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street food
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>another racist thread against Indians
You can't be racist by displaying their own culture
oversensitive cuck beta moron loser idiot
Stay mad, Ranjeesh
This is probably the most tolerable street food video I've seen yet
Mainly because most of the ingredients are halfway recognisable and it looks like the 'kitchen' is somewhat clean
>watching jeets being jeets is racist
how about stop being filthy first
India superpower saaaaaaaaar
idk, there's just something about indian hands that i find it unappetizing whenever they touch food. it's not even just about being dark skinned. i have no problem with africans or some dark south east asians touching food
The flair with which they assemble this bullshit is what really irritates me.
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I'd eat these. No hands touching the food, and I like fish.
Thai food is fine, I've eaten their street food without having any diarrhea, you just need to handle spicy.
This looks delicious
this makes me think that pejeets LOVE eating their garbage with as much dirt and nasty stuff as possible
I can relate, I still wouldn't want to actually eat it
All I'm saying is, if someone put a gun to my head, this is probably the place I'd choose out of all the webms I've seen so far
Lord knows it'll probably still give you dysentery just as easily as all the other slop but at least the dread won't kick in until after you finish eating
>Noooo, stop showing indian people in their everyday life, it's racist
>Watching Indians be like they do
Go take your smelly brown ass back to the BP your dad runs.
Seems overcooked to hell but I'd trust it to not kill me.
This might be the cleanest I've seen.
fucking come on man.
brainless retard moron piece of shit idiot son of a fucking smelly hateful whore asshole dickhead faggot
It truly is only the jeets that have disgusting street food, unhygenic.
Well and africans.
Most other civilised places in the world have country wide food safety laws.
With of course exceptions of some places not following the rules.

Keep in mind jeets eat with their hands so the whole hand touching food shit is probably part of their entire culture.
Because you know it has touched poo no less than a few hours ago
wrong! left hand was used for most ingredients, which is the poop wiping hand.

God is dead.
We have killed him.
And the Indians redeemed him.
This is fucking good but also very spicy, my god I miss this, thanks for reminding me, I'm now hungry.
But does it taste good or at least does she give you a handy while you eat?
I'd eat these. They aren't pajeets
scraping the wok seasoning with that metal spatula like that has to be illegal in south east asia somewhere.
He takes money, he gives money away, people snatch money from each other in the crowd. Also what is that sign?
I just realized he's sitting on a pile of corn flakes
why is he so popular? what's so special about his food? can't they make it at home themselves?
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Knowing Indians, they probably think it's some magical healing potion
Anyone eating street food in India beg to die.
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>mni wet doughnuts
>topping x10
The most irritating part is they always fill their containers/dishes to the brim, spilling mess everywhere, instead of using bigger containers or don't overfill them.
Using the wrong utensil doesn't help, like get a bigger ladle instead of a spoon, they really really like to scoop 10 times to maximize the mess.
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Soggy, hand squeezed bread covered in sloppa. My favorite.
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Besides the unhygenic nastiness, the thing that gets me is these cooks never bloom the spices. They throw them on top of everything in every one of these videos, then mix. Atrocious considering that's the region these spices all originate.
That looks yummy
I've heard that they consider touching their food with your hands as important as putting in your mouth and chewing it.
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Its more likely that acid has dissolved it, I think.
disgusting old burnt re-used cheap shit oil. not just in India
looked pretty good at the end
secret ingredient...metal shavings. use wood
slow down bro!! don't waste the slop
No spoon?
this is one of the worst things I've seen
Came here to post this.
I got aids just watching this
ahh, a fellow watcher.
its a funny thing
looks like fucking rat stew
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How does he make the cup sneeze?
That sound when she's beating the eggs...
im gonna guess the store owner is some kind of schizophrenic weirdo and the jeets think hes a reincarnation of a god and that his slop is holy.
it's insane that that sets you back nine bucks. probably tastes like absolute shit from the look of it but still.
is this like a brotherl-street food double business kind of joint? why are the workers dressed like prostitutes?
What the fuck even is this? Aloe vera juice with raw eggs? And why is there a plastic bottle inside?
Which way, white man?
That guy is white
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No this guy is white
>donald trump isekai
It's actually Victor Orban
Shut up Romanescu.
You gipsy's are the same like your brethrens in India.
rice and curry pajeet slop w/ music
This one actually makes me gag.
t. Rajneesh
That's a white man right?
cute. probably also works on the side, though.
HAHAHAHAHAH this is so beyond insane, indians are absolutely the most disgusting people on the entire earth. pissing in buckets they use for the food? KEK
holy kek
They couldnt cultivate bacteria better in a lab in Ukraine
Why a lab in Ukraine
he just HAS to scoop it in a way that he touches the drink
why are they like this
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The famous cigarette butt and trash lemonade, truly Vishnu's favorite
Where's the cigarette butts?

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