second to Thriller, but that shit's like 15 minutes.
literally me
File: 1701411145155112.webm (3.89 MB, 720x720)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB WEBM
File: 480P-Not-So-Fast.mp4 (4.51 MB, 720x480)
4.51 MB
4.51 MB MP4
I love this channel, it's called PilotRedSun for anyone else interested.
File: Burners.mp4 (5.43 MB, 640x480)
5.43 MB
5.43 MB MP4
File: Oblivion-Npc-Dialogue.mp4 (4.05 MB, 854x480)
4.05 MB
4.05 MB MP4
Do you have Danny Kay vs Basil Rathbone from The Court Jester? I watched that movie all the time as a kid and the fight where he keeps switching between master swordsman and hapless lunatic was my favorite part
Timeless bass line.
I have the movie, I'll get to it later
New thread:
Slaps but shouldn't
STRfags btfo

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